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Endless Shores (The Ageless Series Book 2)

Page 10

by M. R. Polish

  Time stopped. Her heart stopped. The crowd went ballistic, but she couldn’t breathe. Hades looked over at her and smiled wickedly. He bent down and ran a hand down Jose’s body, chanting words too low for Karis to hear.

  Everything in her told her to run and never look back, but the other part of her told her that Evan would be next. She didn’t need to know him to want to save him. He was Brady’s friend. He tried to help her. He was a living soul and she didn’t want innocent blood on her hands.

  Bile rose into her throat. It burned and hovered there as she stared at Hades and Jose’. She marched out into the ring. Sitting down next to Jose’ she let her hands hover over his body. A faint beat pulsed under her fingertips. He was immortal, and hanging on—but barely.

  She looked up at Hades, a fiery glare pierced his casual gaze.

  “He’s not dead.” He shifted his weight to his other knee.

  “But you wanted him to be. Right?” Karis’s entire body shook. She didn’t think she had enough energy to even try to save the man.

  “If I wanted him to be, he would be.” Hades put his hand on Jose’s chest and pushed until his chest caved in.

  Karis could feel the pulse get lighter. “Stop. You proved your point. You know how to kill an immortal. Was this just so you could show me what you can do?” She worried Jose’ wasn’t going to survive, immortal or not.

  “You think highly of yourself. But, if you want to think his death was for your benefit and hold that burden, then go for it.” Hades pulled out a knife from his back pocket and cut into Jose without batting an eye. He reached in, clenched his fist around his heart, and gave a quick tug.

  Jose’s body went limp and all signs of life disappeared. Karis gasped and fought her reaction to throw up. She wanted to cry, but she wouldn’t give Hades the satisfaction.

  “Now, do you want to give me your necklace?” Hades stood and tapped Jose’ with the toe of his shoe. A puddle of blood spread out on the floor. The crowd went silent and all she could hear was the blasted music that matched the beat of her heart in a deep depressed rhythm.

  Karis looked away. There was no way she could tell him about her necklace. Especially now.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Woman! You are exhausting. I don’t know why I came with you. I should have left by myself.” Azul fumed. Not finding Karis only fueled his anger, and while it wasn’t Atty’s fault, she was the only one around to blame. “We’ve scoured the city for clues. We’ve even gotten outside the limits, and nothing. Absolutely nothing. I think you’ve lost your tracking skills.”

  Atty slammed her hands down on the warm hood of her car. “Have you forgotten everything about tracking? Or maybe you never learned? You’re a fool.”

  “Me a fool?” He scoffed. “I don’t think so.”

  “Yeah? Then what are we looking for?” She stared him down.

  He threw his arms in the air. “A sign. A clue. Something to lead us to Karis.”

  She tossed her head back and groaned. “You have no idea. We’re looking for traces or trails, you nimrod.”

  His nostrils flared. “I know that. I’m the commanding guard for Shamike. I’ve tracked many people in my years.” He couldn’t tell if he wanted to strangle the woman or kiss her. She infuriated him, yet her knowledge and skills brought him to his knees. She was a woman he could go to war with—and possibly for. “I thought you all were connected with some link. Why can’t you just feel for Hades?”

  “Not all of us are linked together. Hades is only linked to Poseidon and Zeus. Do you know how many supernaturals are out there?” She smirked. “I’d go insane if I was connected to each of them. There are thousands.”

  Azul braced his hands on the car and leaned over, hanging his head. “Why’d Hades take Karis? Are you sure it was him and not someone else?”

  She nodded. “I’m sure. The trail he left at the hotel was his. I’ve never seen anyone else with that tracing.”

  “Alright. We need to rethink our approach.” He kicked the tire with his toe. He hoped Brady was having more luck than they were. Maybe he’d find Poseidon and they’d have the help they needed. He only hoped Karis was okay while they searched for her.

  “Wait.” Atty darted over to the edge of the parking lot where they stopped to make a plan. “Do you see it?”

