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Eternal Envy (The Seven Sin Sisters 2)

Page 4

by Paloma Beck

  “This won’t be soft, Eloise,” Caedon warned. His jaw was tight with the force of holding himself back until she could get used to his size inside her. His cock throbbed and wanted more of her tight, hot passage.

  “I would hope not,” Eloise answered him with a voice tightened by the sensations raging her. She looked beautiful spread out below him. Small droplets of sweat had formed along her forehead and her skin glistened. Feathered strands of rich brown hair spilled around her head to form a halo. And her eyes were vibrant and gleaming with lust. Goddess, thank you for this woman.

  Caedon pulled out until only the head of his cock remained inside and then slammed back into her. Eloise cried out and he nearly stopped until he noticed she was biting her bottom lip and there was the smallest smile there. He built into a rhythm more forceful than he could ever remember. His need was so great that he couldn’t stop himself from indulging his power.

  Eloise’s breathing sped up and she fought for air as her back arched with every thrust. She pushed back against him, affirming she liked the tempo he’d set. Her hips raised off the bed now and Caedon reached under and held each globe of her ass in his large hands. He continued pumping in and out until he felt her shudder. She was close. And this time he wanted to go off with her.

  ”Wait for me this time. Hold it back until I say,” Caedon warned.

  “I c-can’t. I’m going to…” Eloise spoke in broken sentences, unable to grab a full breath.

  “You can,” Caedon used a sharp voice to get her attention, “And you most certainly will.” Caedon leaned over her and took her lower lip between his teeth, nipping at her flesh only to soothe it with his tongue. He continued until her breathing grew deeper.

  Pushing back up, Caedon looked to where their bodies were joined. He touched her clit softly and pushed himself in deeply, as far as he could get inside his mate. Quick, short pumps of his shaft against the very essence of her core and he was nearly spilling inside her.

  “Okay, baby, now,” Caedon instructed Eloise as he grabbed her clit and pinched it. Eloise screamed out her orgasm as her muscles squeezed Caedon’s cock and took him with her into bliss.

  To complete the claiming, while still coming inside her, Caedon drew her up and sucked on her lip again. This time, he used one of his sharp teeth to bite Eloise’s lower lip and instantly drew blood. The scent alone raised his arousal once more but the taste even more so was incredibly erotic. Never had he drank such a rich essence and now that he had, nothing would ever suit him but this.

  Eloise lifted into him as he penetrated her with cock and teeth, and she came once again with such extraordinary strength that her inner walls locked onto him and drew out every ounce of life it had to give. Caedon came harder than he ever had before. His rigid cock refused to soften. He’d heard this was a common ailment in mated males. Not allowing for immediate separation was how they assured a complete joining.

  Their tongues tangled in a sloppy, messy kiss he allowed her to engage in, too. Her blood mixed with the slight residual flavor of his was an enticing blend. He couldn’t stop himself from rolling her over and placing her on top of him, keeping her where he could feel every warm part of her flesh. Their bodies were still connected and he wanted to savor the moment. For the remainder of their time on this earth, he and Eloise would always take their sustenance from one another. As a woman in the Magdalena Circle, she was a destined mate of a Valendite Breed. While she provided him strength and life through her blood, his blood would bring her lengthened life. They would now live and die together. He was ultimately responsible for her life. That was a heady thought.

  Ceadon remained inside of her as they held each other and waited for sleep to take them. He hated for this time to end but knew she needed her rest. And he couldn’t think of another place he’d rather be than holding her.

  “Caedon?” Eloise broke the silence. She remained lying on him, not even bothering to raise her head and look at him. Her body felt limp and sweaty. He should get up for a cloth to clean her but he simply couldn’t release her yet.

  “Yes?” He was curious what she’d say after experiencing this.

  “Why didn’t you drink from my vein? I—I thought that was how we would drink from one another,” Eloise sounded shy. He wondered if he’d hurt her somehow.

