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Dual Desire (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

Page 4

by JC Szot

  Chapter Eight

  His mouth returned to her clit, his finger pressing lightly on her cervix. She was floating. Ivy’s body contorted on the bed, her hips lifting to his hungry mouth. Her belly swelled, her insides warming, then expanding.

  “Oh,” she whimpered. He began to hum as she came. His vocal vibrations penetrated into the sensitive tissues of her pussy, sending her over the edge. Her body levitated as it soared into an orgasmic heaven she’d never experienced. She shook, her limbs twitching. Her heart pounded into her ribs. It was seizure without end. His body moved on the bed, bringing her back to earth. Their labored breaths echoed through the darkened room.

  “That was wonderful.” Ivy choked on her words. She couldn’t move. Thoughts of reciprocation barreled through her mind. “What about you? If I can’t touch you…”

  He chuckled, his laughter edged with naughtiness. “Roll over, baby. I’m gonna get mine.”

  Ivy’s skin tightened. Every pore that had been open, flaming with heat, now tightened. He read her thoughts again.

  “Do you think I’d hurt you? After all we’ve just been through.” Ivy felt his hand in her hair, his fingers sliding through the strands. “Trust me, Ivy.” His fingers traced over her mouth.

  Her insides shifted with the smooth sound of his voice saying her name, and so confidently.

  “I want more. I’m sorry. I can’t help it. Please,” he said softly, his voice a raspy whisper. He’d made her feel so good. A complete satisfaction that no one else had ever given her. There was something about this soft-spoken stranger that had her blooming, like the petals of a flower in the summer sun.

  Ivy turned over, wanting to give him what he wanted. She soaked up his words of praise, his hands steering her hips, guiding her to her knees. He spread her legs wide.

  He smoothed his hand over her ass. “You’re so good.” She felt his breaths, heated and panting. “I’m really liking your ass.” His fingers eased between her thighs, lightly stroking over her clit, moving her cream to the back, smoothing it up the crease of her buttocks. “You ever get it up the ass, Ivy?”

  “Oh no,” she cried. All the splendor she’d experienced was being iced over. “No,” she whispered, her legs shaking. “I haven’t.”

  “Relax, sweetie. I won’t do anything you’re not comfortable with. I’ve got you so loose. Just relax,” he cooed softly. “I want to fuck you now, nice and easy.”

  Her anonymous partner had a talent for sensitivity, luring her in, assuring her that he wouldn’t harm her. Her bones melted once again at his words. When Ivy felt his lips feather down the cheek of her ass, her back arched, craving his experienced performance again.

  “Mm, yeah, baby. So nice. Let me taste you again. May I?”

  Ivy’s knees were shaking, her joints dissolving. This man wanted every inch of her. He was a stranger. Ivy couldn’t fathom his desire, his need for her, but she crumbled under him, giving herself over to him yet again, never having been offered such absolute pleasure.

  Burning breaths blew on her buttocks, his thumbs spreading her. Her body rose again, flying to new heights. The sensation of his warm tongue delving into her pussy from behind rocked her to the core. He sampled her, her body absorbing another new sensation, delivered from a different angle. Swelling heat began to build. He was humming again, sliding his tongue over her clit, back and forth in a torturous rhythm.

  “Oh my,” Ivy gasped. Her body flinched in response.

  “Isn’t it so nice,” he said, his tongue gently prodding her. He pushed deeper, the tip of his tongue darting in and out of her slit. Ivy’s head snapped up, the sensation wild. Every hair stood up on her skin, her ass tingling. His tongue slipped out as he repositioned himself again. The clicking of his zipper roared in her ears, knowing he was freeing himself.

  Ivy felt the light brush of hair on the skin of his thighs as he moved behind her. She wanted him now, her nerves braiding with an anxious excitement. The scent and flavor of their sexual storm swirled around them.

  “I’m going to put my cock in your sweet pussy now. I’ll go nice and slow, baby. Relish the feeling. I know I will.” His laugher was silky. One of his hands gripped her hip, the other holding his dick. He pressed the head against her soaked tissues, slowly easing in. “Take a deep breath, you gorgeous thing, this is gonna be good.”

  Ivy inhaled, her body buckling during the exhale.

