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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 12

Page 6

by Nikhil Parekh

  Don’t jump into  the remorsefully morbid graveyard; you’ll feel miserably entrenched; with an unsurpassable fleet of penalizing ghost and invidious corpse,

  Don’t jump into the island of coldblooded emptiness; you’ll feel like a breathing statue all right; but without the most obfuscated trace of vibrant life or stupendously exhilarating breath,

  Don’t jump into the circus of insidious manipulation; you’ll have to devour sewage more derogatorily fetid than the gutters; as each instant unfurled into a wholesome minute,

  Don’t jump into the rambunctiously prowling crocodile pool; you’ll soon feel that the ants were much bigger than yourself in size; as the devilish monsters sucked

  even the last droplet of your poignant blood,

  Don’t jump into the hideous vulture’s nest; you’ll be reduced till times beyond infinite infinity; into a penuriously sullen heap of colorlessly dead carrion,

  Don’t jump into the uncouthly crippling world of crime; you’ll soon metamorphose into a gruesomely livid and kicked commodity; with venomous bullets the only elixir embedded deep into your immaculate skin,

  Don’t jump into the ghoulishly unending maelstrom of discrimination; you’ll find even the most minuscule aspect of your existence; more sinful than your

  grave could ever be,

  Don’t jump into the pool of innocent blood; you’ll find the unfinished cries of countless innocuous; never letting you exist in celestial peace,

  Don’t jump into the perilously sinister battlefield of thorns; you’ll be ignominiously ripped apart like a speck of worthless shit; tasting vindictively hostile blood on every step that you; dolorously slithered

  Don’t jump into the sledging shackles of insane frustration; you’ll reach the most veritably last day of your life; even as the very first day of your life had just commenced,

  Don’t jump into the land of perfidiously agonizing betrayal; you’ll baselessly crucify every panoramically resplendent moment of life; transform yourself into a breathing ghost,

  And if you really wanted to blissfully counter all the traumatic don’ts ; then do jump forever into the cradle of perpetual love; do jump forever into the garden of uninhibited compassion; do jump forever and ever and ever; into the religion of unassailable mankind .



  The wagon of relentlessly enthralling enchantment; exuberantly ran on wheels of tantalizingly mesmerizing fantasy,

  The wagon of compassionately heartfelt emotions; amiably ran on the wheels

  of symbiotically holistic togetherness,

  The wagon of celestially gratifying tranquility; affably ran on the wheels of selflessly bonding contentment,

  The wagon of Omnipotently miraculous healing; unitedly ran on the wheels of philanthropically glorious solidarity,

  The wagon of unbelievably rhapsodic happiness; uninhibitedly ran on the wheels

  of ebulliently fantastic newness,

  The wagon of blazingly unflinching patriotism; intrepidly ran on the wheels of flamboyantly never-dying fearlessness,

  The wagon of eternally ecstatic fragrance; bountifully ran on the wheels

  of unfathomably priceless innocuousness,

  The wagon of scintillatingly unparalleled success; blissfully ran on the wheels of irrefutably honest self-belief,

  The wagon of voluptuously magnificent artistry; marvelously ran on the wheels

  of insatiably tantalizing discovery,

  The wagon of everlastingly unconquerable prosperity; beautifully ran on the wheels of vivaciously resplendent melody,

  The wagon of stupendously rejuvenating timelessness; impeccably ran on the wheels of unequivocally majestic faith,

  The wagon of graciously charming color; vividly ran on the wheels of enthusiastically perennial humanity,

  The wagon of invincibly Omnipresent unity; synergistically ran on the wheels

  of sacredly blessing mankind,

  The wagon of fathomlessly reinvigorating beauty; immaculately ran on the wheels

  of unassailably regale truth,

  The wagon of innocently unadulterated sleep; aristocratically ran on the wheels

  of bounteously milky moonlight,


  The wagon of ubiquitously benevolent peace; ingratiatingly ran on the wheels

  of ardently mutual sharing,

  The wagon of emolliently Omniscient purity; impregnably ran on the wheels

  of spotlessly magical conscience,

  The wagon of vibrantly unfurling life; perpetually ran on the wheels of charismatically unshakable breath,

  And the wagon of immortally burgeoning love; divinely ran on the wheels

  of passionately thundering heart .