  “I didn’t want to overwhelm you the first time. Madden said…”

  Eloise stretched her arm up, placed a finger to his lips and cut him off, “I’ve got an idea. How about you not ask Madden for anymore advice?”

  “No? And why is that?”

  “My sister and I are like night and day so it’s likely anything he’ll recommend could be the opposite for us,” Eloise grinned with a wicked gleam in her eye.

  Caedon laughed, “I can do that then. It just means we’re on our own for figuring this out.”

  “We have our parents,” Eloise suggested while cuddling herself closer to his warmth.

  “Sleep, baby,” Caedon interrupted her, “we can talk again after we nap and then eat something.” As he ran his fingers through her hair, Caedon thought about his parents and wished it were as simple as calling them to ask for their advice. Losing them had changed everything he’d ever believed in.

  * * * *

  Eloise woke abruptly, confused and disoriented. The sun was dim in a pastel sky telling her it was afternoon. The shadows cast were eerie. She scanned the room, felt the hard body that surrounded her and realized she hadn’t been dreaming. Her mate held her in his arms and she was content, despite the lingering frustration she felt inside of her. Why had she let him take charge like that earlier? She didn’t need a man to tell her what to do. Most certainly, she didn’t need one to tell her when she could find her release. Damn this man. Eloise would definitely need to reassert herself today. There was no sense in letting Caedon believe he could control her.

  Eloise felt the uncomfortable fullness of needing the bathroom. She attempted to extricate herself from Caedon’s grip but he only seemed to hold her tighter.

  “Where are you going?” Caedon grumbled through a sleep-roughened voice.

  Eloise rolled over so she faced him and smiled at his disheveled hair. Caedon was truly a beautiful male. His cheeks looked carved from granite and his eyes—though still lidded by sleep—were light like crystals.

  “I need to use the bathroom,” Eloise answered while she ran her hands through his hair in an attempt to put order to his unruly waves.

  “What if I don’t want to let you go?”

  At that, Eloise lifted an eyebrow and said nothing until she felt him loosen his arms and she slid out. “I’m guessing I wouldn’t want to find out,” he laughed as she moved off the bed. “Come right back to me.”

  “Yes, sir,” she jokingly saluted him as she hobbled to the bathroom. Her ankle throbbed as she put weight on it but she’d do anything not to let him see.

  “Oh, baby, I like the sound of that.” If it weren’t for the laughter in his voice, Eloise might’ve been nervous by that remark.

  She thought she’d been quick in the bathroom. She’d only taken an extra few minutes to splash water on her face and to brush her teeth, but Caedon was standing on the other side of the bed when she walked back into the bedroom. He pulled up his jeans and then she noticed he was on the phone. Eloise could hear the strain in Caedon’s voice and guessed it must be his work. She knew he worked as part of the TEU, Terrorist Elimination Unit, and she was fairly sure he was the Communications Director. His voice raised with the question, “Is there any way this could be true?” Eloise felt a twinge in her stomach and sat to recover from the roiling.

  “Give me five,” Caedon said into the phone as he approached Eloise. He kneeled, “what’s wrong?”

  “I’m not sure. I just got this terrible pain in my stomach. It’s as if something has upset me but I have no idea what. Honestly,” Eloise breathed through her cramping.

  “Shit,” Caedon ran his hand through his hair, “It’s our bond. You’re fee
ling my frustration. I didn’t realize it would be this strong.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Now that I’m touching you, my connection to you feels stronger and I can read your emotions. Strangely enough, I think I can feel my emotion reflected back at me,” Caedon explained while still seeming somewhat perplexed himself.

  “Will you tell me what’s wrong? Maybe it will help ease us both?”

  “It’s a long story and I need to be down in the communications center in a few minutes. We can talk when I get back. I won’t be long.”

  “No. Take me with you,” Eloise stood and stepped around Caedon to find clothes. “Can I borrow something of yours that might work?”

  “You don’t need to come with me. I want to tell you more about this, but I have to get information first, check some sources. Lucas is waiting for me.”

  “Lucas? Madden’s brother?”

