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The Bitch is Back

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by Deja King

  The Bitch Is Back by Deja King

  A King Production presents...

  A Novel DMA KING THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED TO MY: This novel is a work of fiction. Any references to real people, events, establishments, or locales are intended only to give the fiction a sense of reality and authenticity. Other names, characters, and incidents occurring in the work are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, as those fictionalized events and incidents that involve real persons. Any character that happens to share the name o f a person who is an acquaintance of the author past orpresent, is purely coincidental and is in no way intended to be an actual account involving that person. ISBN 10: 0984332537 ISBN 13: 9780984332533 Cover concept by Deja King & Cover model: Deja King Cover layout and graphic design by: Typesetting: MarionDesigns Editor: Linda Williams, Dolly Lopez and Suzy McGlown Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data; King, Deja The Bitch Is Back a novel/by Deja King For complete Library of Congress Copyright info visit;

  A King Production P.O. Box 912, Collierville, TN 38027 A King Production and the above portrayal log are trademarks of A King Production LLC Copyright © 2010 by Deja King. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the permission from the publisher, except by reviewer who may quote brief passage to be printed in a newspaper or magazine. Family, Readers and Supporters. I LOVE you guys so much. Please believe that! ! A PUBLISHER'S NOTE Think of David vs. Goliath and yes the underdog won!! I've been in a vicious legal battle with Triple Crown Publications and Vickie Stringer for almost 2 years now. This fight has been draining on me and my family but I refused to lie down and let the wrong that had been done to me, defeat me! My mother once told me, "You have not because you ask not." I asked for it and it was delivered. I feel as if I stood up and fought for all the little people who are cheated, manipulated and done dirty in a cutthroat business. With faith and determination we shall continue to rise to the top! I feel blessed that the entire Bitch Series is under its rightful home, A King Production. I put my heart and soul into these books for my fans and now I know when I leave this earth my family can reap the rewards of my work. Soon I will upload video blogs to my website and Facebook page detailing my long legal journey and how I came to get the rights back to my books. Many said it couldn't be done but never underestimate one of God's children! ! You know I had to share this because I LOVE my readers so much and I hope that I can prevent many of you from making some of the same mistakes I did. So please keep hope alive. If anybody in your life is doing you wrong, rebel and stand up for your rights. You will prevail! ! Hugs and Kisses from Your Literary Sweetheart! ! Joy (Deja King

  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Special'Fianks'o.. . Linda Williams; 'You said it would Happen and you were right! 'You always believed in me and stayed true and loyal'Fiat means everytfiing to me. Jonesy; 'You were tfie first radio personality that embraced my books! 'You set (Bitcfi on fire in mew 'orkand I willforever love you for that!! mow you can set it back on fire under A ping cProduction!! Kisses to you! 'racy Taylor; Girl, you stay grindin' for tfie cause and 6e cute doing it! Ann r-fopson; I see you girl .. "You're so Pretty. " 'azzy; I still adore you because I can always count on you being you!! Keith Saunders; You're my dude!! Enough said.. . cBookcBullies; I see you making isfi Happen in 2010!! Tureko "Virgo" Straughter, Renee Tolson, Jeanni Dixon, Ms KiKi, Andrea Denise, Sunshine716, Ms. (Nichelle) Mona Lisa, Lady Scorpio, Travis Williams, Brittney, Donell Adams, Myra Green, Leona Romich, Sexy Xanyell. To vendors and distributors like African World Books, Teddy Okafor, Black & Nobel, DaBook Joint, The Cartel, LaQuita Adams, DCBookman, Tiah, Vanessa and Glenn Ledbetter, Junior Job, Anjekee Books, Andy Carter, Urban Xclusive DVD & Bookstore, Future Endeavors. Also, to Yvette George, Velva White, Carla Stotts and the rest of Diva's of Memphis, Devin Steel, Big Sue, Thaddeus Mathews, Sherita Nunn, James Davis, Marcus & Wayne Moody, Trista Russell, Don Diva and Dolly Lopez.. .thank you all for your support! ! Special, special thanks to Cover 2 Cover Book Club; Christian Davis, Angela Slater, Pamela Rice, Ahmita Blanks, Melony Blanks, Marcia Harvey, Melinda Woodson, Tonnetta Smith, Tiffany Neal, Miisha Fleming, Tamika Rice and Bar. I so enjoyed our book chats for "Hooker to Housewife" and "Superstar". All of you ladies are wonderful! ! DREAMS