  The creases burgeoning sonorously on my forehead; made me realize; that I was getting painstakingly older,

  The streaks of tantalizingly white lightening in the ambience around; made me realize; that I was incessantly erupting into a fireball of untamed sensuousness,

  The voluptuous entrenchment of majestic roses in the garden; made me realize; that I wanted to timelessly philander through the aisles of uninhibitedly tingling romance,

  The outlines of agonizing fervency on the periphery of my impoverished lips; made me realize; that I wanted to be insatiably kissed till times well beyond eternity,

  The profusely articulate lines of destiny on my diminutive palms; made me realize; that each instant of my life; had been enigmatically embellished by the Lord Almighty,

  The rambunctiously discordant reverberations in my stomach; made me realize; that even the most infinitesimal element in my intestine; was uncontrollably growling for sumptuous food,

  The torrential downpours of silken rain in the atmosphere; made me realize; that the fantasizing wanderer in my soul; wanted to euphorically dance till the end of my time,

  The unrelentingly Omnipotent blaze of the blistering Sun; made me realize; that I wanted to ubiquitously disseminate the essence of symbiotic brotherhood; to all my fellow comrades in inexplicably shivering distress,

  The uncouthly indiscriminate trampling of the satanic devil; made me realize; that I wanted to relinquish every iota my penurious breath; in my mission to perpetually save all tyrannized mankind,

  The ebulliently boisterous chirping of the innocuous squirrels and birds; made me realize; that I wanted to stretch my wings of inherent freedom; and soar like a

  regale prince through the gates of mesmerizing paradise,

  The vivaciously resplendent rainbows in the cosmos; made me realize; that there were an unsurpassable shades to my infinitesimal life; with each of them eventually blossoming into a valley of charismatic enchantment,

  The vibrantly pulsating beats of the bountifully bubbling nightingales; made me realize; that there was still an innocent child in my manipulatively bizarre conscience; erupting into a fountain of untamed ecstasy; every unfurling instant of the

  brilliant day,

  The ravishingly rejuvenating waterfalls on the slopes; made me realize; that I ardently needed to be caressed from all sides; replenishing every ingredient of my famished blood with all astronomically aristocratic beauty; that hovered in the atmosphere,

  The indefatigable twitching of my uncannily exploring eyelids; made me realize; that I wanted to fervently discover every beautifully twinkling cranny of this wonderful Universe; infinite births even after my veritable death,

  The relentlessly ricocheting echoes in the gorge; made me realize; that the inferno of hidden desires in me; was tumultuously urging to fulminate into wisps of magical togetherness,

  The poignantly crimson color of my blood; made me realize; that there was irrefutably only one religion in the entire planet; and that was the religion of

  priceless humanity,

  The titillating whispers of the tranquil tree leaves around; made me realize; that each pore of my indigently trembling skin; wan
ted to be compassionately caressed by unfathomable reservoirs of truth; and sparkling righteousness,

  The gloriously piquant that wafted down my surrendering nostrils; made me realize; that life was the most enlightening endowment upon every living being; the harmoniously sacred mantra to bond with the Almighty Divine,

  And the intransigently throbbing beats of my passionate heart; made me realize; that there I had fallen in love; bonding more invincibly with its heavenly swirl; as each second unveiled into a civilization of newness; as each moment brought alongwith it the perpetual blessings; of the Almighty Lord .



  There was a time when she had just come into my life like thunderbolts of white lightening; igniting each pore my penuriously famished skin; with infernos of

  insatiably burgeoning desire,

  While today when she abandoned me; I felt worse than a frigidly dying matchstick; with all scarlet blood in my veins now metamorphosing into trash more insipidly

  worthless; than the stinking gutters .

  There was a time when she had just come into my life like a garden of bountifully blossoming roses; melodiously enlightening each element of my impoverished existence; with a fountain of ebulliently rhapsodic scent,

  While today when she abandoned me; even the most infinitesimal trace of my voice froze in the center of my throat; as I felt every possible devil in this treacherous world; ruthlessly lambasting into bizarre submission; till times even beyond my grave .

  There was a time when she had just come into my life like an ecstatically frolicking butterfly; triggering me to philander for times immemorial; through clouds

  of seductively unparalleled mysticism,

  While today when she abandoned me; each iota of my bedazzling sight transformed into an entrenchment of ghastly blindness; rendering me utterly hopeless and devastated; amidst the pack of savagely blood sucking wolves .

  There was a time when she had just come into my life like a boisterously golden bee; deluging even the most diminutive step that I took; with timelessly perennial


  While today when she abandoned me; all my Herculean resilience converted into an orphaned puddle of cowardice; as I trembled in uncontrollable disbelief at even the most capricious wavering of my shadow .

  There was a time when she had just come into my life like an Omnipotent angel; celestially maneuvering each aspect of my manipulative existence; towards the path

  of irrefutably sacrosanct righteousness,

  While today when she abandoned me; I found myself being pulverized more and more brutally as the Sun rose in the sky; with even the satanic vultures refraining to caress; my abhorrently decaying skeleton .

