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The Coach and the Secret (New Hampshire Bears #5)

Page 14

by Mary Smith

  “Teo stay here. Nathan come in.” I shut the door. “Paxton, you and I need to have a man to man talk.” I take a seat in my chair, and he sits down across from me.


  “How are you liking being in Manchester?”

  “I like it a lot. I know I haven’t put up the numbers like I did in Concord, but I think the offseason will help me get prepared for next season.” Nathan’s voice is determined, and he’s already thinking about next season.

  “And your personal life? Any drama in there I should be aware of?”

  “No, Coach. I’m single and all my family is back in Switzerland. There’s nothing going on in my life but hockey.”

  I stare at him for a few seconds and then tell him to wait in the hall and send in Teo. Teo looks nervous when he takes the chair Nathan had just been in.

  “Glad to be back?”

  “You mean as a backup?” Teo sneers a bit.

  “Teo, you weren’t putting up numbers like you should have been. You know this is as much as I do. The decision had been made for the better of the team.” I spell it out for him, but he already knows this. “Now, what are you going to do about it?”

  “Work harder for my spot back,” he answers without even thinking.

  “Good.” I nod and yell for Nathan to come back in. He sits down next to Teo. “If I’m not mistaken don’t you both live near each other in Switzerland?”

  They both say yes.

  “And what are your plans for the offseason?”

  “Mine is to work out and practice ‘til I’m in the best shape of my life,” Nathan offers.

  “Same here.” Teo adds in.

  “Then let me make a suggestion. A highly recommended suggestion. Since you both will be back home why don’t you work out together. Maybe think about even spending more time together. The one thing that makes a great goalie team is their bond. If you both are at the top of your game, then you both will be unstoppable. As it stands, right now, Teo, you’re the backup and Nathan you’re the lead. Until something changes that’s how it will be. Listen to me, I know you both are good guys. I know you both want this number one spot but think of the bigger picture for a moment. You can work together to be the best or if one fucks off it’ll ruin it for all the Bears. A lot more rides on the goalie’s back then some players tend to give credit for. This is your time for you both to shine, and I suggest you do it before someone ends up back at the farm. Permanently.”

  They both nod, and I dismiss them. I’m hoping my words hit them both close to home because I’ll have to cut one of them loose if I can’t justify them both being here.

  BEING BEHIND THE bench is where I belong. I hadn’t been the world’s greatest player, but I’m a damn fine coach. I’m screaming at them to play better. I know this team is better than the shit way they’re playing.

  When the first intermission came I made sure the guys knew how pissed off I was. This isn’t a joke to me and I know it’s not to them either. They just need a serious kick in the ass and it’s me giving it to them.

  The second period and third period are the best I’ve seen in a while. This is the team I know that can win championships and be the best anyone has seen. Remington and Kyson each scored, as did Hamilton and Vance. Bas, Cabel and Shade all had assists. This is the Bears at their top potential. The best part, Nathan stopped all pucks but two. Much better than before. I even heard Teo giving him pointers. Like a teammate would do.

  When we get back into the locker room everyone’s spirits are high. There’s laughter, joking and camaraderie. The way a team should work together. Mike and Kevin both told me how glad they were I am back and in control of the team. They’re both great guys but still have a lot to learn. I have been in their shoes before and I understand where they were coming from.

  As I’m heading to my car, Hamilton is waiting next to it. We’ve not spoken much since my return, but I know the kid has a lot to say.

  “Baer.” I nod to him.

  “Hey, Coach.” He shoves his hands deep into his pockets. He might be a huge guy, but right now he looks like a broken hearted guy. “Can we talk for a minute? Not coach to player, but man to man.”

  “Of course. I’m starving want to hit the steakhouse?”

  “I’ll meet you over there.” He hops in his massive truck and he follows me to the steakhouse.

  We are seated in a booth and we order our usual meals. “Okay, Hamilton, I’m ready to listen.”