  Many say a dream is a premonition of what the future holds but as I fought the demons in my nightmare, I prayed that not to be the truth. "Supreme, run! He's right behind you and he `bout to bust off!" I screamed as I watched my husband beat the pavement, dodging bullet after bullet. It seemed the dark road he traveled never stopped and no matter how far his strides took him, it wasn't far enough to escape the danger behind him. I was frozen as I witnessed the final bullet penetrate in Supreme's back. He collapsed forward in slow motion. I felt life in my legs as I ran towards my husband, desperate for him to be alive, not wanting to lose him all over again. But the deliverer of his demise was now standing over him, sucking away Supreme's last breath by putting two more bullets in his head. I immediately knelt down and held my husband for what seemed to be the last time. It was deja vu; back to when I thought he had been murdered right before my eyes in a bloody ambush outside of the hospital. Now it was happening all over again in my dream, and there was nothing I could do. The ski masked killer just stood there still aiming the heat at Supreme, dressed in all black and silent. As the tears continued to trickle down my cheeks, I leaped at him with blood drenched hands and ripped off his mask so I could stare into the eyes of the devil. I had to know who could be so cold as to take away my life for the second time. And my heart dropped as I faced evil... Pretty Boy Mike was back. "Huh, huh, huh!" I jumped up in bed with my heart beating fast and gasping for air. My silk tank top and boy shorts were saturated in sweat as I awoke from my dream. "Precious, are you okay, baby? This the fourth night in a row you've been having these nightmares," Supreme said stroking my hair. "No, I'm not okay. I'm sick of seeing that sick fuck's face." "Baby, Mike is upstate locked up. He's not going to hurt me or you." "But my dreams seem so real. And that look in Mike's eyes keep haunting me. I can't shake his presence." "You can't keep doing this to yourself. You were on the phone with me when I called the Clinton Correctional Facility. It's a maximum security prison and Mike ain't going anywhere. That man is on lockdown and will be for damn near the rest of his life." "My ears hear you but my mind keeps telling me something else. And the thought of losing you again, Supreme, is too much." "That's why I want you to stop..." "Aaliyah's crying. I have to go to her," I said ripping the covers from off of my thighs and stepping on the heated marble floor as I cut off Supreme mid-sentence. Supreme continued to speak but I had blocked off his words, only wanting to hold our daughter. When I reached the hallway, Anna was walking up the stairs clutching a bottle in her hand. Although I appreciated the fact that Anna left her family in New York to continue running the household duties for me in Beverly Hills, I resented her caring for Aaliyah. She had grown so attached to our daughter, and it was only natural since she had become like a member of our family, but it still didn't sit well with me. "Mrs. Mills, you didn't have to getup. I'll feedAaliyah." "Thanks, but no thanks, Anna. I can feed my daughter," I said, taking the bottle of warm milk out of her hands. "I'm sure you're tired. Go back to sleep." "I'm fine. You go get some rest. I know you've had a long day. I can take care of the baby." "I said I would do it." Anna knew from the tone of my voice that my decision wasn't negotiable. When I walked in Aaliyah's room and picked her up, she melted in my arms. I just held her close and rubbed her back, taking in her scent. Even though she was nine months old she still smelled like a newborn. I sat down on the rocking chair, ran my fingers through her jet black curls and watched as her tiny hands latched onto the bottle
as she struggled to open her eyes, fighting the sleep. I gently caressed the side of Aaliyah's face. She greeted me with her sparkling green eyes that she inherited from my deceased mother who never had the opportunity to hold her only grandchild. "My beautiful, Aaliyah, what did I do to deserve a daughter as precious as you?" Seeing my face and hearing my voice seemed to soothe her, because as fast as she opened her eyes she closed them and fell into a deep sleep. I removed the bottle from her mouth and laid her down in the crib. I gazed lovingly at the life I'd created before turning and walking out the door. But something made me stop and glance back at my daughter one more time. I was overcome with this need to speak out loud as if Aaliyah could hear and understand me. "It was all worth it. Mike, the murders, the rape, it was all worth it just to have you in my life. Damn, I love you," I said. When I returned to bed, Supreme was asleep and I laid my arm around his warm body, feeling blessed that I had so much more than what I had ever envisioned could be possible in my life.

