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Betting On Love

Page 4

by Hodges, Cheris

Serena shook his hand weakly. “Actually, I’ve had my fill of coffee this morning. We’re just leaving a meeting ourselves.”

  Jade smiled and turned to her friend. “I think I can stomach another cup of coffee.”

  “Have at it. I’m going to the business center to send a few e-mails,” Serena said, then turned toward the exit.

  James pulled an extra chair to the table and held it for Jade to sit down. “So,” she said, “what big business deal did I walk in on?”

  “Just a couple of guys bouncing ideas off each other,” James said, unable to stop smiling. Maybe I am wrong about her never wanting to see me again.

  “Well, if you have half the success that Serena and I did, then we’re going to need to order champagne,” Jade said, beaming.

  “For your restaurant venture?” James asked.

  Maurice cleared his throat. “I didn’t realize that you were this rude, J.”

  “Sorry,” James said, tearing his eyes away from Jade. “Maurice, this is Jade Christian. Jade, this is my brother, Maurice. The wonder twins over here are Richard Harris and Raymond Harris, a couple of Vegas’s movers and shakers.”

  After everyone had exchanged hellos and handshakes, Jade and James returned to their conversation. “You’re going to get back at Mr. Arrogance, after all, huh?” he asked.

  “If that’s how you see it. I think of it as getting my money back, and I deserve it,” she told him.

  “Still sounds like revenge to me,” James declared.

  Raymond and Richard finished their coffee and said good-bye to Maurice, James, and Jade. James hoped that his brother would leave the table as well, but Mo had other plans as he ordered another pot of coffee and a crumb cake.

  “So, Ms. Christian,” Maurice said as he waited for the server to return with his order, “are you the young lady who my friends say robbed them blind?”

  Jade smiled as she poured the last bit of coffee from the carafe on the table. “Yes, and they deserved it because they underestimated me, and that’s something that men ought to stop doing.”

  “Ouch,” Maurice said. “Feisty. You remind me of my wife.”

  “Don’t you need to call her?” James suggested.

  Maurice nodded and winked at his brother. “Don’t eat all the cake, and don’t tell my trainer that I’ve gone off my diet.”

  Once Maurice had left the table, Jade smiled at James. “You’re not slick. Why didn’t you just tell your brother to beat it, kick rocks, or get lost?”

  “That would’ve been rude.” He smiled and fought the urge to kiss her as he’d done the night before. “Besides, I wanted to talk to you about last night and this morning.”

  “So did I. I know that things seemed crazy this morning, but I wasn’t trying to ditch you, and if I had my way, we’d still be in bed right now,” she said seductively.

  “What happens next?” James asked.

  “I don’t know. I’m going to be working on this business deal and... .”

  “And you live in Atlanta and my life is in Charlotte.”

  “Long-distance affairs never work.”

  James held back a sigh and said, “Then I guess we’ll always have Las Vegas.”

  “I wish we could’ve met under different circumstances, maybe when you were still in Atlanta and before I knew that jerk,” she said as she reached across the table and took his hand in hers. “When are you leaving?”

  “In a few days.”

  “Then that gives us a couple days to spend together and make more memories.” She smiled brightly.

  James returned her smile and winked at her. “Let me take you to the Top of the World tonight.”

  “What is that?”

  “A restaurant that’s eight hundred feet away from business, nosy brothers, and girlfriends.”

  “And afterward?”

  Licking his lips, he smiled. “Then we can do whatever you want to do, clothing optional.”

  A wicked grin spread across her face. “Mr. Goings, are you propositioning me?”

  “If you have to ask, then I must not be doing something right.”

  Jade rose from her chair. “Then I say we have a date. Where would you like to meet?”

  “In the lobby of the hotel, and if you have a dress similar to what you wore last night, please put it on.”

  “I will,” she said, then walked away. James couldn’t tear his eyes away from her tantalizing backside, which swayed like a palm in the breeze. He hadn’t even noticed Maurice’s return to the table.

