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Endless Shores (The Ageless Series Book 2)

Page 4

by M. R. Polish

  “What’s taking them so long?” Karis asked as she paced the sidewalk of the hotel. The salty sea air swept around her as another breeze whipped through her hair. She stopped to inhale the familiar and comforting scent. It made her yearn for the small island she was so accustomed to. It had been home for too long for her to just forget it as if it never happened.

  Dark clouds hovered in the horizon, beckoning the storm to grace them with its presence. She folded her arms and chewed on the inside of her cheek. What if something was wrong? What if the person who was following them was from Baratrum? What if Marin sent them? So many thoughts raced through her mind.

  “I’m sure they will pull in at any moment,” Brady reassured her as he placed his hands on her shoulders, stopping her from picking up her pacing once again. “Let’s go take a walk on the beach and just enjoy the moment before it’s gone.”

  Karis gazed into his eyes filled with excitement and something else… mischief? She smiled and nodded. He took her hand and led her down the long wooden staircase that went all the way down the hill from their hotel to the sandy beach.

  She slipped her sandals off and let the sand squish between her toes. Karis could feel herself grounding with the earth and almost instantly her anxiety calmed. Brady followed her lead and pulled his shoes off as well, then rolled up the bottoms of his jeans a few inches. Tying his laces together, he flung the shoes over his shoulder and took her hand to pull her closer to the water.

  The waves lapped up and over their feet as they stood in the surf. “You know what I want to do?” Karis asked with a playful smile.

  “You didn’t get enough last night?” Brady teased as he wiggled his eyebrows.

  She slugged his shoulder. “That’s all you think of.”

  With you it is. He projected into her mind. Her body reacted and heat flooded her. She needed to stop the sexual tension before she lost her senses and she forgot they were in public. “While I’m pleased that you love making love with me, that’s not exactly what I was thinking. So, if your mind can come out of the gutter for a minute I can tell you.”

  He clasped both of his hands to his chest and dropped to his knees. “Ouch. That was harsh.”

  “Oh stand up. Admit it, your mind was heading there.” So was hers, but she wasn’t about to confess that.

  “My queen is killing me with her words,” he feigned more pain. “Would she save me from this horrible heartache?” He grabbed her wrist and pulled her down with him, then tipping to his side he fell to the sand, bringing Karis with him. She landed halfway on top of him, laughing.

  “I can think of worse punishments than kissing your pain away,” she whispered heavily.

  Brady reached a hand up around her neck, nestling it in her thick black tresses, and pulled her down to him. His lips traced hers lightly, trailing each curve of her full mouth. He couldn’t take his eyes off her sapphire pools as desire filled them, mimicking the longing he held for her. She was a craving that couldn’t be sated, no matter how many times he touched her, kissed her, or held her. Each time they made love only created a new hunger that made him want for more.

  Thunder clapped in the sky and rumbled the ground. They’d been so wrapped up in each other that they hadn’t noticed the fierce waves crashing onto the beach, or the raging wind that blew sand all around them.

  “What was it you wanted to do?” Brady asked, his voice robust and raspy, still coated with desire.

  Slowly she sat up and tried to keep her hair from her face as the wind whipped it around. “Well, after a kiss like that I think a swim would do us both good.”

  He looked up into the gray sky. “I’m game.” The cool water might help him think clearly again. Or it might have the opposite effect.

  Karis glanced around and quickly shimmied out of her jeans then ran into the frigid water. Brady was seconds behind her. They both dived under the oncoming wave.

  Brady felt the tingle first, and then the cold water felt warm, no longer making him shiver. His legs meshed together revealing a long teal tail. He spun around looking for Karis. She was swimming toward him, her pink tail shimmered even under the dark water.

  The ocean churned all around them, but it didn’t matter. They were alone and no one could bother them here. The elements were the least of Brady’s concerns.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said in his mind for her to hear.

  Even though his voice couldn’t be heard under water, she could still hear him in her head as clearly as if they were still on dry land.

  “You’re just jealous of the pink tail,” she teased back.