  “Yeah, that’s it. Very nice.” His palm stroked her ass. “So pretty.” His other hand released her hip, reaching around, feathering through her pussy. Ivy could feel the head of his cock make the pass inside. A slight burning gave way to an internal fullness that flooded her with warmth. It’d been ages since she’d felt a man’s presence.

  “Oh.” Her back tightened.

  “How’s that, baby?” he asked. His words flowed together, inquiring about her comfort again. “Are you okay? Such a nice, tight pussy. Let me explore it deeper.” He moved, jutting up against her, sealing them tight. The hairs of his groin brushed over her bottom. “Lower your head a bit. Let me scoot all the way in.”

  Ivy lowered her head, resting it on the soft pillow, the fibers musty with age. They were completely joined now.

  “Yes, Ivy, that’s the way.” His breaths were now erratic. “You’re a natural.” Ivy was splitting at the seams. Her body was so full, like the pressure of a dam about to burst. His pace quickened, his body tunneling deep into hers. His cock was so smooth and slender, a perfect fit for her, gliding in and out of her body as if it belonged.

  “So extravagant,” he sang, steering her hips. His scent seemed to change. A fragrant air settled around them, smelling like rose water, settling on her skin like a misty spring rain, soaking her in ecstasy. “Are you all right? Please tell me you feel as good as I do.” He released a long sigh, his hands kneading the cheeks of her ass as his cock slid in and out of her in easy strokes.

  “I do.” Ivy struggled for air, another climax looming. “Please. Help me,” she begged.

  “It truly is incredible. You must have to come again,” he laughed. “Allow me.” He held her hip. The fingers of his other hand fanned over her flesh. His pelvis slapped into her ass. His cock swathed her insides with an amazing heat. He felt glorious inside of her, his stretched flesh warm and velvety. When he reached forward to stroke her clit, she convulsed, her body overcome with pleasure. Ivy felt his release, his cock throbbing and pulsating as he filled her. He groaned softly, bending over her, their bodies fusing together in a sheath of sweat, a madness of desire.

  “You’re so beautiful, Ivy, such a gorgeous being.” His hips still moved over her, his cock softening, but still inside her. His hand left the heat of her pussy, moving to her breast, pumping her flesh in his palm. “Thank you for giving yourself to me this evening. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I have.” He pulled out, his body leaving hers. She didn’t welcome the empty space he’d left behind, knowing that this wouldn’t happen again. She fell onto her stomach, her body spent.

  She listened to him dress, the rustling of his clothes. Ivy turned over and sat up, scooting to the edge of the bed. She watched the lines of his shadow move through the room. Her mind began to run rampant. His harmonious voice moved through the darkness, rearranging her thoughts.

  “Don’t let your uncertainty in regards to my identity ruin what was a beautiful experience for both of us.”

  “That’s going to be hard,” she said, laughing. She swallowed hard, her mouth parched.

  “Please try, because tonight with you was wonderful. Most spectacular. Did you enjoy it?”

  “Yes,” Ivy whispered. A burning sob rose in her throat at his eloquent words, knowing they were the last ones she would hear.

  “Fantastic. That’s what you are.” His shoes brushed across the glossy floorboards. He knelt beside the bed, placing his finger on her chin, guiding her mouth to his. His warm tongue bid her good-bye, skillfully stroking over the insides of her mouth, watering her with her own taste.

bsp; He took her breath away, his lips wet and hot, so hot. His body radiated heat. Ivy could feel it building a wall around her, warming her now-chilled skin. She pulled away, not wanting to get sucked into something she couldn’t find her way out of, though it was probably too late.

  “Good-bye.” His head dipped, his mouth nuzzling each breast. The air circulated around them as he stood up. She heard the door open, then listened to it quietly close behind him, her heart sinking.

  Chapter Nine

  “There you are.” Reed intercepted Ivy at the bar. “What happened to you? I was getting worried.” Ivy fussed with her nurse’s cap as she’d been doing all night, her eyes darting around him.

  “I got hung up in the ladies’ room. You know girls and their makeup.” Ivy rolled her eyes. Reed checked her expression, her eyes and smile somewhat sleepy. Joel came up behind them, resting his hand down on Ivy’s shoulder. Reed noticed her body flinch in response.

