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Billionaire Unknown: The Billionaire's Obsession ~ Blake

Page 7

by J. S. Scott

  I despised the deception, and I couldn’t blame Harper for hating me. If I had been in her position twelve years ago, and I’d seen her hanging on another man right after we’d been together, I probably would have wanted to go ape shit crazy all over his ass.

  Harper obviously hadn’t confronted Marcus back then or said a word. She’d just quietly slipped away, just like she’d done when I’d seen her at Mom’s dinner. I hadn’t seen her leave, but it had taken everything I had not to find out where she was and go after her when she’d silently disappeared after dinner at Mom’s house.

  “Where is your girlfriend now?” Harper asked haughtily.

  “Gone. I don’t even remember her name.” It was the truth. Marcus had so many girlfriends that I had never gotten to know the large majority of them.

  Keeping women was not his strong suit. No female had ever taken priority over business for him, and it didn’t take his women very long to realize that they took a back seat to Marcus’s other interests.

  Harper shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. It was a long time ago, and there’s nothing between us anymore.”

  “Bullshit,” I challenged her hoarsely. There were sparks flying everywhere, and I kept wondering if one of them would light the flame between us that would blow up the whole damn resort. “Are you seeing anybody?”

  I watched her fumble with the last of her bagel and then finally set it back down on the plate. “I’m not sure that’s any of your business. I came to you to ask for your help in finding my sister.”

  “Tell me anyway. Humor me.”

  “Not that it’s any of your concern, but no, I’m not seeing anybody at the moment.”

  My body relaxed. “Thanks. If it means anything, I’m not in a relationship, either.”

  “It doesn’t,” she said flatly. “It doesn’t matter anymore. I just want to concentrate on finding Danica.

  “It matters,” I answered flatly.

  “Marcus, I don’t give a damn about anything you do or have outside of the skills you possess to rescue my sister,” Harper said icily.

  “You’re still attracted to me. It doesn’t matter how much time has passed,” I told her confidently. Hell, I could cut the tension between us with a knife, and it wasn’t all about her hating me.

  I watched her swallow hard, trying to hide it. But I knew damn well I wasn’t feeling this kind of attraction alone, just like I’d known it twelve years ago.

  I just wanted her to admit it. I needed to hear her say it.

  “I told you when we talked about Dani that I didn’t feel anything for you anymore. Can’t we just drop what happened in the past?”

  “Nope,” I answered stubbornly.

  She’d seen Marcus that time. She’d spoken to Marcus. Now that she was talking to me for the first time in over a decade, I knew she was feeling differently. I could sense it. I hadn’t been sure when I’d seen her at dinner a few nights ago because I’d been too busy trying to hide my own emotions, but I could feel the mutual connection now.

  I’d learned to read body language well in my political career. She was…nervous. The kind of nervous you get when you’re attracted to somebody but don’t want to acknowledge it.

  “I’m done here.” She stood and then turned toward the elevators to the rooms.

  I was right behind her when she stepped into the only open lift.

  Harper slammed on the button to her floor, glaring at me as I leaned against the wall of the elevator and crossed my arms.

  “Get out,” she demanded.

  I smirked at her as the doors began to close. “Not until you tell me the truth.”

  “I already did.”

  Her unique, seductive scent drove me crazy, and I crowded her into a corner as the elevator doors clanged closed.

  My patience was at an end, and I pinned her in by placing an arm on each side of her body. “Don’t tell me you don’t want me anymore. I don’t fucking believe it.” I was breathing hard as I nuzzled the side of her face, inhaling a fragrance I’d never truly forgot. “Say it,” I growled, my dick fighting to be released from the confines of the jeans I was wearing.


  I kissed her temple and let my lips wander down the curve of her jaw, practically drowning in her irresistible essence. “Tell me.”

  “Go away.” She pushed against my chest, but I didn’t budge.

  Her cheeks were flushed, and I was pretty sure the blush was caused by a healthy mix of anger and lust. “I still want you, Harper. Maybe worse than I did years ago.”

  “I don’t want this. I don’t want to want you,” she cried out, sounding desperate.

  I finally touched my lips to hers, but only lightly. “I’m still waiting.”

  “Goddammit!” She speared her fingers into my hair and yanked my head down. “For some reason, I want you now, but I didn’t want you when I first saw you. And I hate myself for that,” she said breathlessly.

  My heart was hammering against my chest wall from finally hearing her say she wanted me, even if it wasn’t exactly in a complimentary way. Hell, I was taking what I could get, and I couldn’t wait another moment to swoop down and claim her delectable mouth.


  He stopped just a fraction of a distance from my quivering lips, refusing my persuasion for just a moment, and I could feel his heavy breath on my anxious mouth as he growled, “I’ve waited twelve goddamn years for this.”

  Although I probably didn’t realize it, I’d been waiting, too, and I couldn’t stand another second of it. Every inch of my skin had erupted in goose bumps as Marcus claimed my mouth, his hard body pressing into mine with his insistent embrace.

  He demanded.

  He plundered.

  No mercy.

