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Never Forever (BlackPath MC Book 1)

Page 17

by Quinn, Vera

  The day Tommy was killed, even though it was Karen’s fault, she blamed Callie. The men killed Tommy but they were sent after Callie by Karen. She was going to sell her young daughter for drug money she owed. Callie would have become a sex slave to depraved men. Her life would have been hell. Tommy saved her, but he lost his own life in the process. I have to make these people understand the lengths Karen will go to. I have to do this so I might as well get this done.

  “Ok, I will take your word for that, but you need to look at all these pictures. These are pictures of the day Tommy, Callie’s brother, was killed protecting her from child sex traffickers. This is what they did to his body. This is what Callie looked like.” I showed them the pictures of each.

  “These are more pictures of Callie. Karen, and her boyfriend at the time, beat her. She was only three. We kept her as safe as we could but the state kept giving her back to her. Tommy finally was awarded temporary custody of her after this. After Tommy was killed, Karen did two years in a dry out clinic and half-way house. A slap on the wrist. She never did any time for what she hads done to Callie. She knows if she comes here she will die. We have cleaned up our club, but this is me. I will put this woman in the ground.” I am watching for Devil and Steel’s reaction but Stone is the one most moved by the pictures. It’s like he can’t believe his eyes and he does not do a good job of containing his anger.

  “Chief said this is not club, but I can assure you if I see Karen first she will meet her maker.” Driller puts in.

  “That goes for me too. I don’t remember the woman but if I do meet her I will be the last thing she sees.” Ty adds.

  “That goes for any man in this club. We stand as one on this.” Zman also puts in.

  “The women feel the same. My ol’ lady would take her out and laugh about it.” Hambone speaks up. I know my club loves my girl and I love them for it.

  “I promise you I will protect your daughter from shit like this. That is beyond right. Some people shouldn’t have children. I will protect her as she is mine. I swear to you Chief.” Steel looks me in the eyes and gives me his word. Devil is still looking at the pictures. He finally lifts his head from them and approaches me with his hand extended for me to shake it.

  “I promise you Chief, I will never let that happen to Callie again. I will keep her safe. You have my word.” I look in Devil’s eyes and I know there is something he is not saying, but these pictures are a lot to take in, so I’ll give it to him for now. If I had only known to look deeper to what he wasn’t saying.

  “Ok then, we are on the same page. Let’s see if those women are done and we can get on with this day.” I let everyone go with that and I will try to get through this next week with a smile.

  Chapter 37


  I can’t believe the pictures I just saw of Callie. She was such a small child. The things Karen did to her were unbelievable. The pictures told the story. You would never believe the things Callie has had to live through. She doesn’t show it from the way she acts now. She’s a little quiet for a teenager, but never would I believe she has lived through the trauma of those pictures and to have witnessed her brother’s death. Callie is definitely amazing. She has bounced back from devastation and come out stronger from it.

  I see Callie and ma sitting where we left them. I know I still have to get some rings and I guess now would be a good time to do that. It will get me out of here for a while. Just as I am about to say that, my mom comes up to me and pulls me over to the side and dad joins us.

  “Son, have you thought about rings yet? She’s not wearing one. I brought something just in case you wanted it. Let me get it from my purse.”

  She goes over to the table and I see her pulling a jewelry box out of her purse. Now I see what she has brought and you know I think it might be perfect. She rushes back over to me and I see out of the side of my eye Callie curiously watching.

  When ma hands me the ring box I know what is in it. It is my grandma’s wedding ring. My grandpa gave it to my grandma when they became engaged and then my dad gave it to my ma. Ma wouldn’t let Keifer give it to Kizzy, but she is offering it to me. I know this is important for her so I will do it. I turn toward Callie and crook my finger at her to get her to come over. She approaches hesitantly and I reach for her hand. I take it in mine then I take the ring and slip it on her wedding finger.

  “This ring has been in my family for three generations now. My grandfather gave it to my grandma and then my dad gave it to my ma and now I give it to you. Now all we have to do is say I do.”

  Callie gives me the biggest smile. A real smile. Somehow that smile makes it all worth it. I feel ten foot tall. Then I look at the faces around us and my world comes rushing back. Chief looks concerned as always. My ma is laughing and is on cloud nine. My dad has a guarded smile on his face. Keifer is fully pissed. He knows ma doesn’t like Kizzy but this is like a slap in the face for him. He asked for this ring for her and was refused. The rest of Chief’s men have no looks or expressions on their faces but the ol’ ladies are over the moon with my ma and are fussing over Callie. Callie looks happy but she still does not trust me completely. Smart woman. Now just to get through this week.

  Chapter 38


  Later that week on Friday. The day before the wedding.

