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My Soul to Take

Page 3

by Amy Sumida

  “I'd love to,” Torrent grinned and Az extended his fist for Torr to bump. “Team TorrAz.”

  “Why not AzTorr?” Azrael asked.

  “Because it sounds like you're a butt-tearing team,” Trevor chuckled.

  “Valid,” Az made a face.

  “Alright then, Team TorrAz” I rolled my eyes “Go and ask Yemanja where to find Samedi.”

  “I need to go find my fedora and trench coat first,” Torrent jumped up excitedly. “You can't be a spy without the proper attire.”

  “At least he doesn't want to dress up like a ninja,” Azrael grimaced as he followed Torrent out.

  “Don't say that so-” Artie began but was cut off by Torrent.

  “Oh, that's an awesome idea,” Torrent's voice carried back to us. “I think I even have some throwing stars.”

  “Loud,” Artemis finished.

  Chapter Three

  As I was leaving the dining hall, Katie grabbed me and pulled me aside. Horus was being harassed by Pan so he didn't even notice.

  “I need to tell you something else about Blue,” she whispered to me. “It may be nothing but since we told you about the other thing, I thought I should tell you about this.”


  “Libys said Blue, Eztli, and a bunch of vampires assaulted her in her home in Greece,” Kate looked back at Horus to make sure he wasn't listening before she went on. “They thought Libys had been involved with an attack on one of Eztli's nightclubs; Infusions in New Orleans.”

  “Why would they think that?” I frowned. “Also; one of Eztli's clubs was attacked? And it wasn't by us?”

  “They thought it was the lamiai because of that scene they caused in Ichor,” Kate explained. “And yes, Infusions was blown up and all the little vampires inside were blown up with it. Then Pulse, her club in New York had the same thing happen to it.”

  “Damn,” I breathed.

  “Yeah,” Kate grimaced. “Libys convinced them it wasn't her and then offered to investigate for them.”

  “And then?”

  “Libys put up cameras at all of the clubs,” Kate went on urgently. “She caught a glimpse of the bomber, actually they launched missiles from a van but never mind that,” she went on as I gaped at her. “She wasn't able to identify the bomber but she did see something strange; Morrigan was at several of the clubs, watching them like a creepy stalker. She was even at Pulse when it was hit; standing across the street eating a hot dog.”

  “Morrigan?” I frowned. “You mean the Morrigan, the Triple Goddess of the Celts?”

  “Yeah but she's not triple like Brighid and her sisters were,” Katie grimaced. “She's triple like a shapeshifter. She can change into three different women and each one has their own mind and personality. Morrigan is one of the three and it was her who Libys saw.”

  “Talk about a multiple personality disorder,” I blinked. “But Libys didn't think Morrigan had anything to do with the attack? Her being there during an attack seems rather coincidental.”

  “Morrigan assured Libys that it wasn't her,” Katie sighed.

  “Oh, well if she assured her,” I rolled my eyes.

  “No, you don't understand,” Kate shook her head. “If the Morrigan had done this, any of them, they would have admitted to it gleefully. That's just the kind of women they are.”

  “So why was she there?”

  “Libys doesn't know but she did find out something about Eztli and what Blue has been up to with her.”

  “Why didn't you tell me all this in there?” I jerked my thumb back towards the dining hall.

  “I didn't say anything about this to Horus,” she confessed. “I didn't want to upset him. He may swear that he hates my girls but it's a sibling rivalry kind of hate.”

  “I can punch my brother but if you do, I'll kick your ass?”

  “Exactly,” she smacked my arm in approval. “If he knew that Eztli and Blue had gone after Libys, even if they didn't hurt her, Horus would want revenge. Especially since Libys was innocent of their accusations.”

  “So tell me then,” I got back to the subject at hand. “What has Blue been up to with Eztli?”

  “Blue used the soma Brahma gave him and made Eztli a goddess,” Kate quickened her words when she saw Horus start making his way over to us. “Eztli is now the Goddess of the Blood Moon.”

  “Well, hopefully she'll be happy now,” I huffed.

  “She's powerful, Vervain,” Kate hissed. “She has a brand new magic and who knows what- hello, handsome,” she broke off as Horus joined us.

