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by Cassandra Carr

  “I’ll be fine. And I fucking love that you were turned-on enough to do that.” Reaching under her short skirt, Hunter groaned when he palmed her bare ass cheeks. “You’re commando?”

  “Thong,” she answered before nipping his jaw.

  “The blood flow rushing south is leaving me lightheaded. I hope I don’t faint.” He had a note of laughter in his voice and she decided to play along.

  “I hope not. I have plans for you.”

  He moved then, plunging both his hands into her hair. “Oh yeah?”


  “Show me.”

  Olivia had his shirt over his head and tossed onto a nearby table almost before he’d finished speaking. “Abs,” she murmured, leaning down to lick over each ridge. He had a loose hold on her head and moaned when she pulled a small piece of skin into her mouth and sucked. Reaching down, she popped open his button fly with no small degree of effort. The bulge in the front made the entire process slower as it strained the confines of the fabric.


  Reaching inside, she grasped his hot, hard length and squeezed. “Yeah, fuck.”

  “Killing me.”

  “Can’t have that.” Olivia squeezed again and Hunter prayed for strength. “I want to suck you.”

  Where is this sexually uninhibited woman coming from?

  A growl sounded. “Oh, yeah,” he ground out as she pulled his jeans down to his thighs.

  His breath caught when she took him into her mouth.

  Chapter Two

  Olivia swirled her tongue around the head of his dick and Hunter struggled to hold off his orgasm. He’d wanted her for so long, and the reality was even better than anything he conjured when he beat off in the shower. Hunter couldn’t wait to sink into her wet heat, but if she wanted to play a little first, that was good with him.

  When Hunter had arrived at work tonight he’d never imagined he’d be getting blown on the patio. A lot of the guys had fucked a customer at one time or another, but the two times Hunter had hooked up he’d taken them back to his place. He wasn’t even sure what had possessed him to bring her out here, but he was damn glad he had. Coming back to earth, he swore softly as Olivia moaned around his length.

  “Enough. I can’t. Gonna come.” Hunter pulled his pants back up, not wanting his ass hanging out if someone did come out on the patio, but left them unbuttoned, and then lowered himself to his knees, eager to return the favor. “Get on the table.”

  “You’re gonna hurt yourself,” Olivia protested.

  “I’m wearing jeans.” Before she could argue more, he pushed her skirt up to her waist. “Fucking beautiful.”

  Olivia made a disbelieving sound and he used one finger to pull her soaked thong aside before taking a long lick of her pussy. Even in the moonlight he could see it glistening with her arousal, and, if possible, his dick got even harder. He went to work, using the fingers of his other hand to push into her pussy as he kept up short, stabbing licks at her distended clit.

  She threw her head back. “Oh God, Hunter.”

  His name was like a symphony on her tongue and his singular goal in life became to make her scream it in the throes of ecstasy. Vaguely he was aware of a crowd of people on the other side of the eight-foot semiprivate stockade fence a short distance away. Vince had installed it around the patio to keep patrons of the club contained. At the moment, music was spilling out of both Rotten and the club across the street, so perhaps no one would hear her screaming.

  Either way, it was a chance he was totally willing to take. Hunter used every trick available to him to push Olivia toward release. When a couple of minutes later she closed her thighs around his head and came, screaming his name like he’d wanted her to, Hunter felt as if he could conquer the world.

  “That’s it,” he cooed as she shuddered with the last of her release.

  “Fuck me, Hunter,” she begged him. “Fuck me. I need you inside me.”

  “Wrap your legs around me.” He grabbed her and lifted, taking them both to the fence and putting her against it. At the time Vince had the fence installed he’d wanted to make sure there was some air flow for the smoke so the slats were staggered, and Hunter could see slivers of people waiting on line. Apparently he had an exhibitionist streak, because taking Olivia against this fence was making him so hot he was seeing spots. “Need to let you down for a sec to glove up.”

