Book Read Free

The Missing Children

Page 17

by M A Comley

  “That would be very helpful. Maybe you’ll allow me to speak to a couple of her fellow students, if that’s possible?”

  “Shall we see what information you gather from her lecturer first, then go from there? I’d rather not get anyone else involved at this time.”

  “Sure, I’m agreeable to that.” She watched the Dean pick up the phone and place another call.

  “Miss Jackson will be here shortly, Inspector.”

  The room filled with an eerie silence until there was a knock on the door.

  “Come in,” Terry shouted.

  A petite woman wearing a tartan suit entered the room. Her gaze shot between Kayli and the Dean. “Hello, sir. You wanted to see me?”

  “Come in, Miss Jackson. This is DI Bright of Avon and Somerset Constabulary. She’d like to ask you some questions about one of your students, a Michele Granger,” he said, looking down at the file to check the girl’s name.

  “Hmm... Miss Granger seems to be a law unto herself. I’m sure another student would have been delighted to have filled her shoes on the course.”

  “I’ve looked over her attendance record. Maybe her lack of attendance should have been brought to my attention sooner.”

  “I’m sorry. That’s my fault entirely, sir. I don’t take pleasure in getting the students into trouble if I can avoid it.”

  “That’s all well and good, but according to the inspector here, this young lady has been up to no good in the eyes of the law. That’s not something the university likes to be associated with, Miss Jackson.”

  “I’m sorry, sir. I take full responsibility.”

  Kayli cleared her throat. “I’m sorry to interrupt. However, it’s imperative that I get back to the station as soon as possible.”

  “What has Granger done? May I ask?” Miss Jackson asked, her brow deeply furrowed.

  “We believe she’s involved in some very serious crimes... against children.”

  Miss Jackson and Terry stared at each other.

  “What sort of crimes?” Miss Jackson eventually asked.

  “I can’t go into detail, and to be honest, you really wouldn’t want to hear the gruesome details anyway. What I need to know is if you’re aware if she has a boyfriend and if so, what his name is.”

  “Oh my. Gosh, I wish I could help, but I tend not to get that involved in the students’ personal lives.”

  “That’s frustrating to hear, but understandable. Does she have a close friend in her class? Someone I can see to ask a few discreet questions perhaps?”

  “Cindy Munroe I suppose would fall into that category,” Miss Jackson offered.

  “Would it be possible for me to have a quick word with her? Nothing too invasive, I promise. We just need to know who the boyfriend is and where he lives. I wouldn’t be asking if I didn’t feel it was important.”

  “I’m agreeable to that,” the Dean said, letting out a large sigh. “Appalling that a student taking a childcare course should then go out and deliberately harm kids. Has she ever caused you to doubt her during a lecture, Miss Jackson?”

  “Not that I can think of. I would say that her focus appeared to waver now and again, far more than the other girls in the class.”

  “Interesting. Maybe she attended the lessons as some form of cover-up to her actions. We’ve yet to get to the bottom of a lot of things regarding why Michele has done what she’s done.”

  “Okay, let’s get this organised then. I believe there’s a spare room available along the hallway here. Miss Jackson, would you mind collecting the friend and asking her to join us please?”

  Kayli raised a pointed finger. “Can you not mention what the meeting is about? I prefer to catch people unaware when I question them.”

  “Of course. I’ll see you in a moment.” Miss Jackson swiftly left the room.

  Kayli sat opposite a stunned-looking Dean. “Are you all right?”

  “Not really, Inspector. I can’t say I’ve ever had anything like this brought to my attention before, and I’ve been here over twenty years. Are you saying that this girl has killed children?”

  Kayli grimaced. “I’m sorry. I really can’t answer that question.”

  He shook his head, and his eyes narrowed in anger. “I’m taking that as a yes then. Bloody hell! Never in my wildest dreams would I ever think one of my students could be guilty of such a crime.”

  “I have to correct you there. We believe at this point only that she is involved in the crimes. Loosely or otherwise remains to be seen.”

