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Love, Laughter and Happily Ever After: A Short Story Collection

Page 16

by Daisy Prescott

  Diane is hovering over me, ready to pounce on her daughter the second the baby moves again. I can see down her shirt and normally I’d instinctually check out her boobs, but I don’t. She’s a mom now. Those are sacred boobs. At least for now. You see a baby attached and nursing, it kind of changes the way you see a woman’s breasts.

  An image of topless Hailey flashes through my mind. Hailey’s small perfect breasts with the most beautiful nipples the shade of peonies. Yeah, I learned the name of those flowers. Had to so I can I order them over the phone for her all the time. In fact, I had my grandmother plant some around our house.

  I close my eyes briefly to capture the image of my favorite breasts in existence. Only when I imagine them there’s a small mouth attached to a nipple, suckling while a tiny hand touches the soft skin I know so well.

  My body jerks with shock. This time Alene’s eyelashes flutter before her brown eyes flash open. She doesn’t cry. It’s more of a grunt, like a little piglet. She stares at me with an intensity that flays me open. There is a knowing and understanding in her eyes that tells me she’s a minuscule mind reader. Her fingers tighten over my heart.

  She knows all.

  A vision of a petite Hailey with my eyes and dimple flashes into my head.

  I blink a few times.

  My own daughter.

  No, we’d be better off with boys. Three of them.


  Where did that come from?

  My pulse speeds up and I can feel sweat breaking out on the back of my neck.

  A little hand taps my chin, telling me it’ll be all right.

  I capture Alene’s hand before she can jab or poke out an eye. Kissing her palm, I continue to stare into her all-knowing eyes.

  Maybe we’ll start with one and build up to three.

  I survived the kraken today.

  I’m invincible.

  The twinge in my chest goes away and a warmth fills me that has nothing to do with the pint-sized heater in a pink fuzzy jumpsuit.

  I want to make a baby.

  Starting as soon as possible.

  Tonight seems like a good time.

  “I need to go.” I speak the words with an edge of desperation.

  Both John and Diane look at me funny.

  Keeping her eyes on me, Diane carefully lifts Alene from my chest. Snuggling her face near the baby’s head, she asks, “Everything okay?”

  I rub my chest. “Yeah, I need to get home.”

  Alene’s eyebrow goes up. Only the one. She holds out her hand in my direction. Her fingers are balled together, making a little fist. No, she’s not reaching for me. Baby Day is waiting for a fist bump.

  “Can’t leave you hanging, short stuff.” I lightly tap her hand with my knuckles before standing. “And with that, I’m outta here.”

  Maybe there is something powerful, some primal secret that calls to us through the baby scent. All the time I’ve spent with Alene today has me racing to get home to Hailey. The urge to procreate engulfs me. I want to drag her to my cave and plant my seed in her.

  What the fuck is going on?

  I hold off jogging to my truck until the front door closes behind me. Barely.

  Chapter 4

  As soon as the door closes, I'm running to my truck and throwing it into gear.

  Next thing I know, I’m speeding down the road to our house.

  Getting here is a blur. I don’t remember making any turns.

  The car behind me flicks their high beams and my heart stalls thinking I’m about to be pulled over. Instead they pass me and I see it’s Erik’s Bronco. I flip him off and he gives me the same in his rearview window.

  Smug bastard.

  His Naked Whidbey bumper sticker makes me laugh, though. Talk about growing up and owning your shit.

  Distracted by Erik, I almost miss my mailbox marking the private drive. Slamming on the breaks, I take the turn to quickly and squash a couple of ferns at the edge, but don’t take out the post or the mailbox. I consider this a success.

  Gravel spins out from my tires when I reach the house. Except for the porch light being on, the house is dark. A glance at the truck’s clock tells me it’s not even eight o’clock. Hailey can’t possibly be in bed yet.

  Where is she?

  Her not being home is going to put the kibosh on my plans to have sex with her.

  In a major way.