  She slid down his legs to her feet and he immediately reached into his back pocket for his wallet and pulled out a condom. His jeans were still unbuttoned, and he pushed them down just far enough to get his achingly hard cock out and sheath it.


  Hunter barked out a laugh. He had no other choice than to hurry. She wasn’t the one skating perilously close to extending his break without permission.

  “Give me your leg.” With his hand holding the back of her knee and him bending his longer legs, they could make this work. He would’ve stayed where they were, but he was afraid the patio furniture wouldn’t hold them once they got going. Hunter liked to fuck hard and having the table collapse would’ve definitely put a damper on the evening.

  His free hand moved her thong aside once more and he guided his dick into her soaking pussy. As soon as the head cleared the entrance he groaned. No way was he going to last. Olivia was hot and tight and he couldn’t wait to pound into her. But he had to make it good on her end too. If he had anything to say about it this wouldn’t be the only time he fucked Olivia and he wanted to leave a good impression for their first time.

  “Hunter, fuck, you feel so good. If I’d known—”

  “You. Know. Now.” He punctuated each word with a thrust that sent him farther inside her until he was seated to the hilt.

  Olivia let out a sound that was halfway between a growl and a purr. “I’ll never forget it.”

  “Better not.”

  Leaning in, he took possession of her mouth, pushing his tongue inside to explore as the hand not holding her leg up moved back to cup her ass. There was something to be said for a woman with a firm butt, and Olivia’s was well-muscled. He took a good hold and squeezed as he slammed into her before pulling back so he could watch as he took her.

  “Hunter, Hunter…” Olivia’s head thrashed from side to side and she bit her lip. He briefly wondered if she knew the crowd was just on the other side of the fence. If she didn’t, would she want them to hear her? If she knew, did she not care? The thoughts flitted through his addled brain, not taking hold, as he was racked with sensation.

  “Yeah, give it to me.” He fucked her even harder and a high-pitched squeak burst from her. “Yeah, that’s what I want. Come undone for me.”

  She gasped as her back arched and her pussy tightened around him. “Yessss…”

  “Fuck, I’m coming.” Hunter pushed into her as far as he could and emptied into the condom with a long, low groan. He was pretty sure a blood vessel had burst somewhere as he’d strained to achieve his release, but couldn’t find the strength to care. If he was bleeding anywhere, he’d know soon enough.

  His lungs screamed for oxygen and Hunter fought to pull some in. Olivia was limp as a ragdoll and right now the only thing holding her up was Hunter. He hoped his own legs wouldn’t collapse.

  “Oh my God,” she gasped.

  Hunter was glad he wasn’t the only one who felt shaken. “You okay?”

  Olivia squinted before seeming to focus in on him. “Okay? If you bottled whatever you just did to me you’d make millions. I’m done.”

  He winced as he pulled out slowly. Much as he’d like to stick around, he really needed to get back inside. “Can I get you anything? I, um,” Hunter vaguely motioned toward the patio door, “I’ve got to go back to work before they fire my ass.”

  “Of course. We’ve been out here a long time,” she answered, stroking her fingertips up his arm. “I’m fine. Go ahead.”

  Hunter blew out a breath. “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah. Go.”

; With one final hard kiss, he pushed away and took care of the condom before putting himself back together. “I really hate to leave you like this.”

  “Hey, I wasn’t expecting to snuggle all night. I know you’re working.” She must’ve read the doubt in his expression, because she squeezed his shoulder. “Seriously. This was mind-blowing. You have nothing to be sorry for. Now get back in there.”

  Hunter turned to go back inside and Olivia slapped his ass. He pivoted, his mouth open, and she laughed.

  A few moments later he planted his tired yet sated self back on his barstool. Luckily the only one who seemed to have noticed his extended absence was Justin, who merely raised an eyebrow. Hunter grinned. It seemed his friend might’ve noticed his departure with Olivia. He was sure he was going to hear about it later.

  A text from Olivia came in not thirty seconds later.