  “Even so, it’s still disgusting in my book. An utter abomination.”

  “I agree. I have no idea how I’m going to break the news to her parents when the time comes. Can you direct me to the room?”

  “Of course, I’ll show you where it is personally. Good luck with questioning her friend, finding Granger, and informing what she’s been doing to her parents. I don’t envy you that task in the slightest.”

  “Thanks, it’s definitely something I’ll have to prepare myself for. I want to thank you for your assistance.”

  They left the office and walked down the corridor side by side. “Let’s hope it doesn’t prove to be a wasted trip for you.”

  Kayli smiled and raised her crossed fingers.

  He opened the door and switched on the light. “Make yourself comfy. They shouldn’t be too long.” He left her alone in the room.

  Kayli paced the floor until the door opened again a few minutes later when Miss Jackson and a girl in her late teens walked in.

  “This is Cindy Munroe, Inspector. She’s one of Michele’s best friends here at uni.”

  “Thank you both for coming to see me. Shall we take a seat?”

  “What do you need to see me for? And just to put things straight, I’m just a friend of Michele’s. I’m not her best friend.”

  “Thank you for clearing that up, Cindy. Please, don’t be nervous. I want to ask you a few questions. If that’s okay?”

  “I’m here, aren’t I?” the young woman said sourly.

  “For that, I’m very grateful,” Kayli said, smiling to break down the barrier that had developed between them already. “Can you tell me the name of Michele’s boyfriend?”

  Cindy leaned back in her chair and folded her arms. “Not until you tell me what Michele is supposed to have done wrong.”

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t discuss that.”

  Cindy unfolded her arms, huffed and stood up.

  “Sit down, Cindy!” Miss Jackson said, her tone more threatening than angry, and the girl slumped into her chair again. “Now answer the inspector truthfully. Don’t forget there is an exam coming up next week.”

  “You wouldn’t dare! That’s blackmail, Miss. Shame on you—in front of a copper too.”

  “You really do have a smart mouth, don’t you?” Kayli interjected with a glare.

  “Not usually, but when it comes to my friends, I refuse to tell tales.”

  “I’m not asking you to. All I need is a name, and then you can go.”

  “Karl Freeman.”

  “There, that was simple enough. Do you happen to know where he lives?”

  “You said all you wanted was a name. I’ve supplied that. Now I’d like to go.”

  Kayli shrugged. “Okay, I can’t force you to tell me. I appreciate you giving me his name, though. I’d like to ask you not to contact Michele regarding this conversation.”

  “I don’t keep anything from my friend, so that ain’t going to happen.”

  “Okay, then I’ll have no alternative but to tell Michele, when we catch up with her, who supplied me with her boyfriend’s name.” Touché! Stick that where the sun don’t shine, girly!

  “You can’t do that.”

  “As far as I know, there is no law against what I’m prepared to do, although if you tell Michele that you’ve spoken to me, then there is such a charge as being an accessory to a crime.” Her peripheral vision showed Miss Jackson covering a smile with her hand.

y’s mouth gaped open. “Jesus, it’s true what they say about coppers twisting your words.”

  “Not at all. Your friend and her boyfriend have carried out some serious crimes. They are very dangerous criminals. If you want to be associated with them, then that’s entirely your call, but I’m warning you, these kinds of relationships rarely end happily.”

  “I don’t know what you’re on about. Michele wouldn’t do anything against the law.”

  “How can you be so sure about that? How long have you known her?”

  “Just over a year. This is our second year on the course together.”

  “I suggest you choose your friends more carefully in future. I refuse to go into detail, but if I were you, I would make sure I didn’t have anything to do with her again. I’m sure Miss Jackson would agree with that sentiment.”

  “Too right. Hopefully, the menace will be off the streets soon enough so the decision if Cindy wants to continue being Michele’s friend or not will be taken out of her hands.”

  “Let’s hope so. Thank you for your help, ladies. I need to get back on the hunt for Michele now. Cindy, bear in mind that I never make idle threats. If word gets back to Michele about this meeting, I know where to find you. Goodbye.” Kayli rushed out of the room, and immediately rang Graeme from the car park. “Any news, mate?”