  “You know I’m not an expressive man nor do I have true friends. I have my twin brother, but he’s busy with work and I need to talk to someone.” He sounds pathetically sad.

  “Is this about a certain girl?” I already know the answer.

  “Yes,” he whispers.

  The waiter brings Hamilton a beer and my hot tea.

  “Tell me about her.”

  “She’s amazing and I’m a big dumbass who let her slip through my fingers because of an issue which shouldn’t have even been an issue.” He takes a large gulp of beer.

  “And the issue…”

  “Age. She’s nineteen, but she’s more mature than me. On top of that issue, I didn’t want to piss off her dad because I respect him as much as any man I’ve ever known.” He looks straight into my eyes.

  I groan. “Of every guy on the Bears team you’d be the only one I’d trust with my girls. Shit, Hamilton, I do trust you. You have been there for the girls and me more than anyone else. I can’t ever repay you for it. I know you would never cross a line with Janan she didn’t want you to cross. Her age should have never been a factor. Again, you, should have known how mature Janan is.”

  He hangs his head. “I thought it was too good to be true, I guess.”

  “You’re one of the toughest players I know and a female has flipped your world upside down. I know how it is. I remember when Sharon and I were first in love. I had to be next to her or I couldn’t breathe.”

  He lifts his head. “I’ve tried texting her, talking to her, everything I can think of. She’s ignoring me.”

  “Hamilton, I’m going to ask you something personal, and I’m sure you’ll tell me the truth. Have you had a girlfriend?”

  He sighs. “I’ve tried dating but hockey always gets in the way. There’s been females in my life, but it’s mainly for recreational purposes.” There’s a light blush across his face.

  “Then I suggest you keep apologizing and grovel a lot. Janan will either come around or not. It’s the best advice I can give you.”

  “And if she never comes around?”

  “Then you have to live with it and move on. It’s horrible advice, I know, but it’s the truth.”

  Our steaks come and neither of us touches them. I feel horrible for the guy. He really loves Janan. It’s written all over his face. I’m not sure if my advice will help him in the state he’s in.

  I hope so.

  I PACK MY bag for the last road trip of the season. First stop will be Indiana and then Portland. Macy has texted me a couple of times. Nothing of a serious nature, mostly ‘how are you?’ and ‘what’s for dinner?’ Simple and friendly.

  I drive over to the airport and wait for the rest of the team. I send a quick text to Janan and Nova in a group message like they showed me. I’ve texted them several times just to check on them.

  Me: Heading out on the road. Will be back soon.

  Nova: How about I cook you dinner at our place?

  Janan: I love the idea.

  Me: I’ll let you know when I’m back in town.

  The team begins to show up and soon we’re loading up in the plane. Mike, Kevin and I go over several plays and strategies for the upcoming game. The players seem to talk amongst themselves joking and doing their own thing.

  Before I know it, the plane is getting ready to land, and we’re off to the hotel, then it’s off to practice for the team. The coaches and I make sure we go over all the drills and plays as if it was any regular game and not the end of the season. The guys kept up
with all my orders and commands and were ready for tonight’s game.

  We head back to the hotel for some food and rest. When I get back to my room, I see I missed a phone call from Caryn. I had sent her an email about going back to work, and I’m sure she isn’t pleased about it. I call her back because when all is said and done she has helped me.

  “Taden, how are you?”

  “Actually, I’m doing better. Coming back to work has been the best thing for me.”

  “I’m glad, but I want to keep our sessions as much possible.”

  “Caryn, I promise. My time with you helps me. I’m taking it all day by day.”

  “I’ll see you when you come back into town. Best of luck with the games.”

  I’m smiling when I hang up the phone.

  THE WIN AGAINST the Mustangs is the best feeling I’ve had in a long time and now I’m sitting in my hotel room in Portland. Mike, Kevin and I already had practice and our team meeting.

  Me: Macy, I’m in Portland. I’d love to meet up before the game.

