Never Forever (BlackPath MC Book 1)

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Never Forever (BlackPath MC Book 1) Page 27

by Quinn, Vera

  I immediately relax but before I know it I am crying and I can’t stop. I cry on his naked chest for everything I have lost. For all the pain I have suffered. I am tired. So tired of hurting. My mom never loved me. She hated me. My DNA dad never knew about me, but he had a wife anyway. Tommy was taken away from me. Dad loved me, but him and Tommy both lied to me and hid the fact they knew who fathered me. I lost Mason to some other woman. He was my first love. Kylar used me. He is the Devil and that’s all I will call him from now on and how I will remember him. Then dad knew and he didn’t tell me. How much more can I be expected to take?

  Men are toxic to me or maybe Karen is right, maybe I am the toxic one. I cry and cry until I have nothing to left. I am numb. Then I slip into the oblivion of sleep. The only place I have peace, but even there Karen’s words come to hunt me down.

  I wake before anyone else and I slip off of Mason’s chest. I go in the bathroom and take a quick shower and dress and get ready for the day. Mason is still sleeping so I scribble him a note and thank him for last night. I see Jeb on the couch and he is snoring, loudly. I tip toe into Ty’s room and he is asleep, too. I quickly go to where I have hidden my bags and get them in my truck. Then I go back in and leave the note I wrote for dad on his desk. All that’s left is a quick note to Ty telling I am meeting Felix for breakfast. Then I am out of the house and I take my truck to Felix’s and put it in his garage. His parents are on vacation so they won’t be a problem. So far so good. Then I knock on Felix’s door and he comes out dressed with Hanna in tow.

  “It’s too early for this.” I give him an apologetic look.

  “Let’s get my car out. Wait, you know what. Here Fe, take my truck keys and stay here and Hanna and I will get the car and you can follow us in the truck. That way we have a ride. My head is jumbled. I wasn’t thinking clearly. I have to get it together.” My friends are looking at me like I am crazy. I always think my plans through. “I will honk the horn and you follow. Ok? We’ll leave the garage door open.”

  “Sounds good. We better not get caught.” Fe is always worried about getting caught.

  “Are you sure Callie you have to leave?” Hanna asked with tears in her eyes.

  “Yes, when I am settled and I know the heat is off I will get in touch and we will meet up. I promise. I just have to do this for my baby.” I’m on the verge of tears again and I use to very seldom cry. Pregnancy hormones.

  “Ok. Let’s get it done then.” Fe says. He hates to see me break down.

  Hanna and I run the distance back and we sneak into my dad’s shop and we have my car out before anyone notices.

  This will be the last time I drive my baby. I built her from the ground up. This is a bittersweet drive. We drive by Fe’s and honk and he follows us to meet Rabbit who is waiting on us. He gives me my cash and I sign the bill of sale and sign over the title. I give her one more look and then we leave for our next stop.

  My attorney’s office, Mr. Cross. I signed all the papers and told him I would be in touch and told him my plans. He acted very fatherly and said he would push it through without anyone knowing. Since we had already agreed before the wedding and signed papers he won’t have to talk to Devil again. Could be done by week’s end. I told him I would be calling from a burner and he assured me he wouldn’t give me away, but who knows. I also picked up the faxed copies of my and Devil’s medical records. I need Devil’s for baby daddy health history. I will play it safe. I had my legal papers sent to Fe. I can check with him on the progress.

  Next we had lunch and I remembered my vitamins so we picked them up. Ty calls and I assure him we are having a great time and he talks to Fe. He’s happy for the time being.

  After lunch I go to the bank and withdraw all funds except a few dollars to keep the accounts open. If they close, the bank will contact dad, so I leave very little in them. I now have a good nest egg. Last is a quick stop at the mall for new luggage and purse. I take them back to my truck and change everything to the new cases and clean my purse out and give my old one to Hanna.

  I wasn’t supposed to know they have trackers in them. So does my watch so I picked a new one up and gave Hanna my old one. One last stop with my friends then we will part ways.