  Azul looked up. Following Atty’s gaze, he tried to see what she looked at, but nothing caught his attention. “I think you’re seeing things again, woman.”

  “Azul,” she reprimanded. “Would you please take this seriously? Look right there.” She pointed to the ground about ten feet in front of her.

  Azul marched over to where she aimed her finger. A dark stain marred the cement. He bent down to examine it. Trailing his fingers along the edge of the blemish, he studied the shape and color. “You’re right. It’s a marking.”

  “Can you tell what kind of power left it?” Atty asked, looking around for more markings.

  “I’m not sure, I haven’t seen this one before. The shape isn’t that of someone from Shamike. See here,” he pointed to the tip that curved. “That’s the sign of a strength power, and over here,” he gestured to the wide bottom curve of the stain. “That’s speed, for sure.” He glanced up at Atty. “If I was to bet, I’d say there was a fight.”

  Atty nodded. “I think you’re right. Do you see any other tracks?”

  “No.” He shook his head. Standing up, he brushed his jeans off. “I don’t see how humans don’t see these. They are pretty noticeable.”

  Atty laughed. “They think they’re oil stains. Some probably are, but if you know what you are looking for, you’ll know the difference.”

  He shook his head. He almost felt bad for the mortals—never knowing their true potentials, or inner powers.

  “Azul,” Atty whispered.

  Turning to face her, he frowned. “Why are you whispering?”

  Atty shifted her eyes to the car, then back again. Azul casually stretched his arms, glancing to the side. He nodded at Atty. She walked to the back of the small convenient store, leaving Azul to guard the front.

  A small scuffle came from around back. Azul darted toward the sound, but stopped when he saw Atty. She held a man by the collar and one arm twisted behind his back. Azul chuckled. “I see you can hold your own.”

  “It’s not my first rodeo.” She dragged the man along to her car and pushed him up against it. “Why are you slinking around?”

  The young man shook his head. “I don’t know what you mean.” His eyes shifted between Azul and Atty.

  Atty scoffed and tightened her grip around his collar. “Listen up, I’m not in the mood. I know what you are, and I also know you were trying to hide from us. So cut the crap and tell me what you were doing.”

  “I don’t know,” the man said, choking in between words, “what you’re talking about.”

  Azul was losing patience. Pushing Atty out of the way, and ignoring her infuriated glare, he picked the man up and thrust him down on the hood of the car, holding him down. “Who are you? What are you doing here?”

  “I think you have to let him have a certain amount of oxygen to answer you,” Atty said, touching Azul’s shoulder.

  He hated that she was right. He let up, but just enough for the guy to take a gasp of air.

  His victim wheezed and nodded. “Okay, okay.”

  Azul nodded and let his grip around the collar loosen.

  “I’m Matt.” He grasped at Azul’s hands. “Hey, dude, I’m not important. I swear.” His eyes widened, when Azul’s hands wouldn’t budge.

  Damn young ones. Azul hated training the new men back home. They were easily frightened, just like this guy.

  “We’re looking for someone. His name is Hades,” Atty interceded.

  Ugh, Azul hated her for wanting to take the lead, and yet, a small part of him grinned like a schoolboy knowing that she was on his team.

  Matt nodded, looking over at Atty, ignoring Azul. “Yeah, I know him.”
/>   “Do you know if he has a girl with him?” Azul’s hopes soared. He just wanted to hear that Karis was okay.

  Matt scoffed, still leaning back as far as he could from Azul. “Probably, dude. He usually has one or two girls with him. But, I did hear about some woman that he’s been keeping under lock and key. Is that who you’re looking for?”

  Azul thrust Matt back, letting him hit the car again, then ran his fingers through his hair. “That’s got to be her.”

  “Do you know where he is?” Atty asked.

  “There was a fight tonight, I don’t know if it started yet, but it’s at the casino. Except you can’t get in if you’re not invited. They’re like secret fights. You know what I mean?” Matt looked at each of them, his brown eyes wide.