  He smiled and flicked his tail to dash closer to her, closing the distance between their bodies. Yeah, not even the cool water could douse the flame he carried for her. He wrapped his tail around hers and twirled with her in the water. “People are jealous of things that aren’t theirs, but you, my love, are mine.” His mouth crashed down on hers, and the ocean stilled around them.

  Chapter Six

  Atty pulled into the parking lot of the seaside hotel. Getting out, she stretched and twisted her lower back. Feeling her spine pop back into place, she sighed in relief.

  Azul watched her over the hood of the car, unable to contain his smile. She glanced his way and he quickly sobered up, but even without seeing her, his body was acutely aware of her. He grumbled something inaudible and shook off the feeling. She was impossible, infuriating, stubborn, and tenacious. He had no time for a woman like that. Especially with the tasks at hand.

  “So what are we doing here? I thought you were looking for Zeus. He’s not the watery type. I mean he could probably pull off the surfer god thing, but not here. Maybe Hawaii or something, but Oregon?” Diana frowned as she looked around then closed the back door.

  “You’re the one who tagged along. So just zip it,” Atty said.

  “Well, technically, I’m not tagging along. You told me to get in the car, so I did.” Diana threw a smug look Atty’s way.

  Atty rubbed her temples in small circles. It had to be Artemis. It couldn’t be anyone else. She didn’t have the patience for this—for her.

  Azul grabbed their bags from the back and tossed Atty hers. She grunted as she caught it. He walked off, leaving both women at the car. Ugh, men. She didn’t have time or energy to try to figure out why his sudden mood change. One minute nice, the next a jerk. She continued to watch him walk away.

  The muscles in his arms were taut and flexed as he hiked his bag up higher on his shoulder. Of all things to notice, he was definitely a great looking specimen. She mused over the statue the mortals would have made of him if he were around back when she was revered as a goddess. They wouldn’t need to exaggerate, that was for sure.

  Atty shook her head and lifted her own bag to her shoulder. That irritating man was good at making her mad and now he was good at confusing her—and her emotions. Wait. Her emotions? Psh… She was completely sleep deprived if that’s where her mind was going. After locking her car, she darted off to catch up to him.

  “What about me?” Diana hollered, still standing next to the car.

  “What did Azul say earlier?” Atty called over her shoulder. “You have two legs.” Next Diana would want her to carry her. Atty shrugged off the urge to yell, but her mood was souring quickly. Between Diana and Azul, she hoped the others didn’t have anything to make it worse.

  Diana ambled behind Atty, her chin held high. “So who’s all here? I mean, who are we meeting?”

  Atty rolled her eyes, ignoring her sister. “Azul, we need to check in and then find everyone and let them know we made it back.”

  He nodded, but said nothing. Opening the front lobby door, he held it open for both ladies. Even though he fought the urge to be the ass Atty thought he was and leave it for them, but he could hear his mother’s voice embedded in his mind reminding him to be nice to girls. He laughed internally. He wasn’t sure if the goddess of war counted as a girl.

  “You’re back!” Karis’s happy yelp fil
led the lobby as they checked in. She was with Alexis, soaking wet with a towel around each of them. “I’d hug you, but I don’t want to get you all wet. We were just enjoying the hot tub and pool. I’m so glad you made it. I was beginning to get worried you killed each other or something.”

  Karis’s bubbly attitude lightened Atty’s a bit. She smiled. “Not yet anyway.”

  Alexis’s gaze settled on Diana. “Who’s this?”

  Atty grabbed her card key from the desk clerk and thanked him. “I guess an introduction is in order. Karis, Alexis, this is Diana. She’s my adoptive sister of sorts.”

  Alexis raised a brow. “I know more about you than anyone and I know you don’t have a sister. We grew up together, remember?”

  Atty laughed. “Yes, but I mean when I came here and Zeus took me in, after that. A while later he took Artemis and Apollo in as well, and hence an adoptive set of siblings.”

  “So Diana is…?” Alexis asked.

