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Souls Endure (The Souls Trilogy Book 3)

Page 2

by Anne B. Cole

  “Thank you for your kindness.” The brother accepted the package of food and paid the bill with cash.

  After the three left, Gretta noticed Betty’s absence so she walked into the kitchen where she found the owner poking the drop ceiling with the end of a broom.

  “Betty, what are you doing?”

  “The last time Nick had too much to drink and hid something, I found it above a ceiling tile.” She continued lifting sections of ceiling with the broom handle until one resisted. A smile crept on her face and she motioned for a nearby chair.

  Gretta placed it in front of her.

  “What’s the special tonight?” Betty asked.

  “Fish and chips, why?” She wondered what the dinner special had to do with finding the money.

  “Perfect. Get me two raw fillets from the cooler,” Betty commanded.

  Gretta obeyed and returned with the fish in a pan.

  “Now, climb on this chair and put the fish right beside the money bag.”

  “You don’t want the money?” Gretta slid the pan next to the cash.

  “Oh, Nick will remember where he hid the money. The stink will jog his memory in a day or two.” Betty chuckled when Gretta guided the ceiling tile back in place. “Go on now. I’ll cook until Nick and Patrice are finished searching the basement.”

  Gretta laughed and made her way into the dining room. She stopped at the sight of the beautiful woman standing at the table, alone. Anger, not grief, creased her face.

  “Is there something I forgot to get you?” Gretta inquired.

  The woman forced a smile and held out a white envelope. “No, but I realized I have something for you. Please accept this, for we are unable to use the tickets since my mother has passed away.”

  Gretta took the blank envelope in her hands. Unsealed, several papers of various sizes had been neatly folded to fit inside. A chill pricked the hair on the back of her neck.

  “There are two tickets for a trip to Greece. My husband and I have been planning this for months. It’s all inclusive, airfare, hotel, and tours to several islands. The tickets are not refundable and we don’t want them to go to waste.”

  “I cannot possibly accept—”

  “I insist,” she replied with a forceful tone and touched Gretta’s arm. A wave of peacefulness flowed from the woman’s alabaster fingers. “Think of it as the honeymoon you never had.”

  “Thank you. I—I’m terribly sorry for your loss,” Gretta added.

  The woman’s husband returned and held the door open for her. Jingling bells sounded as the door closed behind them.

  “Who came in?” Betty asked, stepping out of the kitchen.

  “Customers just left.” Gretta slipped the envelope into her apron.

  “Good. I didn’t like the looks of them.”

  “She’s exceptionally beautiful,” Gretta replied, placing her hand over the lump in her pocket.

  “Beauty is superficial, dear—” Nick and Patrice entered the dining room, cutting off Betty’s sentence. With a grin, she addressed Nick. “Did you find what you were looking for?”

  “Oh, yeah.” His wandering eyes flickered to Patrice, who attempted to inconspicuously straighten her shirt. “I mean, no, uh, still looking. I may have to search upstairs. Patrice, would you be able to help me?” Nick asked with a longing in his eyes.

  “Of course, Nick. I’m sure we’ll find whatever you’re looking for upstairs,” Patrice purred. The two disappeared in the hall.

  Betty sighed and returned to the kitchen.

  “Nick?” Gretta called after she opened the envelope and scanned the dates on the travel itinerary.


  “Can I have the next two weeks off? Something came up and I’m going to be out of town.”

  After a few whispers and giggles he replied, “Sure, Patrice will fill in for you. Have a great time.”

  Sinking into a booth, she read through the travel information. The trip included accommodations at private beach resorts on several different Greek islands in the Aegean Sea.

  “Milos,” she whispered. “Unbelievable. We’re going back to Milos.” Running to the window, she looked for the three strangers. The parking lot stood empty of vehicles. Two crows and a red-tailed hawk flew in the distance. Her mind began to spin with thoughts.

