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Never Forever (BlackPath MC Book 1)

Page 22

by Quinn, Vera

  “Something wrong babe? I’m kind of busy right now.” He sounds a little irritated but I had rather be safe than sorry.

  “Well I don’t know. I fell asleep in the spare room and I hear raised voice in the other room.” I stall for a minute but I have him on the phone so I need to just spit it out, “Something feels off about it, so I looked out the back window and there’s a red Ford truck out there. It wasn’t there before. My gut tells me there is something wrong.” I stop and hope I’m not being stupid.

  “Ok, you did the right thing. We are in town, but Dad is calling the club to see if anyone has made it back. Stay in the bedroom. That’s Deacon’s truck.” He no sooner finishes talking and I hear a gun shot. “Was that a gun shot?”

  I drop my phone and get my gun out of my purse. I can hear Devil yelling on the phone but I don’t have time to wait. I try to be as quiet as I can and make my way down the hall. If they are in the livingroom, I will be exposed when I get to the end of the hall but hopefully they are in the kitchen.

  Luck is on my side. They are in the kitchen. I get as low as I can when I sneak up to the entrance. I see from where I’m at that there is one man and he has Kat tied to a chair and Kim is setting in a chair on the other side of her. Deacon’s back is to me. I am easing in as quietly as possible. I hear motorcycles coming in the distance and Deacon must have heard them about the same time because his head comes up. I hear him cussing Kim, and he backhands her hard enough to knock her out of the chair. She hits her head on the edge of the table and I see blood. Kat goes crazy trying to get out of the chair and I see Deacon is going to shoot her, so I know I have to make my move. I am down on my knees and I lunge myself towards Kat, hoping to knock her chair out of the way and I shoot at Deacon. After that everything goes black and all I feel is cold.

  Chapter 53


  The whole ride home all I can think of is Callie. Please let her be ok. I can’t accept any other option. Ma and Kim have to be ok. I see the drive ahead but I hear the sirens before I get there. I don’t know who took the turn faster. The five of us are hell bent to get there. As we roll past the clubhouse the parking lot is empty. I think I see an ambulance by dad’s house but I can’t see for sure yet. Then I see the county deputies truck beside dad’s drive and I have a feeling in the pit of my stomach someone I love is hurt.

  Dad, Stone, Hacksaw, Ax and I have been together all day and we’re all beyond tired. It’s close to ten at night and I can’t see a lot in front of the house. I just see the ambulance and deputy’s truck and some of my brother’s bikes. We park close to the drive and walk the rest of the way since it is blocked with bikes. I see Kim sitting at the back of the ambulance and ma with her, but I can’t see Callie. Dad and I walk over by them but the sheriff stops us and ask our business here. Of course he knows but he likes to look tough in front of his men. Truth be told he has been on our payroll for years.

  “Kat are you and Kimberly ok? Where’s Callie? What in the hell happened? Devil got a phone call from Callie and then she ran off.” Dad is anxious and what he says comes out harsh but he puts his hand on ma’s back to soften it.

  “Deacon came after Kimberly. He shot Callie and ran out the back door and took off.” Ma is crying and we can barely make out what she is saying. “They won’t let us leave to get to the hospital.”

  That’s all I need to hear. I turn and run for my bike. I have to get to Callie. I knew something was wrong.

  I get to my bike and leave without a word. I hear two bikes behind me and I know it is Stone and Hacksaw. I have to get to my woman. To the woman I love.

  Town is normally a thirty-minute drive, but we made it in twenty minutes. I park my bike and take off at a run to the emergency room entrance. I’m already to the desk and badgering the nurse there before Stone and Hacksaw make it inside.

  “Mr. Steel you will have to calm down or I will have to call security. They just got your wife set up and it will be a little while before we know anything. You can take a seat in the waiting room and a doctor will be out to talk to you. I will stick my head in to see if I can find anything out if you take a seat.” I stare the nurse down but she never flinches. Stone pulls me into the waiting area.

