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Tactical Error [Black Ops Brotherhood 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 20

by Bella Juarez

  Irene yawned and nodded. JJ waited around, working on some of his other projects for BRAVO-ZULU. He enlisted Irene’s assistance for his lesson plans and training materials he was preparing. She picked up the concepts quickly and organized the classes in a more logical fashion. After lunch he asked her to call Bakri back and schedule a dinner meeting.

  “Mr. Bakri? This is Irene Ortiz. I’m Mr. Jones’s assistant. He asked me to schedule you for today, if that’s convenient?” Irene said. She paused and listened as Bakri spoke. “That time would be ideal. Mr. Jones asked that we have a working dinner in the suite, if that’s acceptable to you?” She paused again. “I’ll let him know and if there’s any conflict I’ll call you back,” she said, ending the call.

  Irene looked at JJ. “He said he would prefer to work and then go to dinner.”

  JJ rolled his eyes. “Fine, will he be here at five?”


  They prepared for their meeting with Bakri by having a short meeting with MI-6 and the CIA. The story was carefully crafted and JJ knew exactly how to work this mission and his cover. He had done this before. He could tell that Irene was a little nervous, and she wasn’t a good liar. He couldn’t risk making Bakri suspicious at their first meeting.

  “Sugar, don’t say anything. Just take notes,” JJ said.

  Five o’clock rolled around and Bakri showed up right on time. That was unexpected. JJ figured he would do the typical diplomat thing and run an hour late. Irene was dressed very professionally in a skirt and silk blouse. JJ watched as Bakri followed Irene inside. JJ noticed Bakri looking Irene up and down. He thought he saw Bakri lick his lips. He never knew he had a jealous bone in his body until he met Irene. She seemed to draw out his irrational instincts of possession. His hackles started to rise. Motherfucker! I’ll kill you if you try and touch my woman! JJ took a mental step backward. He had to focus on the mission, not his dick.

  “Mr. Jones, Mr. Bakri is here for your meeting,” Irene announced.

  “Mr. Bakri, right this way,” JJ said, leading him to the table.

  They sat at the table and Irene dutifully took out her notepad. She gave JJ her full attention. Bakri glanced at Irene and gave JJ a questioning look.

  “Ms. Ortiz has my full confidence. She’ll be taking notes,” JJ said.

  “Notes? No notes…” Bakri started.

  “I take notes at all my meetings. Ms. Ortiz will sit through the conversation. She’s my technical expert and anything she hears will not be repeated,” JJ said.

  “Very well,” Bakri said, smiling at Irene.

  “So, what can you provide Fitzgerald-Mannheim in the way of microbiologists?” JJ asked. He knew Irene would be comfortable discussing microbiology because she was familiar with it.

  “I can get you resumes of some of our top scientists. We are always looking to partner with the United States and its companies. You have been a very reliable ally with Pakistan,” Bakri said.

  “I need experts familiar with biological pathogens and warfare. Since we’re such good allies, I’ll tell you we’re working on a project with the government. Your scientists need to be able to pass a security clearance. We’ll make sure we take care of immigration and the paperwork,” JJ said.

  JJ could almost see Bakri salivate. It was just what the terrorist bastard wanted to hear. Irene was taking notes and remained silent.

  “I will make sure I get you the information you need. Are you interested in possibly talking with other countries such as Russia?” Bakri asked.

  “Russia? I’m talking to the Bulgarian government. I guess I could.” JJ shrugged. “Don’t tell me you represent them, too,” he said, laughing.

  Bakri chuckled. “No, we have an agreement with the Russian government and we are currently engaged in an exchange of scientists. We have some of our scientists in Russia learning some of their methods and exchanging ideas. I can put you in contact with my acquaintance representing the Russian government.”

  “Really?” JJ asked with some interest.

  I’ll bet…JJ sat back and listened to Bakri’s sales pitch on international cooperation for the sake of knowledge and world peace…Bullshit…

  “Mr. Jones, perhaps you and your assistant would like to join me for dinner? At the Topaz?” Bakri asked.

