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Rogue (Gladiator Series #2)

Page 3

by E. L. Todd

  I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried to remain calm. Undoubtedly, this would involve killing my father. Would I really be able to handle that when the time came? The second I looked into those eyes that were identical to my own, I knew I would become weak.


  I walked into Wilder’s office when the meeting was over. “Wanted to see me, sir?” It was stupid to antagonize him, but I was too annoyed to care. I’d only been there for a day, and Wilder was already giving me shit like I was inferior to him.

  He spun around on his leather computer chair and stared me down with the same hostility he showed earlier. “You want to be an agent of RB12? You need to straighten out that attitude and get a reality check.”

  “If you want my respect, you’re gonna have to give it first,” I snapped. “Why are you being such an ass right now? Don’t expect me to be at a meeting no one told me about. Don’t expect me to take a child down to a meeting after he just pissed all over his pajamas and his bed. You’ve already assigned me a responsibility, and I’m seeing it through.” I crossed my arms over my chest and stared at his freshly shaven jaw.

  Wilder continued to stare me down like his anger was still at its peak. “You aren’t making a great first impression of yourself so far. I expected you to be a little more professional than that.”

  “Excuse me?” I wanted to snatch one of his guns and smack him upside the head with it.

  “Your little makeout session with Ben wasn’t a great way to introduce yourself to the rest of the staff.”

  “And you being fuck buddies with Maxine is office appropriate?”

  When his eyes narrowed, it was obvious he was surprised I knew that.

  “You have a lot of nerve saying that to me. You’re the biggest hypocrite of all time.”

  “I’m not a hypocrite,” he snarled. “You won’t be with me, but you jump the bones of the first guy you see?”

  “I just kissed the guy, Wilder. Why do you even care?” We both knew he didn’t care because he had feelings for me. He made it extremely clear when he hooked up with Jessica while I stayed at home and waited for him to return. He made it clear when he immediately made eyes at Maxine once he was back in the office.

  “I don’t care,” he snapped. “I’m just trying to give you some advice.”

  “I didn’t realize there was an anti-dating rule at RB12.”

  He crossed his legs and rested one ankle on the opposite knee. He shifted his chair slightly back and forth, his thumb and forefinger rubbing together as he thought in silence. “There’s not. But it doesn’t make a good first impression.”

  “Ben asked me to dinner, and I said yes. You’re making it a much bigger deal than it was.”

  “Ben made it sound like you guys screwed in the car.”

  Our mouths definitely screwed. “Are you jealous or something? Is that why you ripped into me earlier?”

  “No. I don’t get jealous.”

  I didn’t expect anything less. “So, how are we going to do this?”

  His eyebrows rose in confusion. “Do what?”

  “This mission. It’s got a lot of elements to it. Where do I come into play?”

  He ran his hand through his short hair as he breathed a sigh. “Not sure yet. We’re gonna need the best on this one. Don’t really know where you fit in. It seems too dangerous for your first mission.”

  “But you can definitely use me. This is my father we’re talking about.”

  Wilder continued to shake his chair slightly back and forth. “I have no idea what your father is thinking. I suspect you won’t have as much affect against him as you think.”

  When I thought about all our years together, all the birthdays and dinners we’d shared, I couldn’t believe he would ever hurt me. I risked my life to save his. Would my dad really raise a hand to me? After the sacrifice I made for him? “Maybe my father is a criminal. But I really don’t think he would ever hurt me.”

  “He killed your mother,” Wilder said coldly. “You think you’re safe?”

  That would always hang between us. My father murdered my mother when she was an innocent person. “But I’m his child. I mean, he could have taken off if he wanted to. He always stuck around and hid his demons from me.”

  “I’m sure he has some feelings toward you,” Wilder said quietly. “But now that you’re enemies, I don’t think he’ll have any loyalty toward you.”

  I bowed my head as I considered it.

  Wilder’s expression softened as he looked at me. He rose to his feet and stood in front of me, his hands moving to my hips as if he was about to hold me. “I’m sorry, Gray. I wish I didn’t have to say these things to you.”

  “I know…” I rested my forehead against his chest and held my hands against my stomach. It was nice to be comforted by him after the harsh way he spoke to me just minutes ago. This was the Wilder I remembered. This was the Wilder I’d spent months with in the beautiful Swiss Alps.

  Once I’d gotten a hold of myself, I stepped back and wrapped my arms around my waist. “I know I can be of use during this mission. I hope you seriously consider implementing me…and not just on babysitting duty.” I knew I didn’t have enough experience to run the operative like the others. I wasn’t arrogant enough to assume I could learn the ropes that quickly. I cared more about this mission being successful than I did about proving myself to everyone. During times like this, teammates needed to be selfless.

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “Thank you.” That was the most I would get out of him, so I turned away and walked out.


  I paused by the doorway and turned back to him. “Yeah?”

  “You like Ben?” Wilder leaned against the edge of his desk and crossed his arms over his chest.

  I didn’t exactly know what context his question was phrased in. I just met Ben yesterday. I really didn’t know him well enough to have strong feelings in any regard. “I think he’s a big sweetheart. He’s been nothing but nice to me since I walked in this place.”

