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The Duke and The Duchess

Page 16

by Lady Aingealicia

  The next morning Belle was right on time to wake her as she opened the curtains and looked at Regina. She smiled remembering the night before. Regina had had all night to think about what to do about the situation and then figured out a perfect plan.

  “Good morning miss.” Belle chirped as she gave Regina her cup of tea. “I hope you slept well last night.”

  “Oh I did Belle, thank you.” Regina responded. “How do you like this household?”

  “Oh very much miss.” Belle answered, she was not sure where this conversation was going.

  “Good, I believe I will leave you as a gift for my mother when Marcel and I are married.” Regina answered, “She needs someone like you to help her and I can always find a new maid.”

  “As you wish miss.” Belle answered in shock.

  “I want to wear the purple gown today Belle.” Regina stated boldly, she wanted to look beautiful when she told Marcel of her decision.

  He really had no need to know she saw the activities of the night before. She would keep that to herself until needed. She enjoyed watching and with any luck, she would be able to watch in silence again very soon. Especially since Martinita and Elzbeth would be staying in the guest rooms until the wedding to help out. She smiled as she got out of bed and sat at her vanity waiting for Belle to tend to her needs and planned how to tell Marcel that Belle would be staying behind.

  Roman Romance

  Gladiator Erotica

  By Lady Aingealicia

  Fighting for Freedom

  Faustus had been a Gladiator for as long as he could remember. He had worked his way up through the ranks and was on his fifth and final fight to gain what so many wanted. There was nothing in his mind except the win, at any cost. He never knew that from the stands of the Coliseum a woman watched breathlessly for his freedom as well. For him, his whole life was about the fight and the spoils that came from that. He never expected that after his freedom would be granted he would have to fight to keep his heart in the end.


  Faustus looked at his opponent in the ring. He knew that this would be his last battle part of the famila if he won. He rose his sword to the Coliseum where the people roared in approval. He looked at the Emperor’s box and rose his sword to him. The Emperor nodded in approval as Faustus approached the man he did not know. He knew that he came from another town and had upset the Emperor. He also knew that after this he would gain his freedom.

  Faustus had been with the famila for so long, he had forgotten what it was to be free. When the opportunity came for him to be able to leave the famila, even though many had become like brothers, he jumped at it. He knew that he had a fair lanista, however there was no price on freedom. Today he knew that he would become a Rudiarii. He had planned on teaching after he gained this title.

  He noticed that beside the Emperor sat a Senator and a woman he had never seen before, her beauty struck him. Her red hair was done in many ringlets and hung down the back of her neck. Her porcelain skin was highlighted by with an indigo stola and silver jewelry. He shook his head as he scanned the rest of the Coliseum. The people roared again as he advanced towards his opponent.

  Holding his sword and shield, he circled the boy that he faced. The boy did not seem older than 18, 19 at the most. Faustus had no idea what he had done to upset the Emperor, he just knew he had a job to do as he approached the boy from behind. He caught the boy’s side and blood ran down the bare skin. He saw the fire in the boy’s eyes as he swung without thought. Moving to the side, Faustus missed the tip of the blade that was jutted towards him.

  Spinning, all Faustus could feel was the rage building with in his body. He moved without thought. He had been trained by some of the best in the Gladiator ring and had excelled at sword fighting. With a few thrust and movements soon the boy was on the ground and Faustus looked at him. Placing his foot on the boy’s chest, he knew that he had the choice of death or life for the boy. As he looked at the boy who pleaded with him, Faustus delivered one final blow through his side and the boy closed his eyes.

  Stepping off the boy so that the physicians could carry him away, Faustus knew that if they moved quickly the boy would not die. He would leave it in the hands of the Fate’s. His freedom was worth far more than the boy’s life, however he also knew if the boy wanted to live enough he would. He pulled his sword out of the boy’s side and looked at the crowd. Their thumbs were up to grant his freedom.

  Walking to the center where the Emperor sat, he looked up at him with his dark eyes and sweat pouring down his face and well-toned body. He saw the woman sitting there, her hand over her eyes. She was flushed and had a vine of grapes hanging from her hand. The Emperor gave his thumbs up as the crowd roared in approval.

  Faustus noticed the Emperor motion for one of the slaves to come forth and took a red tunic from him. He threw it onto the floor of the Coliseum before Faustus. Faustus picked up the tunic and nodded to the Emperor as he left the Coliseum and went through a tunnel. As he ran into his lanista, they clasped hands and hugged, stepping back quickly.

  “Then it is done.” Faustus stated clearly. “I will teach as we agreed, however I will be known as Rudiarii from here on.”

  The lanista was a man of few words and nodded. He patted Faustus back and walked away. Faustus noticed the slave in the corner and called him forth. Looking the man over, he was shorter in stature and wore the robes of a wealthy Roman’s slave. As Faustus removed his clothing to change into the red tunic for the celebration, he looked at the slave.

  “Speak.” He finally ordered.