  I go in and buy two tickets in my name at the bus stop one to New Orleans and one to Phoenix. Opposite directions. I have booked rooms for two days in each town and paid for and given both Hanna and Felix tickets home and spending money. Hanna has my purse and watch with trackers and Fe has my luggage with trackers. Distractions. I drop them off with tearful goodbyes. Then I go to the flower shop for daisies.

  I make it to visit Tommy’s grave but I know I am running out of time. I go straight to his grave and lay the flowers down. I kiss his headstone and sit to have my talk.

  “Tommy, I forgive you for keeping things from me. I know you had to have your reasons. I love you brother but I won’t be back for a while. I have to leave. Too much has happened. I’m having a baby. I have to protect him or her, like you protected me. Dad lied to me. I know he loves me and I love him, but right now I need my space. I know I’ll get over it and be back, but I have to go for now. Devil used me. I can’t face this again. I’ll always remember never forever, never ever. I’ll never forget. I love you brother. Keep a watch over our loved ones.”

  With that I get up and walk out of this place and don’t look back. I get in my truck and I drive the two hours to Dallas and the police station I told the guy to meet me at to sell my truck to. He gives me the cash and I sign it over and give him a bill of sale. Then I call a cab and go to a small but respectable motel and sign in with my fake ID.

  Once I am inside. I go to part two of my plan. I take the scissors and cut my long hair. Then I take out the hair dye I bought and thirty minutes later I am a red head with a cute pixie cut. I cut up the fake ID I used and put everything in a trash liner. Then I take my cell phone and stomp it and take the battery out and put it all in the trash liner. I clean everything in the room down and call a cab from my burner phone and leave to another motel, but a nicer one and use another fake ID. When I’m finally in my room. I lay down and the darkness takes me away again.

  I’m up early the next morning and go to a car dealership and buy me a new nondescript car in white and finally I am on my way. I get to a smaller town and go into a truck stop to eat. I buy a map on my way in and then I sit at a table and soon the waitress takes my order. I take my vitamins and unfold my map.

  I have used every trick I know about disappearing. Distractions for people following me. Get rid of technology, phones, computers, etc. Change appearance. Use only cash. Fake ID’s. No certain destination and never go somewhere you’ve been. Now all I can do is hope. I close my eyes and point my pen and mark and then I look. That is going to be my new home. About four days taking my time and watching my tail. Five states away. I can do this. We can do this. I rub my stomach

  Sure enough five days later I arrive and find a small motel run by a sweet little woman. I know this is where my new home is. I asked the woman, Mrs. Clark, where to get a good meal and she told me about a diner about a mile from here and I go over to check it out. I check the hours out and this town must roll up at ten because this place closes at nine and it is the only thing in town. So I order something for now and something to go. That’s when I notice a help wanted sign. Could I have this good of luck? When the waitress brings me back my food I ask her about the position and she said she would get me an application and send the boss to talk to me. She hasn’t had a day off for two weeks and she’s pulling doubles. Don’t know what the trouble could be in a small town but I could do this if I stay.

  She brings the application and I fill it out as I eat but I soon see what my problem will be. I have a fake ID, social and birth certificate but I have no work history or address or references. Oh well. I can wait, but a man comes and sits across from me. The first thing I notice is, he is wearing a MC club cut. He is a SAA in the Troubled Fathoms MC. Oh shit not another MC. Then I
look at the man and he is very handsome. His hair is longer. A sandy blonde and he has a cool looking gray eyes. Almost like spun glass. His chest is so broad and defined through his tight t-shirt. Nice. He puts his hand out for me to shake it but I just barely put my hand in his and take it back. This girl will not go down this road again.

  “Hi. I’m Dra and heard you was asking about the position we have?” I might as well get this over with.

  “Sorry I wasted your time. I just got into town. I’m staying at Mrs. Clark’s. I have no permanent address. No references and no prior work record so to speak.” I give it to him straight.

  “What do you have? Someone chasing you?” He asks and I really don’t care for his attitude. About that time the waitress brings my food to go box. I hand the waitress twenty dollars and tell her to keep the change. And get up to leave.