  JJ looked at Irene. “All right, Mr. Bakri. We’ll meet you there. What time?”

  “Eight thirty?” Bakri asked.

  “We’ll be there,” JJ said.

  JJ escorted Bakri to the door. Irene met him near the door and started to speak. JJ put a finger to her lips indicating for her to be silent. He walked to the table where they were sitting and crawled underneath. He saw the little device instantly. He pulled it from underneath the table, disabled it, and proceeded to turn the chair that Bakri was sitting in over. So far there was only one device. JJ quickly disabled the bug and took out the electronic countermeasure gadget that Lieutenant Gamez had given him. He swept the room again.

  “What did you want to say, sugar?” JJ asked.

  “This is so hard!” Irene said.

  “Ain’t checkers, is it?” JJ quipped. “That’s why so few of us can do this job.”

  “My goodness! That horrible man left that thing here?” Irene said.

  “Yes, he did. We’ll file this little incident under corporate espionage,” JJ said, winking at her.

  “James, I don’t want to go to dinner with him,” Irene said.

  JJ could see Irene was worried. He pulled her close and held her for a moment. “Go to dinner with me and I’ll make it worth your while afterward.”

  “That’s not necessary. I just wanted to rant,” Irene said, gripping him tighter.

  “I want to,” JJ said, kissing her.

  “What’s the dress?” Irene asked.

  “After five, cocktail. We need to do a couple of things before we go out,” JJ said.

  He led Irene back to the desk and they started working on the notes from the meeting with Bakri. There were a couple of interesting confirmations during their brief conversation. First that Pakistan did indeed have some sort of exchange going on with the Russians. Second that Bakri wanted to assist the Russians in their little infiltration of the United States military. Irene and JJ worked on the notes, making them look like meeting minutes so no one would be suspicious if they happened on to them. By eight they were out the door and making their way through Istanbul and to the Topaz.

  * * * *

  Irene sat in the back of the Mercedes that was their limousine while they were in Istanbul. She marveled as she looked out the window at the passing city. Istanbul was such a diverse city and it was almost impossible to split it up into definable districts. The only real distinction she could make was between the European and Asian sides, which were separated by the Bosphorus strait. It stretched from the Black Sea, straddling across the Bosphorus, touching the Sea of Marmara.

  Irene was excited and felt like she had been swept into a fantasy world. They were staying at a hotel on the Asian side of Istanbul and their suite overlooked the Sea of Marmara all the way to the Princes’ Islands. The restaurant was on the European side of the city. They had to cross the Bosphorus Bridge over the strait to reach the other side. The bridge was an immensely impressive suspension bridge that linked east and west. She watched as the lights on the bridge changed colors.

  Irene had worn a purple dress with a long faux-mink coat. It was cold in Istanbul this time of year. The dress had a tank-style, pleated chiffon top with crystal beading and a matching tea-length skirt. Her feet were a little cold in the silver rhinestone sling-back heels. James looked so handsome and sophisticated in his charcoal-colored suit. He looked like an executive.

  They arrived at the restaurant and James helped her from the vehicle. He gave the driver instructions as he closed the door. They stepped into an elegant and warm restaurant. She was glad to see she hadn’t overdressed. The waiter showed them to their table. Mr. Bakri hadn’t arrived yet. James helped her with her co
at, handing their coats off to the waiter. He pulled a chair out and helped her to her seat. When the waiter returned, JJ ordered his scotch and her red wine. He looked at Irene and smiled.

  “How are you doing, sugar?” James asked lowly.

  “This is amazing. I wish we had time to see the whole city,” Irene said.

  “We can see part of it. What do you want to see?” James asked.

  “I would love to see St. Sophia, one of the markets, and maybe the archeological museum,” Irene said.

  “Okay, let’s see what we can do,” James said.

  Irene knew he would do everything in his power to make sure she got whatever she wanted if they had time. Mr. Bakri arrived. Irene was uncomfortable around the man because there was something about him that set off alarms every time she looked at him. James’s bug find this afternoon only confirmed her suspicions.