  “My Lord.” He began, “My name is Otho. I have been sent by the Senator Lucius who extends his hospitality to stay at the Villa while you wait to teach.”

  Faustus rose and eyebrow. He was not expecting this. Lucius was one of the better known Senators of the area. It was not an invitation he could refuse. He nodded to the slave and changed into a white tunic and sandals and grabbed his cloak to leave the room. He handed Otho his helmet and armor, keeping his sword on his side. He held the red tunic in his arms.

  “Tell the Senator, I would be honored.” He nodded to the slave. “I shall join him at the banquet and we will discuss terms. Until then, please take this to the Villa and have it cleaned and placed in my room.”

  Otho nodded and took the items given to him. Faustus went to the public baths and removed his clothing in the changing room. Leaving his clothes and sandal’s in charge with a slave who would follow him through the baths. He wanted to prepare for the banquet that was ahead. He noticed there were only a few people there as he washed up. As he went through the baths and was massaged and oiled up, his mind wandered to the woman he saw. He had never seen her in the city before. He wondered who she was.

  If it were in the Fate’s plans, he would meet her in due time. He dressed and headed out amongst the people towards the feast that had been prepared during the day. To his surprise, Otho was there waiting on him. He led Faustus to a table where the Emperor and Senator Lucius were sitting. Beside them was the woman that sat to the right of Lucius and there was a woman between the Senator and Emperor. He knew that the Emperor had many women, none of whom he was married to.

  “Ah, Faustus please join us.” The Emperor pointed to a seat beside him. “Very well played today. So you know, the boy will live so I am told.”

  “That is pleasant to know Emperor.” Faustus responded as he grabbed a goblet of mead.

  “This is Senator Lucius.” The Emperor motioned, “And his lovely wife Marcellina and daughter Junia.”

  Faustus nodded to both of the women and Lucius. He looked Junia over. She was even more beautiful up close. There was much merriment going on around them as they talked of Faustus and where he would go to teach now that he was a free man. Faustus wanted to rest more than anything and remained polite as the evening wore on. Soon Lucius rose as did the women.

  “Faustus,” He began, “It is my understanding you have accepted the offer presented to you by my sla
ve Otho.”

  “Yes, I have My Lord.” Faustus was a man of few words, he was more a man of action.

  “Well then, unless you wished to stay,” Lucius continued, “please join us on our walk back to the Villa. I will see you at the meeting tomorrow Emperor.” Lucius nodded.

  Faustus nodded to the Emperor as well. His red tunic swaying as he walked with Lucius. The women walked behind them, talking amongst themselves in low tones. Faustus knew of Lucius, however he had never met him prior and was not sure why the invitation had been granted to him to stay in the Villa. He was sure he would find out before he had to leave for training at the school.

  The Villa

  As they entered the Villa, Faustus noticed it was mostly marble and there were many plants surrounding the entrance. Otho made his way in the home and Junia followed him to her quarters. As Lucius walked, he motioned for Faustus to follow him. His golden yellow toga swaying as he walked. He showed Faustus the baths that were in the home, the work out room, the kitchen and then his room. Faustus noticed it was right by the baths and work out room. This pleased him. He would be able to come and go as he pleased without disturbing any of the others.

  As they said goodnight, Faustus noticed that Otho stayed beside him. He was to be a personal slave for Faustus during his stay. Faustus noticed that his shield, helmet, and clothing had been cleaned and there was a new white tunic for him on the bed. He dismissed Otho and began to head to bed. He wanted a bath first. He grabbed the clean tunic and headed towards the bath room. When he entered he saw her.

  She was in the pool fully nude. Turning and looking at him, she did not seem startled at his presence, more annoyed. She swam from one end to the other and he could see her body under the water. It was in perfect form. Her slave came to the edge of the pool as she began to exit it. The girl had a cloth to cover her mistress as Junia left the pool to the next room. Shaking his head, he jumped in fully disrobed and washed up. The girl came back to the room and looked upon Faustus.

  “My name is Livia My Lord.” She simply said. “I will help you to the next room and can be of any service you desire.”

  He looked over the young girl and ducked under the water. As he came back up he ran his hands through his black hair. He moved to exit the pool as the girl approached him and wrapped a cloth about his waist. Her hands were delicate and her almond colored eyes looked no higher than his chest. She moved to collect his other tunics and led him to the next room. He saw Junia in the pool leaning against the side with her head back.

  Her full breast rose as she sat there. He removed his cloth and let it drop. She did not even look at him as he entered. They both knew that this was not the most appropriate situation, yet there was nothing going on so the slaves would report nothing back except that the two were in the baths together. She finally opened her green hazel eyes and looked at him.

  “You let the boy live.” Was all she said.

  “He did not deserve to die.” He responded.

  “You showed mercy.” She added.

  “I allowed him a life of a Plebeian.” He replied without a thought. “He will at least have a life.”

