Just a Shot Away_Peace, Love, and Tragedy With the Rolling Stones at Altamont

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Just a Shot Away_Peace, Love, and Tragedy With the Rolling Stones at Altamont Page 30

by Saul Austerlitz

  My deepest thanks to all the people who answered my questions, and to those who fielded my innumerable follow-up queries. I would particularly like to offer my thanks to John Burks, George Christie, Evelyn and George Walker, Adele Kubein, Randy McBee, Jay Siegel, Denise Kaufman, Sam Cutler, Ronnie Schneider, Louie Kalaveras, Dorothy Kalaveras, Judy Maysles, Johanna Demetrakas, Peter Smokler, Nelson Stoll, Stephen Lighthill, Chip Monck, Joanne Burke, Michael Lang, Todd Gitlin, Langdon Winner, the late John Morthland, Sol Stern, Joan Churchill, Mirra Bank, Sergeant Ken Gemmell of the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office, Insha Rahman, and Greil Marcus. Any mistakes that remain are, of course, my own.

  Dixie Ward and Taammi Parker graciously invited me into their homes and agreed to speak to me about some of the hardest and saddest moments in their lives, and their candor and emotional forthrightness were absolutely essential to my understanding of what this story was about. David James Smith of the Times of London and Kevin Fagan of the San Francisco Chronicle were kind enough to share some of their research materials, and their insights into the story of Altamont, with me.

  Much of this book was written in the Kensington branch of the Brooklyn Public Library. My thanks to all the staff and patrons there.

  My deepest thanks go to the friends and family who supported me through this project: Carla Silber, Dan Silber, Abby Silber, Jason Seiden, Zack Seiden, Josh Olken, EB Kelly, Mark Fenig, Dan Smokler, Erin Leib Smokler, Eli Segal, Shana Segal, Choomy Castle, Ari Holtzblatt, Marina Hirsch, Olia Toporovsky, Jeremy Blank, Menachem Tannen, Jeff Abergel and Brooklyn ReSisters, Jennifer Keishin Armstrong, Sarah Rose, Aaron Zamost, Zev Wexler, Adi Weinberg, Jesse Kellerman, Ari Vanderwalde, Joanne Gentile, Helane Naiman, and Daniel Mizrahi. Reuben Silberman and Ali Austerlitz read draft versions of some of the chapters of this book, and their insights were invaluable. My agent, Laurie Abkemeier, believed in this project from the very outset, and her guidance and perceptiveness made all the difference. I would also like to thank the remarkable team at Thomas Dunne, including Stephen Power, Samantha Zukergood, Bill Warhop, Gabrielle Gantz, Jason Prince, and Ryan Jenkins.

  My parents bought me a Discman for my bar mitzvah, perhaps inadvertently kicking off a life obsessed with music. They have always been my fiercest supporters, and I owe them everything. My children, Nate and Gabriel, are not yet old enough to read this book (nor, regrettably, is it about fire trucks or dinosaurs), but this is for them anyway. And none of this could ever have happened without the love and support of my wife, Becky. She is my most trusted editor, my voice of reason, my compatriot, my love.


  The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

  abuse (physical)

  of Anderson, A.

  by Jones

  Ace of Cups

  acid. See LSD

  Adams, Carolyn (“Mountain Girl”)


  assaults on

  boundaries for

  exiting of

  life value of

  rights for

  in society

  struggles of

  as targeted

  After Dark


  Altamont festival

  balloons rising at

  band responses to

  counterculture presented at

  as counterculture roadblock

  Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young at

  cultural impact of

  elements of

  end of

  excitement surrounding

  failures of

  fan experience at

  fans arriving to

  Flying Burrito Brothers at

  Grateful Dead arrival to

  Hells Angels remaining at

  Hunter, M., arrival at

  inner circle at

  intention of

  Jefferson Airplane concert at

  Altamont festival

  Jefferson Airplane participation in

  media coverage on

  memories created from

  miniature society

  outer circle at

  police presence at

  preparation concerns for

  responsibility for

  Rolling Stone story of

  Rolling Stones arrival to

  Rolling Stones avoiding subject of

  Rolling Stones footage after

  sound quality at

  story of, as incomplete

  symbolism of

  terror at

  uneasiness at

  venue change for

  Altamont Speedway

  closing of

  Monck at

  as new venue

  size of

  tribute denied by

  American Motorcyclist Association

  American tour (of the Rolling Stones)

  band responsibilities for

  crucial reasons for

  Cutler invited on

  as grueling

  Anderson, Altha

  boyfriends of

  Bredehoft visiting

  damage from

  education belief of

  Holiness church and

  initiative of

  physical abuse of

  response to dog

  revival desired by

  schizophrenia of

  Anderson, Claudia

  Anderson, Tommie

  Army (U.S.)