  “Artemis,” Diana said. She smiled sweetly at both women. “It’s nice to meet you both.”

  Karis nodded and reciprocated the smile. “We are happy to meet you as well.” She glanced at Alexis who had a fake grin. “Aren’t we?”

  Alexis grinned wider. “Of course. I’m just tired, the hot water from the tub and all.”

  Azul who stood off to the side grunted and then pushed past the group of women. “I’m going to take a shower and catch a nap. We can catch up later.”

  Karis frowned. “What’s wrong with him?”

  “I have no clue, but if you figure it out, let me know would ya?” Atty picked her bag back up and headed to her room, leaving Diana to stand in the lobby.

  “Is she coming with us?” Karis whispered once Diana was far enough away.

  Atty shrugged. “Right now I don’t know. I think we need to regroup and think about what we need to do next now that we’re here.”

  “Alright, you go get a nap. We can meet for dinner later and you can tell us what happened then,” Karis said as they stopped at Atty’s door.

  Atty smiled. A nap sounded heavenly. Behind that door awaited her peace and quiet, and a bed. “Sounds like a plan. See you then.”


  Atty hadn’t much less fell to the bed when she was out. A loud banging startled her, waking her from dead sleep. “Whoever that is had better have a life or death situation to wake me up like this,” she yelled. Looking at the clock on the nightstand, she rubbed her eyes. She’d only been out for an hour. More banging on her door echoed in the room. She groaned and rolled off the bed.

  “I’m coming!” She went to the door, reaching behind to her back where her hand rested on the small knife she had strapped under her shirt. Just in case.

  Looking through the peephole, she let out a long sigh and released the grip on her knife. Flipping the lock, she flung the door open. “What in the hell do you want? It’s only three in the afternoon. Dinner isn’t until at least six, or later, depending on if I decide to join the living.”

  Azul’s deadpan stare told her that he was not amused. “Funny, I was thinking the same thing. A hot shower and a long nap… But someone’s sister had other plans.”

  Atty’s shoulders dropped and she poked her head out in the hallway, expecting to see Diana.

  “She’s not out here,” Azul said as he pushed past Atty, marching into her room. The door closed as she marched behind him.

  “Excuse me? What are you doing? I thought you just said you needed sleep.” Atty folded her arms. She was too tired to deal with the drama.

  He let himself fall stomach first onto the bed. “I did.” One of his legs hung off the bed and he buried his head into one of the pillows, his arms were up under the fluffy whiteness giving him added support.

  “Then what are you doing in here?” Her voice squeaked.

  He lifted his head for a brief second to look at her then plopped back down into the pillow. “Your sister, your problem.”

  Her impatience was growing stronger. “That doesn’t answer my question. Why are you in my bed?”

  “Because, she won’t leave me alone. She pounded on my door until I answered, telling me she didn’t have a room and needed a place to sleep. I told her to come to you, but she refused. Then her thoughts… oh don’t get me started on those. I can’t stop hearing her.”

  Atty placed a hand on her hip and shifted her weight. “Then tell her to get out. It’s your room.”

  He grumbled. “I did. I’m not stupid. I even gave her money to get a room.”

  She tipped her head. “Then what’s the problem?”

  “Really woman? Are you going to talk and ask questions the whole afternoon or are we going to sleep?” He rolled to his side. “The problem is that she requested the room right next to mine. With her that close, she can project her thoughts to me. I can’t sleep while she’s trying to seduce me. And horribly I might add. There’s not one thing that I’m attracted to with her.”

  “You don’t think she’s pretty?” Atty asked. That was hard to believe. All men loved her. She might as well have trained with Aphrodite for all the male species she could lure.

  He raised a brow. “Seriously? Now you’re mad? She’s pretty on the outside but I can see, or rather hear, her inside. Trust me, she’s not that attractive. Now, can we go to sleep?”

  “Well, why are you here? In my room?” Tentatively, she stepped to the opposite side of the bed, letting the idea of him staying mull around in her mind.

