Never Forever (BlackPath MC Book 1)

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Never Forever (BlackPath MC Book 1) Page 26

by Quinn, Vera

  My phone is ringing and I reach over and answer it, “Hello. Is someone there?” then the line goes dead. Oh well, I look at the time and it is after ten. I look at my call log and it was a blocked call. Probably a wrong number. I look over and Fe is still asleep, but I know he has to be at work by eleven thirty so I shake him. Then I go take care of my morning usuals. When I come out Fe is dressed.

  “You want breakfast? I can fix you something.” Fe is not much of a morning person.

  “No thanks. I need to scoot. Besides I am still full from last night.” With that we walk to the kitchen together where Ty and Jeb are drinking coffee. I guess Mason has been relieved.

  “Mason is at the club.” Well I didn’t ask. “As soon as you take your vitamin, Devil’s orders, and get ready we are taking you to the club. Mason needs some sleep. He was up all night. Jeb and I have to be in town soon, so you need to be at the club so he can keep an eye on you. Kelsey is going to be there with you. Sound good? You can eat there and you’ll need to drive. Devil said no rides on the bikes.” I smile at how much Devil thinks of everything.

  “I’ll be ready in five.” I turn and go back in my room and grab my vitamins to take and my purse. I set them on the bed and then I find a pair of cut offs and a tank. My belly still isn’t poking out yet, so this will do. I slip my chucks on with them and I am ready.

  It doesn’t take long to get there and as soon as Ty has me inside he is gone.

  Kelsey is in the kitchen and we each have a bowl of cereal for breakfast. We get back into the bar area and sit on the big couch and settle in for a visit. She catches me up on all the club gossip. Just as I am about to start asking her questions about the guys run, two women walk in.

  One I think is Kizzy. Stone’s wife, but I’m not sure. I only seen her one time but Kelsey takes the lead “Can I help you? I don’t believe we know each other.” Kelsey is always nice.

  “We’re here to see this bitch about some business but none of it is yours so you need to leave.” Holy crap. This woman did not know who she was dealing with. Kelsey is all nice but she would bitch slap a smart mouth in a second. I pull my purse over next to me, casually. Kelsey has gotten on her feet and when she partially covers me I slip my gun in my back waist band and cover it with my shirt.

  “Look bitch. I’m an ol’ lady here and I will take you outside and we can talk about this.” Kelsey already has her hands going and she has her hip cocked sideways. She is definitely ready to give them attitude but I know they are here for me and I will give them my attention.

  “Say whatever it is you have to say and get out. I don’t have time for your crap mouth.” I am trying to be patient.

  The older of the two looks to the other, “Is that her?” Kizzy shakes her head yes. “I’m here to let you know you have served your purpose little girl, now I’m taking my man back.” I don’t know what she’s getting at but I see Kelsey texting on her phone.

  “What are you talking about? What man? I’m married to Kylar.” This woman is not making sense.

  “Yeah well, I’m Devil’s ol’ lady so we have a problem” then she turns around and I see on the back of her leather jacket she has a property patch with Devil on it. She lifts her hair and she has the emblem of the Feral Steel club on her with Devil underneath it. It is on her neck and down to the top of her shoulder. I feel sick. This is why he didn’t claim me in front of his club. I know men who have a wife and an ol’ lady and sometimes girlfriends too, but I didn’t think Kylar was this way. He said he loved me and then I remember.

  “You may have his property patch and his club tattoo but I am going to have his child.” She just laughs. She’s laughing at me.

  “You think that makes a difference. I don’t want no yapping, crying brats. You and that brat was the way he thinks he freed me. See you were just a means to an end to him. He wants and loves me. He just took your virginity and used you like the fool you are. You can thank your mama and daddy for that one.”

  My mind is racing. How could I be such an idiot? I trusted the wrong man again. What is wrong with me? Wait what did she say? I take a breath. I square my shoulders. This is not me. I am strong and I will not let these people run over me.

  “What the hell do you mean my mama and daddy? Dad would never have anything to do with white trash like you.” They may be right about Kylar, but dad is my hero.

  This time Kizzy speaks up, “We’re not talking about Chief. We’re talking about Diamondback your DNA dad and Karen your mom.” I have no idea what they mean. I’ve never known my DNA dad and how do they know Karen?

  “You two need to leave. Ty is on his way with Hambone and they will not put up with your shit.” Kelsey puts in but I need answers.

  “You two have until they get here and then you’ll disappear.” Kizzy is looking nervous but the other one still has that sarcastic look. “Speak or they will shut you down. You came here to blow my world up so do it. Or have you lost your nerve now?” I am as hateful as I can be and she knows I am daring her to tell me.

  “Well, you do have a backbone. Devil said you were a weak.” She thinks that will make me back down and fall to pieces but she has under estimated me.

