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Page 18

by Patsy Brookshire

  "Lord, girl, it's not been a secret. You've just been on another planet, or something." He broke off as he saw Connor closely following our exchange. "Anyway. Come by the cabin on your way out, I'll show you what I've done. And you can tell Magda that everything is just about ready. I've had some legal things to do, too."

  I was flabbergasted. "You two getting married?"

  "No. Doing a thing called Domestic Partnership. Formalizing what's hers, what's mine, and what will be ours. Make everything clear."

  He looked at Dave and Teri. "Time to get some things legalized. I'm giving up my legal part in this place, turning it over to the kids here. It would've gone to them anyway. This just gets it done, sooner. We'll take over that one cabin and the kids will still rent out the others. We'll get a percentage. Magda and I have enough, and everybody will know what's theirs. Legally."

  "So, when are ya leaving today? Want me to call Maggie?"

  "All right. Let me know when we come by your cabin if she can't see us today. I can always come back by tomorrow. We've still got time before the show."

  On the way out we stopped by Sam's and Magda's new place. Dave and Connor were there, helping Sam tighten up the place for winter. Sam led us into his new place. In the front room I saw, sitting on the coffee table, Roger's ship model that Sam had taken home with him to finish. It felt so right that it was here; a tiny, unacknowledged piece of anxiety within me, dissolved. "Perfect," I said to Sam.

  "I thought so," he said. "Come on through, here." We followed him to where they'd opened up an unfinished third bedroom. It had a large window and they had added shelves that Magda needed. "Magda likes light. This'll be her sewing room."

  I could tell Sam was proud of their work.

  "We added this room on several years ago. Magda's gonna love the view here." He waved his hand to indicate the ocean and the Rock in the distance. "She's gonna make new curtains for our place, and she'll be making quilts for all the cabin beds. Ought to keep her busy for a while."

  Connor was hanging over the roof edge when we were on our way out. "Here to check out the old folks love nest?"

  Sam called up to Dave. "Could you whack that sassy kid of yours, talking disrespectful?"

  Dave stuck his head around the corner of the chimney. "I don't know. I was thinking of making a new sign for your cabin, hanging it by the door, The Love Nest."

  "You're lucky I don't feel like coming up there and giving you both what for." To us he added, loud enough for them to hear, "You just can't get good help anymore. It's hard what an old man has to put up with."

  "Hey," yelled Connor, "You best be respectful of the help. I'm standing over your bedroom and with just a few shuffles of my feet you could be waking up in a puddle some morning. See who has the last laugh."

  While Dan and I laughed at their banter, he reached in his pocket and brought out some cash, that he tried to hand to Sam.

  "You're with our sweetie here, you don't ever pay."

  "Hmm, I just hit the jackpot. I thought all I'd got was the prettiest gal in Oregon, but I can freeload at the beach, too."

  "Oh, don't worry, we'll be putting you to work. You know the old saying, 'No such thing as a free lunch.' Annie and you are welcome anytime. Just let Teri know ahead of time."

  He walked us out to our car. "What you can do is stop by the material store here in town and pick up some quiltin' doodad for Magda, tell her it's from me, that I earned it from my riches as a beach bum. Or whatever. She's waiting for ya so you best be going."

  I hugged him, kissed his cheek. "You old fool. I can't tell you how happy I am for you. And Magda."

  There was a chilly rain coming down when we arrived at her place. She had the front door open before we were halfway through the rose arbor. "Get in here, it's cold out there. Isn't it nice how you don't get thorned now?" She ushered us into the house. "You must be Dan. Just put the bag there, on the table. I'll be looking at it soon enough. I've got some tea and just-made banana bread, ready in the sun room."

  I handed her the packet of buttons I'd bought at the fabric store. "Here, from Sam," I said.

  She nodded and set them on a shelf, "He's so thoughtful." And clever, I thought, remembering the effort I'd taken to fill his request. She waved to Dan to follow her.

  I took Dan's jacket with mine and hung them from the coat rack while Magda took him through to the sun room. When I came in she'd already set him down at the small table with tea and a plate with four slices of the bread.

