Love's Betrayals (The Extraordinary Life of Amy Winston Book 2)

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Love's Betrayals (The Extraordinary Life of Amy Winston Book 2) Page 5

by Liza O'Connor

  Amy stared at her in surprise. “Military talk from you, Sicily? Where does that come from?”

  Sicily declared them impossible and stormed from the room.

  Nicolas sighed and pressed his head against the door as he closed it behind Sicily. After several moments of silence, he spoke. His words were slow and controlled, but there was no doubt he was angry.

  “Are the two of you deliberately trying to ruin my marriage?”

  “I don’t like you well enough to do you such a favor,” Domnika quipped.

  Amy grimaced. Nicolas was in no mood for her friend’s satirical humor. She threw herself between them as Nicolas stormed towards Domnika. “Nicolas, please calm down. This is entirely my fault. If Sicily had not poured a pitcher of water on us and ruined your books, I wouldn’t have done it. But even so, I was only planning to annoy her. I had no idea Mrs. Halloway would insist on a coming out party.”


  He had had enough. It was one thing for him to endure Amy, but Domnika was an entirely different matter.

  Nicolas walked to the door and opened it. Seeing Antonio leaning by the door, he grabbed Amy’s arm and passed her through the door. “Take her away from me before I wring her bloody neck.”

  He then closed the door and locked it. Turning back to Domnika, he hoped to see at least a hint of fear in the girl’s eyes, but she remained unmoved by his action. He imagined he was a stalking lion as he approached her. Still, she showed no fear. He clasped his hand beneath her chin and held it firmly in his hand. Her eyes remained locked with his, never blinking.

  “You have no idea how tenuous your position in this household is,” he growled. “There is nothing, absolutely nothing I couldn’t do to you. You have no father or mother. You have no one to protect you; no one to come to your aid.”

  To prove his point, he squeezed her breasts beneath her dress. The only reaction he could see was that her beautiful mouth opened a fraction. “You do not want me as an enemy, Domnika. Believe me. You will fare much better if you remain in my favor.”

  Sensing no resistance in her, he leaned in and kissed those beautiful lips. When they opened to him, he pulled her tight against him and deepened the kiss. He felt her hands kneading his chest harder and still harder. When he finally realized she was struggling to escape him, he broke the kiss and secured her flailing fists.

  “Be still,” he commanded, squeezing her wrists painfully when she continued to struggle. “Domnika, be still,” he commanded again.

  She stopped struggling and glared at him. He gathered both wrists in his left hand and pinned them above her head. “Remember what I said. I can do anything I want. I can ruin you or give you harmless pleasure. The choice is mine, not yours.”

  She remained quiet except for her chest that heaved with every breath.

  “Are you going to give me further trouble?”

  “No, sir.”

  His free hand caressed her breasts and then moved up to her lips. His thumb rubbed across her bottom lip. “No more barbs from that beautiful mouth of yours?”

  “No,” she replied as his thumb remained on her lip.

  “Good.” He smiled and released her. “You will not mention what happened here to Amy. All she needs to know is that I was angry, and you promised me you would not cause further trouble. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He stroked her face. “You are so beautiful with all your dark fury.” He leaned down and kissed her again.

  This time Domnika did not fight him. She allowed him to plunder her mouth.

  Before he lost complete control, he broke the kiss. God, if her kisses were this intoxicating, he could only imagine the sweetness of taking her. He smiled and stroked her face. “You have managed to diffuse my anger, which is to your benefit.”

  Unlocking the door, he told her to go to her room. He thought she might run from the room, but she didn’t. She held her head with regal pride and slowly walked out. She may have been kissed, but he had not subdued her, not yet.

  He poured himself a drink and discovered his hand shaking. What the hell had just happened?

  Chapter 11

  Antonio led Amy through the garden and to his house.

  “Antonio, can I trust you?”

  “What do you think?”

