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The Duke and The Duchess

Page 6

by Lady Aingealicia

  I do hope to hear back from you Miss Marriage for Sale. I don’t know what else to call you since that was in the post. I don’t know if you have received any other offers, if not, please consider ours.

  Kindest regards,

  Mrs. Julie Evens

  Elizabeth read the words over and over. She would have to leave in January and hope the snow would not be such an issue. It was the only letter she had received. She did not have many other options. She did not wish to be a maid in a boarding house. This man was in great need it sounded like and Mrs. Evens came across very nice in her words. How much harder could it be for Elizabeth to take care of a man and a child in the west than helping Mae with her household?

  She took the letter and showed it to Charley. He smiled at the fact that she had taken his advice. He gave a slight chuckle and handed the letter back to her.

  “Well it would be an instant family.” He finally said, “Did Mrs. Evens send a photo of Brad?”

  “No.” She answered, “I just got the letter in the mail. What do you think? A month to travel there. That is a long trip. Couldn’t I take the train?”

  “Maybe the train has not made it that far yet.” Charley responded. “It could be that they could not afford a train ticket.”

  “Well, Charley.” She began, “Couldn’t I borrow it from you so I could take the train if it does go that way?”

  “I will see how much it will cost.” He answered. “I would give it to you as a wedding gift.”

  Elizabeth hugged Charley, she did not know what to expect in this town of Lamar, Colorado. She left the room and went to write Mrs. Evens that she would be coming. They could write letters until the day that she left. She asked about the train and if it had come through the town yet. The month passed by quickly and Elizabeth had saved enough money that she would be able to have some clothing when she got there and a bit of spending money for the way.

  Charley was true to his word. He found that the train did run through Lamar. It would take approximately a week for her to get there. She was given a trunk for Christmas that was full of things for her new home from linens to clothing. She was getting anxious the closer it came to her leaving. Her plans were to leave the last week of January. She was hoping that the move would be a welcome move for everyone.

  A New World

  Charley and Sarah saw Elizabeth off on the train. She promised them she would write. As she left the station her tears began to fall. Everything had moved so quickly. She was not sure about moving out west. Away from everyone and everything she knew. Going to a town where she only knew one person and that was only through letters. The lady she was sitting beside had a small child with her. They made small talk on the trip. It helped to pass the time.

  Elizabeth saw the east coast disappear in the background and the land was very different than what she was used to. As the train moved west, it became flatter and the houses became sparse. She tried to sleep, yet it was not easy to sleep sitting up. She knew that Mr. and Mrs. Evens would meet her at the station. As the train came to the stop, Elizabeth looked around.

  The town she saw was not much of a town. Mrs. Evens had explained it was a young town. She saw the train depot and two older people waiting by the little station. She figured that must be Mr. and Mrs. Evens. As she stepped off, the lady approached her and smiled.

  “You must be Elizabeth.” She said holding out her hand.

  Elizabeth looked her up and down. The lady had auburn hair with streaks of grey showing through. The man with her was balding and had very kind eyes. When he shook her hand, his hands were soft. His smile was welcoming and Elizabeth knew at that time, she had made the right decision.

  “I am.” Elizabeth answered Mrs. Evens. “You must be Mr. and Mrs. Evens.”

  “That we are.” Mrs. Evens smiled brightly. “Now let’s get you settled. Did you have a trunk dear?”

  Elizabeth nodded as she looked around. The town was actually larger than she expected. It looked as if it were flourishing in the middle of nowhere. She saw buildings going up and many people walking around. There was a mixture of people there. She saw that main street was full of life. Mr. Evens pointed to the boy that came out of nowhere. He was a young boy, he walked over to the Evens.

  “Yeah Pa.” He said.

  “Let’s load up Miss. Elizabeth’s trunk.” Mr. Evens stated and walked with the boy to find the trunk.

  It was the only one on the platform. They carried it to a horse and buggy that was sitting next to the station. Elizabeth followed Mrs. Evens. As they got in the buggy, Mrs. Evens continued to talk about how the town had come about and some of the local news that was going on. There was not much discussion of Brad yet.

  “I want you to meet Brad tonight.” Mrs. Evens said quickly. “We have told him about you, he is excited to meet you. If you two can hit it off well, we can have you married on Saturday. The preacher said he would do it.”

  “Saturday?” Elizabeth stammered. “That is two days away.”

  “Yes and we will have a huge shindig to celebrate.” Mrs. Evens bubbled. “You are going to like Brad. Now he is a bit rough around the edges, but the boy has a good heart. Even helps him on the farm.”

  “Where is this farm Mrs. Evens?” Elizabeth looked around and only saw the town, no farmland.

  “It is about 5 miles out.” Mrs. Evens pointed down the street. “His is the first farm outside of the main part of the town.”

  “I see.” Elizabeth said as they pulled up in front of a home that looked very much like hers did before it burned down.