  Ring... ring... ring... ! "Supreme, get the phone," I mumbled, trying to not come out of my sleep. But the ringing wouldn't stop. I patted the space beside me and didn't feel the firm muscles of my husband's body. As the phone continued to ring I finally reached over and answered. "Hello." "Precious, wake up, I need to speak to you." "Who is this?" "Girl, it's me, Maya. What other female would be calling you? You ain't got no friends." "Maya, it's too early in the morning for bullshit. What is it?" "It ain't that early." I looked up to see the time and it was going on eleven o'clock. I couldn't believe I slept so late. Normally my day would start by eight a.m. because I would be awoken by Aaliyah's cries. I figured Supreme or Anna had fed Aaliyah and she went back to sleep since there was complete silence in the house. "Would you say what you want before I hang up the phone?" "Damn, it's like that? Fine, let me break it down for you, since you acting salty. I believe that nigga, Clip is fucking around on me." "Why?" I yawned trying to wake up. "Because the mutherfucka didn't come home last night. I was blowing up his cell and he didn't pick up. When he finally brought his tired ass up in here, he gave me some lame-ass excuse about being in the studio all night." "Maybe he's telling the truth. Did you check it out?" "That's why I'm calling you. I want you to speak to Supreme and see if Clip was scheduled to be in the studio last night, and if so, what time did he break out." "Maya, I ain't `bout to get caught up in your bullshit and I damn sure ain't about to drag Supreme in it. That's his artist, they have a business relationship. Now you want me to put him in the middle of some juvenile nonsense. You gon' have to handle this shit with your man." "I can't believe you. You supposed to be like my sister and you throwing shade in my game like this." "Don't try to play those mind games with me, little girl. Now if you want me to do a drive by with you and we run up on that nigga catching him in the act, that's one thing. But I can't ask Supreme to be your detective and back track that man's studio time. That's some clown shit." "Fine, I won't ask you to get Supreme involved, but I do want you to help me investigate. Ever since his single been blowing up the airwaves and now that his CD is about to drop, he's been on some ole extra fly shit. I use to let the bullshit slide, but now I feel like he being a tad over the top wit' it." "Maybe you need to fall back. It's the summertime, school is out and you got a lot of extra time on your hands. Why don't you get a part-time job, take up a hobby or some shit? Dude probably ain't doing nothing but putting some finishing touches on his CD and you over there tripping." "Man, please. If Supreme didn't come home last night you'd be driving up and down Sunset Boulevard with your nine in hand ready to blast off, so don't tell me to calm down." "That's a different situation. We married with child. Speaking of Supreme, I do want to know where the hell he's at and to see Aaliyah. I'll call you back later on. But, Maya, don't go causing havoc over nothing. Trust, if Clip out in those streets doing dirt, the trash will come knocking at your front door more than happy to reveal all." I hung up the phone with Maya and headed straight for Aaliyah's room. When I stood over her Bon Nuit Crib in Versailles pink, to my disappointment she wasn't laying there. I held up her boudoir pillow and cream cashmere blanket with crochet trim to inhale her scent. I then went downstairs and it was ridiculously quiet. "Is anybody here?" With no response, I walked through the sunken living room that opened up to the mosaic pool and hot tub. But there wasn't a face in sight. "Where the fuck is everybody at?" I hissed under my breath. I went back inside and picked up the cordless phone as I stood in front of the steel cased windows with frame jetliner views from downtown L.A. to Pacific Palisades, dialing Supreme's number. "Precious," I heard Supreme belt out as I was about to hit the last digit. "Where the hell were you, and where's Aaliyah?" "Damn, let me at least close the front door, Can I get greeted with a kiss or something when I walk in the door and see my wife?" Supreme had his arms spread open as he stood in the forty feet high limestone entry. "Of course you can get greeted with a kiss and a lot more from your wife," I teased and