  “I think I can, but if it came down between betraying me or Nicolas, who would you choose?”

  “Has it come to that?”

  “I’m afraid so.”

  “And you need my help?”

  She nodded.

  He stroked her hair. “Then you have it, unconditionally. My first loyalty is to the colonel, and his first loyalty was to you, which means that my loyalty is to you.”

  Amy slipped her arm around his waist and discovered it did not matter if she touched him or he touched her, either way, her skin burned. His own hand slid down upon her waist and pulled her tight against his side as they continued to walk.

  “I like your size, Amy. You fit me well. Neither too small, nor too large.”

  “Don’t say perfect,” she pleaded.

  “No one’s perfect, Amy. Anyone who thinks such is fooling themselves.”

  “Like Nicolas?”

  “It happens frequently between men and women. The heat of the touch, the pleasure of a kiss, the joining of their bodies, and suddenly they fancy themselves in love with the perfect mate. Most people realize their error in a few months, but some take longer. Hopefully, Nicolas will come to his senses before it’s too late.”

  “Is there nothing that can be done to help him come to his senses sooner?”

  “No. It’s one of those things that each of us must go through on our own.”

  “Is love always blinding and destructive? Can it not be something beautiful and lasting?”

  “On rare occasions. But people choose their mates very poorly. Oddly enough, women tend to be more practical in the matter, prioritizing wealth and titles over their affections. Men on the other hand are all to susceptible to a pretty face and shapely body.”

  “Are you?”

  “Not any longer.”

  “Oh,” Amy stated in disappointment since she had a pleasing form. “What are you looking for in a woman?”

  “Intelligence, useful skills, and a good sense of humor.”

  “Those are good qualities.” She smiled, knowing she possessed them all.

  He laughed softly and tightened his hold on her. “Do you think so?”

  “I think I would search for the same. Wealth and titles mean nothing to me, but I would like my mate to have a playful nature to match my own.”

  “That would be advisable, since it is no fun playing alone.”

  She glanced up at him beneath her dark lashes. “You play nicely.”

  He smiled. “Are you referring to when I came to lock you and Domnika in her room? You do realize that I had no intention of obeying that order?”

  “I could have gotten out even if you did. I’m a fine locksmith.”

  “You mean lock pick?”

  To prove her skill, when they reached the kitchen door, he allowed her to attempt to pick it open. Gunter interrupted her first try by opening the door. Upon learning of the challenge, all the men came out to watch Amy attempt the lock.

  Amy could tell by Antonio’s smug look that he didn’t think she could do it, but she was determined not to let her instructors down.

  Closing her eyes, she concentrated on the lock until she could see the mechanism in her mind. Sliding several picks inside, she set them up and with a gentle twist of her wrist the tumblers fell, and the door opened. The men all roared with approval and carried her inside where she received sweet grapes as her reward.

  “Who taught you to do that?” Antonio demanded.

  Amy pointed to Sam.

  “You can open that lock as well?” Antonio asked in amazement.

  “Truthfully, not yet,” Sam admitted. “This is a case where the student surpassed the master.”

p; Antonio stared at her in amazement. “That lock you just picked in less than two minutes was supposed to be un-pickable.”

  “Well, it was very hard.”

  “I could tell. It took you such a very long time to open it,” he teased.

  “It did take rather long. I can normally pick a lock in about three seconds, is that not so Sam?”

  “Or less,” he admitted and then frowned at Antonio. “You will not use her skills in lock picking.”

  “I can assure you if ever we find ourselves in a burning building, locked in a cabinet, I intend to allow her first try at the lock.”

  Amy laughed. “Why will we be in a locked cabinet in a burning building?”

  He turned his palms up as he shrugged. “Things happen.”

  “Where’s your sidekick?” Gunter asked Amy.

  “Nicolas is lecturing her.” She then told them Domnika’s reply when he asked if they were trying to ruin his marriage.