  “How’s everybody doing?” Joel asked. His red lipstick had faded. When Ivy turned her head to gaze up at Joel, Reed couldn’t miss the faint, rosy-colored smudge on the back of Ivy’s neck, just below her hairline. As her gaze shifted between them, strands of hair moved over the incriminating mark. Reed felt his brows furrow in confusion. What just happened here?

  “You look tired, Ivy.” Reed took in her glassy eyes as he sipped his drink.

  “Yeah, I’d say I’m partied out.” She set her glass up on the bar.

  “Want an escort up the hill?” Reed asked, setting his beer down next to her glass. The crowd was beginning to thin, the music lowered to meet the late hour.

  “I guess I’m not gonna get any blood tonight, huh?” Joel waggled his brows. His mouth twisted into a sly grin. Reed tried to read whatever might be hanging in the air between his brother and Ivy, but it all seemed illegible.

  “I’ll have to say no to the blood,” Ivy said, smiling at Joel. She faced Reed. “I’ll take that ride, though. See you later, Joel.”

  “Hope so.” Joel toasted them with his beer.

  Reed took Ivy’s hand and pulled her out of the ballroom. Glaciered air hit them in the face, sharpening his senses.

  “Actually, I think we better walk. I’m a bit blasted,” Reed admitted, seeing the ATV parked behind the building.

  “Yeah, that was some party.”

  Reed snuck a sideward glance at her as they hiked up the dirt trail. Her large eyes roamed across the night sky dotted with stars. He so wanted to kiss her, but was it for the right reasons? Was it because of Joel? And wanting to act first? He normally didn’t have this competitive streak, but there was a nagging feeling hovering. Reed had no proof, but that smudged mark of makeup on the back of Ivy’s neck had suspicious thoughts careening through his head. Both he and Ivy were loosened up from the alcohol. That might take the edge off her fear if he were to make a move. Reed would never use that as a tool to push himself on a woman. Reed knew that Joel didn’t need the crutch of alcohol to make any of his overtures.

  They crested the hill. The large jack-o’-lantern came into view, causing his eyes to squint at the twinkling lights.

  “Before we know it we’ll be putting up the Christmas decorations,” Reed sighed. “Time goes so fast.”

  “It sure does.” Ivy’s shiny eyes met his in the darkness. They climbed the stairs of her front porch. Reed faced her. He stared into her bottomless eyes before moving on to her lush lips. She smiled at him, her eyes drifting between his.

  “Thanks for walking me up,” she whispered.

  “Sure, my pleasure.” Wooded silence settled around them. Nocturnal creatures scurried through the brush. Reed’s fingers curled into his palms, needing to touch her. He moved slowly, calculating his strategy carefully. The liquor would either help him or hurt him. He didn’t want to make a fool of himself, yet he didn’t quite trust his urge. Reed stroked her cheek with one finger. He swallowed before he spoke, his throat thirsty for her.

  “You’re very beautiful, Ivy.”

  Her forehead creased, her shapely brows pulling together.

  “I’m sorry,” Reed’s words rushing. “I just—”

  “No,” she smiled. “It’s okay, thank you.”

  He stepped closer, her lids lowering. Reed took this as an invitation and cupped her warm cheek in his hand. Her eyes fluttered closed. He touched her lips with his. The weight of his own body left him. He became excited by the feel and smell of her. Reed gently pressed his tongue against her lips, waiting to be summoned inside. Her mouth parted slightly, welcoming him in. He petted her tongue with his, sampling the smooth contours of her mouth. Her breasts rose against his chest. He felt their heat mingling. Reed rested his hands on her shoulders, needing to ground himself.

  A heady scent settled in his nose. He pulled back slightly, not wanting to overcrowd her. When the tip of her tongue touched his lips, his groin flooded with fire. He wanted more, but it wouldn’t be tonight. Good things come to those who wait. Reed backed off. Icy air plowed between them. Her sultry eyes lifted open. A sedated smile curved her lips.

  “Wow.” Her light laughter had him giddy. “Thank you.” Ivy looked away, brushing strands of hair away from her damp lips.

  “No,” Reed whispered. “Thank you. Good night, Ivy.” He turned on his heel and bolted down the steps before any awkwardness had the chance to intrude.