  of Hells Angels

  of Hunter, M.

  of Passaro

  of Roberts


  Baby Boomers

  Balin, Marty

  assault on

  band initiation by

  Hells Angels argument with

  Bangs, Lester

  Bank, Mirra

  film studied by

  Jagger observed by

  Maysles brothers hiring

  Barger, Sonny

  background of

  critique from

  Hells Angels branded by

  Johnson, L., letter from

  observations by

  swastikas defended by

  threat from

  as unsettled

  The Beatles

  Beggars Banquet

  Bell, Denice

  Belli, Melvin

  as legal celebrity

  transition managed by

  Walker working with

  Bergman, Jo

  Berne, Eric

  Berry, Chuck

  Berry, Leonard

  Bettencourt, Vic

  Bibb, Porter

  film project developed by

  money priority of

  Bible salesmen

  Black Panthers

  Booth, Stanley

  experience of

  Jagger opinion of

  as journalist

  Brando, Marlon

  Bredehoft, Patti

  as afraid

  aftermath experience of

  Anderson, A., visited by

  assassin identified by

  Hunter, M., meeting

  Hunter, M., separated from

  reassurance given to

  reflections of

  rescue effort of

  as scarred

  as shocked by gun

  testimony of

  British Invasion

  Brown, Ronnie (Blood)

  Brown Berets

  Bryant, Baird

  crews recruited by

  film footage shot by

  footage as evidence from

  name of, kept secret

  Buckley Jr., William F.

  Burke, Joanne

  Burks, John

  Marcus found by

  Ponek interview by

  radio listened to by

  results of journalism by


  Canby, Vincent

  Capote, Truman

  Carter, Dick

  Chisholm, James

  Christie, George

  Churchill, Joan

  accidental LSD dose of

  footage acquired by

  as neglected

  as terrified

  civil rights movement

  Clark, Mark



  Cocker, Joe

  Cocks, Jay

  Coleman, Kate



  of audience

  desire to lose

  of film distribution rights

  Hells Angels seizing

  Hunter, M., as beyond

  lack of

  screams as out of


  abrupt change in

  admiration for

  Altamont as roadblock to

  Altamont presenting

  antipathy towards

  as ascendant

  celebration of

  clothing of

  contradictions in

  dark side of

  depiction of

  failings of

  fracturing of

  Grateful Dead as heroes of

  Hells Angels and

  Hells Angels as apart from

  heroes of

  limitations of

  in media

  optimism within

  raw power of

  rot spreading through

  wreckage of hopes of

  Cox, Paul

  as eyewitness

  story told by

  testimony of

  tracking down

  Coyote, Peter



  Crist, Judith

  critical distance

  Crosby, David

  Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. See also specific members

  on Altamont bill

  Altamont festival concert of

  background of

  performance by

  Crow, Jim

  Cutler, Sam

  as accommodating

  audience prepared by

  failures of

  Garcia comforting

  mood preserved by

  observations by

  planning by

  as representative

  security opinion of

  speaking from stage

  venue scouting by

  Davis, Jordan

  Democratic National Convention (1968)

  Dickstein, Morris

  direct cinema

  broadening of

  error in

  honesty in

  as invisible

  limitations to

  rules for

  documentary filmmaking

  Donovan, Robert J.

  Drew, Robert

  the Drinking Gourd

  drugs. See also cocaine; crank; LSD; marijuana; methamphetamine

  clashing of

  distribution of

  as pleasure

  as tempting

  trust in

  Dudek, Scott

  Dunn, Michael

  Ellis, Stephen

  Ertegun, Ahmet

  Exile on Main Street


  the Fillmore

  Kantner at


  The Flying Burrito Brothers

  Altamont festival concert of

  stylings of


  Funches, Tony

  Games People Play (Berne)

  Garcia, Jerry

  as chastised

  Cutler comforted by

  Hells Angels relationship with

  Hibbits argument with

  opinions of

  records opinion of

  Scully talking with

  violence reaction of

  at Woodstock

  Gates of Eden: American Culture in the Sixties (Dickstein)

  Gelmis, Joseph

  gender roles

  Genovese, Kitty

  The Gilded Palace of Sin

  Gimme Shelter

  creation of

  description of

  evenhandedness in

  as evidence

  grief triggered from

  Hunter, M., in

  Jagger in

  message of

  moral failings in

  premiere of

  structure of

  Ginsberg, Allen

  Gitlin, Todd

  Gleason, Ralph J.