  “Hey, where you going?” Dra asks me.

  “I don’t like prying people. I don’t ask you prying questions Mr. Sergeant At Arms for a MC. I don’t like them either. I don’t have information. No cops are looking for me. Keep your job. I’ll find something else.” I know I am giving attitude but I have had a rough week.

  “In this town if you want to work it’ll be for us. We own most of everything.” Just my luck. Dra is a smug ass.

  Then I walk out and drive back to the motel. I go to my room and go back to my darkness. Sleep is the only thing that saves me.

  I wake early the next morning and shower and I’m thinking I better just get in my car and drive some more. When I have my stuff back together I hear a little knock at my door and open it. There stands Mrs. Clark. She wants me to have coffee with her so I agree but I grab my purse before I go.

  We go back to the office and she has coffee and Danish set out. She drinks coffee and I drink water and eat a Danish with her. She just wants company. She’s lonely. Then I remember my vitamin. I get it out and Mrs. Clark gives me a strange look and I explain I am pregnant and she just fusses over me. She asks my age and I tell her. She asks me to stay a few days but I don’t know. Then we hear a commotion in the lobby part of the motel. She goes to check it out and I follow her so I can get back on the road.

  In the lobby is a stringy haired man who looks like he could use a bath and there is a bigger man with tear drops tattooed down his face. He looks intimidating. The bigger man grabs Mrs. Clark roughly and the stringy haired man pulls a knife out in a menacing way towards me. My hand automatically goes to my stomach.

  “This is none of your concern, bitch, so stay put.” The stringy haired man said waving the knife in my direction.

  The bigger man has Mrs. Clark pinned to the check in counter and now has his hands around her neck. “I told that the club I would get back at them for kicking us out and you are that ticket old woman.” He slaps her hard across the face. So hard she has blood running from her lip but she doesn’t show fear.

  Ok, who takes their frustration out on an elderly woman? Stringy hair guy is enjoying watching the show from the bully and is distracted. I am just pissed. I pull my gun out of my purse and shoot it in the air.

  “That’s the only warning you’ll get. Let her go.” Mrs. Clark squirms herself away from him and gets behind me. “Mrs. Clark get my purse and call whoever is going to come and take care of these assholes.” Both guys look at me. Mrs. Clark does as I ask but then the big guy tries to rush us and I shoot him in the kneecap. Then I point the gun at stringy head, “You want to make it two?” With that he bends down to help his friend. I look at Mrs. Clark, “Do you know these two?”

  “Why yes. That one is Abe.” She points at the one I shot. “And that one is his cousin, Harold. They used to be with my son-in-law’s club.” Just my luck. I wonder who I pissed off now. That’s when I hear the bikes approaching.

  Five minutes later six bad-ass looking bikers walk in and one of them is Dra from the diner. The man in front resembles Dra a lot but older. He’s wearing the president patch on his cut.

  He looks at Mrs. Clark and then back to me, “Darling you can put that gun down.”

  “No sir I can’t. Not until Mrs. Clark tells me if you are the good guys or someone else I need to shoot” I don’t back down a bit until I see Mrs. Clark and the president smile. Dra looks pretty amused himself.

  “It’s ok sweety, this is my son in-law. Definitely a good guy.” I let my gun down and put the safety back on then put it back in my purse.

  Dra steps to the front and laughs, “You always carry a 45 with you?”

  “Yes, I do. Among others. If you have this, I was just leaving.” I go to leave but the president stops me by stepping in front of me.

  “Don’t you want to know why she called us instead of the cops?” He’s trying to find out if I am going to rat on them when I leave.

  I know my next answers are important and he has to believe me. “Not my business. Help was needed. I gave it. You’re here now. If it was me I would put them to ground but that decision is yours and your clubs.” Direct and to the point. Then I feel my head swim and I start to fall but strong arms catch me. He lifts me in his arms and sits me in a chair.