  Wilder stared at me without blinking, his thoughts shrouded in mystery.

  I took that silence as a dismissal and walked out.


  I opened the door when I heard someone knock.

  Ben stood on the other side in a tight black t-shirt. He wore black running shorts and a sexy grin. “Wanna train?”


  “Yeah. You know, work out. Sharpen our skills.”

  “Don’t you just want to take a break when you’re back on base?”

  He rested one arm against the doorframe and gave me a smoldering look. “The only time I take a break is when my arms are wrapped around a beautiful woman. Other than that, it’s all work.”

  “And no play?”


  I leaned against the other side of the doorframe. “Sounds kinda lame.”

  “Nah. I’m living in the fast lane. So, you wanna come?”

  “Depends. Are you gonna go easy on me?”

  He grinned even wider. “Never.”

  “Then count me in.” I changed then followed him back to the underground headquarters. He led me down a hallway until we entered a large gym that was big enough for fifty people to work out comfortably. There were cardio machines, weights, and large mats in the center of the room for sparring. On the far side of the room was a shooting range. It was a cool place, despite not having any windows. I quickly realized I wasn’t a fan of being underground like this. I needed sunlight and a bright blue sky.

  “What should we work on?” I walked onto the mat and tightened the black gloves I found in my closet. “Cardio? You want me to spot you on the bench?”

  “I say we spar.” He pulled his t-shirt over his head and tossed it off to the side. “That way I can get my hands on you.” He waggled his eyebrows.

  I didn’t react because I was too busy staring at his perfect chest. He was all hard muscle, all man. I had the same reaction when I saw Wilder
shirtless for the first time. This guy was a serious hunk.

  Ben caught my look because I didn’t have the class to avert my gaze. “You like what you see?”

  “Duh.” I’d have to be a lesbian not to like it. Actually, I think even a lesbian would appreciate it.

  “Then come over here.” He beckoned me with his fingertips. “Get a piece of this.”

  I held up my fists then became light on my feet, bouncing around as I concentrated. Fighting a large man like him was excellent practice for me. I wanted to fight impressive opponents so I could get stronger and faster.

  He rushed me and threw a fist in my face. He meant what he said and didn’t go easy on me—at all. He gave me everything he had, not showing that chivalrous side he introduced me to yesterday.

  I ignored the sweat that dripped down his impressive body and gave it my all. I hadn’t worked out in several days, and it was nice to get back in the game. Ben landed a powerful hit on my side and my right cheekbone, but I caused my own damage too.

  We sparred for nearly twenty minutes, but neither one of us had gotten the upper hand. He had a very different fighting stance than Wilder, and it was difficult to predict his movements. He was quick despite his size, and he packed a lot of strength with his punches. I made a stupid move and threw my leg up to kick him, but he caught me by the ankle and yanked on it until I hit the mat, landing hard on my back.

  Ben was on top of me in an instant, one hand pinning mine above my head. “You know what I do to my prisoners?” His lips were just inches from mine, and his eyes were focused and intense. That smile that was usually plastered on his lips was far gone.

  “Oh, oh…”

  He reached one hand toward my side. “Something terrible.”


  “Something unforgivable.” His fingers attacked my side, and he tickled me without mercy.

  I laughed and kicked my legs, trying to get free of his unconventional torturing tactic. “Ben, stop!”

  “Nope. Tell me what I want to know.”

  I kept laughing, screaming loud. “What do you want to know?”

  “Tell me you think I’m hot, and I’ll stop.”

  “Ben, I think you’re hot.”

  His fingers didn’t stop. They moved to my armpit. “Yeah? How hot?”

  “Crazy hot!”

  “Crazy hot?” he said with a laugh. “You can do better than that.”

  I twisted and turned as his fingers tickled all my sensitive areas. “You’re one of the hottest guys I’ve ever seen.”

  “Alright, that’s better.” He finally pulled his hand away. “Don’t get obsessed with me.”

  I tore my arm free and gave him a playful shove. “You’re ridiculous.”

  “Am I?” He moved on top of me again and leaned his head down to kiss me. My heart fluttered the second I saw him begin to lean in, heading right for my lips. My leg already tightened around his waist in preparation for another scorching kiss.

  “Ben.” Wilder’s authoritative voice rang through the air, echoing with unquestionable power.

  Ben sighed in my face before he craned his neck to look at Wilder, who was standing at the edge of the mat looking pissed. “What’s up? I’m in the middle of teaching the new kid the ropes.”

  “Doesn’t look like you’re teaching her anything,” he snapped. “Get up. Maxine wants to speak with you.”

  “About what?” Ben asked.

  Wilder’s voice grew cold. “Go, Ben. Now.”

  Ben sighed before he crawled off me. “This lesson isn’t finished.”

  “Good.” I sat up and gave him a smile.

  He winked before he got off the mat and walked out, but not before shooting Wilder a glare.

