Pearl Harbor: From Infamy To Greatness
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Punchbowl cemetery, Honolulu, 243, 333
Purnell, Nanette, 317
Puuwai, Ni’ihau, 314–16
Pu Yi, 34, 65
Pye, William, 13, 173
Rabaul air base, New Britain Island, 350
radar, 2, 76, 80, 202–3, 204–6, 305, 310, 342–43, 364, 438, 440, 441–42
Radford, Arthur, 32
radio broadcasts
Eleanor Roosevelt’s use of for Pearl Harbor announcement, 322–24
Hirohito’s surrender announcement (1945) using, 406
Japan’s early use of at Tsushima (1905), 24–25
Japan’s wartime use of, 378, 403, 406, 446
Konoye’s addresses to Japanese using, 54
President Roosevelt’s use of, 60, 126, 320, 326, 344, 396
Tojo’s war announcement using, 324–25
war rumors spread using, 331, 355
Radio Corporation of America (RCA), 78n, 171, 194, 201
radio signals
B17s’ use of, 183, 189, 205
disabling or silencing of, for secrecy, 169, 189, 190, 244, 306, 310, 338
Japan’s use of, during bombing, 197–98, 317
US monitoring of, 77, 146–47, 162, 163, 189, 320, 378
radio station KGMB, Honolulu, 320
first American broadcast of World War II on, 292
music broadcasts as secret signals from, 183, 189, 197–98, 205
shutting down to prevent being used as directional beacons, 317
war updates broadcast over, 292, 293
Raenbig, H. E., 198
“Rainbow” for fighting on multiple fronts in case of war, 62
Raines, James, 260
Raleigh (cruiser), 246, 247, 276, 297, 328, 413
Rall, Dr., 259
Ralph Talbot (destroyer), 170
Ramapo (tanker), 256, 283
Ramey, Roger, 218–19
Rampley, John, 3, 7, 336
Ramsey, Logan, 201, 249–50, 304–5
Ramsey, Mary Ann, 201, 249–50, 303–4, 324, 347
Ranger (carrier), 10
Rangoon, 165, 350
Rankin, Jeannette, 344
Rape of Nanking (1937–38), 44–47, 418
Rapue, Norman, 214–15
Rasmussen, Warren, 214–15, 216
Rayburn, Sam, 344
Raymer, Ed, 361–62, 363
Raymond, Donald, 420
Pearl Harbor defense and, 68, 96, 107, 123, 157, 158, 171, 440–42
Tokyo bombing and, 401
Red Hill ordnance depot, Oahu, 317
Redoubtable (ship), 6
Reetz, Russell, 199
Reeves, Malcolm, 306
Reeves, Thomas James, 295, 458–59
Regan, Geoffrey, 26
Reilly, Mike, 277, 343–44
relocation centers, 359. See also detention camps; internment camps
Repulse (cruiser), 350
Reuben James (ship), 126–27
Richards, Robert, 220
Richardson, James, 10, 11–13, 60–61, 68, 87
Rickert, Lenore, 17
Ricketts, Claude V., 263–64, 265
Rigel (ship), 274, 335, 347
Riggs, Cecil, 251
Rising Sun (movie), 424
Rivera-Schreiber, Ricardo, 73–74
Roberts, Owen, 357–58
Roberts, William, 243
Roberts Commission, 370, 437–38, 451
Robinson, Aylmer, 314–15, 316
Robinson family, 314
Robison, E. H., 336
Rochefort, Joseph J. Jr., 163, 385, 386
Rodda, William, 302
Rogers, Robert, 310
Romanov dynasty, 26
Rommel, Erwin, 349
Rommel, Herb, 266, 273
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1, 279, 322–23, 324, 327, 356, 358, 397
Roosevelt, Elliott, 324
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 30
advance-knowledge or back-door-to-war theory and, 451–52
Ambassador Nomura’s relationship with, 63, 64
anger at lack of military response to Pearl Harbor attack, 325
as Assistant Secretary of Navy, 3, 4–5, 63
attempt to negotiate European peace at outbreak of war, 52
bombing raid against Japan and, 371, 381–82
cable to Hirohito, 177–78, 187, 279
Cermak’s assassination and, 50
condition of military after first election of, 50–51
covert action against Japan by, 371
daily meetings with staff, 42–43
“day of infamy” speech of, 345, 452–53
declaration of war speech before Congress given by, 343–46
desire for revenge and, 371, 390
Doolittle Raiders and, 382–83, 390, 396
draft registration and, 60
family background of, 4
Hull Note and, 177
internment of Japanese Americans and, 80n, 358–59
John Doe Associates on restoring trade with Japan and, 65
Konoye’s proposed meeting with, to avoid war, 96–98, 106, 109, 111, 118–19, 154, 429
library office of, 42
love of US Navy by, 4
MacArthur and, 351
martial law for Hawaii and, 317
Mein Kampf editing and publication and, 50
Pearl Harbor fleet as restrain on Japan and, 11, 12
Pearl Harbor investigations on role of, 447, 451, 452–53
Pearl Harbor investigation reports to, 355, 357
Pearl Harbor losses kept secret by, 343
