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Rise of the Phoenix

Page 12

by J. L. Madore

  Maybe Hawk’s right and she hasn’t mastered her final form yet, but she’s no less awe-inspiring as a woman aflame. When Jaxx blows past me on all fours, I realize my front leg is almost lame. The meat of my shoulder is on fire and I can’t feel my right paw.

  Still, I take the castoffs from Calli’s shooting spree and rip out the throats of three hyena bastards as I hobble behind the group. If nothing else, I’ll secure the rear.

  I’m finishing up with the third when a wave of dizzy hits and I topple to the ground. I can’t… I must help…

  I turn my maw and vomit in the grass.

  Damn. That can’t be good.


  Doc and I are almost caught up to the others when the kid goes down. There’s no missing the scent of wolf blood in the air, but with Calli in the crosshairs, I don’t have time to check him out. In mid-stride, I let off a guttural roar and swing my head toward Kotah lying in the bloody dirt. Thankfully, Doc gets my meaning and drops back to tend to the kid.

  Jaxx is on the scene and the jaguar is a freaking phenom in battle. As an enforcer, I’ve worked and fought—with and against—hundreds of warriors. Jaxx stands out in that company, which is damn impressive.

  Fast as lightning and lethal with his claws, our golden boy first responder earns new respect as he cuts a bloody swath through wildlings and men alike to secure our mate.

  Hawk bypasses the obstacle of fighting through a wall of beasts by soaring above. When he catches up to Calli and begins his descent, a harrowing screech rents the air. He’s knocked tumbling beak over tail-feathers, bombarded by two golden eagles. He recovers quickly and then talons bared, the three dive and claw and bat at one another.

  Hawk won’t get to our girl anytime soon.

  I push hard, my muscles burning with the massive supply of energy I expend. Power ripples through my limbs and I realize I my strength has bolstered with the connection of the others. Is that part of the mating?

  I file that away to ask the kid later. Still, I feel them.

  Kotah is struggling. Jaxx is wild. Hawk is pissed. And Calli is… filled with fiery confidence that ignites my own.

  Despite them shooting at her, she’s not getting hit. It must be the sheer molten heat she’s giving off. She’s melting the bullets before they get close enough to do her damage.

  It’s more than that, though. She’s not afraid of what she’s becoming like she was last time in the clearing. Facing a force of men and animals closing ranks, she’s testing out her newfound form, stretching her boundaries to see what she can do.

  Fuck yeah. She is a goddamn phoenix and these assholes are going to regret ever messing with her.

  Good girl.

  I snap the neck of a jackal and watch my girl in action. With a dozen, heavily armed men positioned ahead of her, she reaches back like a pitcher on a mound. When she shifts her weight forward and throws her arm, a hot, streaming blast of fire shoots from her palm. She’s a fucking flamethrower and leaves nothing but a row of screaming men charred and twisting as their bodies burn.

  I roar with pride.

  Hawk shrieks above and somehow, I hear the warning in his call. What? Why is he—Shit. From the loft of the barn, some cocklicker has a missile launcher pointed and ready—

  I have no time to react. The weapon dislodges and the projectile hits Calli square in the chest. It knocks her fifty feet back and smack into the middle of a farmer’s pond.

  Hawk goes after the shooter’s face, and Jaxx and I race to the water’s edge. The jaguar doesn’t hesitate. He goes from a full-on four-legged sprint into a hail Mary dive. He shifts mid-air and breaks the water’s surface with his hands over his head in a perfect dive.

  “Come on, Jaxx,” I say, shifting back to being a man. I want to be out there. I want to help find Calli under the icy mirk of the water, but bears have an incredibly dense body mass and I can’t swim. If I go in there, I’ll sink and then Jaxx will be playing Baywatch to two of us. “Come on, Jaguar. Prove you’re the man I think you are.”



  I wake to Jaxx’s warm lips on my icy mouth—except, it isn’t sensual. He blows a burst of oxygen into my lungs and I sputter and cough. Water spews up the back of my throat. It burns in my nose and my eyes water. After curling on the ground in a wicked coughing spree, I groan and fall limp on the grassy bank of a pond. “Gawd, it tastes like cat assholes and frat boy vomit made a disgusting lovechild in my mouth.”