  “Yes. He’s the Assistant Director of the TEU and right now, he’s overseeing a project while Madden takes time away with Layla. He’s run into a glitch and needs my help.”

  “Okay,” Eloise capitulated.

  “Okay? Just like that? I thought you’d argue about coming along a bit more.” Caedon sounded shocked and it nearly made Eloise laugh.

  “No. You’re upset. I feel it,” she paused to consider her next words carefully, “but if you can’t tell me yet, I’m going to respect that.” Eloise wouldn’t tell him how difficult this was for her, but she was a reasonable woman and could allow for distance when he needed it. Besides, he couldn’t keep it hidden forever. “Just promise we’ll talk when you get back. I feel terrible when you’re hurting. Quite literally now actually,” Eloise smiled while she unconsciously rubbed at the skin over her heart.

  “Definitely. As soon as I get back, we can talk,” Caedon pulled her into an embrace and hugged tightly before he released her and hunted down some clothes.

  “Put your foot up. Medic’s orders,” Caedon shouted over his shoulder as he hurried out the apartment door.

  Chapter Four

  Seamus and Donovan were waiting in the comm center when Caedon entered. “Caedon, we got the message from Lucas. You good?”

  Caedon nodded. No words. He heard the questions in their voices and he had no answers yet. He needed more information before Caedon allowed any hope to flicker at the latest possible developments.

  Seamus and Donovan towered over the bank of computers. With the three of them in such close range, they filled the small space. The Valendite Breed lineage in them meant they were large men, built as machines of destruction. It was masterful of the US government to strike a partnership with the Breed once the CIA had discovered their kind. Equally wise was the government’s brains in keeping the alliance a highly confidential one. The discovery of the Valendite Breed’s existence would not be an event the human population could be prepared for. But the work they did saved human lives all the time. The TEU worked closely with the CIA heads to eliminate the world’s most heinous criminals. They were brought in for their stealth so no one was the wiser when those who had the potential to cause world disasters disappeared.

  Caedon was proud of his work with the TEU. Using his computer skills, working with his hands was a skill that came from his family. His family might be alive after years of believing them dead. The thought that this could be true had shaken Caedon but he wanted facts. He refused to be a pansy and get emotional with this case, at least until he knew a hell of a lot more about the intel. Like any other mission, he’d get the facts and make a determination on his own terms.

  “Thanks for coming so quickly,” Lucas spoke to them even as he opened the door. “I briefed Madden quickly and he agreed for us to handle this. Of course, we all understand he’s somewhat busy.”

  Snickers erupted and the air seemed lighter for a few minutes as the men relaxed. They each took seats around the table.

  Lucas focused his gaze on Caedon. “You’ve claimed your mate. I know that means now isn’t a good time for you to be away, so I’m recommending the four of you go to Italy on a little recon.”

  “The four of us?” Caedon asked.

  “Seamus and Donovan will provide backup to you and Eloise who will simply be there for your Acclimation period.” Lucas explained.

  “No, absolutely not. Are you out of your mind?” Caedon slammed his fist on the table, “You would have me put her in the middle of potential danger?”

  “Would you not go? I imagined you would insist on being on the next jet out of here,” Lucas raised his eyebrow and waited.

  Caedon looked toward each man. None gave any indication what they were thinking. Was Lucas right? He couldn’t stay here if there was a chance his parents were alive. Shit, he needed more facts.

  “What do we know?” He’d focus on the facts. Then he’d make a decision.

  “We got information that there’s a stronghold in the back hills. CIA heat sensors picked up weakened signals consistent with the look of our own. We’re assuming there are Breeds in there. That wasn’t enough for us to make a move,” Lucas paused, running his hand over his jaw, “but when you put it together with the intel on Andreas and Angelica Pisano, pieces start to shift.”

  The mention of his parents’ names caused Caedon to stiffen his back. He’d become accustomed to knowing he’d lost them. He’d found himself another family here with the TEU and the men he worked with. That still didn’t mean he didn’t wish like hell he had them in his life. And now with a mate, what he wouldn’t do to introduce them to Eloise.