  “What are you two talking about?” Horus narrowed his silver and gold eyes on me.

  “Blue,” I confessed and Kate's eyes went wide with surprised betrayal. “I was pushing Kate for more info on him but she doesn't know anything else.”

  “Yeah,” Katie looked relieved. “But, I like the way your friends take care of each other. Vervain is seriously worried about Blue.”

  “Katie,” I looked at her in surprise. “We're your friends too. You're a part of the God Squad, which means you're a part of my family.”

  Hekate, Goddess of Magic, Crossroads, Ghosts, Necromancy, and the Moon, teared up and took my hand.

  “Thank you,” she whispered sincerely.

  “Girl, you've had my back,” I squeezed her hand. “How could you ever think that I wouldn't have yours?”

  “It's a good thing my mascara is waterproof,” she chuckled.

  I laughed, thinking about the Hekate I'd met in the future that I'd altered. Not only had she been seriously different, she'd been engaged to Horus.

  “It wasn't that funny,” she frowned.

  “No, it's just... oh, screw it, I'm going to tell you. It's not like you knowing would mess anything up,” I shrugged.

  “What?” She and Horus both started to look worried.

  “Well, in that future that I went into...”

  “Yes? What? What happened?” Horus demanded. “Did I die? Did Katie die? Did Katie kill me?”

  “Kate was dressed conservatively,” I confessed.

  “Conservatively?” Katie asked like she didn't know what the word meant.

  “Your piercings were gone, your make-up was subdued, and you were wearing slacks,” I said with deep sympathy.

  “Slacks?” She asked in a horrified tone.

  “Beige slacks,” I nodded.

  Hekate screamed.

  Chapter Four

  I found Yemanja lounging by the pool, surrounded by adoring werelions who were doing everything from fanning her to feeding her chocolates. Somehow, I wasn't surprised. Azrael had already informed her of what happened in the meeting when he stopped by to get Samedi's location. She was relieved to have someone else investigating and was more than happy to stick around a little longer until Team TorrAz returned with news. I left her to resume playing the role of Scarlett O'Hara with her lion suitors and headed up to my bedroom with my remaining husbands.

  “Before you get too involved with this Vodou business,” Odin said in the elevator. “I think we should go see the Fates.”

  The floors swept by at a steady pace but it was slow enough for me to see my Intare milling about. I waved to them through the golden bars of the elevator as we went by, taking my time to answer. Nick, my gray tabby, spotted me from where he was lounging on the fourth floor and started running for the stairs, racing us up to the bedroom.

  “He's right,” Trevor said before I could form a response. “You've put this off long enough. Silenus' prophecy mentioned the threads specifically. I think you should go see them.”

  “The prophecy said I shouldn't do anything influenced by that false future,” I shrugged. “So I won't. I don't see any reason to bug the Moirai.”

  “I zink it vas two separate instructions,” Kirill mused. “Don't let future influence you and don't mess vith fate.”

  “Aha!” I pointed at Kirill. “See, I shouldn't mess with the Fates.”

  “Zat's not vhat I meant,” Kirill frowned. “You sho
uld see Moirai so zat you know vhat fate to not tangle vith.”

  “And how are they gonna know that?” I huffed. “You know they can't see the whole thread. They can only peer a short way down the line, like any psychic.”

  “Da, but zat may be enough.”

  “Fine,” I huffed. “I'll go see the Fates.”

  “Thank you,” Odin said.

  “But you're all coming with me,” I pressed the stop button on the elevator and the car lurched to a halt.

  Then I pushed the #1 button and the car reversed direction, heading back to the first floor. I saw Nick pause on one of the landings in confusion. Poor baby. He started to follow me back down but got distracted by Zariel, Fallon's little girl. She was tottering towards him with the eagerness of a two-year-old as her mother, Samantha, chased after her with the beleaguered gait of tired mothers everywhere. Nick laid back his ears, hissed, and ran for the sanctuary of my bedroom. He knew Sam would pull a Gandalf and not allow Zariel to pass. My private floor was off-limits for the little lioness; a fact which Nick had quickly learned and made good use of. I chuckled, both at Nick's hasty retreat and the expressions on my husbands' faces.