  I scowl at the empty spot where her car should be, then text her.



  I realize the all caps might come off as angry. Especially after our fight this morning. Not that I’m agreeing it was even a fight. More of a squabble, a minor dispute over three words.

  *Please* I add.

  Nameless barrels into me when I open the door, nearly knocking me off my feet. He might not be a year old yet, but he’s the size of a horse. A pony at least. He puts his paws on my stomach while his tail thumps wildly around my legs.

  “Someday we’ll give you a proper name.” I scratch his head. “Wanna go outside?”

  At the sound of his favorite two words, he dashes past me into the yard and toward my truck. Sitting next to the front wheel, he looks at me expectantly.

  “Sorry, buddy. We’re not going anywhere.”

  He tilts his head and barks once.

  “I don’t know where she is, so we can’t go find her.”

  It’s probably my imagination, but I swear he gives me a dirty look right before he lifts his leg to pee on my tire.

  Message received.

  “Listen, you giant poodle, I can still build you a dog house over there.” I point to my workshop on the far side of the clearing.

  He shakes his collar and trots over to me as light breaches the tree line. Anticipating the arrival of his favorite human, he paces in front of me. “Down boy.”

  I could tell myself the same thing. I’m still sporting a semi after having dirty thoughts the entire drive home.

  The silver hood of Hailey’s SUV comes into view. Nameless runs in circles, bouncing around like a fuzzy deer. Honestly, he’s more cartoon than dog.

  When she stops the engine and opens her door, Nameless leaps onto her lap. Not that there’s room for him, but that doesn’t stop him. He licks all over Hailey’s face.

  I want to be the one licking her.

  Not necessarily her face.

  Especially now that it’s covered in dog spit.

  I’m jealous and needy. It’s making me cranky.

  Neither Hailey nor I have said anything. Her expression tells me she’s still a little mad from this morning. Over the dog’s head, she stares at me, not smiling or looking happy to see me. At all.

  I squint at her and cross my arms.

  “Okay, that’s enough, sweet boy. Let’s go.” Nameless finally jumps out of the vehicle and sits on the dirt, patiently waiting for her.

  At least one of us is patient.

  I don’t want her to be mad at me anymore. Hell, I really don’t want her to ever be mad at me. I’m always going to say and do stupid shit, but I’ve learned a thing or two over the past year.

  I stalk toward her, keeping my eyes focused on hers. I pout my lips and lower my eyebrows to copy her face. Silently, I pull her out of her seat, then shove the door closed.

  She parts her lips. “I—”

  I silence her with my mouth.

  Nothing she could say is more important than kissing her in this moment.


  Instead of melting into me the way I love, she tenses. Her hands stay at her sides.

  She is my world and I need to remind her. I need to claim her as mine.

  I pull her close against me. My fingers tangle in her hair and I angle her head to kiss her deeper. Slowly her arms wrap around my waist.

  Yes, Hailey. Forgive my stupid mouth from earlier. Let me make it right.

  Her tongue sweeps over my bottom lip. With a relieved moan, I respond and take control of the kiss again.

hifting us to be against the side of the SUV, I grind my hips against hers. I’m fully hard and needing her.

  My breath is coming in short pants from our kissing. I move my mouth to her jaw, kissing a line from her lips to her ear. Using my nose, I nuzzle down her throat. My closed lips retrace the line. Open and wet kisses follow.

  “Tom?” Hailey’s voice sounds uncertain and a little confused.

  “Shh,” I whisper against her skin. “Let me apologize.”

  “You—” She swallows the rest of her words when I cup her breast through her shirt.

  “Let me show you how much I love you.” I rub my erection against her.

  The contact seems to convince her I’m serious. Her fingers grip my hips, pulling me even closer to her.

  Now I have her full attention.

  With my hands on her ass, I lift her up. She wraps her legs around my hips, her heat presses against me. There is too much fabric separating me from her skin.