  She nodded in understanding. Junia moved towards the edge of the pool and Livia covered her mistress. She left the room and he shook his head. He was not sure where this was going. He was not a saint by any means, yet he also had never been with a woman such as Junia. He wanted her as much as he needed his breath to live. He followed her and found her being massaged by another slave.

  “This is Priscilla.” Junia stated as the girl rubbed her down. “She is my personal slave. You are welcome to have Livia if you wish.”

  He laid beside her as they spoke and Livia worked on his sore muscles. He could see the delicate skin of Junia getting red from her massage as she sat up and wrapped herself in a cloth. Moving to the next room. As Faustus rolled over, Livia saw that his manhood was very erect. She placed her hand on it and began to rub. He pushed her hand away.

  “I do not desire you Livia.” He said as he rose and moved to the next room. The girl ran behind him confused. “Sure you are attractive enough, I just do not desire what you can do girl.”

  He dismissed her with a swipe of the hand and entered the pool where Junia was. She noticed his hardness and looked away. She had been married once, her husband had died in battle, so she was not shocked when she looked upon his body that was well built. His chest was larger than what she expected and every abdominal in his body was defined by the work he placed in the Coliseums.

  “Why did your father invite me here?” He asked bluntly.

  She raised her hand and dismissed Priscilla. She swam towards Faustus and sat beside him. Her hand went to his thigh and she squeezed upon it. He was shocked by her boldness. He placed his hand on hers and shook his head. He was not going to cross the line that she was hinting at. After all she was a Patrician and out of his league. She removed her hand and looked at him. He had many scars across his body from the battles he had been through.

  “I am not sure.” She stated. “I am not privy to such information My Lord.”

  She moved to the edge of the pool and walked out. He saw her form and became instantly hard. Her heart shaped buttocks set his fire ablaze. She was tempting him and he wanted her, there was no doubt. He did not know she felt the same and always got what she wanted in the end. He did not follow her, rather left her in the last room alone for a good bit, sure she had left. He went to the last room to see that she had left as he had hoped.

  He took a deep breath in relief. He was not sure he could fight off his urges the longer she had been in the room with him. He noticed his clothing was there for when he was ready and sat back and took in the relaxation time before he headed to his room. Dressed in his white toga, he carried his other clothing with him and left them on the desk by the door for the slaves in the morning. He crawled into bed and the minute his head hit the pillow, he was asleep.

  As he slept, he felt the hands on his member as it rose. Soon he felt soft lips and a tongue flicking upon it. He began to wake as his hands traveled down and felt the long tresses on his fingertips. He moaned as the mouth took him in and swallowed him. Teasing the tip with her tongue she traced down the shaft and back up. Slowly at first and then speeding up, she felt the tip hit the back of her neck. He groaned as his hands guided her.

  As she moved to straddle him, he figured it was Livia as she positioned herself above him and he was met with a wet opening. Sliding right in, he placed his hands on her hips as he pulled her down on him. She gasped at his size as her hands traced along the scars on his chest. He thrust his hips up into her as she leaned in to kiss his lips softly. Tracing her tongue against his lips, he moved his hands to the back of her head and kissed her fully thinking of Junia.

  Her nails raked into his chest as he pushed into her harder. His hand holding her head there as she screamed into his mouth. Her body arched as he increased his rhythm and she was panting on top of him. He moved his hands to smack her ass as she responded. Her hips moving faster as her walls milked him. He came with a gusto and she fell upon his chest as they caught their breaths.

  Standing she left him as quickly as she had come in to be with him. He was not sure what to think and got up. Moving to the baths once again. He noticed the sun was peeking on the horizon. He was not sure who it was, in his mind it had to be Livia, after all she had offered herself to him. He walked into the warm bath and relaxed as he heard the door open. Lucius entered with Otho as he removed his tunic and joined Faustus.

  As to the Why

  Lucius looked at Faustus. He ducked under the water and then moved to the other side. There was silence between the two. Faustus had many questions running through his mind, he was just not sure how to question the Senator. The Senator got up and went to the next room. Faustus followed quietly.

  “I have called you to my Villa Faustus.” Lucius began. “Because Junia needs a husband.”

  Faustus blinked. This was not what he had
expected. He thought maybe the Senator would need him to help with war plans or training another Gladiator. He listened to the Senator closely to make sure he understood correctly.

  “She was widowed at a young age.” Lucius continued. “Her heart was broken and I have no grandchild.”

  “And you choose me Senator because?” Faustus questioned.

  “You are the first man I have seen her light up to.” Lucius moved to the massage room. “She glowed when she saw you in the ring months ago. We have attended every battle you have placed in. I agreed if you gained your freedom, I would talk to you about her hand.”

  “I see.” Faustus had not planned on being one that was used in an arranged marriage. “And what if I did not agree?”

  “Well there are always the gallows if that be the case Faustus.” Lucius laughed.

  “This is true.” Faustus knew that Lucius could request this of the Emperor. “You are aware I am to go teach.”


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