  I can still feel you inside me.

  He shifted in his seat and looked up. Olivia was nowhere to be found. How had she gotten his number?

  His phone rang. Hunter knew he shouldn’t answer it during working hours, but when the caller ID registered a buddy from the gym curiosity got the best of him. Normally none of his colleagues would contact him at work unless it was urgent.

  “Hey,” Hunter answered, jamming a hand over his free ear. “What’s up?”

  “Olivia called me looking for your number,” his friend said. “I gave it to her. I hope that’s all right.”


  “You hooking up?”

  “Not sure, and I gotta go. If Vince sees me on the phone I’m a dead man.”

  “No problem. Later.”

  He hung up. Well, at least that mystery was solved. There was no way he could text her back, though. His stupid phone had a little tiny keyboard and every time he tried to text quickly it came out a garbled mess. If he took his attention off the crowd for too long, something might start that he didn’t see, and he did take his job seriously.

  Hunter stood, searching the bar for the little minx, but she was managing to evade him. Sitting once more, he shook his head, a smile on his lips. He was still grinning when the second one arrived.

  I need your mouth all over me.

  His cock twitched. This girl was going to be the death of him.

  The phone buzzed again and Hunter forced himself to wait a few moments before checking it.

  I can’t stop thinking about what you did to me.

  Eyes wide, Hunter stared at the text. One refrain played on repeat—how soon can I get inside her again?

  Even his best efforts to concentrate and do his job didn’t keep those texts far from his mind. A while later, a small piece of his brain still trying to process all that had happened that evening, he had to escort a couple of drunk girls out and pass them to the door bouncers to take care of, which took up some time. As he was returning to his post his phone vibrated again and his cock hardened before he even read it.

  Hunter’s jaw dropped.

  I’m dying to please you again.

  He didn’t even want to sit since it would strangle his dick, so he remained standing, scanning the crowd for her. Where was she?

  Justin caught his eye, jerking his head toward the end of the bar. Hunter moved a few feet to get a better view and saw several guys surrounding two women. As much as he’d like to think all men respected women, years of this job had shown him that wasn’t true. He’d be damned if a woman was hurt or violated on his watch.

  Five guys, two women. Were they hoping for an orgy or something? There were a hundred other women in this place. Why don’t you guys consider spreading out a little? One of the men ran his hand over the girl on the left’s bare shoulder and though she smiled at him, even from fifteen feet away Hunter could tell it wasn’t genuine. It was always hard to know when to intervene, but he tended to get in there earlier rather than later. When the bouncers could defuse a situation before things escalated it was always better.

  Another man moved closer, subtly separating the women.

  Yep, that’s it. That’s all I need.

  He nodded to Justin that he was on his way and pushed through the crowd.

  “Good evening,” he shouted over the music. “Just wanted to make sure everybody was doing well tonight.”

  “We’re fine,” the man who was attempting to worm his way between the women said, glaring at Hunter.

  “Great.” Hunter leaned to speak directly into the closest man’s ear. “I won’t make a scene if you guys leave now and never come back. But if you continue to intimidate these women I will take action.”

  The man backed away a half step and assessed Hunter as if he was trying to decide if they could take him on. “Why don’t we let the ladies decide?”

  “Don’t bother. They’re not interested.”

  Hunter crossed his arms over his chest, flexing his biceps. He could swear he saw Justin snicker out of the corner of his eye. The bartender had moseyed down the length of the bar until he was only a few feet away from the women, who were sitting with their backs to it. Justin always backed him up in these situations and that was one of the reasons Hunter liked him so much. If need be, Justin could vault the bar in about two seconds. It sounded like an exaggeration, but Hunter had seen him do it more than once.

  “How the fuck would you know they aren’t interested?”

  “They’re not. And you guys need to move on. Find another place to use your charms.”

  Or just stop being assholes and treat women like they should be treated.

  Hunter could see the fear in the women’s eyes now that he was closer and he was glad he’d decided not to wait to intervene.