  Part of her weight is braced on the SUV, so I’m able to hold her with one arm. I take advantage of this to sneak the other hand under her shirt. I find her nipple already hard and ready for me. I free it from her bra, pinching and rolling it between my fingers. I love the feel of her skin.

  She palms me through my jeans and I nearly explode.

  God, I want this woman. I need to be inside her.


  We’re alone. No one can see us unless they drive down our private road. Who would randomly show up on a Saturday night? We don’t know those kind of assholes.

  I reach for the button of her jeans. “These need to come off.”

  In response, she loosens her grip on my hips and lets her legs slide to the ground. After she toes off her sneakers, her fingers fumble and shove the denim to the ground. Without embarrassment she stands in front of me, beautifully exposed below the waist.

  I unzip my own fly. I really want her naked, but the urge to be inside her is stronger than my patience for removing more clothes than absolutely necessary. I’m almost blind with need for her right now.

  Her hands reach inside my fly and pull my cock out. She gives it a not so gentle squeeze. I lean into her and bite her earlobe.

  With my lips against her ear, “This is where I asked you to marry me. Right here. You said you would be mine forever.”

  I recapture her lips and take her mouth with my tongue. It’s not gentle. There’s nothing sweet about my need for her right now.

  “I’m yours,” she whispers.

  I practically growl when I slide my fingers between her legs. She’s as turned on right now as I am.

  For a split second, the words I’ve been thinking for the past hour fill my throat. I want to tell her, but first I need to prove she’s really mine.

  I lift her again, placing her legs around my hips. She’s still holding my cock and guides it to her opening.

  I lower her over me. With one quick thrust, we’re joined together.

  Hailey folds her arms around my shoulders. Her thighs tighten when she crosses her ankles behind my back.

  I’m momentarily lost in her. As relief settles inside me, I exhale and rest my head on her breast.


  I can’t speak. Too many emotions flood my system. Relief, need, desire, fear… this need to possess her scares me.

  I kiss the swell of her breast through her shirt before rolling my hips and pulling out slightly. Slowly I push back into her.

  It’s too much.

  My base instincts kick in. On the next thrust, I pound into her.

  God, she feels amazing. I do it again.

  Her short nails dig into my shoulders and she holds on. That’s about all she can do with me pinning her to the car and driving into her like a maniac.

  “Sweetheart?” Her voice breaks through my lust.

  I open my eyes in panic. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No, but I think someone’s coming.” She points behind me.

  Sure enough, headlights near the main road have swung in our direction.

  “Who would be an asshole and randomly show up?” I tighten my grip on her ass. “Hold on tight.”

  She takes me literally and clenches around my cock, which is still buried in her.

  I jog to the front door, bouncing her on me in the strangest, but good way. Nameless runs ahead of us.

  “I’ve never had running sex before.” Her words fade into giggles as she reaches into my back pocket, giving my ass a squeeze.

  ‘No time for admiring my ass.” I fumble up the steps as lights sweep over our parked cars. We’re still in shadow when I get the door open and stumble us both through it, nearly tripping over the dog.

  I turn the lock and lean Hailey against solid wood. Luckily the lights are off and we can’t be seen from the windows.

  She’s still giggling. I cover her mouth with my hand to muffle her. She nips at my palm. I replace my hand with my lips. That works much better.

  Remembering I’m still inside her, I thrust gently to remind her we’re still joined.

  Heavy footsteps echo on the porch a few feet away. The hairs on my neck stand up in defense.

  Hailey and I both freeze. Leaning away from her enough to see her face, I notice her eyes are wide. I can’t tell if she’s afraid, surprised, or excited. Maybe all three.

  Pounding sounds on the door behind her head.

  I hold my breath. I’m pretty sure Hailey does the same. Nameless goes over to the window and barks.

  “Shh.” I hush him as quietly as possible.

  “Tom? Hailey?” Kelso calls from the porch. “Are you guys in there? I found a pair of shoes and women’s jeans by Hailey’s car.”

  “Kelso,” I mumble in disgust.