  “Devil you have to calm down before they throw your ass out. Sit down so she can check.” I go with him and sit down, but I am too nervous to sit still, so I get up and begin to pace. I see dad’s SUV pull up in the drive and Dad, ma, and Kim get out. Then I see most of the brothers are in the parking lot. Soon this hospital will be full of Feral Steel MC.

  Dad comes in and looks at me and then takes me over to a corner so we can talk. Stone and Hacksaw follow. “Son, your woman saved your ma and Kimberly. Deacon was going to shoot your ma and take your sister. Callie wasn’t in the room but she snuck in and jumped in front of the shot and took it herself. She shot Deacon, too. The cops don’t know that part. We have her gun and we have Deacon. He’s shot but not dead. The guys at the club got there first and got him out of there. They hid his truck. As soon as we know how Callie is, we will deal with him.” Dad is beside himself with worry. Callie jumped in front of a damn bullet for my ma. If I did not know before, I am now sure I am in love with Callie. She is my woman. She has to be alright.

  Stone and Hacksaw are as speechless as I am. Callie hasn’t even known us very long and she takes a bullet for one of ours. She is now Feral Steel MC. We owe her. I see in their eyes they feel the same.

  I go and sit beside my ma and wait for word. It seems like we have sat out here forever when a doctor finally comes out. “Callie Steel family.” We all stand. “Immediate family.”

  “I’m her husband and this is our family so go ahead.” He might as well go ahead and tell us all at once.

  “Ok. Mrs. Steel is still unconscious. The bullet went through her right side. I cleaned it up and she has a few stitches. The reason she is still unconscious is she has a severe concussion. Apparently she hit her head hard when she landed from what I gathered. We will be keeping her here at least overnight, maybe a couple of days depending on the concussion, and if she has any infection. Perhaps everyone should go home tonight and come back in the morning when I will know more.” With that the doctor gets up to leave.

  “When can I see my wife? I’m not leaving. I’ll be staying the night with her.” There are not enough men to make me leave Callie. I need to see her to make sure she is ok and then I won’t be leaving until she does.

  “Mr. Steel she will be in a room soon, if you give me about thirty minutes you can go back with her. I’ll tell the nurse you’ll be staying, but only you. The rest of you will have to wait until morning.” With that he leaves. I can finally breathe.

  “I called Chief on the way here. He’s waiting on your call. He’s on a run out of state, so he can’t get here but that could be a break for you. We can take care of Deacon before we talk to him.” Dad is telling me this but all I can think is Callie is hurt and I need to get to her. I can no longer deny I love her to myself. I don’t know why or how but Callie has become so important to me. When I knew she was hurt I couldn’t function, I only knew I had to get to her. I can’t even explain it to myself.

  “Chief is going to be out for blood. He is very protective of his girl.” Stone says this as if I didn’t know it already.

  “Chief isn’t the only one out for blood. Callie is mine to take care of now. Ma you need to order that ol’ lady property patch for me. I needed it yesterday. Callie is going to know I love her and my claim is whole and this is no longer just an arrangement. Now tell me what went on in the house tonight ma. I was talking to Callie on the phone and I told her to stay put but she doesn’t listen very well. That’s something she is going to learn.” I’m a little pissed at her for not listening but I have to table that until she gets home. She’ll get my point or she’ll get a red ass.

  “Kylar, I know you’re upset, but if she hadn’t of come out of her room I would probably be dead. Deacon was going to shoot me and from where h
e was at he wouldn’t have missed. Callie actually jumped in front of me knocking my chair over and shot at the same time. I have never seen anything like it. Deacon was going to leave me for dead and take Kimberly, so Callie saved us both. We owe her our lives.” As ma says the last part she starts to cry and ma is no crier, so I know she was scared. I had heard the story earlier but it still made a cold chill run up my back for what could have happened, how much worse this could be right now.