  “That must have been some great sex, because your nose is wide open,” Maurice said when he sat down.


  “Could it be that my bitter brother has given up this notion that all women are the spawn of the devil?”

  James shot his brother a cautioning look. “Listen, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. She lives in Atlanta and has some serious baggage. You’ll never believe who she was dating back in Georgia.”

  “Who? Michael Vick?”

  “No, and even worse. Stephen Carter.”

  “That asshole. The last time Kenya and I went to Atlanta, we almost went to his restaurant. But when I found out he was the owner of the place, I told her I’d rather eat out of a Dumpster than drop a dime in the fool’s place,” Maurice spat. “I’ll never forget what he did to Ma.”

  “Taking advantage of women seems to be a trait of his. He duped Jade into investing in his restaurant, and when he started seeing a profit, he dumped her.”

  “That’s why you should never go into business with someone you’re sleeping with.”

  “Or hire them as an attorney.”

  “Shut up. That was different.”

  James reached for the cake that the server had set in the middle of the table. “People do strange things in the name of love and then get upset when it blows up in their faces.”

  “That’s the James I know and love. Mr. Cynical.” Maurice reached for a hunk of cake and shook his head at his brother. “So, you two going out again?”

  “Yep. We’re going to say a proper good-bye.”

  “Don’t mess around and fall in love,” Maurice said in between bites of cake.

  “That’s the last thing that’s going to happen,” James declared.

  Jade floated to her room. But her bubble was burst as soon as she saw Serena and Kandace waiting for her. “What?” she asked her friends.

  “The question is, what are you doing?” Serena asked. “You don’t know this guy from Adam’s alley cat, and you’re acting like a teenager in love.”

  “Lust,” Kandace said. “Have you forgotten that you have bigger fish to fry?”

  “Aren’t you the same people that told me to come here and have an adventure?” Jade asked as she slipped her electronic key card in the lock. “Matter of fact, had you not put that silly condom in my purse, James and I might have never hooked up, Serena.”

  Serena rolled her eyes. “Whatever. You need to focus. We have the funding that we need to purchase that restaurant in Charlotte right from underneath Stephen. You also have the means to tie his funds up in so much red tape that his little restaurant in Atlanta will be forced to shut down. We should be on a plane right now.”

  Jade opened her door, and her friends followed her into her room. “Another day and a half is not going to kill us. Besides, I have a date tonight.”

  Kandace and Serena groaned. “You know what?” Kandace said. “You’re a glutton. What do you even know about this guy, besides how good the sex is?”

  Jade smiled despite herself. “James is a special guy. I can feel it. But there’s no need for you two to worry. Tonight is good-bye for James and me.”

  Kandace and Serena exchanged knowing looks. “Where does James live again?” Serena asked.

  “Charlotte,” Jade replied.

  “Doesn’t sound like good-bye to me, especially since we’re trying to open a business there,” Kandace said.

  “Ladies, are we going to do some shopping th
is morning, or are you two going to stand here and critique my life?” Jade asked exasperatedly. “Where’s Alicia?”

  “I think she’s playing baccarat again. You’re not the only one having a Vegas fling,” Serena said, with a snort.


  Once again, James was on the losing end of a poker game with the players. It didn’t matter, though, because he knew he’d be a winner once he met up with Jade and they headed out for their date.

  “You need to let that stripper play for you all the time,” Homer said.

  “She’s not a stripper,” James said as he pushed away from the table.

  “She could be,” Homer replied, licking his lips. “I’m still trying to figure out how you landed that.”

  “Don’t be jealous, because your oversize gut and the milewide gap between your teeth run all the pretty ones away,” James said as he patted Homer’s ample stomach.

  The other men at the table laughed and Homer scowled.

  “Whatever, man,” Homer snapped. “The only reason women want to get to know you is that your last name is Goings.”

  Any other day James would’ve reached over the table and attempted to strangle Homer for that comment. But at the moment, the only thing he wanted to do was get ready for his date with Jade, so he simply left the room.

