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The Duke and The Duchess

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by Lady Aingealicia

  The Duke and The Duchess

  Romantic & Erotic Short Story Collection

  By Lady Aingealicia

  Table of Contents

  The Engagement

  Visions of Freedom

  A Single Rose

  The Dance

  She’s a Pussycat

  Just a Normal Work Day

  The Club


  ACT I.





  Spring Arrives

  Summer Heat

  The Barn Raising


  Tragedy Strikes

  A New World

  Dinner and a Wedding

  Life on the Plains

  The Holiday Celebrations

  Catching Up

  Getting comfortable

  Holiday Bliss

  Prairie Dreams

  New Addition on the Way

  Bundles of Joy

  Holiday Romance

  Life Long Devotion

  All in a Day’s Work

  Preparations for the Party

  A Night in the Garden

  Episode 1: Mystery Affairs

  Lady Angela’s Introduction

  The Bedroom

  And so it Begins


  Episode 2: The Barons’ Temptation

  Hidden Agenda

  Vacation Time


  The Investigation

  Episode 3: Countess Conspiracy

  The Ball


  So it Begins

  The Understanding

  British Invasions

  The Arrival


  The Barn

  Coming Out


  The Ball

  The Maze

  Fighting for Freedom


  The Villa

  As to the Why

  Written in the stars

  The Invitation

  The Call

  The Wishing Star

  The Duke and the Duchess

  By Lady Aingealicia

  The Engagement

  Victoria could not remember a day that she had not already been promised to a man who lived thousands of miles away. She had tried to avoid this day her whole life. She had begged, pleaded and finally threatened to go into a convent rather than marry a man she did not know and did not want to know. Even with the whole estate around her with life, she did not share the same sentiment. As the days got closer to her wedding day, she went to extreme lengths to avoid this preplanned life that had been mapped out by her parents. Even to the point of escaping at any cost, only to be caught in the end.

  Visions of Freedom

  Victoria had sworn her maid to secrecy as she packed her bags to leave later in the evening after all the festivities had died down. She would have taken Nadia if she could have gotten away with it. However, Nadia would be noticed if she was missing for the breakfast bell. Taking whatever was of worth in her room, she figured she could sell it and have enough to take a boat trip to another land, far away from her current dungeon as she saw it. Looking at her room, she sighed. She was going to miss this room. It was the only place she had ever known.

  Nadia came in with a tray. She had agreed to help Victoria escape. In her mind, she completely understood. For once in her life she was happy to be a maid, at least she would be able to choose her own husband. Victoria did not have that luxury, simply because she was a daughter of an Earl. Placing the food in the basket that was halfway full of simple dresses and valued things that would be sold no doubt.

  “Miss, I don’t envy you.” Nadia said quietly as she placed the fruit between the dresses.

  “I don’t envy me either.” Victoria snapped. “I really do not wish to discuss this with you. All you are to do is keep mum and dad busy until I am to the shore.”

  “Yes Miss, as you wish.” Nadia stated and continued to pack the basket.

  “All I wanted to do was marry Joseph.” Victoria muttered out loud as she thought of the hunter in her father’s party. He was the son of an Earl, she could not understand why she could not just marry him. She had argued until she was blue in the face with her mother and father. They argued that this decision had been made long ago and they would not break their word to the Duke. As the weeks approached for her prearranged wedding, Victoria had been making her own arraignment to leave. She got caught by Nadia putting things away in a basket that she kept in her closet under the many petticoats, hoops and dresses.

  Nadia was in a position she could not argue with her Mistress. She knew if she did that she would be punished severely and then she would have to stay as Victoria’s maid, which could be a fate worse than death. She had seen Victoria’s temperament and felt sorry for any who were in her wake of wrath. She would tell the Master and Mistress after Victoria was gone. It was the only way that she would be safe from the repercussions that Victoria would hand out. She didn’t understand why Victoria was fighting against this marriage anyway. Out of many arranged marriages that Nadia knew of not working, from what she knew of the young Duke, he was a very nice young man. His kindness was known through the lands.

  “Not a word Nadia. I will beat you until you are black and blue if you tell my parents where I went.” Victoria looked at the young blond maid. She knew her well enough to know that Nadia would run her mouth the minute she was gone. “And I will make sure you stay in my care until the day I die.” She added to make sure that Nadia understood what was at stake.

  As Nadia kept quiet, both Victoria and Nadia heard the coach’s approach. Both of them went to the balcony to look out. There were at least 3 coaches and several horses and cattle that followed them. Victoria ran back into her room from the balcony and started to throw everything she could into the basket. She needed to leave soon and did not need to have any problems getting out the door. She knew now that she would have to at least attend dinner with her family and the Duke’s family as well.

  “Miss, the word is that Edward is very nice. Maybe the marriage would not be so bad.” Nadia said quietly as she helped her Mistress pack. Nadia thought to herself, if she had to have an arranged marriage, she would want a nice man.