  There was a time when she had just come into my life like a cloud of insurmountably blissful fantasy; engendering me to unrelentingly romanticize all spell binding goodness; on this colossal planet,

  While today when she abandoned me; every ingredient of my visage abnegated even the slightest of desire to survive; as I surrendered myself wholeheartedly; to

  the lap of murderously penalizing hell .

  There was a time when she had just come into my life like a vivaciously tantalizing peacock; fabulously rousing me from my reverie; like a titillating mirage of pristinely nubile beauty,

  While today when she abandoned me; the lines of poignant destiny abruptly vanished from my indigent palms; as I meaninglessly groped through a dungeon of traumatizing darkness; like a ghost without head or majestic feet .

  There was a time when she had just come into my life like a heavenly mist of passionately enchanting breath; granting me the tenacity to unflinchingly

  live; and ensure that my comrades existed in harmoniously symbiotic happiness,

  While today when she abandoned me; even the most remotest trace of life from my lungs raced infinite feet beneath my veritable grave; with my carcass being

  grotesquely kicked by all passing by; at rampant will .

  And there was a time when she had just come into my life like an immortal spell of love; making my heartbeats the richest on this aristocratic Universe; as she unconquerably bonded her benign spirit with wandering existence,

  While today when she abandoned me; I relentlessly cursed my survival to be the most insidious burden on planet earth; eventually slashing my nerves indiscriminately; to die and perhaps savor those few minutes of her love; once again in the next birth .




  Perched in morbid silence upon its nest; made it feel that it was a horrendous piece of obliterated shit; decaying in the dungeons of malicious boredom,

  While the regale eagle realized what it was magnificently capable of doing; only when it spread its majestic wings a profound throttle; and ecstatically surged forward in fathomless puffs of; vibrantly exhilarating sky .

  Lazing languidly in its cavern of forlorn darkness; made it feel that it was an inconspicuous mosquito; being ominously devoured by the unsparingly asphyxiating atmosphere around,

  While the royal lion realized what it was unassailably capable of doing; only when it spread its thunderously furry legs; majestically sprinted in the boundless expanse of the mystical forests; reigning supreme for times immemorial .

  Sulking miserably in its hive of disdainfully sticky mucus; made it feel that it like existing infinite feet beneath its grave; although it still possessed perfectly glorious life,

  While the aristocratic bee realized what it was melodiously capable of doing; only when it unveiled its vivaciously resplendent wings a marvelous blossom; ecstatically hummed and buzzed on the heavenly rose; as the Sun bestowed its bountifully golden rays .

  Pathetically camouflaged behind the entrenchment of frigidly soggy clouds; made it feel the most diminutively impoverished entity on earth alive; though it was the nearest to the Almighty lord from all sides,

  While the Omnipotent Sun realized what it was celestially capable of doing; only when it unraveled its unconquerably scintillating artistry to the most stupendous fullest; profusely deluging even the most infinitesimally obscure cranny of this gigantic Universe; with spell binding hope and optimistic shine .

  Lugubriously slithering on the nonchalantly reticent iceberg and cursing its tyrannized past; made it feel as if a singleton globule of insipid water was enough to brutally drown it towards its ungainly doom,

  While the gladiator shark realized what it was resurgently capable of doing; only when it euphorically propelled forward like white lightening through the ravishingly choppy waters; unrelentingly exploring the mysticism of the tantalizingly poignant sea .

  Surreptitiously hiding behind the sequestering mountains; made him feel like a pancake of ludicrous nothingness; although he had the flag of his sacrosanct country in his hands,

  While the patriotic soldier realized what he was fearlessly capable of doing; only when he unflinchingly entered the heart of the battlefield with insatiable fires igniting his eyes; as he relinquished even the last of his breath; for immortalizing the glory of his divine motherland .

  Rotting in the despicably delinquent dungeons; made it feel as if it was the poorest chunk of neglected garbage; parsimoniously alive,

  While the enamoring cistern of diamonds realized what they were pricelessly capable of doing; only when they sprang up in harmonious unison of holistic earth; marvelously enlightening the complexion of the ghastly night; with unequivocally pristine light .

  Imprisoned in realms of rigidly disgusting silence; made it feel as if was an inexplicably wavering orphan; staggering into discordant incoherence as every instant unleashed into a wholesome minute,

  While the enchanting voice realized what it was exotically capable of doing; only when it uninhibitedly bounced out of the throat; bloomingly perpetuating every ingredient of the disastrously dull ambience; with sounds of cheer and astounding

  solidarity .

  And gruesomely incarcerated within
the chest and boundaries of the conventionally lambasting society; made it feel as if it were an insidious robot being vindictively controlled every second; by reigns of bizarrely barbaric manipulation,

  While the unconquerable heart realized what it was blissfully capable of doing; only when it ecstatically leaped out of the chest; immortally uniting each of its resplendently passionate beats with eternal love; love and only priceless love .


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