let my tongue tickle his earlobe. Supreme's hands traveled down my waist to my thighs, before gripping my ass. "That's more like it. You need to let me slide in before I have to bounce." "Where you going, and where's Aaliyah?" "I left the new track this producer dropped off for Clip in my office. So I had to rush back here and pick up the CD before heading to the studio. Oh, and Anna took Aaliyah to the park. They left the same time that I did." "You know I hate when Anna goes to the park with Aaliyah by herself. You should have gone with her or at least had one of your bodyguards posted up." "You worry too much. They're fine. We're in Beverly Hills now, not crazy ass New York. Relax, just focus on me right now." I couldn't help but smile as Supreme, rubbed the tip of his nose against mine. "You're right. I'm going to stop worrying and focus on you. I mean, you are sexy as shit. And standing here with all your muscles surrounding me is making a bitch thirsty. I know you're in a rush, but are you still trying to slide inside or what?" "You don't even have to ask twice. Lead the way." Supreme followed me up the sweeping double staircase and his hands remained cemented on my tiny waist. It was like after pushing out Aaliyah my body got even sicker; tits got perkier, ass got fatter and waist got tighter. And if I believed what Supreme said, my pussy even got wetter. I guided Supreme's arms right past the two-sided stone and glass fireplace into our Phyllis Morris Cosmopolitan masterpiece. The sculpted Lucite and sparkling crystals mixed with platinum, silver and gold leaf finishes was the sort of bed that every hood queen dreamed of getting her back twisted out in, and I was no exception. Supreme had brought me to my highest level of satisfaction on this very bed on countless occasions, but something about the ambiance of this room always made it feel like the first time. "Oh, daddy, you feel so damn good!" I purred as Supreme did tricks with his tongue in my sugar walls. As my body got caught up in pure pleasure, my mind drifted to how luck was truly on my side. No longer was I on the grind on the brutal streets of New York. I was lying up in a palatial estate in Beverly Hills with my husband and our daughter, without a care in the world. When Jim Jones coined the term "ballin"' in his song, he had to be rapping about me. "My pussy feels so on point," Supreme moaned as his manhood entered me. The thickness of his dick penetrating my insides snapped me out of my thoughts. As my nails sunk into the flesh of his back and my legs wrapped around his rock-hard ass I knew my life couldn't get any sweeter. "Baby, you've made all my dreams come true. You truly are my love for life," were the last words I echoed before losing my mind in his ecstasy. RETALIATION

  After Supreme laid that pipe on me right, I was feeling like a brand new woman ready to get up into some shit. But before heading out, I wanted to soak in our blue pearl hot tub. When Supreme and I placed our order at Advent Design, we straight tripped at how the company custom carved the tub from a block of specialty marble straight from Argentina. Hell, I had never even been to that part of the world, but if it looked half as good as how my deep saucer-shaped Ravenna tub felt, then I needed to book a flight. I tilted my head back as the hot water seduced my body. The Jo Malone orange blossom scented candle intoxicated the air as
I listened to Mary J. Blige. When I closed my eyes ready to fall into a daze, my cell phone started blaring. I ignored it at first, but whoever it was kept calling. Maya's name was flashing across the screen and I let out a deep sigh before finally answering. "Yes, Maya." "Don't yes me. Why haven't you called me back?" "Because I was getting crazy sexed by my husband and wasn't thinking `bout yo' ass. That's why." "Cute, but not funny. Are you still snuggled up wit' yo' man?" "No, he had to go to the studio." "Well then come over." "For what, so I can hear you complain about Clip?" "Please, Precious. This dude got me stressing." "R'ight' let me put some clothes on and I'm on my way." I reluctantly stepped out of the tub and wrapped the cream Egyptian cotton towel around my body. When I stood in front of the floor-length vanity mirror, my heart dropped. There was Pretty Boy Mike standing behind me with a grin on his face, wearing the same outfit he wore the night he raped me: russet-colored pants with a cashmere V-neck sweater that fit perfectly on his six foot two frame. I turned my head swiftly around the room searching for a weapon and when I swirled my head back around, Mike was gone. I turned on the faucet and splashed water on my face. I looked behind me again making sure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me. I hadn't thought about Mike in months, but lately I couldn't shake him and I couldn't understand why. I knew he was thousands of miles away, locked up on the East Coast, but for the last couple of weeks I felt as if the enemy was sleeping right next to me in my bed. I rushed to get dressed, desperate to get the hell out of the house. I backed out the garage of our Mediterranean-style mansion and pressed my foot down hard on the pedal of the black Bentley, a gift Supreme surprised me with last Christmas. My heart was still jumping out my chest as I drove past the tall iron security gates. I did eighty the whole drive, and by the time I reached the condo complex where Maya lived, my body was begging for a drink. I rang the doorbell and quickly became impatient when Maya didn't immediately answer. I then began banging on the door. "Is the feds running up on you or what?" Maya joked, opening the door. I brushed past her and hurried to the stainless steel bar in the corner space of the living room. I poured myself a double shot of Hennessey and relished in the burning sensation ripping through my throat. "Precious, what the fuck is up with you?" Maya said, puzzled by my behavior. "It's nothing. Can't a bitch be thirsty?" I said as I poured another shot. A chick like me didn't believe in sitting on nobody's couch and purging my soul to some therapist, but I was beginning to feel like I wouldn't have a choice if I couldn't stop shaking these Mike delusions. "So, what's going on with you and Clip?" I asked, trying to get my mind off of Mike. Maya sat down on the couch rubbing her fingers through her asymmetrical black bob. I was still getting used to the new hair cut, but the shorter look definitely gave her a more sophisticated and mature appearance. "I believe that nigga seeing some sideline ho." "Why, has the chick called you?" "Not yet, but I feel it coming. He be sneaking and making calls and then hang up when I walk up on his shiesty ass. And when I check his phone, the numbers always be blocked. Then I found a bank receipt and he withdrew like thirty thousand dollars." "I doubt Clip is hitting off some chick he fucking with that kind of paper." "Well he damn sure didn't give it to me. I ain't seen no new pricey items coming through these doors. So who could he have given it to?" "Did you ask him?" "Nah, `cause I don't want him to know I'm on to his bullshit. I'm trying to catch him out there to the point he can't deny the shit." "Then what? You find out the nigga fucking around, are you gon' bounce or are you just gon' beef?" "Man, I find out the muthafucka fucking around on me, talk about retaliation. This shit is gon' get brutal." I put my glass down and sat across from Maya on the chaise. She was fidgeting with the zipper on her turquoise terrycloth jogging suit with venom in her eyes, ready for war. I knew that look because I had been there before. "Maya, I know you pissed, but sometimes the best retaliation is just walking away." "Excuse me?" "You heard me. The beginning of all the hell in my life started from wanting to retaliate against Nico. I found out he was fucking around on me with some hot-ass ho named Porscha and I lost my damn mind. I was relentless in my pursuit to bring that man down. My rage left a slew of dead bodies and brought about the murder of my mother and a very close friend, Boogie. Their blood will forever be stained on my hands. And don't forget about the death of my unborn child. So many lost lives, all for the taste of revenge. It ain't worth it, trust me." "I hear what you saying, Precious, but what am I supposed to do, just let that nigga get away with it?" "You don't even know if he's even doing anything. And if some foul shit is jumping off, either leave his ass or decide if he's worth fighting for. But please don't go down the path I traveled, because that shit turns serious real quick." "Hold that thought," Maya said as she went to answer the phone. "Hello ...hello? Stop calling my fucking house and not saying shit! Keep it up. I'ma put a trace on this damn