  Not that I exactly wanted anything except the ravenous kiss he was laying on me at the moment. I opened to him, wrapping my arms around his neck, and clinging to his big body like he was my lifeline—which was actually exactly what he was at the moment. The one big object keeping me afloat.

  I couldn’t think.

  I couldn’t even stay upright without him, and my hands fell to his shoulders to steady myself.

  A moan escaped my mouth and vibrated against his as his arms wrapped tightly around me, supporting me more securely, and then exploring down my back and finally coming to rest on my ass.

  I let my fingers invade his coarse, thick hair again, my reason leaving my brain as the scorching heat between us exploded into a blaze of white-hot fire.

  Our tongues dueled for control, and I didn’t give a shit who won. I just wanted…him. I couldn’t get close enough, so I squirmed against him, not quite believing what was happening was real.

  I’d missed feeling this way. I’d missed the flames he stoked in my body, and in my soul.

  Only Marcus could make me forget why I hated him and cause me to melt down into a brainless, molten puddle.

  I panted for air as he tore his mouth from mine to explore the sensitive skin of my neck. I tilted my head, silently begging for more, like an addict who couldn’t get enough of him.

  I can’t do this! I can’t let my body overcome my common sense, dammit!

  Both of us startled as the elevator doors slid open and audible gasps filled the air.

  I pushed hard against his chest, and he reluctantly stepped back.

  Mortified, I saw the older couple on my floor waiting for the elevator, the silver-haired man and woman gaping at us unabashedly.

  “Oh, my God. I’m sorry.” I lowered my head and skirted around the obviously appalled couple and walked briskly toward my room.

  I needed to get away to think. I couldn’t be close to Marcus without losing my mind. I didn’t understand what was happening, but I needed space to figure it out.

  “Harper! Wait,” Marcus instructed when he suddenly sprung out of
the elevator and followed me, finally catching my arm as I dug in my pocket for the card key to open the door of my assigned room.

  “Stop!” I answered, hating the pleading note in my voice.

  Despite my elation after our first meeting because I felt nothing, I realized that I was still vulnerable to Marcus, and I hated the loss of power I experienced when he got too close.

  I was confused, bewildered as to why my attraction came on so suddenly this morning when I hadn’t felt a thing when I’d first spoken to him.

  What was happening to me?

  “I’m not going to apologize,” he said, taking the card from my hand and holding it. “I’ve needed that for years.”

  “Then don’t say you’re sorry. Just leave me the hell alone.” He had no reason to screw with me now. “Get your amusement elsewhere. I’m sure there are plenty of women who’d fall at your feet.”

  Like I’d just done! And my self-loathing was at an all-time high.

  But now that my reason was back, I swore I wasn’t going to be vulnerable to this man again. Maybe it was just old memories that were messing with my head. It couldn’t possibly be him. There was nothing I hated more than a guy who couldn’t keep his dick in his pants. Marcus was the epitome of a player, a sad mistake I’d made when I was barely an adult.

  He was everything I disliked in a man: a cold, ruthless cheater who just wanted to get laid.

  “You aren’t just any woman. I think you know that,” he said in a guttural tone.

  I plucked my key back from him. “I’m nothing to you anymore, Marcus. I never was.”

  I opened the door, planning to slam it in his face, but he pushed his way in behind me.

  “Leave,” I demanded, feeling tears of frustration welling up in my eyes.

  I hated him, yet I couldn’t ignore the attraction that was still there for me.

  The last thing I wanted was to want him. When I’d told him I hated myself for it, I’d been totally sincere.

  What woman wouldn’t loathe herself for falling into the same trap twice?

  It had taken me years not to think about him every single day. I wasn’t going there again.

  “Not yet. Just hear me out. Please,” he said soothingly, like he was trying to talk to a child.

  “I have nothing to say. And nothing you have to tell me will change the fact that I can’t stand you.”

  “You want me.” He crossed his arms over his chest and lifted an eyebrow, as though he was challenging me to deny his claim.

  I leaned against the door, forcing it closed as I faced him. “So what? You’re an attractive guy. Does that make you happy? It doesn’t mean I like you.”

  “You’d let me fuck you.”

  I flinched. He was right. I was so affected by the way he got to me that I probably would have crawled up his body and begged him to satisfy me just moments ago. “Is that all you want? Just like last time? A woman to screw just because you can?”

  Marcus blew out a frustrated breath and raked his hand through his hair. “Hell, no. That’s not all I want.”

  “By now, I’d hoped that you’d be out of the country, rescuing my sister. Please don’t expect me to trade my body for your help.” Is that what he thought? That I’d fuck him to save Dani? If he thought he could get in a quickie before he left to find my sister, he was out of his mind.

  With Marcus, it was hard to tell what he was thinking. But I couldn’t think of any rational reason why he was pushing this attraction we had.

  Realistically, there was nothing I wouldn’t do to save my sibling. If it meant entangling myself in a world of hurt one more time, I’d probably do it. But there was no way I’d let Marcus know I was willing to do whatever he wanted if he’d just bring my sister back.

  “That’s not what I’m asking,” he grumbled, and then walked over to the bar in the small living room of the suite to pour himself a drink.