  “Well, you are with us until the wedding day.” Mrs. Evens stepped down out of the buggy and led the way inside the house. “Come with me to the kitchen. Let’s get dinner ready for the boys.”

  Elizabeth followed Mrs. Evens into the kitchen. It was much larger than she expected. As they fixed dinner together, she heard voices in the hallway. She wanted to peek around, however there were still things to get done for the dinner. Mrs. Evens went to set up the table and brought back in a small boy. When Elizabeth turned, she almost dropped the potatoes they had made. She saw a little boy who had a light complexion. He had light blonde hair and the biggest blue eyes she had ever seen.

  “Well this here is little Wyatt.” Mrs. Evens held him out to Elizabeth. “Isn’t he adorable?”

  Elizabeth held Wyatt close, he grabbed at her auburn hair. She cooed at him and he giggled. There was an immediate connection. Mrs. Evens watched as Elizabeth held him close. Wyatt grabbed at Elizabeth and smiled the whole time. Mrs. Evens knew it was a good match as she carried out the food to the table.

  “Well come on Elizabeth.” Mrs. Evens said, “It is time to meet Wyatt’s daddy.”

  Elizabeth followed Mrs. Evens out and almost ran right into Brad. She caught her breath when she saw him. He was taller than she had expected, his body was hard from the work he did on the farm. His blonde hair was brushed back and when Elizabeth looked in his eyes, they were just as blue as Wyatt’s.

  “Well howdie Ma’am.” He held out his hand. “It seems you have something that belongs to me.”

  He reached to take Wyatt from her. She stepped back holding Wyatt tight.

  “It is okay.” She said, “He is not a bother.”

  “You must be Miss Elizabeth.” He stated.

  “That would be me.” She smiled.

  She wished she could know what he was thinking as they sat for dinner. Wyatt sat in her lap while they talked. She listened mostly to the conversation that was going on. She wanted to learn more about this place and what Brad would expect of her. They sat side by side and he often would bump his leg against hers. She was not sure if it was an accident or on purpose.

  “Well you two seem to get on well.” Mrs. Evens noted as she took Wyatt from Elizabeth to lay him down.

  “Why don’t you two go out on the porch and get to know each other better?” Mr. Evens suggested. “I can help mother with the dishes.”

  Elizabeth and Brad walked out
to the porch and sat down. They were quiet at first. Then Brad started to ask her questions. Many things she had already explained to Mrs. Evens. She explained that she had grown up in Boston, that her family had died in the fire and that is why she had put in the ad. He told her about his wife, the farm and he had moved from Denver to get the free land. They both were trying to make a new life for themselves.

  It seemed they had talked for hours before he said he had to get back out to the farm. There were animals to take care of in the morning. She suggested that he leave Wyatt there for the evening. He agreed as they walked out to his wagon. He leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek and she felt goose pimples on her skin. He gave her butterflies.

  “Why don’t you come out with Evan tomorrow?” He said before he got up in the wagon. “See the farm. Make sure it is right for you.”

  “I would like that Brad.” She said as she walked back to the house.

  She turned to look as he drove his wagon away. Going in the house, she was greeted by Mrs. Evens who wanted to find out how things had gone. She could tell by Elizabeth’s face, that things had gone well. She showed Elizabeth to her room. Elizabeth saw the bed and almost fell right into it. She had not slept in a bed since Boston. Changing, she let her long hair down. Brad was everything that Mrs. Evens said and more.

  Dinner and a Wedding

  Elizabeth rode out with Evan to Brad’s farm. It was full of life. She saw a house in the middle of the fields as Evan drove the team up to it. Evan pulled up and Brad came to meet them. Evan and Brad unhitched the horses as Elizabeth went in the house. It was a simple house. There was a bedroom, a kitchen that had a table for dining and an upstairs. There was a water spout in the house so that they would not have to go out to the well to get water. There was a back room that held wood to keep it dry.

  “I know it is not much to look at.” Brad said quietly. “But it is mine free and clear.”

  “I can work with this.” She answered looking at him.

  “Well then, about tomorrow.” He began to question.

  “Yes, about tomorrow.” She ran her fingertips along the table that sat in the middle of the room.

  “I was hoping you would want to see the preacher with me.” He looked down and dug his toe in the wood floor.

  “That is how you are going to ask me to marry you?” She laughed.

  “Well, I am not much good at words Miss Elizabeth.” He replied and blushed a bit.

  “I guess you will have to meet me there to find out then.” She smiled at him.

  As the day came to an end, Evan and Elizabeth headed back to town. Brad kissed her on the cheek and then went in the house. When Evan and Elizabeth arrived at the house, Mrs. Evens took Elizabeth upstairs. She held out a brown package for her. Elizabeth opened it up to find a dress for the wedding. She did not know what to say. All she could do is hug Mrs. Evens.

  “Well you have to look your best now don’t you?” Mrs. Evens grinned. “Let’s see how it looks on you.”