  Did Katarina entwine within the beautiful woman to help us get back to the islands? Did she find Roxana’s lost spirit? Were they close to breaking the curse?

  Remembering their time traveling experience within Anya and Lorenzo, her body tingled with excitement. Pushing thoughts of the curse aside, Gretta let warmth surge through her. A honeymoon with Sam in the Greek Isles. Perfect. She dug into her pocket for her phone to text him the news.

  Chapter 2

  Dagger of The Mind


  “One hour down. Eight more to go,” Sam declared. “We’re not far from the Interstate.”

  Gretta felt his hand slide into hers when she remained focused on the road, despite being the passenger.

  “Greenview is a few miles ahead. The road leading to the cabin is around the next bend.” She squeezed his fingers and gazed out the windshield in an attempt to appreciate the scenery surrounding the highway. Hues of red, gold, and green painted the rolling mountains of the Appalachians. “It’s beautiful. I had often wondered what an autumn view from the mountaintop would look like.”

  Located two miles up the mountain, the cabin could not be seen, yet her eyes fixed on the intersection.

  Goosebumps dotted her arms. Memories of living in the cabin where a serial killer had been watching her every move flooded her mind.

  “You okay?” Sam’s thumb rubbed her palm and her fear subsided. “Hungry? Want to stop in Greenview to stretch?”

  “I’m good. You?” She caught him gazing ahead to the gravel road leading to the cabin.

  Silence grew between them. The fierce grip on her hand confirmed Sam’s recognition of their location. Visions of Sam and her friend, Ryan, falling to the ground after bullets struck them flashed before her eyes. She found herself shivering when they passed the gated entrance.

  Sam let go of her hand and placed his arm around her shoulder, pulling her close. “I’ll need to stop soon for gas and maybe a bite to eat. I heard your stomach growling,” he teased in an attempt to lighten the mood.

  She smiled. “Sounds good, but we don’t want to miss our flight out of LaGuardia.” A sudden panic flooded into her and she stared at her ring. “My ring brings tragedy to people around me. You’re protected from the curse since we are married, but will I endanger others?”

  “Damn,” Sam suddenly muttered, his eyes focused on the rearview mirror. Gretta followed his gaze and saw flashing blue and red lights.

  “I don’t think I drove too much over the speed limit. Are the insurance and registration papers in the glove compartment?” They had taken her car instead of his truck.

  “Yeah, I’ll get them out.” She dug through several napkins and by the time Sam pulled the car over to the side of the road, she had found the necessary documents.

  Sam opened his window and the officer approached.

  “Morning. Do you know how fast you were going?” A brown-uniformed officer leaned into the opened window and winked at her.

  Gretta flew out of the car and ran to Deputy Ryan Scott’s side. She paused for a second before falling into his embrace.

  “Hey, Gretta. It’s great to see you. You too, Sam.”

  She stepped back, looked to his chest where he had been shot last summer, and then back to his hazel green eyes. “How are you? God, it’s so good to see you.” Relief poured through her.

  He bear hugged her and kissed the top of her head. “It’s my first week back on the job.” He gave her
a final squeeze and escorted them to the side of the road.

  “Good to see you, Ryan.” Sam held out his hand. Ryan pulled him into a friendly embrace.

  “How’s Rachel? Did you ever give her the ring you bought?” Gretta found Sam’s hand in hers.

  “Sure did. We’re officially engaged. The date is set for November thirtieth. Her ring is at the jeweler’s being sized. In fact, I’m going there this morning to pick it up.” He looked at Sam before continuing, “They’re having a sale on diamonds. Want to tag along?”

  Gretta grinned and raised her left hand within Sam’s to display her gold band.

  “We missed the wedding? Rachel will be so disappointed. We’ve been trying to contact you for weeks.” Ryan eyed her with concern.

  “We’ve been a little busy.” Sam’s arm tightened around her shoulder.

  “Going on a honeymoon,” she added, feeling guilty about avoiding her friends from Greenview. Distancing herself was the only way to keep them safe from the curse of bad luck.