  I rose to my feet then yanked the gloves off my hands. My water bottle was over on the benches so I grabbed it, assuming Wilder would walk out now that he’d given Ben orders. When I felt his presence not too far behind me, I knew that wasn’t the case. He was still there, his anger as hot as a raging fire.

  I took a drink before I turned around. “Do you need me somewhere too?” He hadn’t told me how I would be included in the mission yet. He must still be thinking things over.

  The look on his face so fierce it seemed like I was his enemy rather than his ally. “Be ready at ten tomorrow. I want to show you something.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Doesn’t matter.”

  “Well, how should I dress?”

  “Bring a bathing suit.” He turned around and walked off, like his words gave me any indication of what we were doing tomorrow.


  He walked out like he didn’t hear me.

  Was this an underwater training exercise? Maybe he wanted to see how long I could hold my breath? Or maybe it was a smaller mission but he couldn’t tell me what it was. I didn’t have a clue.

  I guess I would find out tomorrow.


  When I got back to the room, all my gear was set on my bed. I had my own phone, a laptop, a shiny new gun with a holster and a case of bullets, and a few outfits. One was a jacket made of bulletproof fiber. It would definitely come in handy during those undercover operations.

  I organized all my things and charged my phone, excited to have the kind of freedom I’d been deprived of for months. I wondered if Ben would stop by my room tonight, but whatever business he had with Maxine would probably take some time.

  My phone began to ring on the nightstand, and I just assumed it was an alarm to announce the phone was charged.

  But it continued to ring.

  No one had my phone number, as far as I knew. I didn’t even know what my phone number was.

  I grabbed it off the nightstand and looked at the screen. A blocked caller was calling me.

  I answered it, assuming it was one of the other agents. “Gray.”

  “Hey, Unicorn.”

  My blood turned ice-cold. An iceberg had nothing on me in that moment. My arms broke out in goose bumps, and a shiver ran up my spine. I held my breath because I stopped breathing altogether. “Dad?”

  His voice was just as affectionate as it was the last time we spoke, only everything was different now. I knew the truth about him. And he obviously knew I was associated with RB12. “I know you’ve probably heard some bad stuff about me from your friends at RB12. I want you to know they’re all lies.”

  I wanted that to be true—more than anything else. I didn’t know how to play this. I didn’t know what to say. Should I act like I believed him? Make him think I trusted him? Or was he being genuine? “They told me you’re a criminal…”

  “Of course they did. But I’m not, sweetheart.”

  Something told me he was lying. Right off the bat, he was defending himself. Why would RB12 have anything bad to say about him unless he really did something wrong. “They said you killed Mom.”

  “Another lie,” he said calmly. “I loved your mother with everything I had. You know that. You were there.”

  I sat on the edge of the bed, feeling my breath come out shaky. I suddenly felt weak and sick.

  “I want to get you out of there. You don’t belong there.”

  “He kept me as his prisoner for months.”

  “I know. You took my place. I can’t believe you did that for your old man.”

  I didn’t think it was that surprising. “You’re my dad… I would do anything for you.” I should keep my anger but I couldn’t. Everything was too confusing. When it came to my family, I would always have a soft spot.

  “You’re such a good daughter. Always have been. But I wish you hadn’t gotten mixed up in all of this.”

  I stared at my knees with one arm wrapped around my mid-section. “Where are you?”

  “I’m traveling.” He didn’t tell me where he was, not that I expected him to. “Where are they keeping you? I can get you out of there.”

  I wanted to hand over the location, but I didn’t want to jeopardize the other agents if my gut instinc
t was wrong. If everything Wilder said was true, they were the good guys. My father would slaughter them all. “I’m not sure…somewhere in Europe. They haven’t told me much.”

  “But they’ve given you a phone and a gun.” Accusation was heavy in his voice.

  He knew I was lying. And I didn’t know what to do next.

  “I’m hurt that you believe them.”

  “Then prove me otherwise.”

  “How would I do that?”

  “Prove that RB12 has done treasonous things. Prove that they’re criminals. Give me that, and I’ll believe you.”

  “Unicorn, if I prove they’re criminals, that doesn’t prove I’m innocent.”

  “But it would prove that they are liars, and I can’t believe anything else they say.”

  Dad fell quiet over the line. “That’ll take more time than we have. I need to get you out of there now.”

  “I can leave whenever I want.” I traded my life so my father could walk free, but if I really wanted to go back to America, Wilder wouldn’t stand in my way. “I’m not a prisoner anymore.”

  “Then why haven’t you come home?”

  It was a complicated question, painful enough to make me swallow back tears I didn’t know I could shed. “There’s nothing there for me…”


  “I never liked school. And everything you told me about yourself was a lie…what’s there to go back to?”

  “You can always start over. You don’t need to settle with RB12.”

  “They told me you would kill me…” I couldn’t directly ask him such a question because if he were gonna kill me, he would never admit it.

  “That’s ridiculous, Gray. You know that.”

  I didn’t know what to believe.

  “Meet me somewhere,” he said. “I can come to you. We can just have lunch, talk things over. I’m your father.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea. At least, not until you give me proof.”


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