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Master No

Page 15

by Lexi Blake

  “Your girl is lovely,” Knight said.

  “Yes, she is,” Theo replied as he stood up.

  Ten frowned. For a second he’d thought Knight was talking about Faith. He kind of wanted to point out that Faith was the most stunning woman in the room and any man who couldn’t see it was fucking blind.

  But she was only the mission and his fellow operatives knew that so they reserved their brotherly praise for Theo, who looked like a goddamn groom waiting for his bride.

  Theo put out a hand, gesturing Erin forward.

  Erin looked like a completely different woman. With her fiery red hair up in a demure twist, she looked oddly ladylike in her sapphire blue corset and matching thong. Her long legs had been left bare and she wore nude five-inch heels that made them look like they went on forever.

  Still, for all her height she only came to the top of Theo’s shoulders. She stepped into his embrace like she belonged there, her whole body seeming to relax as he put his hands on her.

  “You look absolutely gorgeous, love.” Theo’s fingertips found her chin, lifting her gaze to meet his. “I’m the luckiest man here, and one day you’ll believe everything I tell you because I’ll keep saying it.”

  Ten could almost swear he saw a fine sheen of tears in Erin’s eyes as she nodded.

  “Of course you will. You don’t give up on anything do you, Theo Taggart?” Erin asked in a low voice.

  “Not anything that counts,” he agreed before brushing his lips over hers.

  “I love watching them together,” a soft voice whispered in his ear.

  Faith. She was standing next to him and he’d been watching Theo, trying to figure out what the hell was going through that boy’s brain. Erin was trouble. Falling for anyone was trouble, but Erin Argent was more trouble than most.

  So why did Theo grin like a loon when she walked into a room?

  Why had Jamie done the same with Phoebe? Sometimes he wondered if Jamie and Phoebe would take it back had they known what would happen. Would Phoebe have spared herself the agony of loving James Grant if she’d known he would die?

  Ten kind of thought he would. The ache still felt fresh sometimes, like Jamie had died yesterday and Ten was still searching for his brother’s body. Like he’d just found it and realized how little the universe cared. Jamie had been tossed away like a piece of trash, like he hadn’t mattered.

  A hand found his, warmth drawing him back into the real world. When he looked down, Faith was staring solemnly up at him.

  “Can I help you, Master?”

  Just once he wanted to give in. It was only one night. “Kiss me, Faith.”

  She didn’t hesitate. She went up on her toes and placed her lips on his, her hands cupping his face like he was something precious, and somehow it washed away the dirt from his mind. Somehow when she kissed him, he could forget about everything but her warmth, her sweetness.

  Maybe a few days. It looked like she wasn’t involved with the mob. It didn’t mean she wasn’t dirty, but it did mean the jury was out and he could fool himself.

  Other voices cautioned him not to. His adopted father’s voice blared out a warning. His own voice reminded him that the sweetest-looking woman could turn deadly.

  And then there was Jamie’s voice deep inside.

  You go, Tennessee. You take her and don’t fucking let her go. Take the chance.

  God, he hadn’t heard Jamie’s voice in his head in years. All he would see when he closed his eyes was Jamie’s dead body, left for the vultures. But in that moment, in the fraction of a minute when Faith pressed her lips against him, he could see his brother on Jamie’s wedding day.

  I’ll do this for you one day. You just watch.

  When she eased back down, he realized he wasn’t ready. Not for that kiss to be over. He reached out and dragged her close, loving how small she was against him. She was a lovely handful, but small compared to him. She was someone he could protect, could hold close and be a barrier between her and the rest of the shitty world.

  For a little while.

  He devoured her, not playing around. He let his hands find her hair. For these few weeks she was his. His sub. His girl. His to play with and fuck and protect and pretend that he was normal for once.

  Her mouth opened for his, allowing him in and welcoming him with the silky glide of her tongue. Heat suffused him and his hands were suddenly in motion. He couldn’t stay still. He needed to touch her, to slide his palms over her curves and know that every inch of this woman belonged to him.

