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Tactical Error [Black Ops Brotherhood 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 4

by Bella Juarez

  Irene watched Gavin and James interact. They obviously knew each other very well by the way they were talking to each other. She was confused. We talked about Gavin and Amy…Why didn’t he say anything last night? Gavin returned. As they were leaving Irene glanced at James and caught his eye. He smiled at her and winked. They locked stares for a moment before he turned and went the other direction.

  * * * *

  JJ stopped Gavin before he could get out the door of the NCO Club. He couldn’t believe he was standing here after he had told himself there was no way in hell he was chasing after Irene Ortiz. She was leaving in the morning and gave him no indication she wanted to see him after this trip was done.

  “What’s up?” Gavin asked.

  “Did you talk with Dixie today?” JJ asked.

  The men started discussing some unclassified business they had. Dixie had kept them busy all day today. They’d been evaluating intelligence that SEAL Team 13 had discovered while conducting recent operations. Rock briefed them in between working with Chief Sara Brooks and his computer technician from Randolph.

  It seemed that Randolph had been hit with the cyberattack they’d been warned about. Rock and the system administrator who discovered the cyberattack had been in Coronado for the last two weeks. It turned into a long day because JJ had been so distracted with thinking about Irene and how it had felt when he kissed her. He went to the NCO Club to see if he could catch up to them and have Gavin introduce them so that he could meet her on Gavin’s terms.

  With the way he and Irene were acting right now, it seemed as if they were sneaking around. He glanced at Amy and Irene. With one glance at Irene he knew exactly why he was standing here. He couldn’t help himself—he had to see Irene before she left.

  “I should go and say hello to Amy,” JJ said with a grin.

  “We’re getting ready to leave, JJ. She doesn’t need you telling her any more stories,” Gavin said.

  “I was entertaining her while she was babysitting you in the hospital,” JJ said with a wicked smile.

  “I haven’t been able to thank you enough for that, JJ,” Gavin said sarcastically.

  While Gavin had been laid up in the hospital JJ would visit as often as he could. Gavin had almost died from a gunshot wound after a raid in Victoria. When he had first showed up at the hospital, he saw how scared and lost Amy looked. His heart instantly went out to her. He managed to ease into a conversation and entertain her with stories of Gavin’s past exploits. Gavin hadn’t been very grateful at having his secrets spilled to his fiancée.

  “Who’s that with her?” JJ asked.

  “Her aunt, the lady that raised her. She just retired from teaching and decided to tag along,” Gavin said.

  JJ felt himself shiver slightly when he met Irene’s eye. His cock stiffened and he knew he had to redirect his focus and do something before he lost control, charged over to her, and kissed her again in front of God and everybody. He could picture laying her out and exploring every inch of her, naked. Gavin was looking at him, expecting him to say something. He turned to his standard bullshit playbook.

  “Didn’t take her long to pussy whip you did it?” JJ asked.

  That was a slip of the tongue! JJ had to get some defenses going. He didn’t want to admit that Irene had managed to pussy whip him without giving him any pussy. Just the thought was too humiliating. He couldn’t imagine how upside down his life would be if she ever did decide to fuck him. He would be hopeless and at her mercy. Seeing her now, he felt himself weaken slightly.

  “JJ, not that I’ve got to explain shit to you, but I asked Irene to come along. I knew I’d be busy and I didn’t want Amy sitting around waiting for me.”

  “If you needed a hand, why didn’t you call me for a double date?” JJ asked with a dangerous smile. “Do I get to meet her?”

  “I don’t want you anywhere near my future mother-in-law, JJ. You have the invitation to St. Thomas. I gave it to you three days ago.”

  “I’ll get to know Momma then, huh? How are you keeping me away when I get to St. Thomas?” JJ asked roguishly.

  “I’ll find a way,” Gavin said evenly.