  “He’s telling the truth,” Azul said. He listened intently in Matt’s head to see if there were anything else they’d need to know. “A house? You know where Hades lives. You’re coming with us, that way if the fight is over, you can take us there.”

  Matt held his arms up. “I don’t want to die. I fight for Hades occasionally. I know what a badass he can be.”

  Azul snorted. “If you don’t take us, then you will die. And it won’t be by Hades’ hand either.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  The casino was crowded. The ringing of winning slot machines clanged in the air. Whoops, hollers, and excited shouts screamed all around Atty and Azul. They followed Matt through the throng of people and machines to a door in the back. A tall security guard stopped them. “Invitation only, you know that,” he told Matt.

  “Yeah, I know, I got one.” Mat dug in his front pocket and pulled out a card. “And they’re with me,” he said, pointing with his thumb over his shoulder.

  Azul sighed in relief. He thought for sure Matt was going to leave them behind.

  The guard nodded and opened the door. “The first fight just ended. They have to clean up the blood before they can start the next one. Hades was brutal tonight.”

  Hades’ name made Azul perk up. They were close. He could almost feel Karis. He nodded at the guard as they passed through the door. The throng of people in this room had nothing on the crowd on the game floor. He had to push people aside to make room for him and Atty to move.

  “We’ll never find her in all this,” Atty said, raising her voice to be heard above the music.

  Matt stopped and pointed to a black guy at the edge of the makeshift ring. “See that man? He’s who you should talk to. He’s always here, at every fight. If there was a girl here, he’d know.”

  Azul pinched the bridge of his nose. He really hated the run around. “If you’re just trying to get rid of us, just remember I know how to track supernaturals.”

  Matt raised his hand. “Hey, man, I don’t know anything about that, but I promise he’s the one to talk to. His name is King.”

  “King?” Atty asked.

  Matt nodded then sprinted off, as fast as he could through the crowd, disappearing from their sight.

  Continuing to shove people out of his path, Azul marched over to King. He grabbed his shoulder and spun him around. “Are you King?”

  King’s eyes widened. “I sure am. How can help you?” He smiled, and relaxed his shoulders. “You wanna make a bet?”

  “No, I’m here about a girl.” Azul scanned the crowd.

  “Oh, man, nah, I don’t do that bro. I’m not that kind of man.” He straightened up and tugged on his orange jacket. “I’m flattered you think that though. I guess I am kind of a ladies’ man.”

  Atty rolled her eyes. “No, King, not like that. Now listen, we need you to focus and really think about the girl we’re looking for. Her name is Karis. She stands about yea high and has black hair, blue eyes, and is slender.”

  King laughed. “Well, you just described half of the beautiful women in this club tonight, but lucky for you, there is only one with that name. She’s with Hades. He took her out of here not even two minutes ago, you just missed her.”

  “Where did they go?” Azul was frantic now. He was right, they were close.

  “I don’t know, man, I’m worried. Hades isn’t exactly known for bein’ nice and all.” King nodded to the door. “They went out the back door, right over there. I’d hate to see anything bad happen to that young woman.”

  Neither Azul nor Atty waited for King to say anything else. They ran to the door, knocking over half the people in their way. Flinging the door open, Azul rushed out. “Karis!” He saw her, but not before Hades saw him.

  Hades gripped Karis around the upper arm and pulled her closer to him. “You really think I will give her back? She’s the only one who has what I want.”

  Atty and Azul rushed at Hades, but he stayed in the same spot, unafraid. He smiled as they neared. Before either of them could touch Karis, Hades disappeared, taking her with him.

  Azul skidded to a halt and looked around. “Where is he? Where’d he go?”

  “Damn it,” Atty said. “I should have thought about his powers. I don’t know where he goes when he vanishes, but he’s gotta show back up somewhere close.”

  “Do you think he’s out front?” Azul asked.

  “He’s either there or inside. I know he can’t go too far.” Atty was already at the door, opening it up.