  I sighed and dropped my key and the cross-body purse I was wearing onto a small table next to the couch. Afraid of the emotions Marcus seemed to drag out of me every time I got close to him, I sat down in a chair as far away from the bar as I could get.

  “Drink?” he asked quietly, turning for a moment to look at me.

  I shook my head, not trusting myself to speak.

  Unfortunately, the room was much too small, and I watched him closely as he seated himself on the couch across from me with only a small coffee table between us.

  I ran my sweaty palms across the denim of my jeans as I asked nervously, “Then what are you doing? What do you want? Where is my sister?”

  He shook his head and then took a slug of the whiskey he was holding. “I don’t know. I honestly don’t.”

  “I thought you’d be able to locate her. You have the contacts, and the PRO team is already together, right?” I couldn’t understand his lack of urgency. Dani could be—and probably was—in serious danger.

  He nodded. “The team is already there, Harper. They might be rescuing her right now. I haven’t had a progress report.”

  I shook my head, confused. How could the rescue possibly be happening when Marcus wasn’t there to lead the team? “I don’t understand. You’re the team leader. I was under the impression you’d be going with them.”

  Panic rose into my throat, and it was clawing at me.

  “There’s no reason for me to be there. In fact, I’d probably screw up the whole mission.”

  “You have to be there,” I said, breathless with anxiety. “They need you. My sister needs you.”

  “They need Marcus,” he answered calmly.

  I gaped at him, wondering why he was referring to himself in the third person. “Yes…they need you.”

  I watched his face as it reflected a variety of emotions before he said carefully, “Harper, I need to tell you something, and I need you to know that Dani’s safety depends on how you react to the information.”

  He looked so serious that I nodded slowly. “I’ll do whatever I can to help my sister. You should know that. It’s why I came to you in the first place.”

  “You went to see Marcus.”

  Oh, for God’s sake. He was beginning to sound just a little crazy. “Okay. What is it? Tell me.” If it had to do with my younger sibling, I wanted to know.

  He let out a long masculine sigh as his silver eyes met mine, holding me captive for an instant before he grumbled three words that didn’t immediately connect for me.

  “I’m. Not. Marcus.”


  “I’m Blake Colter. I’m not Marcus.”

  His words turned my entire world upside down as I finally figured out exactly what he was saying.


  I’m not Marcus.

  Obviously Blake’s words made sense. I’d known the Colter family since I was a kid, albeit not all that well, but of course I knew Blake and Marcus were identical twins. I’d just seen the two of them together a few days ago at Aileen’s house.

  I just hadn’t expected one to be the other, discombobulating everything in my brain.

  He kept speaking as my mind tried to keep up. “You spoke to Marcus first. He’s gone. He went after your sister. He put a team together, and he had to tell my brother, Tate, about PRO because he needed a damn good pilot. Tate is filling in, and he’s better than good at flying just about anything that can go airborne, but his specialty is helicopters, which Marcus really needs right now. They’re already overseas.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t get it. Why didn’t you deny you were Marcus?”

  He took another slug from his glass. “Because I’m supposed to be a diversion. Marcus’s enemies know about PRO, and he’s often watched to see if he’s brought the group back together again. He needed time to haul his ass overseas. He still does. I’ve helped him before, and I’m helping him again because I want him to h
ave every advantage he can get to rescue your sister. I didn’t want to say anything downstairs. I wasn’t sure how you’d react.”

  My brain finally caught up, and I stared at him in shock. “You and Marcus trade places? So I asked the real Marcus for help?”


  “Did I sleep with you?” I had to ask that question, but somehow I already knew what the answer was going to be.

  “Yes. You only called me Colter on that night twelve years ago, and I never knew you didn’t know I was Blake until you ran away from the car at your parents’ house. I thought about following you, but I knew you needed time to patch things up with your mom and dad back then. So I waited for you to call.” He paused to drain the rest of his glass. “You never did call.”

  Oh, God, so that meant…

  “I saw the real Marcus with his girlfriend?”

  He nodded. “I was probably home, still waiting for you to contact me.”

  My hands were actually shaking as I twisted them together nervously.

  It made sense…now. But I’d reacted so intensely when I’d seen Marcus all those years ago that I hadn’t even considered his twin. “You could have called me. You had my number.”

  “I did call. Many times, as I’m sure you remember. Before I left to go back to college twelve years ago, I came to your house. I don’t remember the whole conversation, but Dani basically told me you hated me because I’d lied to you. I thought you knew by then that I was really Marcus’s twin, and you were pissed. She slammed the door in my face before I could get the whole story. Your sister said you were gone.”

  I sighed. “I was. I left to go to California. I’d made up my mind what I wanted to do with my life, and I wanted to check out Berkeley’s architecture program. Dani knows what happened, and she was with me when I saw your mom, Marcus, and his girlfriend.”

  “I figured,” he answered stoically, setting his empty glass down on the coffee table in front of him.

  Everything I thought was real had suddenly changed, and I was nauseated by the truth. “I thought you had just played me. We were young.”


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