  “Ms. Ortiz, Mr. Jones,” Bakri greeted them.

  Irene nodded and said nothing. She was fine letting James do all the talking. They ordered their meal. James and Bakri carried on about the company and Mr. Bakri’s position in the Pakistani government. She could tell he was feeling James out about something unrelated to their business. After the first course, Irene excused herself.

  * * * *

  JJ sat back watching Bakri’s eyes follow Irene from the room. All night long he’d been looking at Irene off and on. She’d ignored him and it almost seemed as if she didn’t notice his little attempts to draw her into conversation. Bakri was also hinting around at him joining forces for a large fee. He let the man talk and even played along, dropping hints that he would be interested in the offer.

  “She is an enchanting woman,” Bakri said, turning back to JJ.

  “Yes, she is,” JJ agreed. Please don’t make me fuck you up and blow this mission. He got a grip on his jealous flare.

  “She is married?” Bakri asked.


  “Perhaps Ms. Ortiz would like to see Istanbul while you are busy? I could assist you with that.”

  Oh shit! No you didn’t! Calm down, JJ. Irene wouldn’t go off with him anyway. Focus on the mission. JJ sat back and said nothing for a moment. He was working to formulate his words without picking Bakri up and throwing him across the room to reiterate his point.

  “Mr. Bakri…” JJ started. “Ms. Ortiz is a valuable member of my team. She’s my technical expert in the field of microbiology and has been with me for some time. She has my trust and I have hers. She didn’t come here to seal the deal for me. Please keep this professional,” JJ said, taking a drink of his scotch.

  JJ looked directly at Bakri. It was obvious the man didn’t like getting turned down.

  “My apologies. She may not be married, but obviously she is taken. Is that correct, Mr. Jones?” Bakri said.

  “Yes. That’s correct,” JJ confirmed.

  Irene returned to the table. The men stood and JJ helped Irene with her chair once more. He noticed Bakri carefully watching them. They started to discuss business again. He was glad when dinner was finally over.

  “Mr. Jones, think about my recruiting offer,” Bakri said.

  “I will. I’d like to hear more details,” JJ said.

  “I will be in touch,” Bakri said, patting his phone.

  “Very good,” JJ said.

  JJ picked up the $325.00 tab for dinner. They returned to their limousine and he directed the driver to another location. The driver found the narrow street and pulled in front of a building. Irene looked at him, puzzled.

  “We’re not going home?” Irene asked.

  “Come on. I think you’ll like this, sugar,” JJ said.

  The valet opened the door for Irene and helped her out of the car. JJ tucked her arm under his and escorted her into a swank foyer. It was minimalistic and modern. He could already hear the soft strains of the jazz band playing as he led her to the club on the mezzanine level of the building. They walked into the smoke-filled room. It was so unusual now to see a smoky haze hang in a room. Smoking was damned near banned in every corner of the US it seemed. He steered her to a small, empty table.

  “What did you have in mind, Mr. Jones?” Irene asked as a smile played around her lips.

  “Sugar, you turn me on every time you ask that question. I have a very devious mind,” JJ said with a dangerous smile.

  “You’re flirting with me, boss,” Irene said.

  “I’ll be doing more than that before tonight is over with.”

  Irene giggled. JJ ordered a bottle of champagne. They sat for a while relaxing and listening to the music. They needed to unwind. Irene wasn’t used to this kind of emotional stress. He scanned the room nonchalantly. He knew they’d been followed. If Bakri himself hadn’t followed them, then there was someone else here watching for him.

  JJ took Irene’s hand and led her to the small dance floor. They swayed to a soft, slow blues tune. As they danced, he saw what he was looking for. Bakri himself had followed them and was sitting in a very dark corner of the club. All right, cocksucker, it’s time you figure out she’s out of your reach. JJ pulled Irene close and kissed her softly. She gave him a warm, inviting smile.

  “James, this trip is so wonderful. I can’t believe I’m here. Thank you so much,” Irene said.

  “I love you, sugar. I’m glad you’re happy.” JJ kissed her again.