  “Nothing as yet, boss. You’ll be the first to know.”

  “Speak soon, I hope.” She hung up and drove back to base, her mind whirling with how the case had progressed during the day.

  She marched up the stairs and through the incident room door without acknowledging any of her colleagues who’d said hello during her journey. “Donna, I need you to look up a Karl Freeman for me. I want the usual—his address and if he has a record to his name.”

  “Who’s that, boss?” Dave shouted from his desk.

  “Michele Granger’s boyfriend. It might be where they’re hiding the kids. I called Graeme on the way over here. They’ve not shown up there yet. I sure hope this isn’t a ploy to keep us busy so they can grab another child during the distraction.”

  “What can we do to ensure that doesn’t happen?”

  Kayli shook her head. “Nothing. Let’s try and remain positive about this. Negativity serves no purpose. I’ll be in my office. Give me a shout when you’ve located the dirt on Karl, Donna.”

  “Will do, boss.”

  That shout came sooner than Kayli expected. She ran out of her office and joined Dave, who was already sitting next to Donna, shaking his head at what he was reading on the monitor.

  “What have you found?”

  “His address is a small bedsit, boss. I doubt he’d have the room to keep the kids there. I also have a rap sheet for him. He’s a petty criminal, nothing major. He was pulled over by a patrol car in a stop-and-search where a knife was found under the driver’s seat. He denied it was his, but the vehicle was registered in his name. He was given a verbal warning.”

  “That means we’ve got a registration number for his vehicle, yes?”

  Donna pointed to the screen. “Yep. Do you want me to start circulating it?”

  “Too right. But I need you to add a caution not to approach the vehicle. We need to be mindful that they have these children hidden somewhere. It could be in a cave for all we know. The last thing we need is to arrest the buggers only for them to remain silent about where the kids are. That’s happened before, right? I refuse to have that kind of shit flung at us. Let’s do all we can to locate the children and uncover who else is involved. Any news about Michele’s phone yet, Dave?”

  “Nothing, very disappointing. Maybe she’s changed it recently or used a different one to put her number around the newsagents.”

  “Maybe, keep trying. What about where the call came in from? Has anyone been out to the phone box to see its location?”

  Dave grimaced. “I’ll get on it straight away. Sorry, I should have thought about that myself.”

  “I don’t want apologies, Dave. We need to ensure that any clues are dealt with appropriately. Especially when there are lives at risk.”

  “I hear you, sorry.”

  Kayli tutted. “Maybe we should put a surveillance on his bedsit anyway. With only a small team, that’s kind of hard to do.”

  “I don’t mind doing it. I’m only twiddling my fingers around here.”

  “Trouble is if we get a call from Graeme, I’ll need you to come with me.” Her mobile rang, and Graeme’s name filled her screen. “Talk of the devil.” She smiled and answered the call. “Hi, Graeme, what have you got?”

  “The drop-off just occurred, boss. I’m in contact with an unmarked police vehicle who has taken up the chase. Thought I’d better take the girl in to her mother before setting off.”

  Kayli thumped the air. “Great news! You did the right thing. Are you able to join the chase now?”

  “Already actioned, boss. I can see both vehicles up ahead.”

  “Keep your distance. Only apprehend the suspects once you think they’re approaching where the kids are being kept, got that?”

  “Whoops! Here we go. They’ve sussed we’re following them, and he’s put his damn foot down. What do you want us to do?”

  “You’re going to have to stick with him then, Graeme. Dave and I are on our way. I’m going to arrange for the eye in the sky to join us. Maybe they’ll spot something we’re unable to see from the ground.”

  “Rightio, boss. I’ll keep you up-to-date on the radio in that case. Gotta fly.”

  “Any news on that phone box location, Dave?” Kayli asked.

  “Yep, just got it. It’s down a country lane, nice rural location.”