  For now.

  A masculine chuckle shattered his focus and brought him back to the real world. He broke off their kiss, but settled Faith securely in his arms before looking over at Knight.

  “You know there are privacy rooms, chap.” Knight’s smirk told him a lot.

  The men he worked with were going to give him hell about this one.

  So let ’em. Let them joke, Tennessee. It’s all in good fun. You know you would rib them about not being able to take their hands off the hottest, sweetest sub in the club. Jealous bastards.

  He kind of liked hearing Jamie’s voice again.

  He settled down. There weren’t many scenes up and running yet. It was the time of the night when they greeted each other and talked before hitting the dungeon floor. It was a time to anticipate the evening. He pulled Faith down onto his lap, settling his hand on her knee. She curled up against him as though she belonged there, as though this was just what they did.

  “We’ll get there eventually, Knight.” He noticed Markovic had left quickly, taking the British beauty with him. They would disappear since he would go back to working on the island in a few days. Faith wouldn’t remember ever seeing the Russian.

  Her eyes had been on Ten the whole time.

  A good girl should be rewarded. He let his hand travel up to her thigh. He didn’t have to be a gentleman here. Here she belonged to him.

  “So tell me about business, Knight. How’s it going?” Ten began asking innocuous questions, nothing that would give up their covers. Knight could talk about operating the London office and it wouldn’t tip off Faith.

  The truth was always the best cover.

  Faith sighed and nuzzled his neck sweetly. His free hand moved on her hair.

  The truth was he liked having her close. The truth was he could sink into this cover and maybe never want to come back out.

  He would. He would get what he needed from her and come out on the other side, but for the first time he wondered if he could have it all. If Faith wasn’t dirty, then perhaps proving her father was would rightfully devastate her. She would need someone then.

  She would need her lover to comfort her.

  Tennessee Smith suddenly knew one thing. He intended to be that man.

  * * * *

  Faith watched the scene in front of her with a smile on her face. And hard nipples. Really hard nipples. It was a hot scene they were watching. Yet there was a tenderness to it.

  She and Master T had walked the dungeon floor. He’d taken her up to the second floor, showing her around and patiently answering her every question. She was fascinated with the size of the club and the level of attention to detail that had gone into designing it. There were playrooms of all kinds. She’d watched a medical scene where a doctor had taken his very naughty nurse to task. It was one of the things she’d loved about the lifestyle. She’d met the “nurse” earlier in the evening, and Eve McKay had seemed so staid and intellectual. Nice, of course, but it showed another side of the woman when she’d allowed herself to be spanked and brought to orgasm by her gorgeous hubby.

  The lifestyle was where she’d first learned she didn’t have to be just one person. She didn’t have to always be the in control doctor. She could find the other sides of herself and indulge them.

  Like Erin was right now.

  Erin was wrapped in silk rope, the gorgeous pattern forming a dress around her body. She was kneeling, her breasts on display. Theo had taken his time as h
e bound her. His fingers had moved slowly, lovingly creating the tortoiseshell pattern that covered Erin’s flesh. It had been easy to watch Erin slip into subspace as he worked the ropes over and over her. Her eyes had become soft, her muscles relaxing.

  Once Theo was satisfied his submissive was properly bound and trussed, he’d begun his sweet torture. He’d taken a cube of ice and run it over the nape of her neck, causing her to shiver and writhe.

  Sensation play. Faith loved it.

  Master T shifted behind her, one arm around her waist as he leaned in, whispering in her ear. “I scheduled a room for us. I want to play with you.”

  She felt those words across her flesh as though he could impart warmth to her with only his voice. He’d scheduled a private room for them. That meant he had plans. Plans he hadn’t discussed with her. Oh, he knew her hard and soft limits. He knew what she liked and didn’t like. So it didn’t bother her. She rather liked the idea that he’d spent time planning and plotting how they would play together. It was one of the things she loved about the D/s relationship she’d had before. She’d never felt used. Her Dom thought carefully about what would bring them both pleasure. Sex was careful, thoughtful, never taken for granted.