  Gavin smiled as they bantered for a few seconds. JJ kept sneaking glances at Irene. She looked very uncomfortable and it occurred to him that maybe she hadn’t mentioned anything to anyone, either. Why? He threw a few comments at Gavin to keep the conversation going so he could observe Irene. As she was talking to her niece he saw the wide-eyed expression on Amy’s face as she glanced at him. So it’s confession time, is it?

  “JJ!” Gavin demanded.

  “What?” JJ snapped.

  “Where the fuck are you, man? You haven’t been with us all day! When will you be going to San Antonio?” Gavin demanded, repeating his question.

  “If Dixie wants me to go, I guess so,” JJ answered.

  JJ either had to find a way to fuck Irene Ortiz’s brains out before she left or risk looking like the village fucking idiot. She was pure distraction, and he was starting to look like an old man who needed a bib and Depends. Weakness of that significance would not be tolerated in the SEAL community and it sure as hell did nothing for a command master chief’s reputation.

  “JJ, hello…Dixie told you to go. Don’t you remember? This afternoon? When, not if, when you go call me, and I’ll take a drive up there so we can work on this problem,” Gavin said.

  “Okay, I’ll call you when I get there,” JJ said.

  JJ looked into Gavin’s worried expression. This was very unlike master chief, who had laser-like focus, especially when it came to work. He had a brutal reputation for pounding home the need to pay attention to detail. Gavin had been one of those under his command at one point, and JJ had been particularly sadistic with Gavin concerning lessons in focus and detail.

  “Are you okay?” Gavin asked, concerned.

  “I’m fine. Get back to your guests,” JJ said dismissively.

  “Do you want to meet me back here in a few? I’ll go drop the ladies off and come back if you want to talk,” Gavin offered.

  “No. I’m fine,” JJ said, slapping him on the back.

  Gavin left. JJ stayed rooted to the spot where he stood. Irene turned and looked at him as Gavin led them from the lobby of the NCO Club. He needed to leave and forget Irene Ortiz. He was almost out of his mind about her, and he couldn’t explain it. He’d never felt so strong a connection with another human being in all his life. He smiled and winked at her. He turned around and walked the other way. It was the hardest thing he’d done in a long time.

  * * * *

  Irene was reading a book on her Kindle when she heard her iPhone chime indicating she had a text message. She reached for her phone and glanced at the message. A flutter started deep inside her when she looked at who it was from. She set the phone down on the bed and contemplated what she should do next. Her attraction to James was complicated. While she enjoyed his company and the way he made her feel as a woman, she felt guilty about having these feelings so soon after David’s passing. She looked at the message again.

  I need to see you before you leave. I need to explain some things to you and I want to say good-bye. I promise you won’t regret it.

  Irene leaned her head back and closed her eyes. Part of her was already regretting meeting James Jones. She was a little angry at him for not saying anything about Gavin. But, knowing Gavin, she somewhat understood why. It was the very reason she didn’t mention James to Gavin. She picked up the phone and responded. Within seconds her phone was ringing.

  “Irene? What do you want to do?” James asked.

  “What did you have in mind, James?”

  There was a hesitation that was almost uncomfortable. “Honestly, Irene, I don’t know. I do know I need to see you before you leave.”

  “Okay, James. I’ll meet you downstairs in the lounge.”

  Irene regretted the acceptance after she had said it. She knew deep down inside she needed to cut the ties with James Jones now. She had thrown
away an easy out over the phone. She was leaving tomorrow, and getting in any deeper with this man would be leading him on. Irene was afraid someone might even get hurt.

  There was no denying the attraction and the connection they seemed to have so quickly. Irene had struggled with explaining away things to herself all day and most of the evening. She sighed and put on her shoes. She stepped out into the hallway and quietly closed her door.

  Chapter Three

  Hotel del Coronado

  Babcock & Story Bar

  San Diego, California

  August 13, 2008/0439 Zulu

  Irene walked into the lounge and looked toward her customary seat where James was already waiting. He was staring down at his glass and hadn’t noticed Irene walk in. She saw the dark look on his face and wondered what it conveyed. He glanced at the door and smiled slightly as he watched her walk through the people in the room. He stood as she came closer.