  Gunter frowned. “Maybe somebody should go make sure he hasn’t strangled her.”

  “She’s in her room sleeping, where someone else should be as well,” Sam stated in his parental tone.

  “That’s true. We all have to be dressed and presentable at ten o’clock tomorrow. I promised Mrs. Halloway to bring all four of the King’s best men when she sends the carriage.”

  “She called us that?” Gunter asked.

  “Yes, she did. She said you were the finest soldiers in the whole King’s army, and she is very excited for the chance to meet you.”

  “Halloway…the First Minister’s wife?”

  “I have no idea,” Amy admitted. “I only know her as Catherine’s mother. You remember Catherine: pretty redhead.”

  Gunter smiled and shook his head. “I do, but I didn’t realize who her father was. I should have guessed. Well, it will be an honor to see Mrs. Halloway again.”

  “When have you seen her before?”

  Gunter rose. “A long time ago. Now, weren’t you saying you needed to get to bed?”

  Amy sighed heavily and rose. “I will go to sleep, but don’t think I will forget where we left off in this conversation.”

  Chapter 12

  With Nicolas’ mother returned to her own house, and Sicily sulking over the disaster of yesterday, no one seemed up to the game of torture during breakfast. Thus, Amy resumed her natural state of cheerful happiness. She sent her appreciation for a fine breakfast to the cook, and she complimented Domnika on the way she had fixed her hair this morning. She even got Nicolas to admit Domnika looked very fine. He, of course, couldn’t leave it at that.

  “Amy, you might wish to work a bit more on your appearance before Mrs. Halloway’s carriage arrives.”

  Before she could retort she saw no reason to dress to the nines for Mrs. Halloway. She was certain the woman would like her just the same, regardless. But before a single sound left her lips, Domnika declared she would help Amy with her hair.

  Nicolas thanked her and resumed reading his paper.

  “May I have the pages once you are done?” Amy asked.

  Sicily choked and suddenly excused herself from the room.

  Nicolas watched her leave with a distinct frown on his face. They must have had a fight this morning since he looked most displeased with his ‘perfect’ wife.

  He turned that look of displeasure upon Amy. “This is a gentleman’s paper. It contains articles unsuitable for young ladies.”

  “Is there a page that you can tear out for me?” she teased. “Perhaps a sentence or two…” Her request was a replay of earlier times when she was but a girl. He had always laughed and kissed her head back then. She hoped it would bring back his memory to the same happy times.

  He closed his eyes, but she wasn’t certain if he were remembering lost times or counting to ten in an attempt to control his temper. He then folded his paper and approached her. He leaned over and kissed the top of her head. “Try to behave on your visit today. Mrs. Halloway is a very influential member of the ton.”

  “I will be on my very best behavior.”

  He then walked over to Domnika and placed his hand upon the back of her neck. “Domnika, I expect you to see that she is,” he said and then left the room.

  Domnika blushed and suddenly took great interest in her napkin.

  Once he left, Amy leaned forward and whispered to Domnika. “He seems very different this morning, more like his old self. Do you think Sicily is losing control of his mind?”

  Domnika looked startled by her question and then frowned. “It is too early to be certain.”


  Having helped Amy with her hair, Domnika picked up the books that lay upon the dresser. “I will take these back to the library. It is probably better if he sees the damage now, so his temper can calm down while we are at Mrs. Halloway’s.”

  “I will do it,” Amy said.

  “No, you’re much too happy this morning. I’ll do it.”

  “But I don’t want him yelling at you again. Was he terribly hateful last night?”

  Domnika paused. She wanted to tell Amy the truth but feared the consequences if she did. “No. He blustered about a bit and tried to stare me down.”

  Amy laughed. “Well, if that is his plan of attack, I’ll send you in to battle every time. No one can stare you down, Domnika.”

  Domnika forced a smile. “No, I do not break.” She hurried from the room, carrying the books.

  She knocked lightly on the library door and entered when she heard him speak from the other side.