  I had sent the text earlier this morning before practice, but she didn’t answer yet. I know she’s busy with her job. I had been taking a rest from reading draftee reports when my phone rings. I rush to answer, only to realize it’s Carmen the realtor and not Macy.

  “Mr. Long, I have some outstanding news for you.”

  “And what is that?”

  “The owners took your offer and we can close on the condo in a week or so.”

  I smile. “Great news! Have there been any potential buyers for my place?”

  “There are two and I’ll be showing the place today and tomorrow. Fingers crossed.” I can hear her soft laughter.

  “Great. Please keep me updated. If I don’t answer, leave a message.”

  Carmen agrees.

  When I end the call, I text the girls. I know they’re in class but this is happy news, and I want to share it with them. I’m ready for this change in my life. My phone dings again and I’m certain it’s one of the girls, but I smile to see it’s Macy.

  Macy: I can see you now. Let me know where you are.

  I text to her the hotel and the room number, and I let her know I’ll order some room service. It shouldn’t be weird I know what she likes, right?

  When the knock came, a small flutter hits my stomach. It’s room service and just as he left Macy shows up.

  “Taden.” She smiles and I step back to let her into the hotel room. “I’m glad you let me know you were in town.”

  I study her body. She’s wearing dark jeans, a light pink tank, and a thin jacket. She looks casual and it makes me see her differently because the other times she had been dressed more professional. “I’m glad you came.”

  “Food?” She points to the trays on the desk.

  “In case you were hungry.”

  “Actually, I just ate with some colleagues.” She sat down on the side of the bed. “Ready for the game tonight?”

  I took the place next to her and launched in a deep detailed description of what I had planned for the Portland Vikings tonight. Macy even gave some thoughts on the subject as well. It’s really great to talk hockey with a female. Yes, it’s sexist to assume women don’t know hockey, but Sharon never really loved hockey like I did. On more than one occasion she would either tell me to a shut up or just walk away when I would talk shop.

  Before I know it, it’s time for me to get ready for the game. “Macy, thank you for coming. I enjoyed this.” I stand and she does the same.

  “I did too.” She lifts herself up on her tiptoes and our lips connect softly. “Text messages don’t really do it for me. I’m old school.”

  “I am as well.”

  “I’ll let you know when I’m back in Manchester.”

  I kiss her deeply this time. “Please do.”

  THREE WINS IN a row is an outstanding feeling heading back to Manchester. When I get off the plane I head straight for home, texting the girls and letting them know I’m home.

  Nova: J & I are off tonight. Still want dinner?

  Me: Tell me what time.

  Walking in the house is almost eerie. I’m hoping Carmen calls soon with a date for the closing. I need to pack and move. I can’t be here anymore.

  Sharon walks the empty house. “What do you think?”

  I’m stunned. “You want my opinion?”

  “Didn’t I ask you?” She spins, pinning me with her glare.

  “I like it, if you do.” The nonstop pounding in my head doesn’t care because all I want to do is sleep. The doctor released me this morning with ten stitches and a diagnosis of another concussion, thank you Sharon for being upset about the water bill.

  “It’s okay. Needs a deep cleaning and we’ll need to discuss timed showers for those brats and you. I’m not going to allow anyone to take a bath.”


  “Shut up.” She points her finger right in my face. “I am the head of the house.” She slaps the back of my head, and I begin to see stars for the connection.

  “Yes, Sharon.”

  “Daddy.” Janan hugs me as soon as she opens the door. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “We’ve missed you.” Nova hugs me as well.

  I chuckle. “I’ve missed you both as well.”

  “You have to tell us everything.” Nova pulls me into the apartment.

  “Let’s give him a tour first.” Janan jumps in and takes my hand. She and Nova take me room to room, and I see they’ve done an excellent job decorating their apartment. It appears two mature, responsible woman live here.

