Love's Betrayals (The Extraordinary Life of Amy Winston Book 2)

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Love's Betrayals (The Extraordinary Life of Amy Winston Book 2) Page 4

by Liza O'Connor

  “Tomorrow then?”

  “No, I’m afraid not. You see, Sicily was correct in her observation that you require an escort and I simply do not have the time right now.”

  “Well, cannot Sam be our escort?”

  “No. None of those four can pass for a gentleman. Their presence will cause more disturbance than anything.”

  “What about Antonio? He could pass for a gentleman.”

  “Amy, no! I have made up my mind and it is final. You will not go out!”

  “Then what are we to do? We have to have something to occupy our time. I am fine with not having a season, but I am not fine with being locked up here like prisoners with no form of entertainment whatsoever.”

  “You may use my library when I am in there.”

  Amy paused and then smiled. “Thank you. We shall do just that,” she assured him and nodded for Domnika to follow her.

  When Nicolas returned to his library, he found both girls studying the shelves of books. Each had stacks of books beside them.

  “You will not take my books from the library. I said you may read them here. So please put all but one back upon the shelves.”

  “Is that one between us, or a piece, your lordship?” Domnika asked.

  Nicolas locked eyes with her.

  Amy shook her head. If Nicolas thought he could stare down Domnika, he was in for a disappointment. No one could hold a stare longer than Domnika. Amy chose her book and sat down in the window seat. Domnika continued to stare down Nicolas.

  The battle was interrupted by Sicily reminding him to stop in and visit the ladies during their afternoon tea today. Her arms had just encircled his neck when she realized Amy and Domnika were in the room. “Why are they in here?”

  “Reading my books, since they were not allowed to go to the library.”

  Amy had no doubt by his reply that Sicily had insisted they not go out. That put her in mind of a delicious revenge.

  Sicily removed her arms from his neck and frowned. “It is entirely inappropriate for young ladies to be locked away in here with you.”

  “I believe you can trust me not to ravish them,” he replied with sarcasm.

  “That is hardly the point.”

  “To be honest Sicily, I fail to understand your point in any of this. So please, just let it be and allow me a moment of peace.”

  “Peace? With these two in your library? I seriously doubt you’ll get any peace.”

  “They appear quiet enough.”

  Sicily glared at him. “I will not allow this.” She walked over to Amy. “Get out of that window this instant!”

  Nicolas sighed. “Amy, perhaps you and Domnika could allow me a moment to discuss this with my wife in private.”

  They both left the room with their books in hand. Finding a comfortable shady spot in the garden, they continued to read.

  “What are you plotting?” Domnika asked.

  Amy laughed. “I haven’t yet decided if we’ll do it. And I dare not tell you until I’ve committed, for it is far too delicious and you won’t let me back out once you know.”

  Domnika smiled. “You are becoming most devious, Amy Winston. I am very proud of you!”

  A shower of water interrupted their reading. Sicily, looking pleased with herself, stood before them with her empty pitcher. “Never try to come between me and my husband again. And do not lie about in my garden like some street whores. Go to your rooms and stay there the rest of the day.”

  Amy sighed and attempted to dry her book with her skirt.

  “Go to your rooms now!”

  “We’re going,” Amy assured her and then smiled at Domnika. “That water felt quite refreshing.”

  Domnika smiled knowing all too well the frustration of trying to torture Amy. “I thought it great fun, indeed. Why don’t we get a few more pitchers and throw them on each other?”

  Sicily looked angry enough to throw the pitcher next. “I don’t care what you do, just as long as you stay in your rooms!”

  They hurried inside, away from the ‘mad boot’.

  “She seems very desperate to have us stay in our rooms,” Amy said as they entered Domnika’s room. “Perhaps we should leave this door opened for the present.”

  “You think she plans to lock us in?”

  “I am certain of it, and I’d rather not disclose my fine locksmith talents just yet.” She stared out past the garden to Antonio’s house. Sam was in the second story window watching her. She raised her hand and waved. “So I am hoping that if they see both of us in here, they will only lock this door.”