  “Brilliant. Get a patrol car out to the location immediately with a SOCO team. This could be the break we need, guys. Let’s hit them hard and fast.” Kayli clenched her fist in front of her, jubilant about what was going down. Then she placed the call to request the police chopper to get airborne.

  Moments later, she and Dave ran down the stairs faster than an Olympian sprinter and out to the car. Kayli threw Dave the keys to her car. “You drive. That way I can keep track on what’s going on better.”

  “If you trust me to drive your car, that’s fine by me.”

  “Just avoid any scrapes wherever possible.”

  “Oh ye of little faith. I can’t believe we’re finally closing in on them.”

  “Believe it, Dave, because it’s finally happening.”

  “Charlie One this is Bravo Nine. The stinger has been used. The van has been stopped. Two people in the vehicle have been apprehended. A man and a woman.”

  “Why? Why stop them now, Graeme?”

  “They turned down a country lane, boss.”

  “Okay, we’re on our way. Give me your exact location. Has the chopper been in touch?”

  “He’s here, circling overhead, boss.”

  “Put your foot down, Dave. We have a bunch of kids to find.”


  When Kayli and Dave arrived at the scene, they found a skinny young man with long blond hair tussling with two uniformed police officers, while a girl was sitting in the back of one of the patrol cars, her head dipped, feeling desperately sorry for herself. Graeme was in the front seat of the car, speaking to the girl.

  “Karl Freeman, I take it?”

  His eyes creased up at the sides, and it looked as though he was about to spit at her. “Who wants to know?”

  Turning to the constables restraining him, Kayli asked, “Has he said where they’re being held?”

  “No, ma’am. He’s not given us anything yet.”

  Dave stepped forward and grabbed the front of Freeman’s T-shirt. “Maybe you and I should have a little chat in the back of your van.”

  “Yeah, and maybe you should go fuck yourself, man. Lay one finger on me, and I’ll have you for assault.”

  Kayli purposefully remained quiet, pleased that Dave had taken over the reins but also wary in case her partner fulfilled his threat.
  “You’ve obviously never heard of the term ‘resisting arrest’ then. You know what? It’s surprising the amount of injuries criminals have suffered under that term. I’d be happy to add your name to the list.” He winked at Freeman and inched closer.

  With Dave a few inches taller, the youth’s bravado wilted, and he visibly shrank before their eyes. “I know nothing. All I was doing was out for a ride with my girlfriend. Your lot damaged my vehicle with that death-trap. I wasn’t aware that it was against the law to drive around Bristol, minding your own business.”

  Dave leaned into his personal space. “Keep winding me up, buddy, and I’ll take pleasure in ripping you apart.”

  Seeing that Dave’s strong-arm tactic was only giving the youth extra cockiness, Kayli pulled Dave out of the way and leaned in herself. “We’ve got all the evidence we need to put you and your scheming girlfriend away for years. Think you can treat us like idiots? Think again, moron. The first thing we’re going to do is send your van to the forensic lab.” He gulped. “Hadn’t thought about that, had you? Every little girl you’ve abducted will have left some form of DNA in the back of your vehicle. Even the two that you’ve brutally tortured and killed.” Every word spoken and the closeness to the bastard made Kayli angrier with each passing second.

  “Bullshit, lady, and you know it.”

  Dave tried to muscle Kayli aside to deal with the disrespectful youth, but she stood her ground as the two constables on either side restrained him harder. She was desperate to have a slice of the little shit and his girlfriend. She had a feeling that the girl was going to talk freely back at the station once they were alone. She wasn’t so sure about the cocky individual standing in front of her. As if her right hand had a will all of its own, she jabbed him in the eyes with two fingers.

  “Hey, what the fuck? You lay one more finger on me and my solicitor is going to kick your arse for you.”

  “Is that right? I take it you don’t take any heed from warnings given to you by a serving police officer then? Look around you, buddy. Each of these guys are anxious to have a piece of you. Paedophiles are the scum of this earth, and my colleagues always turn the other cheek when one is turned over. It’s like an unspoken rule that comes with the job.”


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