  Dan got up from the table to pull out my chair. I sat, feeling the sense of comfort as a constant here. Easy to see why Sam was so ready to start sharing it with her. Beyond the windows the world was a rainy mess, as my mother used to say. It only enhanced the close comfort of the room.

  I took a drink of the hot tea, before biting into the bread, "Sampson told us about you two. How exciting!"

  She cradled her cup in her hands, smiling widely. "He did, huh? Yup, pretty big thing. Changing my whole life. His too. Are you surprised?"

  "Not at you two, but, yes, this is big. Are you ready to share your life again, so soon? What do the quilt club ladies say? Well, heck, how do you feel about making so many changes all at once?"

  Dan gave Magda a questioning look as he reached for another piece of bread. She pushed the plate closer to him, "Take as much as you want. I've been on a spree the last couple of days. Making bread, muffins. I can't eat it all."

  To me she said, "Getting ready for Sammy, I guess. Been a long time since I had anybody 'sides myself to care for. Feels good. I want to bake and spruce up things, wash the curtains, hang the rugs over the fence and beat the old dust out of them." She looked at the rain beyond the window. "Like Spring cleaning, but here we are, moving into winter almost. So to answer your question, yes, I'm happy. Excited. Some scared. When he asked me if we could share our lives I wasn't too surprised. We'd started doing that soon after he come up here with you. But to make it real, not just play-acting. Feels right."

  The bread plate was empty again. "Why don't you bring us some more, Dan? It's already cut, just waiting."

  He left quick enough.

  She lowered her voice. "How's it going with you two? He's a good looking one, strong too, I think. He's got that look in his eye that I like in a man. Steady."

  Dan came back and set the refreshed plate on the table. He poured himself more tea before putting another piece on his plate.

  "Who would've guessed, us two, so single when we met at the Fair? Well," she amended, "I wasn't single, but I certainly was alone. Now here we are, all coupled up and getting cozy."

  "Sam and I are two very lucky guys." Dan said, around another bite of the bread.

  Magda and Sam would be working together with the Guild and the Wrestlers to set the place up. "We have a full Art Walk, a real event to bring people in. Even though we're a small town, we have a lot of talent here. Your entrance fee gives you a chance to win our Guild quilt. It's a dandy this year."

  She eyed Dan. "If you could help with the setting up, you can meet Big Juan. Now there's an experience." She chuckled. "Lena and Big Juan are becoming quite an item.

  "Let's go look at your quilt. I saw it when Lena was working on it, but I'm anxious to see what it looks like, done."

  On the way to her workroom, she said, "Your boy Len is going to give a talk at our show this year."

  "About his quilt?"

  "Tumbling Blocks? No. He's calling his talk, 'Extreme Sewing, a Matter of Life and Death.'

  "He didn't want us to advertise the talk, but we've put it on the paper flyers around town. And Sunshine put it on our website. Kinda upset him. Lena begged him to let us keep it in. She thinks it'll be a good draw. Once a day, at two o'clock.

  "Interesting," was all I could say.

  Together we opened my quilt onto the large table in her sewing room.

  "Oh, my. You done good, girl. It's wonderful. The checks and stripes give it just the touch of snazzy all that plainness needed." She patted it
, pulling off a loose thread, used scissors to snip off a hanging thread. "Never pull a thread that is connected."

  "You're not going to win a prize. Too many tucks and gathers, but you've got the eye. You thinking of selling it?"

  "Sell it? Oh, no. Never. I have the perfect place for it."

  I had a plan for the quilt but I wasn't ready to share it, or its name, with her yet.

  She read the signature I'd embroidered at the bottom of the quilt: Sophie Elm, 1976, Annie Straw, 2010. "Your first quilt. But I'm betting, not your last."

  I wasn't ready to take that bet, thinking of the baby quilt I was working up in my mind.

  Chapter 40

  My Gift

  Day One of the Show, Friday

  This was a most interesting day in my life, starting with waking up in my bed with Dan's arm over my back, my bottom curled into the cavity between his legs and chest, his gentle snoring in my ear. I'm glad for the sweet beginning, because it wasn't long before the day began to rumble.