  Golden Gate Park

  Goldstein, Stan

  Goldwater, Barry

  Goodwin, Michael

  Graham, Bill

  The Grateful Dead. See also specific members

  as afraid

  Altamont arrival of

  audience surprised by

  as counterculture heroes

  departure of

  ethos of

  free shows by

  ignorance of

  as invisible

  judgment of

  as mismatched

  Scully as manager of

  as servants

  show canceled by

  Green, Sam

  The Green Berets

  Grey Gardens

  Grogan, Emmett

  Grogan, Scully


  Gypsy Jokers

  Hampton, Fred


  Hayes, William J.

  Healy, Dan

  Hells Angels

  accessories of

  apart from counterculture

  arrests of

  Balin argument with

  Barger branding

  belligerence of

  control seized by

  counterculture and

  creation of

  as criminal enterprise

  culpability of

  defense of

  departure of

  employing of

  ethics of

  as exclusionary

  fear of

  filming of

  Garcia relationship with

  Hunter, M., stabbing by

  identity of

  image of

  justification from

  Kantner blaming

  Kaukonen arguing with

  marijuana liked by

  as merciless

  methamphetamine use of

  murder accusation of

  overreaction of

  Passaro as prospect for

  pecking order of

  as performers

  police fought by

  police preferred to

  political stance of

  Ponek critique of

  population of

  pressure campaign of

  racism of

  remaining at Altamont

  respect demanded by

  responsibility of

  Richards opinion on

  Rolling Stones paying

  rules of

  as security

  as terrifying

  Thompson writing about

  threats from

  views of

  violence from

  Hells Angels Forever

  Hell’s Angels: The Strange and Terrible Saga of the Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (Thompson)

  Hendrix, Jimi

  Hiatt, Robert

  Hibbits, Paul (Animal)

  background of

  Garcia argument with

  as grisly

  nickname creation for

  as ringleader

  Hillman, Chris


  as cowards

  culture of

  intentions of

  Marcus shouted at by

  protests attended by

  stereotype of

  success for

  unruliness of

  Hoffman, Abbie

  Holiness church

  Howlin’ Wolf

  Human Be-

  Hunter, Curley

  Hunter, Meredith (Murdock)

  acceptance desired by

  Altamont arrival of

  arrest of

  assault on

  body of, abandoned

  Bredehoft separated from

  as caring

  case of, reopened

  as child

  compensation for family of

  as beyond control

  coroners report of

  description of

  evacuation of

  family remembering

  fault of

  footage of death of

  in Gimme Shelter

  grave of

  gun of

  humor of

  intentions of

  Jagger murder intent of

  life value of

  methamphetamine use of

  Monck visiting family of

  as sacrifice

  stabbing of

  testimony against

  witnesses supporting

  Hyde Park (London)



  inner circle


  Jagger, Mick

  assassination attempt on

  audience addressed by

  background of

  Bank observing

  Booth opinion of

  camera presence of

  character of

  culpability of

  darkness of

  departure to France

  filmmaker observation of

  in Gimme Shelter

  help called for by

  Hunter, M., intent to murder

  lack of emotion from

  reflections of

  reputation of

  Richards and

  Schneider traveling with

  symbolism of

  transitions of

  tribute by

  James, Etta

  Jaymes, John

  Jefferson Airplane

  Altamont concert by

  Altamont participation desired by

  Hells Angels ties cut with

  Hyde Park free show by

  legendary shows of

  musical expression of

  popularity of

  violence fought by

  Jewkes, Denise

  Johnson, Lyndon

  Jones, Brian

  death of

  physical abuse from

  Joplin, Janis

  Kael, Pauline

  Kantner, Paul

  audience addressed by

  at Drinking Gourd

  at Fillmore

  Hells Angels blamed by

  Kaufman, Noel

  Kaukonen, Jorma

  attitude of

  Hells Angels arguing with

  name creation by

  Keats, John

  Kennedy, Robert F.

  Kesey, Ken

  Kirk, Claude

  Klein, Allen

  Schneider communication with

  Knell, Pete

  Kreutzmann, Bill

  Lang, Michael

  Scully calling

  Last, Martin

  Leary, Timothy

  Leonetti, Frank

  Lesh, Phil

  Let It Bleed

  Lighthill, Stephen

  lighting towers


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