  Hailey giggles softly. I press my lips against hers. Sassy girl sticks her tongue in my mouth and squeezes my cock. I’m still hard, but her actions are making me harder. It’s torture not to move.

  “Hello?” Erik pauses his knocking. Finally. “Hello?”

  Not willing to deny myself from pleasure just because Kelso is the kind of asshole who can’t buy a clue. I swing us away from the door and tap Hailey’s thigh.

  She gives me another squeeze, then stands up.

  Reluctantly, I slide out of her.

  Damn cockblocking Kelso. Ever since he was eyeing Hailey last year like a piece of his favorite chocolate cake, he’s been on my list.

  I flip off the door.

  I’m half tempted to open it. Let him see what he’s interrupting. Hailey being embarrassed is what stops my hand on the handle.

  She taps my arm, drawing my focus back to her.

  To answer the question in her eyes, I indicate the hallway and put my finger to my lips. We creep away from the door like a couple of teenagers sneaking home after curfew.

  Unable to keep my hands to myself, I pinch her glorious ass as she climbs the stairs ahead of me.

  Once safely upstairs, her giggles turn into full laughter. “How long do you think he’s going to stand out there knocking on the door?”

  “Knowing him, we’ll find him out there in morning.” That’s a lie. I’m sure he’ll give up soon. Probably.

  “Aren’t you curious what he wants?”

  We’re in our bedroom. Our bed is a few feet away. Kelso is the last thing on my mind right now. I prowl in Hailey’s direction until her legs bump into the mattress. “Who?”

  Her smile tells me she gets it. “Maybe it’s an emergency?”

  “Then he should call 911.” I shove her jacket off her shoulders and start undoing her shirt buttons. Her bra falls to the floor.

  She yanks my T-shirt up my torso. To help her, I pull it off by grabbing the back. I have to sit down to take off by boots. She kneels in front of me to help pull them off and quickly does the same with my jeans and boxers. Her fingers glide over the new scar on my leg before she softly kisses the raised skin.

  We’re naked.

  Took long enough.

  Her hand finds my cock again. De
spite our interruption, I’m still mostly hard. My balls are a little blue. I wonder how that affects my swimmers.

  I’ll need to do some research.

  The reason for attacking Hailey by her car comes back to me.

  Baby making.

  Or practicing.

  I pull Hailey up at the same time I lie on the bed. Her hair tickles my chest when she leans forward and straddles me.

  “Where were we?” Her soft kisses mark my skin.

  I roll her off of me and slide between her legs. “Somewhere around here.”

  I kiss below her breasts. “Or maybe here?”

  “I think you were lower.” She strokes my hair.

  “Was I?” I drag my nose along her hip. “This doesn’t seem familiar.”

  “Lower.” She lifts her hips and pushes my head farther south with her hands.

  Adjusting myself against the sheets, I shift my body down the bed.

  “Yes, that is beginning to feel familiar.” She grins down at me.

  I smile into the skin of her inner thigh before kissing the same spot.

  The urge to claim her fades. Replacing it is the need to worship her body.

  Soft licks and kisses make her squirm. Her fingers tighten to let me know she’s had enough of my teasing. I chuckle and lift my head.

  “Thomas, stop this nonsense and love me right.”

  “Ooh, full name. You don’t scare me, Idaho. You know I always love you right.” I narrow my eyes at her while I sweep my tongue over the spot that usually makes her moan. I’m rewarded with the response I’d hoped for.

  “Cat got your tongue?” I gently suck on the same spot.

  She fists the comforter. “Cat’s got something.”

  I love this woman.

  I hum against her and around her. She squirms in the best way.

  Following her cues, I love her body, bringing her to the edge, then easing up.

  I slide two fingers into her slick warmth, curling them to find that spot.

  Her eyes flutter closed when I hit it.

  A familiar trembling begins and I know she’s close. This time I don’t stop. I keep up the same pressure and pace, watching her beautiful face as she comes.


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