  “Devil thinks Diamondback kidnapped me. Of course that was part of my plan. I’ve been shacked up, but Devil will never believe that. Diamondback had a thing with Karen and you were the result. All this time he didn’t know he had you. He thought all he had was his son. Well Diamondback is getting older and he is thinking down the road. His son is sterile due to an illness he had when he was younger. So he will get no more family line from him, so you were his answer. Karen showed up running from Chief and Diamondback has protected her because of you. To get me back Devil had to marry and impregnate you and then leave you, sign his rights away and divorce you. Perfect plan. Then daddy dearest shows up and claims your ass and he gets his heir. Perfect plan and your mom, Karen, came up with it. You see, she and my mom used to party together so we’ve known each other a long time. She’ll get Diamondback in time, a President of a MC. Devil will be President when Steel kicks the bucket and I’ll have mine and you, little girl will be left in the cold. All alone like you deserve. Since all you do is look down on your mom and you as good as killed your brother Tommy.” She finally shuts up and I can’t believe everything I just heard. How can I be so stupid, every time?

  I see Mason coming down the hall like his pants are on fire and I know someone called him. I see the fury in his eyes. He comes and stands between us. Always my protector, until he isn’t. He betrayed me. Then I see her. She just walks in the club like she owns it. She’s older and the years have not been nice to her but I know it is Karen. She’s laughing.

  “Well, well, well. Where’s your mighty protector now? Chief out of town?” She knew he was gone. This is a set up. She planned it along with this other woman and Kizzy. It’s all coming to me now. She had orchestrated this all to hurt me. Because this woman always hated me. The words never ever, never ever, keep running through my head. The things Tommy and dad used to always tell me. She’ll never ever get to you again and again. Then never forever, nothing ever last never forever. “Bitch you look like you seen a ghost. It’s not like I can bring back the brother you killed.” I loved Tommy. It wasn’t my fault. Never forever. She can’t hurt me anymore, never ever.

  Mason has her up by her throat and throws her across the room before I know what is going on. “Bitch get up and get out.” Then he looks at the other two and he points “That means you two also. I don’t hit women but you hurt Callie and I will put all three of you in the ground. Out.”

  “Stop.” I look at the woman beside Kizzy. “What’s your name?”

  She only hesitates a minute and smiles when she says it, “My name is Brianne but Devil calls me Bri.” Then I knew everything she said was true.

  “You always have these men wrapped around your finger. One day I will get you alone and I will put you in the ground where you should be instead of your brother.” That’s all
I could take. I walked around Kelsey and straight up to Karen and pushed Mason out of my way. I pulled the gun out of my waistband and then I grabbed a hold of Karen’s hair and slammed her face into the wall all with one hand and then I pulled her up straight and put my gun under her chin.

  “Bitch I see you again and I will put you in the ground and I have a dad and it isn’t Diamondback. If either of you approach me then someone will die. Do you have that message straight?”

  She has fear in her eyes but she has to save face in front of her friends, “You don’t have what it takes.” Her face turns white when I pull the trigger back on my gun.

  “Shall we test that theory, because I can guarantee you, I do.” I get right up in her face and everything and everyone else in the room has faded out, until Ty puts his thumb in between the trigger and firing mechanism of my gun.

  “Callie, calm down baby girl. Look it’s me Ty. Callie please.” I let go and let him take my gun. “Thank you.”

  I don’t back away. Instead, I step up to her and grab her throat. “You take that message, bitch, straight back to Diamondback. I’m not the weak little girl for you to terrorize anymore. I will end you. You got that bitch.” Karen looked shaken and when I looked at Bri she seemed surprised too.

  “One more thing. Your dad, Chief, has known about Diamondback your whole life just like Tommy. So even the ones you care about lie to you. You will never be anything but miserable in your life. I will make sure of that.” With that from Karen I turn and walk out of the club house. I am so over all this. I need fresh air.

  Mason, Ty, and Kelsey all come out after me. I guess Hambone and Jeb are taking care of the trio inside. I know what I have to do but I only hope I can pull it off.

  “Kelsey can you drive me home? I need to rest for a while.” I know Kelsey will stay with me but not smother me so I can get things set up for tomorrow.

  “Sure, whatever you need.” Kelsey is concerned.

  “Are you ok sis? You know you can’t trust anything they say.” Ty is trying to smooth it over so I know it is bad, but right now I need quiet and I need to make my plan.

  “I’m ok but I’m tired. This was all too much. You know I don’t trust Karen and I don’t even know those other two. Can I just go home?” I give my best performance of my life.

  “Ok, but Mason is going, too. I don’t want any more surprises today and I think you need to rest. You’re pregnant, take it easy. Dad and Devil are both going to kill me.” I know Ty is trying to lighten things up but right now I just want gone.

  “Mason you’re going with Callie and Kelsey. Give Callie some room to breathe but protect and no one gets to them.” Ty has come into his own, he is dad made over. I give him a kiss on his cheek and he hugs me back. “Sorry sis.” I know he is, too.

  Mason is right behind me and then he opens my car door but he bends to whisper in my ear, “You can fool the others but I know you’re not ok.” Then I do something I thought I would never do again I pull Mason down into a kiss. Not just any kiss, a deep lingering kiss and it has the effect I wanted it to, “You’ve never kissed me like that before. It was so much more.” Then I shut my car door and he is still just looking at me. Maybe that will keep him distracted.