  “That is not the point Nadia.” Victoria huffed. “In this day and age, you would think we could choose who we want to marry.”

  “Maybe Edward feels the same Miss.” Nadia said under her breath. Victoria looked at her in rage.

  “Not another word Nadia.” Victoria packed her silver mirror, brush and comb.

  “Miss, we must at least get you ready for dinner.” Nadia mentioned seeing the sun starting to lower.

  “Fine.” Victoria sat down and waited for Nadia to put up her fiery red hair. She sighed, she had never been on her own before. She would have to learn how to do her hair on her own, as unruly as it was. Nadia grabbed the brush out of the basket and began to braid Victoria’s hair and pin it up. Placing the pearl necklace around Victoria’s neck, she smiled. Out of all the women she had ever seen, Victoria was by far the most beautiful. She could have any man she wanted and Nadia knew that Victoria wanted Joseph. Thankfully Joseph and his family had not been invited to this dinner.

  “Miss, you are done. All that is left is to fix your stays and put on your dress.” Nadia mentioned. Victoria sighed and stood up.

  “Fine, let’s be done with it.” Victoria looked at the sapphire blue dress that was on the bed. It had ivory lace for trim and was made special for the dinner tonight. Her mother watched over every stitch. Nadia tightened the corset around Victoria’s already tiny waist, making it even small
er and tightened the stays that held it. Pulling the stepstool to lift the dress over Victoria’s head, she held it open so that no hair would fall out of place. Since she had been taking care of Victoria since she was born, she had learned how to do that without issues. Victoria had insisted her hair always be done first then she would get dressed. She did not like sitting in a corset longer than she had to. After making sure everything was in place, Nadia stood back and looked at Victoria.

  “Oh Miss, if it were at all possible for you to be more beautiful, it would be today.” Nadia gasped at her Mistress. The sapphire complimented Victoria’s alabaster skin perfectly. There was no doubt how beautiful Victoria really was. Nadia looked at the basket and grabbed it to put in the closet to hide. She knew that it would not be long before Elizabeth would be coming to get Victoria.

  Victoria had moved back out to the balcony. She looked and saw the sun setting behind the mountains. She sighed. Just one more night of her life here at the castle. She was not sure what was out there for her, she just knew it had to be better than being married to a man who she had never met. She had no intention of being with someone for the rest of her life that she had never even seen.

  She did not hear her mother come in behind her. “Victoria, dinner will be served in a half hour.” Elizabeth began. She knew how her daughter felt and remembered well when her parents had done much the same to her with Louis. “Please at least give Edward a chance. You might come to find you actually like him.”

  Victoria spun around and glared at her mother. “I will not like him. I will not marry this man. I am sure he is deplorable.” Victoria stomped off into the hallway leaving her mother and Nadia watching after her. Elizabeth sighed.

  “Come Nadia, I need you to make up the beds in the guest room. Seems that Ashely forgot to do that in her list of chores.” Elizabeth folded her hands together and walked out to the hallway with Nadia following behind her. “Make sure to place lavender and eucalyptus in the rooms. Edwards’s father smokes a pipe.”

  “Yes Mistress Elizabeth, as you wish.” Nadia said quietly and went the other way to make up the rooms for Edward’s family.

  A Single Rose

  Edward paced in the library. He was not sure how he felt about this union. His father had spoken of the McKaufman’s since he could remember. He looked over at his father having a brandy with Louis McKaufman. Holding onto the crystal blue rose that he had made for Victoria, he watched quietly. He knew the two, his father and McKaufman had been in a war together and bonded. They had agreed their first born would be joined if they ever had children. A bond made on a battlefield without discussion of significant others or the children involved.

  He walked around the library, heading up the stairs to see what books he could read while he was here. He had heard things of Victoria; that she was not the easiest female to please. Surely she could not be all that bad. He heard the doors to the library open and he moved between the bookcases upstairs to watch on. He saw the vibrant red head walk in fuming. He could see she was angry. Her blue eyes were that of icy fire, he could see that from the second floor.

  “Father.” She started then saw that he had company so she stopped midsentence. She was sure she was staring at Edward. His eyes were crystal blue and his features were flawless. He stood up when she entered, his blonde hair complimented him. She curtsied and then went to leave.

  “Victoria, I would like to introduce you to Edward’s father, Michael.” Louis began, “Edward was here just a minute ago, he must have stepped out to check on the horses.”

  Victoria held out her hand. “It is very nice to meet you Michael.” Michael kissed her hand and nodded.

  “As it is nice to finally meet you.” He smiled, “Who knew that this ugly rogue could produce such a beautiful daughter. Edward will be very pleased I am sure.” Victoria blushed. Edward just hid in the shadows and watched. He did not want his presence known just yet.

  Victoria excused herself and went outside towards the horse stalls. That is after all where Michael said Edward would be. As she headed out, the sun had almost set. She grabbed a lantern to take with her. The stalls were empty when she went in, except for the horses. She walked up to Marigold, her mare.