  Antonio’s voice from the hallway caused her to turn around. “That would be most likely, had she not asked the valet to do it,” he said, leaning on their door frame.

  Amy approached him with a smile. She gently pushed him into the hall and followed him out. “How unfortunate for you that the door was open and before you could fulfill your duty, the precocious Amy Winston flirted with you so shamelessly that you had no recourse but to run away.”

  “Run away?” he repeated in disbelief as his hands settled on her hips.

  “Yes, in fear that you would become senseless as my guardian does when a woman flirts with him.”

  “Oh dear God, not that,” he exclaimed playfully and stepped away from her. “But be warned, she will send a woman in my place,” he advised before he disappeared.

  Amy returned to Domnika’s room, leaving the door opened. “I like him.”

  Domnika smiled. “I noticed.

  “He is playful and fun.”

  “Around you he certainly is.”

  Amy sat down beside her on the bed and whispered in her ear that her hips still burned where his hands had rested. “Is that not the strangest thing?”

  A few minutes later, a nervous maid entered the room and asked if they would like anything to drink. Five minutes later, when the maid backed out of the room with their rather elaborate food and drink order, they listened as the lock turned.

  “Why did you order food?” Domnika asked.

  “So that we have a valid reason to leave our rooms to go downstairs. Now what shall we wear?” Amy asked.

  Once dressed in their finest, they went through the connecting door between their rooms and out the unlocked door of Amy’s room. Entering the parlor, where Sicily entertained guest, Amy was surprised to receive a heartfelt greeting.

  Catherine Halloway, a former student at the girl’s school, left her seat and hugged Amy and Domnika with great affection. “I had no idea you were here. Mother, this is Amy Winston and Domnika Post from school.”

  The grand old matriarch rose and kissed them on both cheeks. “Oh, the two of you will certainly catch the gentlemen’s eyes. Good thing you’ve got your man, Catherine,” her mother teased.

  Catherine held out her hand for both to admire her engagement ring. “The wedding is to be in two months. Oh, Mother, can we not add two more bridesmaids?”

  Mrs. Halloway chuckled. “You don’t even know if the ladies will be in town then. Perhaps they are just on a holiday from school.”

  “No ma’am, we have completed school,” Amy assured her.

  “Then I must have them in my wedding party,” Catherine insisted.

  Amy smiled with great happiness. Not just to see Catherine, but also for the look on Sicily’s face. She could almost hear those perfect teeth grinding with rage behind that smiling façade.

  Sicily finally found her voice to protest. “You cannot add bridesmaids to the party at such a late date, nor do I expect Domnika or Amy will be in London in two months.”

  “Where else would we be?” Amy asked in surprise. “I can’t imagine we will find our husbands and be married as quickly as that, Sicily.”

  Domnika laughed, more at Sicily’s constrained fury and horror than at the thought of marriage in two months. “Amy is correct, for we are determined to hold out for the best.”

  “Good for you,” Mrs. Halloway declared. “You are both young and beautiful. There is
no reason to do otherwise. And Domnika, I understand you come from royalty?”

  “Yes, my father was a Czar, which is similar to a King, but he was overthrown when I was but a small child. I stayed at the school for safety. He no doubt hoped to regain his rightful place, but it was not to be, and now I am an orphan of sorts, living on the kindness of my dear friend Amy.”

  Amy smiled in return.

  “And Amy is the niece of the true Earl of Soundberry,” Catherine added.

  There was a marked chill in the room when Sicily spoke. “The true Earl of Soundberry is my husband.”

  “Do not get your feathers ruffled, Sicily, we all know what Catherine meant.” Mrs. Halloway smiled at Amy. “Did you ever meet your uncle? He was a favorite of mine.”

  Amy smiled and assured her he was a favorite of hers as well, explaining how he had raised her from a little baby. “No father could have loved me more. Nor could I have loved him more than I do.” As she said this, she glanced at Uncle John standing in the corner.

  He smiled at her with pure happiness. “Mrs. Halloway is a good woman and very influential in the ton. She can help you if you need it.”