  “Kylar, I’m sorry. I never thought Deacon was that unbalanced. I should have listened to everyone about him.” Kim is crying and I know she feels bad, but right now I just can’t find any sympathy. We all told her he was an overly controlling asshole. These two women need to leave soon. They are too emotional. Going on about things we can’t change now.

  “There’s nothing any of you can do tonight. They’re only going to let me in, so everyone needs to go home. Maybe by tomorrow they’ll let you see her. Stone will you go across the street and get me some food? I’ll probably want it later and I’m not leaving her side.” Stone is up and out the door. Then a thought comes to me. “Where was the prospect we left at the house?” I couldn’t even remember his name.

  “Deacon killed him. Stabbed him. I don’t know how that asshole got the drop on him with that big truck.” Dad was right. Deacon’s truck was big and loud.

  “The prospect you left was a friend of Deacon’s. I thought I recognized him but it didn’t click until this happened.” This just keeps getting better. Kim looks like she is going to fall apart again.

  “Look, all I need is the food tonight. Could you bring me a change of clothes and some stuff to clean up in the morning? They may keep her, so you might pack me a bag and pick her up some things.” I just want everyone to leave and me to be able to see Callie.

  “I’m leaving Buzz outside just in case. We’ll be back first thing. We’re staying at the club tonight and we’ll take care of the rest when you get home. Call Chief. He’s her dad. He needs to hear the rest from you. Walk outside for a minute with me, ma will wait in case they come out for you.” I don’t want to leave but if dad needs to talk then I have no choice. I get up but I stop and kiss Kim and ma on top of their heads and then I walk out the sliding doors with dad close behind.

  As soon as we are far enough out no one can overhear, he stops me and looks at me. “Devil, I am talking to you as your President now and not your dad. Before you can give Callie your cut to make her your ol’ lady you need to get our club shot of Brianne. You took responsibility of Brianne and now you have to see it through. As soon as it is done then I would love for you to make Callie your ol’ lady, but club business first. You and Callie are married and she knows nothing about Brianne, so Callie is going nowhere. You have time, but we need to take care of business as soon as Callie is out of this hospital.”

  I know dad hates saying this to me but club business comes first, and I have my responsibility to the club because I did take responsibility for Bri. I love Callie but dad is right, she’s not going anywhere. I just want this taken care of, but I won’t leave Callie before she is completely healed. I left before and she was hurt. Then I see Stone drive up next to us.

  “Ok. But I’m not going anywhere until I know Callie is ok. She needs time to heal.” Dad eyes me closely without saying anything. He’s thinking it over. Stone walks up and hands me my food bag. Dad looks across the parking lot and then back inside the hospital doors.

  “I will get Chief the information he needs and deliver him what he is waiting on. I will run interference between him and you about Callie, but I tell you Devil, as a dad myself, nothing would keep me away from Kimberly if she was hurt and she would be going home with me. Figure out how you are going to handle him. I will also deal with Diamondback for now. He’s not going to be happy to find out Callie is hurt. When we go and deal with him for Brianne, you will be going. Stone will be staying here to watch out for the women. That way we will know it will be done right.” Dad is taking on a lot and I know he has been wanting to slow down but I’ll take it for now. I need it for Callie.

  “Don’t worry Devil, I’ll take care of her just like I do Kim and ma. We all owe her now. I’ll protect her with my life.” Stone is trying to reassure me but all I can think about is what happened tonight.

  “Ok boys. Settled. Let’s get back to the women. Oh and Devil, we will wait to deal with Deacon until you’re there. You get first shot at him.” That thought will keep me going. To be able to hurt him like he hurt my woman and Kim, not to mention ma, will be rewarding.