  She was going to have sex with this amazing, gorgeous, wonderful man. It made her want to melt. Instead she nodded, letting him know she was ready whenever he was.

  On the stage, Erin gasped as Theo attached a really nasty-looking clamp to her right nipple. The clamps were lovely, with pretty emeralds dangling from the end. Theo rolled the left nipple between his thumb and forefinger before slipping it on.

  She would be so aware of her body. The ropes would hold her tight, clamps biting into her sensitive skin. For some people it would be torture. For people like her and Erin, it was the highest high. The endorphins would be flowing, mixing with crazy arousal and flooding her system.

  Theo’s hands went to the laces of his leathers. Nice. Oral scene. That was sure to get her completely hot. Yes, she was crazy about Master T, but that didn’t mean she was blind. Theo Taggart was a total hottie. She’d been looking forward to seeing him without his clothes on. She’d seen him without a shirt, and that was one phenomenal chest. From the racket Erin could make, Faith had a hunch her friend’s Dom had a nice package and she was going to…

  A hand came over her eyes and she was shocked to find herself manhandled away from the scene. She was trained well enough that she didn’t call out. She knew exactly whose strong arms were around her and she had a sneaking suspicion why.

  Was her Master the tiniest bit jealous? He’d told her to pack her bag. He’d been explicit in his instructions that she would be coming home with him, and earlier in the day he’d frowned Theo’s way when he’d walked through the house wearing nothing but a towel.

  When he settled her back down and took his hand off her eyes, he stared down at her.

  “I didn’t think. Did I frighten you?” He was so serious as he looked her over. They were far enough from the scene that they could speak, though in Sanctum one was never very far from something interesting.

  “Frighten me?” She could hear the sounds in the background and knew Erin and Theo’s scene had totally moved on to something interesting, but she knew better than to turn around and look back. She had to think of her Master’s apparently tender feelings.

  He liked her. He wanted her to like him. Only him. It was all right because she’d noticed he didn’t ogle other women. Despite all the lovely female flesh on display, Master T seemed to have eyes only for her. He would tip his head and comment on a sub’s loveliness, but there wasn’t heat in his eyes. That was reserved for Faith. Master T knew how to make a sub feel secure. So why would he think he’d frightened her?

  “I’m fine, Master. I’m not frightened.”

  He straightened up. “I didn’t think about the fact that you’ve been kidnapped before. I covered your eyes. It could have brought back bad memories.”

  “Oh.” No, she hadn’t been thinking about that at all. It was nice to not think about it. The truth was once Theo and Erin had been brought on as her security, she’d been able to relax. She’d trusted them from the start. Every instinct she had said those were two people born to protect and defend those weaker than them. Master T was the same way. “No. I’m fine. No PTSD for this girl. And actually, they never blindfolded me. I think they wanted me to see all the horrible stuff.” She shook her head as a couple of horrific images entered it. “Okay, maybe I spoke too soon on the PTSD.”

  He wrapped her up in his arms. “I’m sorry. I wanted to get you alone and my hand slipped.”

  She barely managed not to laugh. Doms had their egos, too. “It slipped? Over my eyes?”

  “Yes.” His sure voice practically begged her to argue with him.

  Which she had no intention of doing. She was going to have a lovely evening with a man who couldn’t stand the thought of her looking at another man’s probably really large penis. She was totally going to look at Master T’s penis. And do other stuff with it. “It’s not a problem, Master. I’m perfectly fine and I’m ready for anything you would like to do.”

  His smile turned distinctly sensual. “Anything?”


  A warm hand cupped her shoulder as he stared down at her. “And what if I told you I want to go sit in the bar with you at my feet.”

  He didn’t want to… She nodded. “Of course.”

  He chuckled and lowered his head, kissing her swiftly. “Not on your life, darlin’. But that sad look in your eyes…well, you make a man feel ten feet tall.” He got close, his mouth next to her ear so she felt the heat of his breath. “Do you have any idea what I’m going to do to you?”