  Well tomorrow I will be married. Twenty-four hours. We are to be married at two and that is twenty-four hours away. What do I know about being married? Nothing. I don’t even know how to keep a boyfriend, let alone a husband. How did I get into this? Revenge. It always comes with a price and this is the price I will pay to repay my debt to Tommy. I will do that gladly. I went to talk to him this morning, but I did not get the peace it usually brings. Too much on my plate right now. I will try to slip away in the morning.

  We were finally released from lockdown on Tuesday, thank goodness. Dad still has someone on me constantly, but everyone else was released to go back to normal. Ty and Zman are going with my friends and me to celebrate my last night of single life. Sarah flew back in from California and Fe hasn’t left yet, so we are all going to be together, Hanna, too. Dad paid for Sarah’s ticket but I wanted my besties here for this. If I was going to have a wedding they were going to be beside me, all three of them. I couldn’t choose. Oh well.

  Going over my list again. Room set up, we did. Food for dinner, Kelsey and Loretta have. Wedding cake and grooms cake, Chelsea. I have my dress and that’s it.

  My stuff has been shipped to Devil’s home, and Kat said she received it. My car and truck are being driven up after we leave. All I have to take is my suitcase. I gave Kat a short grocery list for our house and I can get the rest when I get there. I had a mani and pedi this morning from Kelsey. She is helping with my make-up in the morning. Dad has our license and our chapter chaplain is marrying us. It is done.

  I have money in my purse and I have transferred some of my money to a bank in Oklahoma. Same bank as I have here, just a different branch. So I will have money. I have my credit card, bank card, and gas card in my purse. My passport, social security card, school records, birth certificate, and medical records all with me. I will go to the same doctor as ma. She’s going to take me next week. I will also have to change insurances.

  STOP! This stuff has to stop running through my head. I am going to drive myself crazy. Then I hear a car drive up and I know I have been rescued, but I hear my dad’s motorcycle pulling up in the driveway, too. I rush to the door and I see my dad pulling Fe over to the side and I know he is getting that you are the man of the bunch tonight speech.

  “Dad leave Fe alone. He cannot keep all three of us in line.” Dad pats him on the back and starts walking towards us. We finally all get in the house. I have been ready to get out of here for hours, but I know Hanna and Sarah are going to insist on doing me up the way they always do when we go to a club.

  Tonight we get to go to one of dad’s friend’s clubs. We get a special section for us. It’s all set for us. Da
d arranged it for me and I am so glad to get out. Devil and his family and friends have most of the good motels taken up in town. I hope our club handles everyone and we have enough food. There I go again. “I am so ready to get my mind on anything but this wedding,” I say as everyone is hugging.

  “Ok then, let’s get our glam on.” Hanna says as she brings her bag to rest on the couch. They are all staying the night tonight. Our last hurrah together. We will make it good.

  “In case I am gone before you come down. No fights tonight. Have a good time. Be safe. Stay with Ty and Zman. Need anything, call. Remember there will be pictures tomorrow so try not to get too drunk. Circles under the eyes are not attractive. Do not give my men the slip or the night will be over when I find you. Do you all understand?” We all nod our heads but dad is not going for it. “Words.”

  “Yes sir, dad” I say.

  “Yes, Mr. Black.” Fe pitches in.

  “We understand completely Mr. Black.” Hanna and Sarah say together. They have that down pretty good.

  I look at Sarah and head for the stairs in a run “First shower.” I don’t stop until I am at my bedroom door and I swear I hear my dad grumble “Damn kids.”

  Chapter 39


  We walk into the club around nine. We are all slutted up. Hanna and Sarah are in short tight dresses and heels and I opted for shorts and some cute heeled booties. I don’t like wearing dresses to clubs. Fe is styling with his hair in a short faux Mohawk style his best jeans and classy shirt. Then behind us are two scary biker guys. Ok, Zman is scary. Ty is just big and intimidating. You can’t call anyone you’ve seen puking their guts up scary. Maybe to someone else. Not me.

  Zman is in charge of our drinks tonight, so he asks what we want. Shots and beer all the way around. We are easy to please. Zman orders us each two shots and then he says we have to drink beer for at least an hour before we get another shot and then we can have beer the rest of the night. He is driving but he wants us to stay sober enough to walk out. We also have to order fries and pizza to eat. None of us are heavy drinkers so the shots we have had gave us a good buzz and we hit the dance floor.

  We have a good time on the dance floor and Zman and Ty are laughing at our antics. By the time we get back to the table Ty has ordered us fries, cheese sticks and pizza. We have worked up an appetite so we devour everything in front of us and order two more orders of hot wings. By this time, Zman has ordered our shots and a pitcher of beer and said that is it for the night and then we go home. Zman gets a call and steps out to take it. My friends have come up with an idea to get me drunk and when Zman steps out they put it in motion.

  Sarah goes to distract Ty, and Fe and Hanna give me all their shots to down. Why not? It’s my last night to be single what is the worst that can happen? Famous last words….