  “We never did get a chance to pick out a diamond together.” Sam glanced at her with a grin. “I can’t afford to buy, but maybe we can have them hold one for us.”

  “Follow me. We can catch up at the coffee shop. The jewelry store opens in a half hour and it’s right next door.” Ryan winked at her and left before she had a chance to decline.

  Back inside the car, Gretta’s smile faded. “Maybe we should just keep going. I don’t want the curse hitting Ryan again.”

  “We’ll keep the visit short, I promise. We have to get to New York City for tonight’s flight. Try not to worry, I haven’t sensed any danger.” He started the engine and followed Ryan’s patrol car.

  “What do you mean?” She shot a look his way, demanding his attention.

  “When something bad is about to happen or when someone I love is in danger, I hear a ringing in my ears. It happened several times last summer.” He kept his eyes trained on the road.

  “Is that how you found me in the cabin?” She had pushed the horrible night out of her mind and had never asked for the details on how he had found her.

  “No, but I knew you were in danger. Katarina left me a note, pointing me in the right direction.” He took her hand. “Don’t worry, an hour in Greenview won’t hurt anyone and we’ll still have plenty of time to catch our flight.”

  Gretta took in a deep breath and leaned against his shoulder. Despite his reassurance, nervousness filled her.

  At the coffee shop, two steaming cups of coffee and a hot tea were quickly delivered to their table. The breakfast crowd had dispersed with only an elderly couple present.

  “How long are you going to be in Greece?” Ryan asked.

  “We fly tonight and return two weeks from tomorrow,” Gretta replied. She shivered and warmed both hands around her tea mug.

  “You know it’s October, Sis. A tee shirt, in this weather?” He removed his jacket and placed it around her shoulders.

  “It’s supposed to be warm in Greece this time of year. We packed light for the trip. Thanks.” The warmth of the coat and the scent of his woodsy aftershave instantly relaxed her.

  “Hey, no moving in on my wife, officer,” Sam teased.

  She grinned at Sam who sat next to her and had his hand on her knee, rubbing her chills away. He winked at her, yet the crease in his forehead remained. She leaned closer to him.

  “Sibling-like relationship, nothing more.” Ryan playfully punched her shoulder. “I’m about to be hitched myself, remember?”

  Gretta sipped her tea and burned her tongue. “Excuse me, boys. I’m gonna use the ladies’ room.”

  With a backward glance, she watched Ryan pointing to the jewelry store and both men carrying on a friendly discussion.

  Before returning, she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her ponytail had gone from curly to frizzy so she wound it up and tied her blonde locks into a messy bun. Satisfied her unruly hair wouldn’t come loose, she left the restroom.

  As she approached their table, Sam slid out of the booth to let her in. A waiter shuffled close behind him.

  With a dagger clutched in his raised hand.

  “Hey!” Gretta elbowed the waiter in the stomach and punched him in the face. The jewel-handled dagger flashed by her cheek before he doubled over to the floor.

  “Watch out. He has a knife!” She kicked the hand gripping the weapon.

  Within seconds, Sam stood between her and the waiter. Ryan had the man pressed face down to the floor in handcuffs.

  “What’s going on here?” A stout woman in an apron bounded out of the kitchen.

  “A knife, he had a knife and he—” Gretta searched the floor for the weapon and found nothing. “I saw it, a dagger with jewels on the handle. He had it in his right hand ready to stab Sam.”

  Ryan pulled the teenaged waiter to his feet. Sam remained positioned between him and Gretta.

  “I had a pen in my hand, nothing else. I swear,” the dazed waiter declared.

  “I know what I saw. It must have slid under the booth.” She fell to her knees, searching under the table and chairs.


  She scanned under the next booth. The sound of Sam’s footsteps followed. She checked and rechecked beneath every table and chair.