  With a grumble the guys looked at each other, silently communicating. They didn’t need to hear the conversation to know what Hunter was suggesting. If they were regulars on the bar scene they knew when a bouncer hangs around you asking how things are, he’s not there for coffee cake and a chat.

  In a louder voice that the group should be able to easily hear over the music, Hunter suggested, “Maybe it’s time to call it a night. Ladies, can I escort you to a cab?”

  With grateful smiles, they agreed. One then turned to Justin, who waved her off. “Have a good night.” It was in the bar’s best interest to get the women out of there before something happened, and the bar sometimes had to eat a tab to accomplish that.

  Hunter gathered the women and took them to the door bouncers, knowing Justin would watch the guys for the short time he was gone. He would’ve liked to grab another one of the floor guys to take care of the men, but he’d had a bad feeling and wanted to get the girls out of the club as soon as possible.

  Luckily the men were still divvying up their tab. Justin wasn’t letting them off the hook. Hunter was able to alert one of the other bouncers that he needed help and together they moved the guys slowly toward the door. Hunter had faith the door guys had gotten the women into a cab by then, and true enough, they were nowhere to be seen.

  The men dispersed, some looking back at him, obviously angry at having their plans derailed.

  Whatever, dudes.

  With a shake of his head he went back into the club. He’d felt his phone buzz at least once as he’d been diffusing the situation. After doing a sweep of the interior to check for other problem spots and not finding any, he sat and fished his phone out of his pocket. Seeing those guys putting the moves on those women had been a very effective boner killer, but what he saw on the screen had his dick going from zero to sixty in about two seconds.

  I’m thinking about kissing you everywhere. And I mean EVERYWHERE.

  And then…

  I need to see you naked.

  Hunter cleared his throat. He’d never survive the night if she kept this up. Usually after coming once he was pretty mellow, but now he wanted to sink inside Olivia’s tight heat and never come out.

  * * * * *

  After giving Colleen a very glossed-over version of what happened, Olivia excused herself and went to the bathroom
. She was sure she looked like a well-fucked woman, and she was. But she didn’t need to advertise it.

  Several moments later she’d put herself back together and rejoined her friend. Colleen was playing with Olivia’s phone, and Olivia snatched it back. “What were you doing?”

  When Colleen was drinking she often found a way to get into trouble. Her friend tried to school her expression into one of innocence, but since she was obviously tipsy she didn’t even come close to being successful in that endeavor.

  “Just having fun.” Colleen stuck her bottom lip out and Olivia groaned. Her friend didn’t always know quite when to stop, and more than once it had been necessary for Olivia to pull her back when she got too crazy. She loved Colleen, but the woman was definitely one of those “live life to the fullest” girls.

  Turning away, she checked her phone. One call…to the gym where she taught spinning. Huh. Continuing her search, she touched the icon for messages and blanched.

  Chapter Three

  Her eyes darted back and forth as she read each message Colleen had sent to Hunter while Olivia had been in the bathroom cleaning up.

  Oh my God. What am I gonna do?

  Glancing up, she checked the crowd for Hunter. He was toward the front leading a group of men out the door. Olivia bit her lip. She wasn’t even sure Hunter had gotten the texts. He was working, and might not be able to check his phone. Hunter returned and a moment later she watched in trepidation as he pulled the item in question out, looking down at it. His lips parted and he pulled at the collar of his skintight t-shirt.

  If he has his phone out, he must be reading the texts. Please don’t react badly, please don’t react badly…

  Hunter didn’t look disgusted or leery. On the contrary, he appeared turned-on. A loud breath of relief spilled out of her. Olivia recognized that look from earlier and there was no mistaking it now. He ran a hand through his hair, dislodging some of it from the tieback, and she sighed. She’d always loved his long, wild hair. It gave him a bit of a dangerous look, one Olivia found very sexy. If they got together again she’d love to hold that hair while he took her to ecstasy.


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