  Jaxx pulls me off the ground and into his arms. Despite my warning of the worst morning breath evah, he kisses me again—for reals this time. When he pulls back, I see the pain and fear he’s holding in check.

  “I’m fine.” I cup his scruffy jaw in the palm of my hand. Between nearly dying, recuperating, and now fighting, he’s a bit more lumberJaxx rugged than when we first met. “Thanks for the save. How’d we do?”

  His worry clears, washed away by his glorious crooked smile. “Point goes to the good guys. Hawk’s got his people on cleanup. Kotah’s being treated by Doc on the bus. And Brant and I are unbelievably happy to see your eyes open. You scared us, kitten.”

  My body quakes violently, racked by a super-sized shiver. “Where did all my heat go?”

  “You were rocket-launched into the icy pond,” Jaxx says. “How are you feeling?”

  “Like I went from being Firestar, badass crime-fighter, to Olaf in Frozen.”

  “Here.” Brant peels his shirt off and Jaxx helps me sit up. “I don’t think you need a cooling-off period this time, beautiful. Your skin’s like ice.”

  The two of them help me into the t-shirt which is massive and toasty and smells like Brant. I curl in on myself and moan from the decadence. The movement makes me wince and I press a gentle hand against the ache in my sternum. “Um, ow. That hurts.”

  Brant scoops me out of Jaxx’s hold and pulls me against his broad, bare chest. His arms are strong around me and he carries me like I weigh no more than a child. His bear rumbles against my ear in approval as I snuggle closer into his warmth.

  “Considering the dozens of bullets flying at you did nothing, I’m not surprised they pulled out the big guns. But damn, Calli, that asshole targeted you with a rocket launcher. Do you know how lucky we are that you’re only saying ow?”

  I nuzzle into the crook of his neck and close my eyes. I never noticed it before, but the big guy is a walking space heater. With the adrenaline of the battle drained away, exhaustion grips me. “Can we ignore the world and call a mental health day? I could bask in your heat and sleep for a week.”

  Jaxx squeezes my foot as we walk. “You did amazing, kitten. You called that shift on intentionally. You are a natural. With a little training, you’ll build up your endurance and be kicking ass in no time.”

  I yawn and close my eyes. “Thank you, boys.”

  Brant kisses the top of my wet hair. “You’re welcome. We all survived, and you were spectacular.”

  “Yeah,” Jaxx says. “With a hot shower and a mountain of blankets, you’ll feel good as new in no time.”


  It’s late when I push the bedroom door open a crack to check on my mate. She’s lying in the center of the king-sized bed at the back of the bus, wrapped around our healing wolf, and has Jaxx spooning her from behind. The jaguar is lost in dreamland and I don’t know if his state of total unconsciousness is residual exhaustion from his concussion or the pleasure of cuddling with Calli. I’ll bet my balls all-in on the latter.

  Either way, they look locked down for the night, so I ease back to let them—

  “I’m not sleeping,” Calli whispers, pushing up from the mattress to prop on her elbow. She’s still wearing my t-shirt and hot-damn it hits me straight in the cock to see her thighs peeking out from the— “Are you all right?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Your eyes are practically glowing gold.”

  I swallow and pull back on the reins of my hunger for her. “Don’t worry about that. I’
m fine.”

  “What about Doc and Lukas?”

  To say that she and Doc didn’t hit it off would be the understatement of the year. With anyone else, I’d think the inquiry was empty lip-service, but with our connection strengthening, I feel her genuine concern. “All good, beautiful.” I wink and head into the bathroom. “Let me wash up and I’ll catch you up.”

  Blood doesn’t bother me. As an FCO enforcer, I come home from work covered in blood or ichor or some form of disgusting bodily substance on the daily. Tonight is different. I don’t want any part of those men affecting Calli’s life any more than they already have.

  Hawk and I worked them over for an hour to see what we could find out. It got messy. Still, none of them would connect the dots to either Darkside or the Black Knight.

  I grab a bar of soap and get to work.