  “Hello, sugar,” James said as he took her into his arms and lightly kissed her cheek.

  “James, are you all right?” Irene asked.

  James smiled and nodded toward the booths and tables that littered the lounge.

  “Let’s get a table tonight. We need to talk,” James said, taking her hand and leading her into one of the small booths.

  James ushered Irene into a booth and took the seat across from her. He took her hand and looked into her eyes. She hadn’t noticed his eyes were blue with gray flecks until now. She curled up her free hand to keep herself from reaching out and touching the slight cleft in his chin.

  James was in uniform again, and Irene took in the short, military-styled haircut. His salt-and-pepper hair made him striking. If he’d been wearing a suit, he would’ve looked like an executive. He was a very distinguished man, and his body language was confident almost to the point of arrogance. He’d been born and raised in the Florida Panhandle and his words carried a pleasant, soft Southern drawl. Why is he so attracted to me? It seemed to her that James Jones could have any woman he set his mind on. He was handsome, confident, and roguishly charming.

  “How was your dinner?” James asked.

  “Right as I was leaving, it got pretty interesting,” Irene said, looking directly at James.

  “Did it?” James asked with a sly smile.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you knew Gavin?”

  James paused and chuckled. “He’s not known as Badass because he’s sensitive and understanding. Why didn’t you come over and say hello?”

  Irene smiled. “He’s not known as Badass because he’s sensitive and understanding.”

  “I made a mistake, Irene. I should have told you and we should have talked about this last night. I’m sorry.”

  “All right, James. I think we both made the same mistake. I didn’t acknowledge that I knew you when I could’ve.”

  “What are we doing, sugar?” James asked.

  “What do you mean? I’m going home tomorrow.”

  James released her hand and sat back. A waitress asked them if they needed drinks and they both ordered, he his usual scotch and she her red wine. She watched many emotions run over his handsome features. He didn’t say anything until their drinks were served.

  “I’m thinking about retiring,” James finally said.

  “James…are you serious?” Irene asked in astonishment. He’d told her how much he loved the Navy and his job last night. This announcement was quite a shift. “Have you thought this through? I can tell you after doing something for thirty years walking away is a life-changing event. You need to think about this. What will you do when you retire?”

  “I’ll move to Austin. There’s a private military company I worked with the last time I was in Iraq. The owner of the company gave me his card and told me if I ever wanted a job to call him. So I called him today,” James said.

  Irene was relived he, at least, had a plan. She’d known too many people with careers that engulfed their lives who retired and were dead within six months. She suspected that his career had been everything to him. That’s why he had no wife and no family. Just his job.

  “But, before I do this, I want to know something from you,” James said. Irene gave him her undivided attention. “Is there a chance that we can be together if I move to Texas?”

  “James…I honestly don’t know,” Irene said quietly.

  “Sugar, talk to me. Tell me why you don’t know. Please, Irene, be honest with me,” James said intently.

  The last thing in the world Irene wanted to do was hurt this man. She’d avoided the subject of David last night with James and thankfully he never pressed her or even seemed the slightest bit interested in her past with regards to her marriage. There was the obvious. Gavin. Then there was the subtle but more powerful. David hadn’t been gone a year yet.

  “My husband hasn’t even been gone a year…” Irene started.

  “He’s gone, sugar. I’m not,” James pointed out.

  “James, please. This is a little sudden, isn’t it?” Irene asked, sitting back.

  “Yes, it is. But at our age, we ain’t got a whole lot of time,” James said, taking a long drink. “Irene, I never thought I would be sitting here with you talking about ending my Navy career and moving to some place I never imagined living. But I’m willing to do it if you tell me there’s a chance we can be together.”

  “That’s not fair, James,” Irene said. “Why are you doing this?”