  I am feeling no pain what so ever in the next half hour and Ty and Zman are none the wiser because we are on the dance floor. Hanna and I are getting pretty raunchy and rubbing and grinding on each other. Ty is keeping an eye on us and when Zman sees, he is not happy but they let us go on. Then I feel someone come up behind me and grab my ass. I turn and as I do he goes to grab me again and I lay him out on the floor. Oops. I just reacted. Strange hands. No permission. I did a spin kick but I landed on my ass in the process. Then I feel everyone converge on the dance floor and it is a free for all.

  I look for Sarah and she is on some guy’s back giving him what for and I see Hanna pulling some blonde around by her hair. Fe is trying to get everyone to calm down but some guy hits him from behind and I go crazy and jump for the guy. That’s it, Fe has lost his cool and he is a black belt. By the time everything clears out we are all going to jail. Yep, we are put in the back of the squad cars and I see Ty being put in another one and he is not happy. I can imagine Zman is beyond pissed. I’m in trouble. Famous last words they say. I shut my eyes for a second but the next thing I know we are stopping.

  I was guessing we would be at the police station, but no we are at dad’s clubhouse. I think right now I would prefer the police station. How did this happen again? My friends, oh yeah great defense. Peer pressure. Just then someone opens the back door and I not only see my dad, but I also see Devil and neither look real happy. Oh crap there’s Steel and Stone too.

  “I believe this one belongs to you, Chief. Do you want the rest also? Ty and Zman are in the next car and we put the other three in the last car.” The cop asks dad. “Callie seems to be the only one drunk and she started the fight.”

  “I did no such thing, you asshole. That man grabbed my ass on the dance floor and then he grabbed me again and I defended myself.” I slur out.

  “Oh you mean the guy you spin kicked and knocked two teeth out of?” The smartass cop asks.

  “That would probably be the one, if he is the one who grabbed my ass. No one touches me unless I say so. Two feet of private space.” I get out before my dad cuts me off.

  “Callie Cheyenne Monroe Black, I taught you better than to be fighting in bars. Did I not young lady?” Dang, dad pulled out my full name. By this time Ty and Zman are by his side and my friends are standing back watching. I get out of the squad car and stiffen my back for dad’s ridicule.

  “Dad you also taught me no man touches me unless I say it is ok, and I did not say it was ok. I felt threatened and I defended myself. I may have over done it, but it still doesn’t change the fact I felt threatened.” How he could argue with that I don’t know.

  “How did she get so drunk? I gave you two strict orders.” He points to Zman and Ty.

  “It’s our fault Mr. Black,” Fe steps up and tries to take the blame, “We come up with the wise idea of distracting them and giving her all of our shots. We just wanted her last single night to be memorable.” Fe looks like he could swallow his tongue. I can’t let him take the blame.

  “No dad it is my fault. I should have known better, but that man started it. So blame me not my friends. Thanks Fe but I have this.” I will never let my friends take my responsibility in this.

  “So, you got this? We have another call and have to roll.” The cop asks my dad.

  My dad takes a wad of bills and puts in the cop’s hand and walks him back to his car. When he gets back to us I see him come over to me and that is the last thing I remember except the quiet black and the deep sleep.

  Chapter 40


  Well again, Callie surprises me. A bar fight. Last night was amusing. When Chief got the call there was a problem at the bar I was worried until I saw Callie, and except for a few scratches, she was fine. Knocked two teeth out of a man. That made me laugh. Chief even laughed about it later. He said Callie has been able to take care of herself since she was little. He had her in martial arts and kick boxing at the age of eight. She took right to it and didn’t mind the bruises that came with it. Then when she was twelve she started boxing training and then later MMA training with Mason. Apparently he was an amateur competitor. Good to know. Little woman with a mighty kick.

  I know today I become a married man. My ma loves Callie, Keifer likes her even if he is a little jealous of the attention ma gives her, but won’t even let his woman in her house. Then there’s dad and he is very protective of Callie and has already warned all the club girls that they better walk a wide berth around her. Our club girls are much more aggressive than what Callie is used to and keeping them in line goes to the ol’ ladies, but everyone knows I have not claimed Callie as my ol’ lady. I just hope they listen to dad. I don’t want to have to explain myself to Callie. I promised her honesty but this one thing I cannot give her honesty in. It would only hurt her, and I don’t want to do that. I have begun to have feelings for Callie and it is only complicating matters for me.

  Callie is beautiful and sweet and real. She doesn’t have a dishonest bone in her body and even drunk she took responsibility for her actions. I admire that. If I could have met Callie when I wasn’t so warped. No matter. Today we will be married and I will protect he
r. Tonight I will claim her and then she will truly be mine. I will own a part of her no one else will ever know and that fills me with a warmth inside, a pride. If only…

  I need to get this day started. It will be long and I will have to have patience.

  I already went to our cabin in Beaver’s Bend and made sure it was stocked and took some things I knew we would need. I hope she likes it. Here I am sounding like a sap. It will work.


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