phone, and when I find out who the fuck you are, I'ma beat yo' muthafuckin' ass!" Maya screamed before slamming down the phone. "What the hell?" "Oh, I didn't tell you about these fucking crank calls I've been getting for the last couple of weeks? This is another reason I'm mad suspicious. Like three times a day somebody calls and don't say shit. The number's private so I can't get no info. The bugged out part is that there is a block on this phone against private callers, but somehow this scandalous ho keep being able to get through." "Maybe you should call the police." "Bitch, what is you smoking?" Maya stared me down for a minute before continuing. "I can't believe you let that shit come out your mouth. You know we don't fuck with the police, they likely to find unregistered weapons, drugs or anything in this crib. I think living in that fairyland called Beverly Hills is starting to fuck your head up. Don't let that spectacular walled and gated Mediterranean villa you lounging in make you forget where you came from." "Ain't nobody forgot where they came from. And who yo' young ass think you talking to all greasy like that? I can still bust yo' ass and anybody else who step in my way. Just because you getting some dick on a regular and you living with a man don't make you grown." Right when I was tempted to smack the shit out of Maya so she could remember who the fuck she was dealing with, Clip came staggering through the door, looking disheveled. "Clip, what are you doing here? I thought you said you would be in the studio all day working," Maya inquired. "I just came to get something," Clip said in an uneasy tone. He then turned and looked at me bug-eyed and said, "Precious, what you doing here?" "Excuse me?" I questioned, taken aback since I came to see Maya on a regular. "I mean, I didn't see your car outside so I just wasn't expecting for you to be here." "I had to park on the other side of the building since there weren't any empty spaces when I pulled up." "Why you looking all suspect, like you just robbed a bank or some shit?" Maya pried. "Stop trippin'. I just got a lot shit on my mind," Clip responded, brushing Maya off. "Well, that's what happens when you start trying to stash some pussy on the low." "Here we go. I ain't fucking around with nobody else. And do you really need to put all our business on front street?" "Precious like my sister, I tell her everything. And she already knows what time it is." "Well then, Precious, can you please tell your sister to stop harassing me over nonsense? I'm busting my ass in the studio every night so my debut CD can go multi- platinum and I can cop one of those estates my boss, Supreme got you living in." "As long as you got me living up in those hills right along with you we won't have no problem," Maya popped with her hands crossed firmly across her chest. "Ifyou keep stressing me allthe time with that bullshit, you gon' be living there before you know it. Except it won't be with me off my dime, but with Precious and Supreme." "Fuck you!" Maya snapped, throwing a pillow across the room and hitting Clip in the back of the head as he walked to their bedroom. "Yah, is some straight up clowns. But seriously, you need to think about what I said. Squash the drama before it even starts." "I hear you, Precious, but a lot of times it's out of your control. Sometimes the drama finds you." As what Maya said resonated in my head, my cell phone started ringing and it was Supreme. "Hi, baby, what's up?" "Where are you?" Supreme asked with a hint of alarm in his voice. "At Maya's. Why, what
's wrong?" "I need for you to come home, now." "Supreme, is everything okay?" "I'll explain when you get here, just come home." Then the phone went dead. I grabbed my purse in a panic. "What did Supreme say?" Maya asked with a concerned look on her face. "He told me to come home now. But it's not what he said, it's how he said it. Even though he was trying to sound like he was in control, I could hear underlying fear in his voice. He was definitely a tad shaky." "I'm coming with you," Maya said, grabbing her keys. "Clip, I'm leaving with Precious. I'll call you later on." Maya and I had slammed the door behind us before even waiting to hear a response from Clip. When we got in the Bentley and I put the key in the ignition, a flood of despair came over me. THE NIGHTMARE BEGINS


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