  “I can’t help it. I’ve never felt this way about anything in my life. I can’t explain it, either. I just know that unless I’m with you, my world isn’t right. I’m a little upset at you for turning my life upside down the way you have,” James said with a grin.

  “James, I think we need more time. If you do all this and then we both decide we aren’t right for each other…What then? You’ve left everything you know for nothing. I don’t want to be responsible for that.”

  “Then stay another week, with me.”

  “I can’t!”

  “Why can’t you stay? You’re retired. Where do you have to be?”

  “I need to plan a wedding with my niece. I have commitments back in Victoria. I can’t just walk away,” Irene insisted.

  “I’m not asking you to leave Victoria or your niece. I just want one week. Alone,” James said.

  Irene sat back and shook her head in disbelief. James made the impossible sound so easy. For every argument she had, he had a better one that seemed to make sense. She didn’t know what else to say. There was no way she would tell Gavin or Amy that she was staying a week with a man she hardly knew, alone, while they went home.

  “I can’t do that,” Irene said finally.

  * * * *

  “Why can’t you stay with me?” JJ whispered as he broke slightly away from Irene.

  They had finished their drinks in the bar. JJ walked Irene to her room and fuck if there wasn’t something about that damn hallway that made him lose control! He had her against the door, kissing her, again. This time he took the key card from her hand and slid it in the lock while he shoved her inside the room attached to her mouth.

  “James…please…” Irene said breathlessly.

  “Irene, you’re driving me crazy!” JJ growled as he latched on to her mouth.

  “Mmmm…” Irene moaned.

  Irene’s small hands grabbed his biceps for dear life. She wasn’t pushing him away as he’d expected. Instead, she pulled him closer. He gripped the nape of her neck and held her in place as he slid his arm around her waist. Their bodies collided when he pulled her closer and there was no way she could avoid his hard cock against her. She let go of him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “Sugar, do I need to stop? I need to ask while I can. If not, there will be no stopping. If I need to leave, tell me now,” JJ said, breaking away slightly.

  JJ stared at the hunger in Irene’s eyes and knew her answer without her uttering a syllable. He suspected no one had ever seen that look of desperate desire, not even her dead husban

  “Irene?” JJ whispered.

  “No,” Irene whispered. It was so soft and quick that if he hadn’t been standing so close to her, he wouldn’t have heard her.

  JJ nuzzled her lips gently. “No what, sugar? Do you want me to leave?” he asked with a soft kiss.

  “No.” Irene latched on to his mouth.

  JJ’s cock never felt so uncomfortable in all his life. It was as if he were seventeen again and couldn’t control his dick. Usually he took control easily and set the pace for the night. This was out of control for the both of them, and he was on shaky ground with Irene. He waited for her to come to the good sense she had and shove him away, demanding that he leave. His hands moved down to her perfect ass and grabbed a handful as he pulled her toward him. One of Irene’s legs wrapped around his knee and pulled. Fuck! It was his injured knee, and that little tug hurt like hell! At least that settled down the pain in his hard dick. He hissed in a sharp breath and moved Irene toward the king-size bed that dominated the room.

  Irene unbuttoned the thick camouflaged uniform he had on. He broke away as he slipped the blouse she was wearing over her head. She’d managed to unbutton him and push the garment down his arms. She urgently tugged at his T-shirt and he swiftly pulled it over his head, discarding it hurriedly.

  JJ growled when Irene’s soft hands ran over his back. He stripped her down to her lingerie and noticed that she didn’t wear anything that dated her. She was just as sexy underneath her clothes as she was fully dressed. He realized that’s what drew his awareness to her from the beginning, her attention to detail.

  JJ pushed Irene back on to the bed and bent to his good knee in front of her. He looked down at her feet. He lifted her foot and kissed her inner ankle as he loosened the strap. He continued to nuzzle her lower leg and ankles as he removed her sandals. She threw back her head a moaned as he worked his mouth over her ankle and lower leg. He was glad to see his little fascination with feet didn’t bother her. She’d be in for a real treat one day.


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