  Azul kicked the dumpster that was beside the door. “She was right there.”

  “It’s okay, we’ll get her. She’s close.” Atty walked through the door leaving Azul to follow.

  “I hope so,” Azul muttered as he let the door slam shut behind him.

  Hermes slunk back into the shadows, hiding in the corner of the small alleyway behind the casino. Azul and Atty had been close, but they left too soon. Atty should have remembered how Hades’ power worked.

  He scoffed. Stupid woman. Although, she was right about one thing, Hades wouldn’t be far when he returned. He could only time skip back to where he was within the last five minutes. And, as long as he was outside, Hermes bet he’d show up back in the alley.

  The lights attached to the building flickered and Hermes smiled. There were certain times in his life when being smaller helped him, and hiding in the shadows was one of those times.

  Static electricity filled the air and made the hair on the back of his neck stand up. Hades was close to returning. Karis materialized, and fell to the ground. “I don’t know what that was, but don’t you ever do it to me again!” she yelled at Hades, who was just reappearing.

  Hades laughed. “You don’t have a choice as long as you keep the necklace hidden from me.”

  Karis stood up but froze when she saw Hermes. He held a finger to his mouth, hushing her from saying anything. He wanted the element of surprise. Needed was more like it. Someone with his size would need more than surprise when going up against Hades.

  A dark car pulled up and Hades talked with the driver. This was Hermes’ chance. “Psst.”

  Karis glanced at him. He motioned for her to move toward the back of the car, the opposite of Hades, yet closer to him. She inched her way back, slowly. Hades was still too involved in his conversation to realize what was happening. Thankfully.

  Hermes rubbed his hands together and felt his heart rate increase. It had been years since he needed to do what he was attempting. Hopefully, not too many years. An old familiar tingle ran up his legs and he grinned. He could do this.

  He held his hands up to picture frame Karis’s exact location. He was only going to get one shot, so he couldn’t afford to miss her.

  He pushed off with his right foot, snatching Karis and leaving only a sonic boom behind him, he stopped once he reached the ocean. The sand clouded around them like a wave. He set Karis down and did a little dance. “I’ve still got it! Did you see that? I don’t even think it took two seconds to get from there to here.”

  Karis was on the ground, gasping for air. She was completely unprepared for the jolt and dizzying experience of literally flying through time and space. Her stomach was in her throat and her head she thought was s
till somewhere in the miles between the ocean and Hades. “I didn’t,” she wheezed, “know that,” another gasp, “you could do that.”

  “I wasn’t sure I still could. Man, that was invigorating!” Hermes stopped pacing and moving all over to crouch down beside her. “Are you okay?”

  She held a hand up. “I just need,” she panted, “to catch my breath.” She thought her head hurt before, but now it felt as if it split in two and someone was playing with lightning bolts in her brain. Not having her full ability to heal was killing her. Literally.

  “Here, let me help you up.” Hermes stood up and stretched out his hand.

  “No thanks, I think I’ll just die in the sand.” She rolled up in a ball and closed her eyes tightly. Besides, if she stood up, she wasn’t sure how her legs would support her. She was spent—in too many ways.

  The morning sun was cresting behind them. Hermes donned his shades. “Well, we need to find the others. Atty and Azul will hear what happened, I’m sure. They’ll come back this way and meet up with us. If they’re smart. It’s been a couple of days, so I’m sure the others are worried.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Alexis paced the same spot for the past six hours. She wrung her hands and fidgeted with her fingers. Something was wrong. She just knew it. It’d been too long since Brady entered the ocean. She swallowed her fear that something devoured him.

  “You need to stop. You’re making yourself sick. I can see it,” Magnus said from his faithful spot on the rocks, overlooking the sea where Brady entered.

  “I can’t. It’s in my nature to worry, I’m a woman. I dare you to try and stop me,” she hollered up to him.


  She turned around to see Karis and Hermes trudging up the beach. Running to meet, her she pulled her into a tight embrace. “I was so worried about you.”


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