  Elizabeth held up the lavender dress and noticed the lace. It was a beautiful dress. She had owned many dresses, she knew that this one would mean more to her than any of the others she had owned. She changed into the dress and it fit her like a glove. Mrs. Evens left her to go to bed. Elizabeth crawled into bed and knew it would be the last night she would sleep alone.

  As the sun peeked through the curtains, Elizabeth woke up before anyone in the house. She saw what Mrs. Evens had spoken about. The sun rise here was beautiful. She began to get ready for the day. Looking at the wedding dress she smiled. She put on a simple dress for the morning. They were going to the church around 10. She heard Wyatt in the next room and went to check on him.

  Taking him downstairs, she warmed him some milk and sat in the living room to nurse him. Mrs. Evens came downstairs and watched quietly. Wyatt had taken to Elizabeth like a duck to water. She came in and sat down beside Elizabeth and took Wyatt from her.

  “You will do well here young lady.” Mrs. Evens said, “And Brad really likes you.”

  “How can you tell?” Elizabeth asked.

  “Cause he talks to you.” Mrs. Evens answered. “He does not talk to many. If he does, it is short and sweet.”

  Elizabeth helped Mrs. Evens set up for the wedding party after. She was going to take Wyatt for the night so that Elizabeth and Brad could be alone for the night. As the time moved faster than what Elizabeth had expected, soon it was time for her to get ready for the wedding. Mrs. Evens helped her prepare. When they arrived to the church, Brad was waiting for Elizabeth. There were a few people from the town to welcome them as a couple.

  The service was very short and soon after the party went back to the Evens to celebrate with the couple. As night fell, Brad and Elizabeth left. He watched her as they drove the wagon back to the farm. He put the horse up and then picked Elizabeth up and carried her across the threshold to the bedroom. Slowly he began to kiss her as his hands trailed down her body.

  “I am glad you showed up Ma’am.” He kissed her neck as he undid the dress and it fell to the ground.

  His hands traced across her firm breast as she moaned softly. Her hands traced across his chest as he lifted her and laid her on the bed. It seemed as if their clothes just melted off their bodies. Elizabeth felt his bare skin against hers as he kissed her softly and let down her hair. She spread her legs as his hardness pressed against her flower. He gently pushed in as she gasped loudly in his ear.

  Her hands raced down his back as he pushed his hips into her and he felt her bite his shoulder. Her nails dug into his back at the same time as her body arched into his. He found her mouth and kissed her fully as his hands held her hips. Her body was supple and he hungered for her. She wrapped her legs around him as his mouth kissed her neck and then found one of her nipples. He teased her as her breath quickened.

  She cried out his name as her head spun. She had never felt anything like this for a man. She felt his mouth on her bare skin as her hips began to match his movements. He traced his tongue to her other breast and made the nipple hard as her nails clawed at his back. She felt him thrust one last time as he groaned falling on top of her. He found her mouth again and traced his tongue along her lips as he rolled over pulling her to him.

  “I think this will be a wonderful journey.” He said as he traced his hands over her bare skin making her shiver.

  “I do as well.” She smiled and kissed his chest and her hand moved down his body.

  Life on the Plains

  Elizabeth watched Wyatt as he crawled on the floor. She was writing a letter to let Charley know what had happened and to wish him the best on his marriage. She had never expected to find a man such as Brad. He was everything she wanted and more. She looked at what she had written.

  Dearest Charley,

  I do hope that you and Sarah are doing well. Colorado is a bit different than Boston. The farm is wonderful. I do hope you and Sarah can come visit at some time to meet Brad and Wyatt and the little one that is due in the winter.

  That was as far as she had gotten as she patted her growing belly. Smiling to herself, she knew that Charley meant it as a joke when he said for her to put a classified in the paper to find a husband. She found more than that, she had found a family.

  Mail Order Bride

  Cowboy Love

  By Lady Aingealicia

  The Holiday Celebrations

  Elizabeth could not believe how fortunate she was, she left Boston to come to Lamar Colorado for a new life. She found it or one could say it found her. She never expected to fall in love with Brad, yet he had become her world. The farm was her life and her children were everything she could ever hope for. Yet she missed those from back East and longed to see them. She knew the holidays were going to bring much joy as Charley and his wife, Sarah would visit and then head back to Boston to continue their life. Elizabeth would stay, she would make the plains work for her and her family, no matter what they were faced with. After all it was not a land for th
e timid or meek, it was a land that would test your faith and fortitude, and it was where she wanted to be.

  Catching Up

  Elizabeth and Brad stood at the train station in the bitter cold. The twins and Wyatt were at Mrs. Evens home to keep warm. The wind blew and Elizabeth shivered under her winter coat and head covering. She placed her arm around Brad’s as they waited for the train to come in. Charley and Sarah were finally coming for a visit. Elizabeth wondered how much had changed between them since the last time she saw them. There was so much to catch up on.


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