  “I am returning your books. I regret to report they were damaged when Sicily poured water on us.”

  His eyes locked in to hers and he held her stare a very long while before telling her to close the door. When she did so, he told her to lock it as well.

  Despite her best efforts to be brave, her hand shook as she reached for the lock.

  He came up behind her and removed the books from her hands. She turned to face him.

  “Lock the door, Domnika,” he said as he studied the water damaged pages.

  With two hands, she managed to lock the door and turn back to face him. “We dried them as best we could when we got to our rooms.”

  He closed the books with a heavy sigh. “Did I not forbid you to remove the books from the library?”

  “You did, sir.”

  He handed her the books. “Your punishment is that you will not be allowed to finish reading these books.”

  She blinked in surprise at the lightness of his punishment.

  “I cannot tell by your expression, Domnika. Do you find my punishment too harsh or too lenient?”

  “There’s no way I can answer. Unless I read the book, I don’t know what you are denying me. If you have denied me reading the finest novel ever written, then the punishment is too harsh.”

  A slight tug of a smile pulled at his lips. “You are a saucy creature.” His hand ran over the top book cradled in her arms. “Put them back on the shelves where you found them.”

  Domnika slid hers into its place. Amy’s book required the ladder. As she climbed the steps of the ladder, she felt Nicolas’s hands upon her skirt, gripping her hips.

  “I won’t let you fall,” he assured her.

  She hated that her hands shook as she replaced the book but could not stop them. Her entire body vibrated like a tuning fork beneath his touch.

  “Turn around Domnika,” he ordered.

  Her time with Amy had taught her to be lithe and agile and turning around on a step should have been an easy task, but the moment she faced him, her legs turned to rubber.

  His hands slipped beneath her skirt and circled her ankles, searing into her flesh.

  “Now take one step down.”

  When she did, his hands slid up into the tender part behind her knees. She might have fallen but for the sudden shift of his hands to her waist.

  “I’ve got you,” he assured her. “Put your hands upon my shoulders. That will help your balance.”

sp; Yes, he had her, but he had her beneath her skirts. His broad hands secured her hips with nothing but the linen of her pantaloon between his hands and her skin. She felt as if her body melted from the fire blazing in her loins. She placed her hands on his shoulders and closed her eyes.

  “No, look at me, Domnika.”

  She opened her eyes and met his. She felt his hands shift, invading the opening of her pantaloons, invading that part most private.

  She knew she should stop him and tell Amy what he had done. Then they could leave here before this went any further. He lifted her right leg and placed it higher on the step above, widening her legs so that he could explore her with ease. She moaned softly, knowing she lacked the will to leave such pleasure, even when she knew by not doing so she forfeited any chance of happiness in her future.

  Without warning, he pulled her from the ladder and released her so quickly she almost tumbled to the floor. She could see a wildness in his eyes and horror on his face.

  “I may not be the man I should be, but by God, I’ve not fallen so low as to defile innocent virgins. Leave Domnika, and stay far away from me, for I haven’t the power to resist what you offer.”

  Domnika could feel his anguish and self-loathing. She glimpsed a better man, the man that Amy had made her love from her stories. She stepped towards him, but a second order to leave, this time dangerously loud, jarred her into unlocking the door and escaping.

  She had hoped Amy would not see her state of confusion and distress, but a few moments later, Amy was at her side asking what had happened.

  “Was he terribly angry?” Amy asked.

  “Yes. We are not allowed to finish reading those books and must never take a book out of the library again. In the future, I think we should avoid him as much as possible.”

  Amy sighed. “You did tell him his perfect wife ruined those books by pouring water on us?”

  “Yes, but he rightfully countered that we had been expressly told not to remove the books from the library.”

  Amy sighed. “Well, thank goodness we are visiting Mrs. Halloway today. Perhaps we can get it extended into a week visit. What do you think? Should we try?”


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