  I made oatmeal in the microwave, bowls too small, the oatmeal boiled over. I made toast in the oven, burned it. Forgot to put the water in the coffee maker when I turned it on and nothing happened, except it got hot. That was bad, as I really needed coffee. In the cupboard, telltale marks of cat lick on the butter. I never find the cupboard door open, just his tongue marks, so he must close it again, too.

  Dan took over, cut off the cat licks, scrambled eggs for us in the good butter, saying no disparaging things about the Prince. Made more toast, poured a couple glasses of grapefruit juice for us. Even cleaned up the oatmeal. Added water to the coffee pot and served it all up with a kiss. Good thing I had food to hold me up through the morning.

  My cell rang just before I stepped into the shower. It was Magda. "Annie, where are you? You said you would be here early with your quilt. It's seven already."

  For gosh sakes, they'd hung the show yesterday morning, as the trial run. Couldn't leave it up because of the wrestling match last night, so had taken it down yesterday afternoon and re-hung it this morning.

  "The spot for your quilt is empty. We open in two hours. We can't still be hanging it while people are coming in. Already enough that I had to deal with Big Juan so early. He and Lena are smitten and foolish. They made sure that I knew he won his match last night. Like I care. They're a lot to mess with so early in the morning.

  "Sammy doesn't do so well with him. I'm seeing a side of your Sam..."

  Your Sam?

  "...that I'm not happy with. Get your Dan here. He can put out these fires. Get a move on!"

  I'm not the only nervous one, here. Perhaps the unflappable Magda is feeling pressure, too?

  "Okay Magda, we're moving as fast as we can. I've got the quilt all rolled up, ready to hang."

  Gosh, the pressure. Who knew I'd be so nervous. And then I heard a car. I pushed the curtain aside and saw in my driveway, the Thunderbird. Len was driving, with a woman beside him. The top was up, I couldn't see her face.

  Len knocked at my door while she stayed in the car. Dan answered. That put Len off, and his attitude carried through the bathroom window.

  "Where's Annie? Aren't you that fire guy?"

  Dan now knew all about Len, I'd told him our history and how he'd come back into my life. He was easy with it all. "Annie's getting ready for the show. Yeah, I'm the 'fire guy'. You need something?"

  "It's private, if you don't mind. I'll go on to the show, talk to her then. You will tell her I was here, won't you? And that I want to talk to her?"

  "Of course. She can call you on her cell while we're on the road. We'll be on our way here in just a little bit."

  "No need. I'll see her at the show." He started away, then turned, "So, you'll be there, too?"

  "Wouldn't miss it."

  "Great." But he didn't sound like it he thought it would be great.

  "Does your friend want to come in? Or you? We have coffee."

  "Her name is Luanne." He ignored the invite. "I'd appreciate it if you'd be nice to her today. Be the first time she's seen my work, and meets my co-workers."


  "You know what I mean. Fellow artists." He started away again, "So I guess I'll see the both of you there?" he asked again.

  "Yes, we'll both be there."

  With that he left and I let out the breath I didn't know I'd been holding. Lord, why did I ever get mixed up with him again.

  In the shower I thought about what I'd worked up last night to be added to the quilt, and smiled. I'd had a Good Idea, I hoped. Magda sounded almost cranky this morning. She might not be up for any surprises at the show.

  There'd also be a surprise that Len didn't know about. That Katie Heap person who has a T-Bird too, would be there today. I'm looking forward to meeting her.

  And I'm wondering how Magda's friends feel about Sam moving in. She'd never answered that question the day we'd stopped at I don't know what she's told them, she's been so busy with the show. I'm wondering if they will be happy for her, or scandalized that she's sharing house with a man, so quick.

  We arrived in plenty of time to check into our motel and get to the show a full half hour before the doors opened, expecting to find a parking place, easy, but there were cars parked all up and down the street, and the next door parking lot was full too. We parked way up the street.