  * * * *

  The ballroom had completely emptied. He was alone. Joel took out the last bag of garbage, tossing it into the Dumpster. He leaned against the large receptacle and stared into the dark dome above. Murky clouds moved over a masked moon. What he expected would make him feel jubilant now only had him confused. He shook his head. No. He hadn’t taken advantage of her. Ivy had been willing. What had begun as a challenge now had him rattled. Could he ever tell Reed? No doubt about it. Being with Ivy had been beyond earthmoving. All he wanted to do was see if he could break through her and remove that timidity, a shyness he’d been studying for weeks.

  Had she given in to him out of fear? God, he hoped not. Ivy was breathtaking, so responsive, and so gorgeous. What he wouldn’t give to do it again and under the lights. The thought of her participating, if there was a next time, sent a rushing thrill straight to his dick. He wanted to see her. He wanted to add that vital, fourth sense to the mix, but the darkness had been just what Ivy needed, just what he’d needed to enable her to let loose and receive the pleasure. Joel would’ve thought he’d be glad that he was the guy to get her there. Why these thoughts of indecision?

  He would stay quiet and hold onto his secret while he watched her. Whether she could identify the face of her masqueraded lover or not, there had to be an aftermath of notable behavior. There usually was, following an encounter such as theirs.

  Chapter Ten

  The heat of the sun woke her, warming her lids. Ivy rolled over in bed, her head thick. She’d taken aspirin and drunk plenty of water before bed. That was her father’s remedy for a pending hangover. She waited for the pounding, but there was none. Smiling at her success, she got out of bed. That celebratory mood of winning over the liquor was quickly squashed when the events of the previous evening came flooding back.

  “Jesus,” she muttered. I fucked a complete stranger and kissed Reed! She walked into the bathroom. The yellow walls blended with a cheerful sunlight that streamed through the window above the claw-foot tub. When she looked in the mirror, conflicted emotions reflected back. Ivy cleared wispy strands of hair from her eyes. Part of her felt invigorated and sensual, the other half sneaky and somewhat careless.

  She didn’t owe anybody an explanation. She had no commitments to anyone. But then why did she feel like she’d betrayed someone? Her mystery lover haunted her libido, a libido that’d been neglected for way too long. Ivy grinned sheepishly in the mirror. Her legs and hips ached. A pleasant burn radiated through her body as her muscles woke up. She was a grown woman. She had needs and desires.

  The darkness, along with his style, had been just the therapy she
needed. It’d helped her to relax and enjoy all the advantages of sex she’d only heard others talk about. Her masquerading partner had had the right idea. Now the question was, would she ever be able to do what she did last night in a well-lit room, seeing her partner’s face? Her cheeks flushed with the thought.

  * * * *

  As Ivy walked into the lobby on Monday morning, she felt her stomach roll over. It wasn’t like people were reading a roadside billboard. We know what you did at the party! Her palms dampened with sweat. She felt like she’d lost her virginity all over again. She attempted to laugh it all off, but as the day wore on, she found herself looking at every male, asking that big question. Was he at the party?

  As she finished postmarking the reservation confirmation cards for next month’s guests, June approached the front desk. She leaned on the counter, folding her hands.

  “Nicely done, Ivy,” June said, smiling. “I just want to let you know that the party was a huge success and the raffle as well.”

  I had a few successes of my own. “I’m glad, and relieved,” Ivy told her. Now she needed to hide behind a mask. It was hard to meet June’s eyes. She was her boss, so Ivy sucked it up. Everything had its price.

  “And for that, I’m giving you this weekend off,” June informed her.

  “You don’t need—”

  “I insist. Relax and enjoy. I’ve got a part-timer I want to train anyway.”

  Ivy shrugged reluctantly, shaking off the guilt. “Okay.” What she would do with all that time, she had no clue. Maybe she’d soak in her new tub. She’d been dying to try it out.

  * * * *

  The week moved forward without incident. They seemed to be in a bit of a lull. Ivy now knew why June had given her the weekend off. A lot of people were beginning to prepare for the holidays. After thinking that the novelty of Joel’s afternoon coffee delivery had worn off, he miraculously appeared at the front desk. He slid his hot concoction across the counter.


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