  “What; we're going now?” Trevor looked surprised.

  “Why not?” I shrugged. “Might as well get it out of the way.”

  “Because maybe the Fates don't like unannounced visitors,” Odin offered.

  “Do you know their telephone number?” I lifted a brow.

  “No, of course not,” Odin huffed. “I doubt they even own a phone.”

  “Any way of contacting them?” I looked to Trevor and he shook his head. “Do any of you even know where in the God Realm they live?” A glance at Kirill had him hanging his head. “Uh-huh,” I chuckled. “That's why I'm going to see Hades and Persephone. They'll know how to reach the Moirai. I only wish you guys had mentioned this sooner and then I could have asked Hades about the Fates before he left.”

  I walked out of the elevator followed by three moping husbands. We all pulled up short when Re came striding out of the tracing chamber. He jerked to a stop when he saw us and we stood staring at each other a second before he swept me up in a kiss. A very passionate kiss that I couldn't seem to draw back from. He seemed to be everywhere I tried to move. But that's what comes from dating a sexual tactician.

  “Ahem,” Odin said. Yes, he actually said the word ahem, like he was an old British butler viewing something inappropriate. “We were just on our way out.”

  “Sorry, Oathbreaker, I didn't hear you,” Re said as he pulled away from me slowly. “I was too busy kissing my girlfriend.”

  He smiled at me, lush lips shimmering with a light sprinkling of gold and the evidence of our kiss. His golden eyes twinkled with mischief when he finally looked over to Odin. I couldn't help myself, Re was mesmerizingly beautiful and I found my hand lifting all on its own, to sweep a lock of chestnut hair back over the perfect curve of his ear.

  “You mean; my wife,” Odin's hand slipped into mine and Re's eyes narrowed.

  “Alright, let's not fight,” I held up my hands, effectively disengaging Odin's grip and diffusing Re's irritation. “Why are you here, Re? Is everything alright? You weren't supposed to come by till tomorrow.”

  “Horus called and told me you had a meeting,” Re's irritation was back. “Why wasn't I invited?”

  “I didn't know you wanted to be a part of the God Squad,” I blinked in surprise.

  “I thought being your boyfriend got me an automatic seat at the Squad table,” Re huffed. “But no one texted. I opened up that vein of Inter Realm into my territory just so you could text me and you didn't text me about the meeting.”

  “Okay, I just said that I didn't know you wanted to be a part of the Squad, so why would I text you?” I rolled my eyes. “It's just one meeting. Do you have to get all dramatic?”

  “Vell, he is stripper, da? Zey are prone to dramatics,” Kirill smirked and Re lunged for him.

  “Okay, okay,” Trevor laughed as he and Odin held Re back from Kirill; the still very smirking Kirill.

  “You guys accepted him,” I pointed my finger around at my husbands. “Now make an effort to get along.”

  “I treat Trevor, Odin, and Azrael same vay,” Kirill shrugged.

  “He's right, he does,” I grimaced at Re. “Looks like you're going to have to grow some tougher skin.”

  “Maybe try layer of brass instead of gold,” Kirill brushed the skin on his arm. “It's more durable.”

  “And it will match your balls,” Odin grimaced.

  “Or, you know,” Trevor shrugged and let a scowling Re go. “Maybe you could get a sense of humor.”

  “I have the most refined sense of humor-”

  “No, you don't,” I cut him off.

  “Lala,” Re sounded wounded.

  “I'm just keeping it real,” I gave Re's thick bicep a pat. “If you're going to be a part of the Squad, you'll probably get teased a lot but it's all good-natured and you need to realize that now or stay out of the Squad.”

  “Stay out of palace altogether,” Kirill laughed. “Intare are vay vorse.”

  “You're kicking me out of your little god club because I don't like people making fun of me?” Re gaped at me.

  “Have you always been such a pussy?” Trevor shook his head at Re. “How the hell do you lead a pantheon like that?”

  “I am the Sun God, Re,” Re growled, his clenched fists starting to glow.