  “Because Magnus and Alexis are married, Karis and Brady might as well be and you aren’t. So I figured your room was the best bet. Can you imagine if I tried to climb into bed with Karis and Brady?”

  Atty laughed. “Yeah, you have a point. Okay, fine. But you keep to your side and no funny business. I know how to defend myself, in case you forgot.” She pulled down the blanket and slid in, tucking it around her on all sides.

  “Trust me, sweetheart, that’s the last thing I want to do with you.” He rolled over and closed his eyes. Now if only he could make his body believe what his mouth just said.

  She was so close, in the same bed, that he found it harder to drift off than he thought it would. He was so exhausted that he didn’t think it would matter. Deep breath. Another. Sleep finally came but when it did he found himself alone with Atty. Great, now she is invading my dreams as well.

  The bustle of the restaurant was loud with clanging plates and forks. The chatter of people enjoying each other’s company meshed with the soft music overhead. A rich aroma of tomatoes and pasta filled the air. But, none of it mattered to Karis. Her thoughts were lost in the moment.

  She poked at her dinner, moving it around with her fork more than she ate it. Her stomach was a pit of rattled nerves. Something wasn’t right and she knew it. But, what it was, she didn’t know. “I think something is happening back home,” she spoke up for the first time all evening.

  Magnus hushed the others. “What do you mean, Karis?”

  She scanned each of their faces. “I don’t know, I just feel like something is off. I can’t place it.”

  Azul nodded. “I feel like something is off as well.” He glanced at Atty who sat on the opposite end of the table. She wouldn’t even walk into the hotel restaurant with him because she thought they looked like they were together. He hung his head and smiled. That woman was baffling.

  “How do we find out what’s going on? We need an insider, like a spy,” Alexis said.

  A waitress came to refill their water. Her smile was plastered to her face, working hard on earning her money for the night. “How are you doing? Is there anything else I can get?”

  Brady winked at her with a charming grin. “Nah, we’re good thanks.”

  Karis elbowed Brady. “You’re impossible.”

  Magnus waited for the server to leave, and then shoveled a bite of pasta into his mouth. Before swallowing, he continued their talk. “But how do we get a spy? We’re on Earth and we can’t chance arriving in Shamike or Aridam when we don’t
know where Marin is.”

  “I’ll go,” Diana spoke up. Everyone at their table looked at her. Silence filled the air.

  “Do you even know what you’re saying?” Atty asked. “You’ve never done a selfless act in your life. Why would you go, not knowing what could happen?”

  Diana played with her bottom lip, chewing softly on it. “Because I’ve been here so long, without even knowing why I’m here. It sounds like this whole thing has answers to questions I’ve had for centuries. I want to help.”

  Karis softened her gaze. “What do you not know? I’m fairly young still,” she looked at Brady who smirked, “but, I think I can help answer some questions. And, when you have forever to live, being in your nineties is young.” The last part was for Brady, but she needed to remind herself that she had years left in her. Too much time wasted on Terpesona Island, made her feel as if her youth was gone.

  Diana looked hopeful at Karis. “Really? Well, for starters, no one will ever explain why I’m here. Why we all are here. There are so many of us who are orphaned here, left to survive together. It doesn’t make sense.”

  “Well, I’m not sure where to start. A very long time ago, there was a prophecy of a war. It was called the War of the Worlds. And this, I think is it, at least, the beginning of it anyway.” Karis folded her napkin repeatedly as she talked. “There was a minimum of one person per world who was set apart to help in the war. They were to save their world. Earth is a refuge planet so they came here.”

  Azul cleared his throat. “You and your brother were chosen for your world.”

  Diana smirked. “I don’t even know what world I came from. My parents never came back for us, and no one ever talked about our world with me or my brother. How do I fight for a world I don’t know?”

  Atty clapped her hands together. “How about some cheesecake? I think dessert sounds perfect right now. Anyone else?”

  “What are you not telling me?” Diana asked as she held Atty’s stare. “I know you. I know you are trying to side step a conversation. You’ve done it enough to me to know.”


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