  “You know we were never clear on how their deaths went down, Caedon,” Seamus was talking. Caedon was sure he missed some of what Seamus said but he caught the edge in Seamus’s voice and knew he wanted in on this mission. Seamus had been at the site when his parents were supposedly killed. Their deaths had been hard on Seamus too and this was his chance at redemption.

  The room was silent for a long time. Caedon needed the chance to shuffle through his mind and sort out his emotional reactions from the facts. He’d nearly made the decision that he was going to Italy when Donovan spoke up.

  “Caedon, you have a mate now. We get it. We all saw what it did to Madden. That protective instinct is a killer, bro. If you can’t go, Seamus and I will check it out. We’ll get them out if it’s them.”

  “You don’t have to go,” Seamus added.

  “Yes I do. We’ll go. Eloise is tough and if I explain this to her, she’d want in anyway,” Caedon resolved. He turned to his computer and began looking through the latest report on the supposed intel about his parents.

  “Okay then. We’ll get you out of here by tomorrow morning. Let me tell you what we’ve got,” Lucas got down to business. The men spent another few hours going over schematics, building plans, equipment lists and firming up a mission strategy. It felt strange as hell to do it all without Madden.

  As Caedon was getting ready to leave, Donovan snickered. “You gonna be okay, bro? I mean, you know how you’re going to tell Eloise?”

  “Yeah, cause I know her so well,” Caedon bled sarcasm into every word.

  “You need back up?” Seamus asked. Caedon assumed Donovan had been joking until he looked up to see his friend’s serious and maybe even slightly scared expression.

  “No. She’s not a damn terrorist. She’s my mate,” Caedon answered him, exasperated.

  “Don’t get mad at him. We don’t have a clue about this mating thing. Seriously, I don’t know how you’re so calm. I’d be freaking.” Donovan backed Seamus up.

  Caedon just shook his head at the two of them. He knew why he was so calm, so accepting. He’d craved his own family since losing his parents and now, with Eloise, he had it. She was more than he’d hoped for. The only thing that scared him now was losing her because he knew they were only immortal to an extent. There were a few ways to terminate a Valendite Breed. The standard beheading and burning, of course, but the simplest way for those already mated was to withhold the blood of their mate. Even unmated B
reeds were not nearly as invincible as they’d all once believed. Mortality was still in the hands of God and the Goddesses.

  “So what can we do to help?” Leave it to Donovan to get them back to business.

  “Make sure everything is ready. I have a feeling the only thing I’ll have time for is getting Eloise ready for this. I have to start by telling her about my parents and then spring the mission on her.” Caedon wasn’t sure how she’d take it. She seemed fierce at times, timid at others and he wasn’t sure how she’d react to anything yet. They were so new to each other.

  He broke from Seamus and Donovan as they turned towards their car and he went around the corner to his private entrance. He held the file tight in his hand. He was about to tell a story he’d never told before.

  * * * *

  When Caedon walked in the door, Eloise set down the coffee mug she’d been holding. Her hands suddenly trembled as Caedon’s emotions clearly rolled through her. She knew whatever he had to say to her was not good. Goddess, she hoped this wasn’t too good to be true after all. It was possible that her happily-ever-after was never meant to be. Had a Claiming ever not been seen through to the Pronouncement?

  She suddenly felt bare. She’d not bothered to get dressed in her own clothes; rather, she’d tugged on her panties and one of his shirts. It was large on her but still didn’t cover enough to help with the insecurity rushing through her. What had happened to the Caedon who made love to her only hours before? What had she done wrong?

  Caedon locked his eyes on her, scanned down her body and paid great attention to her bare legs. He licked his lips and Eloise instantly became warmed. Gone were the terrible thoughts Caedon had been having; instead, now his desire for her was radiating from him. She’d been wrong. Whatever was bothering him didn’t seem to have anything to do with her. Then Caedon’s eyes found hers and he became concerned. He noticed her apprehension.


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