  Exiting the bathroom, I pat my face and arms dry and hang the damp towel over the back of the little desk chair. As I draw nearer, the wolf rouses from where he’s sleeping beside our girl and moves to the end of the bed. After walking a circle, he curls up in a ball, flicks his ear, and closes his eyes.

  Good lad. “Thanks, buddy. Heal quickly, my man.”

  Calli lifts the covers, inviting me to lay with her. I swallow and raise a brow. “Yeah? You sure?”

  Whatever she’s sensing from me makes her smile. “Am I sure that I’m willing to share this giant mattress while we rest. Yes, Bear. I’m sure.”

  I chuckle. Normally I sleep in the buff but figure that might be ballsy, so I drop my jeans and keep my boxers firmly in place when I slide in beside her.

  Calli’s gaze catches the bulging evidence of what’s doing behind the thin layer of cotton and her mouth drops open. “Is all that for little ole me?”

  I slide into the warmth of her blanket cocoon and cuddle her close to my chest. To avoid pushing my luck, I keep my hips pulled back far enough that my straining need for her remains left to her imagination… for now.

  “You are perfection in my arms, beautiful.” I draw her scent deep into my lungs and try to reconcile the past few days. This female, who seems tiny and fragile, is the kick-ass other half to my soul. Her delicate air is a stunning illusion. Calli is whiskey in a teacup—a fierce spirit in a dainty package.

  The devotion I felt for her, at first sight, was magic—a destiny taking hold. That feeling pales to what has bloomed after two days of getting to know her.

  I kiss her temple and sigh, contented like I never knew I could be. She blinks up at me with a half-masted gaze, a sappy, sleepy smile softening her face. Right. She asked me about my erection, and I got lost in her eyes.

  “Yes, it’s for you. Take anything you want from me whenever you want it, but tonight you called a PG sleepover, and I agree. It’s a good idea. You are in desperate need of rest to regain your strength. And you’ll need it. We start training tomorrow.”

  She nuzzles against my chest and reaches over my side to hug me. The velvet warmth of her touch barely wraps over my ribs. She blinks up at me, a sweet smile crossing her lips. “I’m also in desperate need of a bear hug.”

  “Then it’s a good thing you have one handy.” I squeeze her tighter and press my lips against her forehead. Damn, with my cock throbbing with a pulse of its own and my bear wild with the need to be claimed, I’m getting dangerous.

  I need inside Calli more than I need blood in my veins and air in my lungs. I need her to need me. I squeeze my eyes shut and lock my shit down. “Close your eyes, beautiful. When we wake up, we’ll be at the Bastion and can regroup.”


  I lean back in the private cubicle I’m using as an office and eye the bedroom door at the back of the bus. Calli and the others hunkered down for the night about an hour ago and I feel their bonds tightening—to one another.

  Not me.

  Not that I care. I never wanted to be tied to this mess, so there’s no reason to feel slighted because I’m the one on the outside looking in. Whatever the universe had in store when we matched up as the perfect other halves for each other, something critical got lost in translation.

  My passions run hot for elegant brunettes who know to be seen and not heard and bow when I give the order. I like them submissive and detached—no exaggerated expectations or demands on my time.

  Calli’s none of that—and never will be.

  I’m a man who allows no complications with my sex life and Calli and this phoenix guardian quint is the motherfucking Titanic of complications.

  The universe is wrong.

  The only reason I can’t get Spitfire out of my mind is bonding magic. Otherwise, I’d be fucking Jayne or the next anonymous female that catches my eye.

  Even saying the words in my head, I hear the lie.

  No. It’s not a lie. It’s desperation. I haven’t had sex in almost a week and for me, that’s two lifetimes. That’s all it is. If I take the edge off, I’ll see things clearly again. My cock has been a solid rod of granite, day and night, for days. I need a break from the incessant drive to mate.

  Right. Easing the chair away from the desk surface, I reach back, dim the light, and close the door. The click of the lock brings on an almost Pavlovian surge of anticipation in my pants.

  Yeah, yeah. It’s back to teenaged basics. Let off the pressure and I’ll be good. Since I go commando, it’s as simple as me toeing off my shoes and setting my folded pants and shirt on the desk.