  “Get this girl some water and give her room to breathe. She’s pregnant. The excitement probably gave her a head rush.” Mrs. Clark tells the men standing around watching me. Mrs. Clark hands me a glass of water and I drink some and I start to feel better.

  Dra is squatted down in front of me, “Darling where is your man? By your application you gave me you’re only eighteen and you’re pregnant. Why are you by yourself?” this man is digging too deep.

  “I don’t ask questions and I don’t like to answer them. I am not running from the law and that is all you need to know. Now I need to leave so I can get on the road.” With that Dra gets up and goes over to the president and Mrs. Clark comes to sit beside me. I squeeze her hand and go to get up and the glorious darkness takes me under again. I feel like I’m floating and I’m peaceful and I embrace it.

  The End For Now.

  Watch for Catching Forever coming Spring 2016.


  1 Addicted by Saving Abel

  2 Ain’t worth the Whiskey by Cole SWINDELL

  3 Answer to No One by Colt Ford featuring JJ Lawhorn

  4 Back (Remix) by Colt Ford featuring Jake Owens

  5 Because of You by Kelly Clarkson

  6 Better Do It by Raelynn

  7 Black Betty by Ram Jam

  8 Calm Before The Storm by Sarah Ross

  9 Confident by Demi Lavoto

  10 Crazy Bitch by Buckcherry

  11 Dirty Laundry by Carrie Underwood

  12 G.R.I.T.S. by Brantley Gilbert

  13 Good Times, Cheap Wine by Kid Rock

  14 Gunpowder and Lead by Miranda Lambert

  15 Hell Raisin’ Country by Moonshine Bandits featuring Big Smo

  16 If You Want A Bad Boy by Brantley Gilbert

  17 Jekyll and Hyde by Five Finger Death Punch

  18 Marvin Gaye by Charlie Puth featuring Meghan Trainor

  19 Might As Well Get Stoned by Chris Stapleton

  20 Play Ball by AC/DC

  21 Read Me My Rights by Brantley Gilbert

  22 She’s Crazy by Moonshine Bandits

  23 Sweet Child of Mine by Guns ‘N Roses

  24 Tainted Love- Album Version by Marilyn Manson

  25 Take Your Time by Sam Hunt

  26 This Means War by Avenged Sevenfold

  27 Tonight Looks Good On You by Jason Aldean

  28 Twilight Zone by Golden Earring

  29 Two Rings Shy by Miranda Lambert

  30 You Shook Me All Night Long by AC/DC

  31 Wild Horses by The Rolling Stones

  32 He Stopped Loving Her Today by George Jones

  33 Look At You Girl by Chris LeDoux

  Never Ever

  Copyright ©Vera Quinn 2016.

  None of the material in this novella can be used by anyone for anything unless given permission in writing by author, Vera Quinn. Only exceptions is short exc
erpts for review purposes.

  All people, places, circumstances, and events are purely fictional. Made up solely by the author.

  This novella is recommended for adults only due to strong language and violence. 18+

  If family violence is a trigger of any sort for you may want to reconsider reading.

  Editor & Formatter: Avril Stepowski

  Chapter One


  Today I get my baby sister away from that wretched woman we have to call mom, Karen Monroe. She is a sorry excuse for a woman, but you don’t get to choose your parents. Callie, my baby sister, is only three and she is laying in the hospital again with another concussion and a broken collar bone and she is bruised everywhere. This time when Karen flew off into her drunken rage she wasn’t as careful. The bruises were seen by her neighbor and she was taken to jail and then CPS called me. This is not the first time, but this time she couldn’t hide it.

  Callie, my half-sister, is truly beautiful. She has gorgeous blue eyes and when not being abused does nothing but laugh. She is a happy baby. I fell in love with her the minute I held her and she’s had me wrapped around her little fingers ever since. I’m not the only one. My best friends, Cameron, Blake, and Trent love her, too. Cameron was the first to hold her in the hospital, because he has baby experience with his son, Ty. He nicknamed her Baby Girl and it has stuck. She’s everyone’s Baby Girl.


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