  “She is quite beautiful.” Victoria heard a voice behind her. Jumping, she almost dropped the lantern. As she turned around, she saw him in the shadows. He was very tall she saw.

  “This is Marigold,” Victoria began. “I have had her since she was a yearling. Daddy bought her for me.” She rubbed Marigold’s nose as the mare bumped Victoria’s shoulder.

  “She seems to want some treats.” He laughed as he brought over an apple.

  “She loves apples and carrots.” Victoria looked him over. His face shadowed by the darkness of the stalls. Victoria ran her hand over Marigold’s shoulder.

  “Perhaps we can go riding tomorrow.” He responded as he held out his hand to give Marigold the apple.

  “Well you can’t be that bad, she likes you.” Victoria picked up the lantern and began to walk towards the door. “We best be going in for supper, or mother will be very upset. She has been working on this meeting for the last month I swear.”

  “Sounds like my dad and his trip planning.” Edward laughed as he walked behind her. “Look, neither of us have agreed to this. I thought of running away before we came here.”

  Victoria kept quiet thinking of the basket she had packed up stairs to run away that night. Nodding, she felt him take the lantern out of her hand and then take her hand so they could walk together.

  “We can’t have you falling.” He smiled at her. It was at that moment, Victoria thought to herself, she might just stay for the weekend. It was worth it to at least get to know Edward before she decided that she needed to run away. Besides, Joseph might stop by this weekend and they could sneak off to the woods together for a bit of time before she left.

  “No, I suppose that would not be good if I twisted an ankle.” She commented as they approached the front door of the castle. Going in, Victoria let go of his hand. The hallway was lit up with candles and she could finally see him.

  His blonde hair and his crystal blue eyes complimented his build. He was at least 6’3” and very sexy she noticed. It sent a shiver through her spine.

  “We don’t want to be disrespectful in your dad’s house for sure.” He smiled as he noticed how quickly she pulled her hand away. “Do you play chess?” He asked as they began to walk to the dining hall.

  “I do.” She answered and lowered her eyes. “Perhaps we can play this weekend.”

  “There is nothing like a game of chess to see where your opponent stands and how they think.” He commented as they looked at the room that had been prepared.

  “Do you consider me an opponent?” She asked boldly as they were seated. Edward was set across from her so they could talk during dinner without being to close. As was appropriate for the time.

  “I do for now, yes. One that needs to be captured and granted release if that is what you so desire.” He responded as the dinner guest started to trickle in. There was not much talking after that. Basic chit chat and families getting to know each other. Soon the time had come for everyone to head to bed. Victoria stood and took her leave, looking one last time at Edward.

  “I will have you know Sir, I am not a conquest.” She commented as the guest looked on. “I will however capture your queen and be done with this tomorrow.” The wine had started going to her head and she was speaking her mind. Edwards’s words had burned her to the bone. She had never been spoken to like that before. Storming up to her room, Nadia had turned down the bed and laid out Victoria’s night clothes.

  “Captured indeed.” Victoria spat, not knowing that Edward had followed her up and was standing outside the door. “I will show him captured.” Victoria let Nadia let down her hair and remove her dress and corset.

  “Miss, he does not seem that bad.” Nadia commented. “Perhaps it would be nice to be captured by such a man.”

bsp; “Nadia, you are dismissed.” Victoria spat as she climbed into bed. “Good night.” Pulling the covers up to her ears, Victoria fell into a fitful sleep. Edward plagued her mind and made her moist. She fought off the feelings and drifted off to sleep, thinking of him capturing her in his arms.

  The Dance

  The weekend went by quickly as Victoria and Edward got to know each other under the watchful eyes of the house and parents. As they sat playing chess in the library, Edward looked over Victoria. He had not given her the rose as of yet. He was waiting for the right time. He had his mother’s ring in his pocket. He would often feel it and make sure it was still there. Victoria had captivated him and he was very smitten with her. He was not sure she felt the same, especially when Joseph had shown up and they went off for a few hours together.

  He had become a bit jealous as he watched them together. Though neither of them had discussed the day, she knew he was not happy. She played her cards on that by inviting Joseph to come over Monday for the ball that was to be thrown in honour of the engagement between Victoria and Edward. He was not sure that was going to happen.

  Victoria looked over at him and fluttered her lashes. She had him in checkmate and he had not noticed because his mind was drifting elsewhere. She touched his hand and nodded to the board.

  “You did it again.” He looked at her. “Seems I am the one to surrender to you Victoria.”

  “Well most men do.” She commented as they set the board back up. “Do you want to play again Edward? Maybe a wager this time?” She batted her lashes at him.

  “No, I am thinking we can go for a ride.” He looked back at her. “Unless you don’t know how to ride Marigold and that was just a ruse.” He joked.

  “No, I know how to ride. Probably better than you.” She responded. “I will have to change.”


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