  Manspreading naked in the desk chair, I tilt back and glare up at the ceiling. Why have I been reduced to this? A morning stroke off in the shower to get the day started on the right foot is one thing. Seeking release in a moving closet while four others are soaking up all the warm fuzzies in the next room is quite another.

  Yeah, well… desperate times.

  Oh, for fuck’s sake, I need to get this done already.

  I swipe a hand over my pec and twist the platinum hoop pierced through my nipple. The assault sends a sharp tingle across my nerve endings and my already stiff cock jumps against my abs. I focus on the expansion of my lungs, the steady beat of my heart.

  Closing my eyes, I send my palm downward, over the ridged planes of my six-pack to the problem at hand. My skin is hot and smooth, stretched over honed muscles. I dip south for a second and squeeze my sac. My balls are so tight, they feel like they might burst from the pressure.

  Dammit. Somewhere over the passing days, the urge to release increased way beyond an annoying ache. We’re now in flat out need territory.

  I need this.

  I grip my shaft and the contact is electric. A moan rumbles out of my chest as my erection kicks in my hand. Shit, that feels good. I start a slow tugging rhythm and sink into the sensation. This. This is basic biology.

  I arch as I continue to touch myself. Without invitation, erotic images of Calli in the backseat of my truck invade my moment. Naked and horny, she pressed the rounds of her breasts against the kid’s chest and rode his bulge until she shattered.

  Fuck me. It’s… so good.

  My breath tightens in my chest. I grip tighter and pick up speed. The feminine sound she made as the pressure built. The intoxicating scent of her core weeping for attention…

  Oh, fuck… Faster. Harder.

  When the quiet click-click-click of my rhythm breaks the silence of my jack off, I glance down at the glistening head of my engorged cock. Precum rises through the opening, slicking my crown…

  Oh fuck. I throw my head back, the reward of release pulsing in my balls but refusing to come. I’m suspended at the edge of the most glorious pleasure, my entire body tight with hunger. I focus on the steady click-click of tossing hard with cum leaking from my tip.

  It’s so good. I need this so badly.

  My balls are on fire, they tighten and lock, quivering with the need to fucking let loose. “Yes,” I pant. Sweat drips off my chin and down my chest. I hammer at myself with a pounding rhythm my load bursting to gain freedom.

  “Yes, fuck… please.”

  I’m b
ack in my truck again, watching Calli masturbate on the kid. Fuck I want that to be me. I want to tie her up and fuck her for hours. I want my face at her core lapping at that incredible scent. I want my cock so deep inside her that when I come, my scent covers her inside and out.

  The movie in my mind shifts. Calli’s look of devastation and betrayal set up shop in my head.

  “Stop!” She swipes at the moisture dripping off her chin and pulls a labored breath. “You think you have me figured out, but maybe you’re not as smart as you think you are.”

  I laugh in the face of her destruction. “You’re nothing special Calli and you know it. Our world needs greatness right now. Hard truth time—that isn’t you.”

  My words haunt me now. Yes, I spoke them to save Jaxx’s life, but regret won’t knit that damage back together.

  Guilt cuts me so deeply, it feels like my heart is cleaving in two. I have no right to find pleasure using Calli as my mental prop. That wasn’t my intention, but despite intentions and my protestations, our little Spitfire got under my skin.

  I sigh, staring down at my quickly deflating cock.

  Damn it. Can’t one thing go right for me?

  What the fuck do I do now?



  I wake in a loose tangle of sheets beneath lazy swaths of white gossamer. The delicate draping of the canopy above swings free, billowing like enchanted ghosts protecting their guest from the outside world. I peer through the sheer veil at the warm, honey-stained post and beam architecture and leaded, stained-glass windows. Beyond the end of the bed, a stone wall rises from the hardwood floors and houses a fireplace dividing the bedroom from a great room beyond.

  “Good morning, sleeping beauty.”

  I glance behind me and find Jaxx sitting against the headboard watching me sleep. “How’d I get here?”

  “You were out cold when we arrived early this morning. Hawk had the cabin arranged. Brant carried you in. And voila, here you are.”


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