  Mrs. Halloway turned her attention to Sicily. “How could you not mention that Amy and Domnika had arrived? Were you planning to keep them a secret until their coming out party?”

  Sicily blinked several times and struggled to reply.

  “Everyone will want to come. Royalty and the last Winston of Soundberry. Oh, I cannot wait to tell everyone about this!”

  Sicily opened her mouth to object.

  “Do not ask me to keep this a secret. It is too wonderful of news for me to contain. No, you must accept the bird is out of the cage and will fly wildly about now, singing its song to everyone she meets. This is simply wonderful! You must come and visit Catherine and me. Sicily, I am certain you’ve planned their weeks straight through to Christmas by now, not realizing that Catherine was such a dear friend, but I must insist their plans alter. Is that not so, Catherine?”

  “Oh yes, please Sicily,” Catherine said and then reached out and took Amy’s and Domnika’s hands. “Please come tomorrow,” she begged. “I so long to hear about the girls.”

  “We would love to come,” Amy assured her. She then looked at Sicily. “Do you think the carriage will be available tomorrow?” She then turned to Mrs. Halloway. “We wanted to go to the library today, but my guardian could not spare the carriage. He also felt we required an escort to the library,” she laughed.

  “Men are such fools at times,” Mrs. Halloway declared, and then laughed as Nicolas chose that moment to enter the room. “And here’s the silly fool in question.”

  Nicolas smiled. “And what has my beautiful wife told you that makes me appear to be such a dolt?”

  In unison, Domnika and Amy turned to face him and his face froze into a stiff smile.

  “It was me that led her to that conclusion,” Amy admitted. “I was telling her that you insisted we needed an escort to the library.”

  Mrs. Halloway took over from there and assured him he was being far too protective of the girls. “Although I can imagine why, having three such beauties about you all day long. I suspect that is the reason you did not want them to leave, eh?”

  “Oh, anyone in Amy’s company is well protected,” Catherine teased. “Do you still have all your protectors?”

  “They are all here, no doubt surrounding the house as we speak.”

  Mrs. Halloway tittered with excitement. “And when you visit tomorrow, will they come as well?”

  “At least two of them. I am not allowed to travel with less.”

  “Oh, how exciting this will be,” Mrs. Halloway declared. “To have our house surrounded by the King’s chosen men.” Seeing Sicily’s stupefied expression, Mrs. Halloway proceeded to explain that Amy’s protectors had been the finest riflemen in the King’s army.

  Uncle John cheered her on from the side lines. “Good for you, Ann!”

  Amy gave Mrs. Halloway a heartfelt smile. “I will ask all four to come. I am certain they would like to meet you as well.”

  “Oh no!” Sicily exclaimed. “I don’t believe she wishes to meet them.”

  “I most certainly do.”

  “But Ann, you have no idea how rough and unkempt they are,” Sicily whispered.

  Catherine shook her head as if Sicily’s claim was foolish. “I thought them quite well-mannered. Although they can be most terrifying when you first see them. When they first came, I was sure they were some Russian guards sent by the Czar to reclaim Domnika.”

  Domnika smiled up at Nicolas. “The secret is out. Mrs. Halloway knows about my royal blood and refuses to keep it to herself.”

  Nicolas now looked as stupefied as Sicily.

  Mrs. Halloway laughed heartily. “Trust me, my dear boy. You could not keep this a secret for much longer. As soon as the invitations arrived for their coming out party, the truth would have come out. When is their party? Oddly, I have not received my invitation yet.”

  Sicily laughed. “My dear Ann, you cannot think I would slight you. You are my dearest friend. The truth is that Amy and Domnika only arrived last night, completely unexpected, I might add.”

  Amy looked at Nicolas. “Did you not receive my letter?”

  “No,” Nicolas stammered.

  Recalling all the letters she wrote to him after Uncle John died, none of which he received, having been taken by his mother, she gave him a look of pity. “That happens to you so often.”

  “But sir,” Domnika interjected. “If you did not receive the letter, then how did you happen to know when we would arrive at the dock?”