  “I know I say it often, but I’m so proud of you both.” We stroll into the kitchen, and I see three large vases holding red roses. “Who are these from?”

  “Guess.” Janan rolls her eyes.

  “I’m guessing you and Hamilton still aren’t talking.” I sit at their small kitchen table.

  “Nope. He may have changed his mind, but I haven’t.”

  “But you want to be with him, right?” I ask.


  “And he clearly is trying to talk to you. I’m not understanding then?”

  “He’s still having issues with my age.” She huffs and sits down across from me.

  “Did he say this?” I remember when Nova and I eavesdropped on their conversation and he seemed to be over it.

  “No, he hasn’t said it, but he still has issues with it. I can feel it.”

  Nova begins to bring in the food, and I jump up to help her. She made my favorite: lasagna.

  “Why do you think he’s still having issues?” I ask as I dish out a square of the delicious dinner. It’s making my mouth water.

  “It’s woman intuition.” Janan shrugs.

  “I think it’s Jan being hardheaded.” Nova puts in her opinion.

  “Really, Nova?” She sneers.

  “Hammy looks at you how I wish a man would look at me someday. Sure, in the beginning he didn’t like the fact there was a large age difference, but obviously he’s gotten over it. You need to stop ignoring him before he grows tired of it and finds someone else. Then we’ll have to deal with mopey-crying-Janan and she’s a real pain in the ass to take care of.” Nova cuts into her food and takes a bite. She stares at Janan in a silent dare for Janan to say she’s wrong.

  Janan goes to her food and says nothing.

  I pat her hand. “You have to do what’s best for you, but if you don’t want anything to do with him, then you need to tell him and let him go. It’s only fair to you and Hamilton.”

  “Did you tell Hamilton he was making a mistake? The day you caught us.” Janan puts down her fork and looks at me.

  “Yes,” I answer her. “You’re a mature woman, Janan. You have to talk to him and you know this.”

  She sighs, rolling her eyes, as she picks up her fork and begins to eat again. She knows I’m right. I change the topic and tell the girls about the condo and the house having potential buyers. Even though Carmen hasn’t contacted me about
them yet, I’m have no doubt about the house selling.

  “I’m going to pack up the rest of Sharon’s stuff this week after the last game. Is there anything you two want?”

  “Fuck no.” Janan growls and Nova simply shakes her head.

  “Okay.” I finish up my food and together with the girls we clean up the dishes and kitchen. I love this—spending time with them, seeing them on their own. It’s what I always wanted for them.

  “How’s things with Macy?” Nova asks as she starts the dishwasher.

  “Oh yeah, Daddy.” Janan jumps up on the counter and sips from a bottle of water. I fight the urge to tell her to get down because Sharon always hated it. “Tell us all about it.”

  “We saw each other in Portland. It’s nice to have a friend to talk to. And before you ask, we’re just friends,” I quickly tell them. “I’m still trying to deal with everything else going on in my life.”

  Nova hugs me. “If you’re happy then we are.”

  “Agreed.” Janan lifts her bottle.

  “DO YOU WANT a relationship with Macy?” Caryn asks.

  “Honestly, I don’t know. Do I like her company? Yes. Do I enjoy having sex with her? Yes. I’m nervous though.” I walk around the room.

  “Because you feel as if it’s too fast since Sharon’s death.” She finishes my thought.


  “The girls seem to be happy for you.”

  “True. Janan would have been the first one to say something if she didn’t want me with Macy. Actually, Nova would have too.” I sit back down on the couch.

  “You have their blessing. What else are you thinking?”

  “I truly don’t know.” I shake my head. “I do know I’m back to work and I feel human again.”

  “And the showers? Eating? Are you still timing them?”

  I hang my head. “Yes, but I’m keeping it at fifteen minutes for the showers but not with eating. I take my time.”

  “Don’t be ashamed, Taden. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

  “I’m not. It still makes me nervous when I realize the time has passed ten minutes.”


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