  They spent the next couple of hours relaxing and dancing. JJ noticed that Bakri was watching their every move. He figured Bakri would try to use his and Irene’s little affair to blackmail him. He was anxious to find out what tomorrow held for them.

  * * * *

  Irene watched the city of Istanbul go past on their way back to their hotel. She was a little tipsy from all the champagne. She felt warm and content despite the cold, wet weather outside. The dinner they had with Mr. Bakri had been nerve racking and tense for her. James, as always, knew exactly what to do to make it all go away. The club he had taken her to afterward had allowed her to relax and be herself for a while. James’s arm snaked around her shoulder and he rubbed the mink fur that encased her.

  “It’s soft. Just like you,” James said as he kissed her below her ear.

  “Do you have any idea how good that feels?” Irene asked as she settled back into his body.

  “Yes. I think you’ve returned the favor a couple of times,” James said, kissing her in the spot again.

  Irene realized there was a driver in the front seat. She started to pull away from James remembering where she was and they weren’t alone. He held her in place.

  “He doesn’t care,” James said as if reading her thoughts.

  “I care,” Irene said, straightening herself and sitting up.

  James leaned in and kissed her. “You’re so damn sexy!” he growled against her lips.

  “Behave, James,” Irene said quietly.

  “You’re making it hard to behave. I love it when you play hard to get,” James said as he leaned back.

  “I’m not playing. We’re in public,” Irene reminded him. She heard him growl and fought the urge to giggle. She knew that sort of reaction would encourage him even more.

  They arrived at the hotel and James let them into the suite. Irene walked inside ahead of him. As they came to the living area, he caught her hand and pulled her back to him. James ran his hands over the mink coat she was wearing.

  “I’d like to take you wearing nothing but this coat,” James said as he kissed her hungrily.

  Irene’s eyes flew open. What a thought! Her naked body under this coat aroused her to the point of irrationality. She recalled when she had purchased it and the fit David had thrown. He demanded to know where the hell she planned on wearing it. Texas was too damn hot to wear a mink coat, even if it was faux. He was right. But it was her little splurge and she always planned on going somewhere she could wear it. If David had suggested she get naked and have sex with him while she wore that coat, she would’ve done it and made him regret his tantrum. She pulled away from James.

; “I’ll be right back. Don’t move,” Irene said.

  Irene went to the bedroom and quickly stripped off her clothes. She left her jewelry and thigh-high stockings on. The lacy trim that held them around her thighs made her feel sensual. She slipped her feet back into her shoes and put the coat back on. Her pussy gushed as the silk lining hit her skin. James was staring out of the big windows that looked out over the Sea of Marmara. She took tentative steps as she approached him. What if he changes his mind? Irene almost turned around and went back to the bedroom for her clothes.

  “Come here, sugar. There’s something I want you to see,” James said without turning around.

  James held out his hand to her. Irene took it and he positioned her in front of him. He pointed down to the sea over her shoulder. She looked in the direction he was pointing. There were several large, lighted barges that were crossing back and forth down below. There was one particularly large ship that she noticed.

  “It’s a destroyer. It’s one of ours. It’s probably coming into port for supplies,” James said.

  James was running his hands up and down her coat. He paused at her breast and stroked a little more firmly. He started to open the coat and found it buttoned.

  “Are you still cold, sugar?” James asked as he worked the buttons.

  “A little. It’s cold here this time of year,” Irene said.

  “Yes, it is, and we’re right on the Black Sea. It’s like being on the coast of Alaska in early March,” James said, finally loosening all the buttons.

  Irene held the coat closed. She turned around and looked at him through her lashes. James smiled slightly.

  “Something wrong, sugar?” James asked.

  Irene released the ends of her coat and took his hands. She guided them inside to her waist. The coat opened slightly and she watched the surprise that registered in his expression. His expression quickly turned to hot desire. She was pleased to see that he was speechless. She let his cool hands run over her warm skin. He reached her breasts and stroked her nipples with his thumbs. Her nipples beaded tightly at his teasing. She bit her bottom lip to keep from moaning at the stimulation.


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