  James knew that Jade didn’t want to get next to Maurice, like so many other women who’d tried to latch on to him in the past. After tonight he was sure that he’d never see her again. He still wasn’t sure how he felt about that, because a part of him wanted to know everything about her, and the other part just wanted one more night with her in his arms. I don’t even know this woman to be going on like this. I need to take it for what it is, a vacation fling, he thought as he entered his suite.

  Jade paced the floor in her room as she searched for the perfect dress. She wanted James’s jaw to drop to the floor when he saw her in the lobby, but if she didn’t hurry, she’d be late. After another few moments of pondering what to wear, she decided on a slinky red dress with a V-shaped back and a neckline that was so low, she needed double-sided tape to keep from having a Janet Jackson-esque malfunction.

  She reached down and strapped on her red sandals with the three-inch heels and prayed that James didn’t have a lot of walking in mind for their date. Taking a glance at herself in the full-length mirror on the bathroom door, she smiled. Serena had a flair for picking out sexy clothing, and there was no way she would wear an outfit like that in Atlanta, where people expected her to be prim and proper or, as her friends called her, a doormat.

  She’d allowed Stephen to walk all over her, but she’d also thought he loved her and that they were building the restaurant for their future. Stephen’s future just didn’t include her, but some eye candy that he felt enhanced his image. His new woman made up for what she lacked in brains with silicone breasts. Snarling at the thought of Stephen and his new woman, Jade recalled how she’d found out that she’d been replaced.

  Serena and Alicia had shown up at her doorstep early one Friday morning, armed with coffee and Krispy Kreme doughnuts.

  “Hey, girls,” Jade had said, blissfully unaware of the devastating news that they’d come to deliver.

  Alicia had been the one to speak first. “Mocha latte with skim milk and no whipped cream. It’s your favorite, right?”

  “What’s going on? You think coffee is the nectar of Satan,” Jade had replied, ready to laugh at the thought of Alicia standing in line at Starbucks.

  Serena, who had been uncharacteristically silent, spoke up. “There’s an article in the paper about Stephen’s restaurant and his plans to expand.”

  “Great. We did that interview weeks ago. It’s about time the Atlanta Journal-Constitution ran this story.” Jade reached out for the paper, but Serena didn’t hand it over. “Serena, give me the paper.”

  Alicia had motioned for Jade to take a seat on the sofa. “This isn’t going to be pretty or easy for you to take. Serena, give her the paper.”

  Jade had never been more confused than she was when she read the article about Stephen and his empire. She remembered talking to the reporter about their planned expansion into North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia, but who in the hell was the woman draped over him like a wet spandex bathing suit? She’d read the woman’s name, but it was her title, “fiancée and business partner,” that stood out the most.

  “This can’t be right,” Jade had said as she stared at the picture. “Why is this woman in this picture, pretending to be me?”

  “Because Stephen is a spineless punk, and he used you to get what he wanted, your investment in his sorry-ass restaurant,” Serena had explained. “I say we roll up there and kick his ass.”

  Jade, feeling as if her entire world had just crumbled, had dropped the paper on the floor as she’d sobbed silently. It had taken her about twenty minutes to pull herself together, assure her girlfriends that she could handle this situation on her own. With red, puffy eyes and anger flowing threw her veins, she’d driven to Stephen’s restaurant and stormed inside, ignoring the hostess as she bolted toward the office she and Stephen shared. When she’d opened the door, she found him and his new love on top of the desk, kissing like horny teenagers.

  “Well, isn’t this just cozy,” Jade had said.

  The two had pulled apart and looked at Jade.

  “Who is this woman?” Stephen’s lover had asked.

  “A former employee,” he’d replied coldly. “Jade, what is the meaning of this? Why are you storming into my office as if you have some right to be here?”

  “You son of a bitch. I have fifty thousand reasons to be here. Employee? I thought I was supposed to be your fiancée!”

  Rising to his feet, he’d stepped up to Jade. “You need to leave. You were my bookkeeper.”

  “Bookkeeper? That’s all I was to you?”