  Oh, she had ideas. “None, Master.”

  “I’m going to make you scream for me in the sweetest way possible. I’m going to tie you up and have my way with you. I’m going to lick and suck and touch every part of you until there isn’t an inch that hasn’t felt my skin or tongue or cock. By the time this night is over, you’re going to know what it means to be my submissive. You’re going to be mine body and soul.”

  Her ovaries practically vibrated. “Yes, Master.”

  “I like the way you say that. Yes, Master. Keep telling me yes. All night long.” His face turned serious again. “I don’t want to share you tonight. I know you have an exhibitionist streak, but this first time I want to be alone with you.”

  It was a little scary. She could see now that her exhibitionist streak served a purpose. It kept things oddly casual. What Master T was asking for was true intimacy. He wanted her all for himself. It meant something. It moved them beyond mere play and into something more.

  Did she want that? Hell, yes. Her inner voice didn’t even hesitate. She was crazy about this man and it was likely a really bad idea. It would be so much safer to back off, to find someone more like Roger. Someone she could hold herself away from.

  She wasn’t going to do that. She was going to do something truly stupid and jump into this big old scary pond with both feet. “I’m good with that, Master. I want you to myself, too. I see how the other subs look at you.”

  His hand caressed her cheek. “You are awfully good at making me feel like a man. I’ll be right back. I want to make sure the room is ready. You stay here. And don’t you dare look at Theo Taggart’s dick. My hand slipped so you wouldn’t see that.”

  She suddenly had zero interest in seeing Theo Taggart naked. “I will keep my eyes on you and you alone.”

  He touched his fingertip to her nose. “See that you do.”

  When he strode away, she watched that hot backside.

  A giddy feeling took over. It was silly but she’d never felt this way about a man. Not even her silly, she-was-so-stupid-over-him high school boyfriend. Nope. Only Master T had ever brought out the giddy girl in her.

  She wondered. They might not be together for long. It didn’t sit well, but it might be true. They really only had the next few weeks, but he’d
already given her so much.

  What could she give him? Beyond her submission and her body, she wanted him to have something so much more. She cared about him. It might not be forever, but it was more than enough for her to dream about the rest of her life. She’d always known she would give her life in service. She’d wanted to be a doctor for as long as she could remember, and not the kind who made millions and drove fancy cars. She’d wanted to be the kind who saved the world—one patient at a time.

  So she wanted to give this glorious man a gift. She simply needed to figure out what it would be.

  Faith did exactly as she’d promised. She kept her eyes on her Master as he strode toward the desk that led to the upper levels. Everywhere one went in Sanctum there was security and customer service. Sometimes both. The man at the counter had a ready smile and a body that told her he could handle himself if things got rough. She doubted things often got rough at Sanctum. It was the single nicest club she’d ever been to.

  It was the kind of club a girl could call home.

  For the first time she wondered about working in Dallas. Not in a hospital. If she stayed here, she would open a clinic. She would serve those who couldn’t afford health care. She would fight the good fight.

  Her mother had taught her that. Faith barely remembered her. Her mother was a sweet face and a kind smile, but Faith remembered her words. Fight the good fight. She’d lived her life by those four words. To honor the woman who had given birth to her. But maybe she could fight that grand and glorious fight and still have a family, too.

  He’d done this to her. God, she was a silly, stupid girl, but she was hoping Master T was “the one.”

  He spoke a few words to the man at the station and the host got on the phone.

  “How are you enjoying Sanctum?”

  She looked to her left and Theo’s brother was standing there. Ian Taggart was a wretchedly large man. The Taggarts seemed to only come in extra-large sizes. Still, he’d been sarcastic and personable this afternoon, and it was hard to feel really intimidated by a man who was so madly in love with his wife and two babies. She’d watched him nuzzle his babies and blow raspberries on their baby bellies. She beamed up at him. He was a safe Dom to talk to. He would respect the limits. “It’s like heaven, Sir.”


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