  As we go back through the doors the nurse is talking to ma and then she turns and looks me up and down. Not happening woman. I only want to see my wife. She gives me a flirty smile, “Mr. Steel, you can follow me to your wife’s room.” Some women have no shame. I don’t even acknowledge her attempt to flirt with me and bend over and kiss my ma’s cheek good-bye. “See all of you tomorrow. Don’t forget a bag for us. I’ll be past ready for a shower.” Then I turn and follow the nurse down the hall to see Callie.

  Chapter 54


  I sit beside the bed and keep watching this beautiful woman that has captured my heart with little or no effort. I don’t know what I could have possibly have done to deserve her. The day they gave me my road name, Devil, I was resolved I had no soul left. I see what I want and I take it. No questions asked. I know now I want Callie and no one will stop me from having her. I pity the person who gets in my way. Chief will just have to deal with what is coming.

  She looks almost like an angel laying there, if it wasn’t for that big bruise on the side of her head. She’s with me less than forty-eight hours and she’s already been shot. If I was her dad I’d be pissed, too. I just want her to wake up so I can see her beautiful eyes and get one of those million dollar smiles. She slept for most of the night. They kept checking on her all night but she never came all the way out of her stupor to know who I was or even if I was here.

  Stone and dad walk through her door. Dad has coffee and Stone is carrying something, but I never even ate my food from last night. All my concern has been right in front of me.

  “Son, has she woke up at all? She looks mighty pale this morning and from the look of that bruise she is going to have one hell of a headache.” Dad looks concerned. He doesn’t look like he got more sleep than I did last night. At times like these I can see that age is creeping up on the man that I have always idolized.

  “They came in and talked to her but she didn’t look like she knew much was going on. The doc should be in soon.” He hands me my coffee. Then the door opens again and the doc and two nurses walk in.

  “Could you gentlemen step outside while I examine my patient?” the doc raises his hand because he knows I am going to protest. “Mr. Steel, as soon as my examination is over I will call you back in to confer with. Please just give me about twenty to thirty minutes.” I guess I can’t argue with that. I stand and bend over Callie and kiss her forehead and then turn and walk into the hall with Dad and Stone. I make my way to the waiting room and Hacksaw is sitting and waiting for us.

  I turn to look at dad and then sit down in a chair one over from Hacksaw and dad and Stone follow. Stone hands my food to me, and I take a breakfast sandwich out to eat. After the first bite and no one has said anything I guess they are waiting for me, so I have to ask. “What happen after you left? Did you buy us any time from Chief and Diamondback? Did find anything out about Bri?”

  “Chief is still waiting on your call so after you eat and talk to the doctor you need to take care of it. He’s calmer since he knows she’s going to be ok, but he wants to see her.” I look at him but he gives me a smirk, “It’s a parent thing. Diamondback is seriously pissed and he wants a face to face with us. I told him it will be a little while before that is possible. He threatened a visit but I let him know that would not work. I also sent all our intel about Karen and the way she treated Callie when she was a child. I sent all the DHS records we had and hospital record
s.” I am waiting for some good news from him but he has more to say. I don’t know how much more I want to hear.

  “Karen had Diamondback snowed about Tommy and Chief abusing Callie, and he had no reason not to believe her. Now his eyes are being opened. He’s not happy but this is not to be shared. The four of us are the only ones who hear this.” I can now understand why dad looks so tired. He probably didn’t sleep much.

  “I think I can put for Diamondback off until his guys do a deep investigation into everything. You know how long it took us to get all the state files, I would guess a month tops. We’ll have to work with that.”

  “Thanks dad. We will make it work.” I am watching for any signs of the doctor coming out.

  “Devil, I brought you some clothes and stuff for you to clean up.’ Stone points to the duffle on the floor.

  “Did you bring Callie’s stuff?” She may want her own things when she wakes up.

  “Your ma and Kimberly are going to bring them. Didn’t want anyone else going through Callie’s things. She hasn’t even had a chance to unpack, so they are going to go by and buy her some new things.” I didn’t even think of that. Women don’t like their things gone through. Guess that’s why dad has been married so long. Always thinking ahead.


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