  “Yes, and I’d like it if you’d leave. My fiancée and I are busy.”

  Jade had slapped him as hard as she could. “Bastard! Give me my money back.”

  “We made a deal, and your money is tied up in—”

  She’d slapped him again and then stormed out of the office. Her next trip had been to her lawyer, who told her there was nothing she could do to get her money back because they hadn’t signed a contract.

  A few days later, she and her girls had hopped on an overpriced flight to Vegas.

  Jade shook her head, trying to clear away the ugly thoughts of her life. I’m going to deal with Stephen when I return to Atlanta. But right now I’m going on my date. She grabbed a sheer red wrap, draped it across her shoulders, and headed to the lobby.

  When she found James standing near the front desk, dressed in a black tuxedo, carrying a dozen red roses, her breath caught in her chest. He looked as dashing as 007 himself, and the cocksure grin on his lips added to his appeal.

  He strode over to her, smiling and holding the flowers and a pair of Toni Braxton show tickets out to her. “You look beautiful,” he said.

  Taking the roses in her arms, she willed her heart to slow down before saying, “You clean up well yourself.”

  “I have a car outside, and I’m ready to show you the world.” James looped his arm around Jade’s waist, and she knew that this was all a dream. Men didn’t act like this, at least not the ones she knew or fell for.

  “This is really nice,” she said as they walked out to the limo that was waiting for them.

  “Well, I figured that we should at least party like we’re royalty this weekend,” James said as the driver opened the door for the couple.

  “James, this is too much.” Jade eased onto the supple leather seat of the limo and closed her eyes. “We’re just going to dinner, right?”

  “Nope. Just relax and enjoy the ride, all right?” he said, with a wide smile. “Tonight, I’m your host, so be a good guest, okay?”

  “If you say so,” she replied, with a smile that matched his. “It’s not often that I give up control.”
/>   “And that sounds like a problem to me,” James said as he eased closer to Jade and wrapped his arm around her slender waist, pulling her closer to him as the driver peeled off from the curb.

  The limo meandered slowly down the Strip, but neither of the passengers cared about the sights, the bright lights, or the people milling about. James locked eyes with Jade, drinking in her quiet beauty and trying to keep his hormones under control. That was hard to do because he knew what was underneath that dress. He knew that she had the softest breasts and the sweetest-tasting nipples that he’d ever put in his mouth. The passion and desire that were building in the backseat of the limo made him want to forget Toni Braxton and dinner, rip her clothes off, and make love to her until the sun rose.

  “You’re quiet,” Jade said, breaking off their stare.

  “So are you.”

  “This is weird,” she said. “Because all I can think about right now is how much I want to hear Toni Braxton sing ‘Breathe Again.’”

  “Really?” James asked, not really buying it. He could feel the electric undercurrent that she was giving off and knew she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  I can’t believe I just said that lame crap, Jade thought as she looked out of the window. Had she been honest, she would’ve told James that she’d always had a fantasy about having hot sex in the back of a limo. Of course, that fantasy wasn’t going to happen, because she didn’t want him to think that she was just a piece of sex. They were supposed to be taking the time to get to know each other, well, as well as they could over a few days. Sucking on her bottom lip, Jade turned to James and leaned against his shoulder. She knew this was a fantasy, a weekend affair.

  Maybe we should skip the concert, he thought as he took her hand in his.

  “What’s the fragrance that you’re wearing?” James asked.

  “It’s just some jasmine oil,” she replied, her voice wavering as she closed her eyes and melted against him.

  James took a deep breath, filling his nostrils with Jade’s intoxicating scent. Damn, he wanted her. He wanted her more than he needed to take his next breath. Unable to control his desire any longer, he cupped her face in his hands and brought his lips on top of hers. Her lips were soft and tasty. A soft moan escaped her throat as his tongue danced into her mouth. With his hands firmly around her waist, Jade closed her eyes and lost herself in his kiss. She gripped his shoulders, sucking his tongue as if they would never have the chance to kiss again.


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