  “I…I did receive the letter, but only an hour before your arrival,” he explained and then smiled at Mrs. Halloway. “As you can see, they have only just arrived, and what to do with them has not yet been decided.”

  “Well, tomorrow, I will take them off your hands,” Mrs. Halloway declared. “And do not worry about your carriage. I will send my own. In fact, I will send my largest so there will be plenty of room for the King’s men.” She turned back to Sicily and asked her what she was planning for their coming out party.

  Nicolas quickly excused himself, and for a brief moment, Amy felt bad for how much her prank would cost him. But then, did it really matter whether his money was spent for her coming out party or redecorating the house?

  Declaring young ladies had no patience for planning, Mrs. Halloway shooed Amy, Domnika and Catherine into the garden while she and Sicily discussed what needed to be done.

  Catherine slipped her arms around both girls as they headed towards the maze. “I could not believe my eyes when I saw the two of you. For a moment, I thought I was daydreaming, which I frequently do when I come here. As you can imagine, I detest Sicily, have ever since I realized she was the woman my Prince Charming married. However, and you cannot tell anyone this, but Mother does not like her either. She was all the rage when she first arrived with sweetness that would melt in your mouth, but a façade can only last for so long, and some now see the real woman behind her smile. Of course, her father stealing half the ton blind, and then all the debts she incurs and never repays helps to open eyes to the truth.” She then turned to Amy. “Oh Amy, never regret you did not marry Nicolas. You can do much better, believe me.”

  “If I cannot, then I simply will not marry,” Amy assured her.

  “You still do not love him, I hope.” Catherine looked upset at the idea.

  “He was a much better man before Sicily, and I believe without her, he could return to being a good man, but to your question, no, I do not love him romantically. However, I will always love the man he was and the man he could be again.”

  An hour later, Catherine and Mrs. Halloway left, but Mrs. Halloway promised her carriage would arrive at ten in the morning. Once their visitors were off, Amy and Domnika were called to the library to account for their sins. The maid was called in as well and asked why she had not locked the door.

sp; Amy felt obliged to express outrage at the formation of such a question. “Do not yell at the maid. And what right did you have to lock us up in the first place? We are not prisoners.”

  Sicily ignored her and focused on the shivering servant.

  Amy refused to allow the girl to lose her job for this. “Your maid did lock us in Domnika’s room. So we left through my room.”

  “But I specifically asked you to stay in your rooms,” Sicily reminded them.

  “We were hungry. We asked the maid for food and when she did not return, we went downstairs. Hearing a voice that sounded familiar to us, we entered the parlor and discovered our ears had not deceived us. Imagine our surprise to find our dear friend Catherine in our parlor.”

  “It is not your parlor,” Sicily snapped. “And when I tell you to stay in your room, you will stay there. I don’t care if you starve to death, you will stay inside!”

  Nicolas stroked her back. “Sicily, don’t get upset. Nothing too terrible occurred.”

  “Nothing too terrible! Dear God, how could it be worse? Now I must plan a coming out party for them, which you know we cannot afford, but Mrs. Halloway will not rest until these two girls have their moment in society. And mark my word, it will destroy us in the process. For the moment that Amy’s origins are revealed, we will be the laughing stock of the ton. Imagine bringing out the offspring of an unmarried madwoman and declaring her to be a lady of society.” She then turned to Domnika. “And you. Don’t think for a moment I believe you are the daughter of a king.”

  “Czar, my father was a czar, not a king.”

  “Your father was probably as unknown as Amy’s.”

  “Sicily, please!” Nicolas said. “The only way anyone is going to know the problems with Amy’s birth is if you tell them. No one else knows.”

  “You don’t think a gentleman will investigate her past before he marries her?” Sicily challenged.

  Amy rolled her eyes. “Given that I have no dowry, no gentleman is going to marry me anyway. If you like, I will explain the problem to Mrs. Halloway tomorrow, so that she stops insisting we have a coming out party.”

  “No! Dear God, have you lost your mind? You will tell no one about yourself. We cannot retreat; we must hold our grounds here.”


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