  Chapter 61


  As soon as I get home and Kelsey is settled in the living room in front of her talk shows, I sneak into Dad’s home office. I get two of the burner phones out of his bottom desk drawer. I also get the keys to our gun cabinet and go and get my 45 and my 380 out and all the ammo I can carry. I don’t think I’ll need these but where Karen is concerned I can’t be too careful. Then I go and check on Kelsey, she has fallen asleep. I take the guns and ammo and put them in my suitcase and then I find a bag and take it back into my dad’s office.

  I go to the safe that I keep all my things in. I have the insurance money I received from Tommy’s estate when I turned eighteen. That with money I had stashed from races, I have close to twenty thousand dollars here plus the ten in my to go bag. That’s a start. Thirty thousand. I get this back to my room and stash it in my suitcase.

  Ok, so far so good. Next I get the numbers out of my phone for two places. My bank in Oklahoma and an attorney. I call the bank and my funds will be transferred by two tomorrow. Then I call Mr. Cross. He is handling the annulment as we agreed to before the wedding if fraud could be proved and it can. Papers are signed already and he will be taking care of that tomorrow also. One more call and then a shower. I look the number up and this one will hurt the most but I need the money so it has to be done.

  There it is, Rabbit has been wanting my car for over year. I am going to give him a deal he can’t turn down.

  It took all of three minutes to talk Rabbit into the deal. I already knew that. That’ll be another good chunk of change and I already called the bank here so they will have my other bank funds ready. I have cut up all my store cards and the credit cards I had. All my clothes I will need are packed. I got a refill on my vitamins. I told the nurse I lost them. I pick that up and I have a copy of my medical records faxed to me with a copy of Kylar’s, too. I hope I am not forgetting anything.

  I found all the little bugs my dad kept in my purses and other things. I even checked clothes and shoes. Kelsey is down stairs fixing us something to eat. Dad and Kylar have tried to call and I won’t answer. I told Kelsey I have a bad headache and don’t feel like talking. She bought it. I should feel bad but right now I just feel nothing. I’m totally numb.

  I know I have to go down and try to eat something for the baby, but then I am going to sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day. I am meeting Felix and Hanna for lunch and they have to give me the biggest favors I have ever asked for. I just hope they can do this for me. I know it is at least a two-day ride back from where dad went, so tomorrow I have to make my move. I just hope my friends can help me.

  I make my way down stairs and Kelsey has made us soup and grilled cheese. Mason is eating with us. His eyes follow me around the room. While we are eating he still watches me. He is going to be a problem. Ty comes in with Jeb right before we are done. They finish eating with us.

  Kelsey and I clean up and I try to act like nothing is wrong but I hug Kelsey tight before she leaves. Then a thought comes to me and I act on it. “Ty is it ok if Mason stays tonight. We need to talk and I would like for him to stay.” I know Ty is not happy with Kylar. I also know Mason will stop watching me so close if we talk or it looks like I am trying to talk.

  “Are you sure? Devil isn’t going to like it.” I knew it.

  “Ty, right now I am not too concerned with what Devil likes. He not only has me as a wife but he has Bri as an old lady. Do you think that is fair?” Ty knows I’m right. “Next time Devil calls, because he will, you can tell him Mason is taking care of me.” That was all it took.

  “Ok. But I hope you know what you’re doing.” Ty is trying to think it out.

  “Tomorrow we will be bust so you need to stay close.”

  Perfect. “I’m having lunch with Fe and Hanna tomorrow in town and we’re going shopping. A little retail therapy on Devil’s dime.” I throw in the last part for incentive.

  “Ok. First sign of trouble call and take your gun.” He reaches into his boot holster and takes it out.

  Now I have three. “No problem. I’ll be back before dark. I want to fix dad a chocolate pie for when he gets home.”

  “Can you make a coconut too?” Ty always loves his sweets.

  “I’ll check the cabinets to make sure I have everything.” Everything is working out great. “Mason just so you are not confused, I need to talk. Nothing else.” I don’t want to lead him on.

  “Callie I am here no matter what you need.” Mason is trying to be understanding. After what I do tomorrow he’ll probably never want to see me again. Of course that is what I have planned.

  Mason follows me to my bedroom like he has done so many times before. He’s spent many nights here. We get to my room and I go in and brush my teeth and lea
ve out an extra tooth brush for Mason and change into my pajamas. I go to my drawer and pull out an old pair of Mason’s sweats and hand to him.

  “I was wondering where these went to. You were always taking my clothes.” He’s right but not this time.

  “You left these here the last night you were home before you had to go back.” That night seems so long ago.

  Mason goes to the bathroom and takes care of his business and by the time he comes out I am already in the bed with the lights low and I am really tired. He stands there just watching me.

  I pull the blankets back and he comes and gets in beside me. We’re awkward with each other which we have never been. Then he pulls me into his arms and I go. I lay on his chest and it is like coming home. So familiar. So comfortable.


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