  “Gretta, I think we’d better go.” Sam lifted her to her feet and placed his hand on her back. Together they headed to their table where the waiter sat with a bag of ice on his cheek. Ryan had removed the handcuffs and remained standing as he apologized to the owner.

  She quickly turned to Sam and whispered, “I saw a dagger. I swear I did.”

  His chestnut eyes met hers and she knew he believed her. He kissed her cheek. Pulling back a mere inch, his forehead crinkled with concern. “Trust me and follow my lead.”

  “You saw it, too?” her voice quivered with hope.

  “I saw a pen, not a dagger, but no one holds a pen the way he did. We need to get out of here before someone gets hurt.” His eyes shifted to Ryan and then back to her. “Stay close, and squeeze my hand if you see anything out of the ordinary.”

  Chapter 3

  Touch of a Specter


  Gretta stormed through the door of the restaurant after Sam’s explanation of her attack on the waiter. He had apologized and announced to the owner that she suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder. Ryan had nodded in confirmation and explained how he and Sam had been shot and the serial killer had been killed as he held Gretta at gunpoint.

  The owner and waiter had recalled the incident from last summer. Softened by her heroism, the waiter had accepted her brief apology despite the rapid swelling of his eye.

  “You don’t believe me,” Gretta muttered and stepped off the sidewalk into the street.

  Sam jerked her by the arm back on the curb with a fierce grip. The whoosh of a school bus passing, no more than three feet from them, brought her back to the reality of being in danger.

  She looked at the garnet ring on her finger. Bad luck follows the one who wears the ring. Strong arms wrapped around her shoulders and she crumpled into the safety net of her husband’s embrace.

  “I believe you. I had to justify your actions so he wouldn’t press charges.” He held her head to his chest as she took in a shaky breath.

  “Check her hand,” Ryan urged from behind her. “Hardest hook I’ve seen in a while. I’m surprised she didn’t knock him out.”

  She pulled out of Sam’s embrace, but not free from his hold. “I learned from the best.” Her sheepish grin failed to remove the concern from Ryan’s penetrating stare.

  “Maybe we should get her checked at the med clinic.” His gaze left her hand and zeroed in on Sam.

  “I’m fine, and stop talkin
g as if I’m not here.” She glared at Ryan. Frustration filled her. Shaking free from Sam, she marched to the jewelry store.

  Turning the doorknob, she found it locked. Unable to escape from her overprotective husband and friend, she leaned her shoulder hard against the wooden door. The latch clicked and she tumbled into the shop at the feet of a lovely middle-aged woman.

  “Hello, so happy you dropped in.” The slim brunette helped Gretta stand before Sam and Ryan entered the store. “I’ll let my husband know you’ve arrived. He’ll be happy to help you pick out something special.”

  “Are they open? I thought we’d have to wait until ten.” Ryan’s voice sounded at the front door.

  Gretta watched the woman leave the room. When she turned around, she bumped into Sam’s chest.

  “The owner must have seen us through the window and unlocked the door.” She shrugged at his bewilderment, hoping they hadn’t seen her mishap. Smoothing a wisp of hair out of her eyes, she walked to the counter. A display of rings and bracelets glittered in the soft lighting. Scanning over the engagement rings, she turned to Ryan. “I don’t see Rachel’s or even one similar.”

  Hearing the two men whispering, she spun to see Sam nodding with his lips pursed in a thin line.

  “Would you two stop worrying about me? I’m—”

  “Good morning.” A tall man with short brown hair walked into the room from the door in the back where the woman had exited. “I expected you today, Ryan. And your friends are?”

  “Morning, Jim. This is Sam and Gretta Daggett.” Ryan shook hands with the jeweler.

  “I remember Sam, sold him a set of wedding bands, but I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting his beautiful wife.” Jim shook Sam’s hand and then took Gretta’s.

  A shiver ran up her arm at his touch. Memories of her father flashed before her eyes, fond memories. It was the first time since his death she thought about him and didn’t despair.


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