  People were lined up just beyond the front door. Wow, this was a bigger draw than I'd expected. Lena and a guy dressed like a wrestler cartoon in skin tight orange pants and a sleeveless green and orange striped t-shirt met us outside the door. Had to be Big Juan. They were pinning up advertising for that night's Wrestling Match. I heard him say, "Listen to me, my sweet, one of your quilter gals took this down. They don't like it that we are here. They think we're a scandal to the show."

  "Oh, Honey Buns, how can you think that? They all love you, like I do." She patted the muscular arm that was holding the poster in place while she pushed in tacks.

  "No, not like you do," he said.

  The wrestler giggled. Lena the tough giggled.

  Lena noticed us and whispered to him. She and I said hello and hugged. Big Juan held out his hand to Dan while nodding to me. "Mrs. Straw? And you must be Mr. Dee?"

  Dan shook hands with him. "Yes, I am. And you are?" He knew who this was, he'd already told me he didn't like the idea of calling him "Big". This was his way of finding out what to call him.

  "Juan. I'm on tonight. This is me." The poster had him pictured in a grapple with another guy. The bold lettering announced their names and time of the matches, last night and tonight. "Will you two be here?"

  Lena said, "Juan won last night. He was wonderful. Nobody can beat him."

  I nodded to her but answered him, "That depends on how today goes. We're staying over with Magda and Sam. We might be too tired to make it."

  Dan must have seen Lena's pleading look. "We'll do our best to come. I used to wrestle some in high school, kinda get a kick outa watching you guys. It's a real art, doing what you do and not killing each other. Pretend wrestling."

  Big Juan's eyes flared.

  I grabbed Dan's arm. "Hey, we can talk about it later. Magda wants us in there. Right now." I gave his arm an extra tug as the air filled with testosterone. What is it with these guys?

  The entry was a double door setup with enough space between the inner and outer doors for one to close before the other is opened. It keeps wind and rain from blowing in. Once we were between the two doors I whispered, "I can't believe you said that."

  "What? Just speaking truth. I do admire them, at least their physical abilities to slam each other around, and no one dies." He pushed the inner door open.

  Color was everywhere. Quilts hung in rows across the floor of the big room, were mounted high on the walls. Tables at the front and back were piled with potholders, table runners, trivets, other quilted items. At the far end was a large, beautiful quilt in a frame standing high on a table. It was the star quilt I'd worke
d on at the quilting bee. Someone with a ticket to the show would win it. I hoped it would be me.

  Magda whipped over to us. I didn't know she could walk that fast. She took the bag holding my quilt. I was busy staring at the kaleidoscope of colors and designs. Different from the State Fair where quilts had been lining the room. Here they were the room.

  Magda took Dan with her to help hang my quilt, while I stood, bedazzled by flowers and squares and triangles, a tsunami of geometry. I needed to follow Magda and Dan but I was distracted. I'll just take a moment here... Pinned to each creation was a tag with the name of the quilt, of the maker and an explanation of the idea behind the design. If it was for sale, the price was there, and if not, to whom it belonged. Below the information, in big letters, was: PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH! HOLD THIS TAG TO LOOK AT THE BACK.

  I was reminded of Lena's admonishment to "Never, never, touch a quilt." I saw now what she meant. In a public setting like this the oil from the fingers of so many people would mark it, and in the long run, damage the fabric.

  No lookers or customers were in the room yet, just members of the guild. Sunshine came over to me and said, "Hey, let me show you your Len's quilt. It's smashing."

  "He's not 'my Len'," I said, protesting uneasily as I followed her down an aisle "Only a second."

  "No matter. Over here." She led me to the far wall at the back of the room where his Tumbling Blocks was standing alone, hanging from a frame made especially for it. I liked it. The 3-D design is a dazzling trick to the eye.

  "Is he here?" I said.

  "No, he brought it in yesterday. Haven't seen him yet today. You know he's bringing in another item to put right here. We'll make room when he comes. Going to give a short talk about it, at two I think."

  I already knew that. I was thinking about my quilt and Magda. I wanted to be with Magda and Sam when they hung it. I excused myself and found her, with Sam, in a middle row. Why did I think he might be elsewhere?

  He was standing by an empty space in the line. Dan was there too. He had his hands tight on the end of the bag, holding it taut as Magda pulled out the quilt.


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