  “Yeah, yeah,” Odin rolled his eyes. “We've heard. Now, get over yourself. I'm the head of my pantheon too and I don't have a problem with some friendly banter. The God Squad is called that for a reason; we're all gods,” he stopped and looked at Kirill and Trevor. “Well, gods and demi-gods but no matter. It comes down to the same thing; everyone's got an ego and everyone has a right to those egos. But we're all friends, and friends should be able to tease each other without getting into a fight.”

  “With the exception of Pan and Horus whom I think deliberately try to bait each other into fights,” I huffed.

  “And yet, you never see them physically attack each other,” Trevor mused.

  “You say that as if it's a bad thing,” I accused.

  “Like you wouldn't want to see who'd come out the winner in a Pan-Horus brawl,” Trevor held his arms out and gave me his come on face.

  “Horus of course,” Re huffed. “His bloodline is impeccable.”

  “There you go again,” Trevor shook his head. “That's what we mean, Sparkles. You need to stop with that shit.”

  “Trevor,” I whined. “We talked about this; we all need to start watching our language so we can get used to speaking nicely around the children.”

  “Sorry, Sweetheart,” he kissed my cheek. “But you have to admit, it's easier for you than us.”

  “Excuse me?” I huffed.

  “Ever since you met Lucifer, you've been making an effort to get more creative with your cussing,” Odin agreed. “You've had a lot more practice than the rest of us.”

  “You don't seem to have a problem with it,” I said to Odin.

  “I'm not a werewolf,” Odin smirked at Trevor. “I can control my base urges easier.”

  “Watch it, Ex-One-Eye,” Trevor growled.

  “I don't think that's a thing,” I frowned. “You can't call someone something they used to be. Ex-One-Eye just means he has two eyes. It's like a double negative.”

  “Vhy can't ve call him Ex?” Kirill came to Trevor's defense. “Vhen people get divorced, it's ex-wife and ex-husband.”

  “Dude,” Trevor hissed. “You don't mention the D word right after you get hitched. It's bad luck.”

  “It is?” Kirill looked worried.

  “No, it's not,” Odin rolled his eyes. “And when did you start using the word dude, Trevor?”

  “I picked up the habit from you,” Trevor smirked. “Ex-Griffin.”

  “Maybe I shouldn't join your club after all,” Re frowned at my husbands. “I barely understand what they're saying
half the time.”

  “You'll be fine,” Trevor gave Re a lopsided grin. “But you missed the meeting. We're going to Hell now, wanna come?”

  “To visit Lucifer?” Re's interest was piqued.

  “No, the Greek Underworld to visit Hades,” I corrected.

  “Wasn't Hades just here?” Re cocked his head at me. “He's a member of the Squad, isn't he?”

  “Yeah but someone, or more accurately; someones,” I looked back at my husbands. “Failed to mention how they wanted me to talk to the Fates until we were on our way upstairs and Hades was already on his way home.”

  “Why do you need to speak to Hades if you actually want to speak to the Fates?” Re asked.

  “Because we don't know how to contact the Fates,” Trevor explained. “Or even where their territory is.”

  “Oh, I can take you over,” Re's expression cleared. “No problem.”

  “You know where the Fates live?” I lifted my brows.

  “I've dated two out of three of them,” Re shrugged. “I don't just know where they live, I have the chant to get past their wards and an open invitation to stop by whenever I wish.”

  “Of course,” Odin snorted.

  “Why only two out of three?” Trevor teased.

  “Have you met the Fates?” Re huffed. “Even I am not open-minded enough to bed Lachesis.”

  “You mean whorish enough,” Trevor laughed.

  “You were a bit of a slut,” I put my hand to Re's chest when he started to get angry again.

  “Fine,” Re heaved a sigh. “You can have that point. But it's now, as the humans say; game on, puppy.”

  “See, I knew you'd get the hang of it,” Trevor nodded approvingly.

  Chapter Five

  The Moirai, also known as the Fates, were Greek goddesses who tended to the threads of human life. Now, we all know that the myth can't be completely true; the Fates don't actually weave the lives of mortals and cut them as they see fit. The truth of the matter was... well I had no idea but I was about to find out.


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