plans for fighting on multiple fronts in case of war and, 62–63
proposed meeting or messages with Hirohito, 97, 118, 154, 168
public reaction to declaration of way by, 346, 347
Richardson’s warning about Pearl Harbor fleet to, 11, 12
Roberts Commission and, 437
sanctions against Japan proposal and, 55, 56, 175
Second American Volunteer Group and, 371
sons of, in military, 324
Stimson Doctrine on Japanese in China and, 36
United Nations and, 434
wartime protection for, 343–44
Yamamoto capture order from, 395
Roosevelt, Franklin Jr., 324
Roosevelt, James, 279, 324, 344
Roosevelt, John, 324
Roosevelt, Sara, 4
Roosevelt, Theodore, 4, 27, 30, 33, 39, 62, 246
Rose, Chester Clay, 286
Rosenberg, Alfred, 50
Rosenman, Sam, 381
Ross, Charles, 258
Ross, Donald, 301–2, 459
Roth, William, 453
Rowlett, Frank, 76, 77
Royal Navy (UK), 60, 162
Royal T. Frank (army transport), 364
Royce, George, 374
Rozhestvensky, Admiral, 26
Rule, Robert, 333
Ruptured Duck (plane), 369, 379–80
Russia. See also Soviet Union
discontent over Romanov dynasty in, 26
Japanese in Manchuria as buffer against, 34
Japanese perception of being encircled by colonies of, 28
Japan’s naval battle at Tsushima (1905) against, 24–26, 27, 30
Japan’s surrender and, 407
Japan’s war (1853) against, 23
US intelligence on possible Japanese attack on, 155
Russian Revolution, 26
Ryukyu Islands, 28, 363
Sabine (oiler), 374
Sacramento (gunboat), 123
Safford, Laurance, 166, 167, 168, 446
Sahematsu, Yuzuru, 174–75
St. Louis (destroyer), 246, 305, 307
Saionji, Kinmochi, 120
Saipan, 342, 395, 399
Saito, Hiroshi, 43
Saito, Warrant Officer, 297
Sakamaki, Kazuo, 73, 184–85, 340–41
Sakamoto, Akira, 241
Salinger, J. D., 413–14
Salt Lake City (cruiser), 138, 153, 374, 420
salvage of ships, 360–63
samurai, 23, 29, 185
feudal warlords and, 21
need for change and, 22, 33
warrior tradition of, 48–49
Sandburg, Carl, 29
Sanders, Lewis, 310
Sand Island detention camp, 211 (map), 319, 341
Sands, ordnanceman, 189
Sandwich Islands, 8–9
San Francisco (ship), 246, 256–57, 337, 413
San Francisco Chronicle, 23
San Pedro, California, naval base, threat against, 64
Saratoga (carrier), 10, 153, 171
Sasakawa, Ryoichi, 69
Sato, Kenryo, 119
Sato, Masao, 236
Schaeffer, Earl, 307
Schick, William, 219
Schimmel, Richard, 202
Schlock, Benny, 260
Schmitt, Aloysius, 270
Schofield Army Hospital, Oahu, 230–32
Schofield Barracks, Oahu, 229–30, 233
Schultz, L. R., 178–79
Scott, Robert R., 296, 459
SEATO, 435
Second American Volunteer Group (SAVG), 371
Secret Strategy for Expansion, A (Nobuhiro), 39
Sedberry, Robert, 300
Sehe, Charles, 303
Seiser, Ed, 347
Selective Service boards, 59–60
Selfridge (destroyer), 170
Semenoff, Vladimir, 25
seppuku, 48, 426
September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, 418, 429–30, 453, 454
Sessa (merchant ship), 126
Shanghai, 28, 34, 36, 63
Bridge House prison on, 392
Japanese invasion (1937) of, 44, 53, 153, 247, 326
Shantung Province, China, 28
Shapley, Alan, 288, 289, 290
Shattuck, Robert, 227
Shaw (destroyer), 260, 284, 330, 363
Shidehara, Kijuro, 39
Shiga, Yoshio, 204, 240, 252
Shimada, Shigetaro, 54, 56, 124, 130
Shimazaki, Shiegkazu, 191
Shimizu, Mitsumi, 72–73
Shimizu, Shin-Ichi, 116
Shindo, Saburo, 191
Shintani (beekeeper), 314
Shinto, 140, 183, 188, 341, 355, 394, 398, 421
shishi (samurai), 22, 33
Shivers, Robert, 82, 166, 167, 176, 293
Shokaku (carrier), 145, 165, 213, 350, 391
Short, Isabel, 15
Short, Vernon, 294
Short, Walter
aerial patrols for fleet protection and, 14–15
analysis of security of fleet in Pearl Harbor and, 61
anti-sabotage alert of, 214, 358
appointment and arrival at Pearl Harbor, 14, 15
as commander of army in Hawaii, 14, 15
death of, 452
evacuation to bunker of, 317
fifth column work in Hawaii belief of, 308
martial law for Hawaii and, 317–18
Pearl Harbor attack and, 254
Pearl Harbor investigations of role of, 354–55, 438–39, 439–40, 442–43, 444, 447, 450, 453
petroleum embargo against Japan and, 56
radar station on Oahu and, 202
relieved of command, 356–57
Roberts Commission on, 357
Showa, Emperor. See Hirohito, Emperor
Shure, Agnes, 331
Siberia, possible Japanese attack on, 161, 162
Signal Corps, 202, 431
Simensen, Carleton, 288, 289
Simmons, Clark, 252–53, 428
Simmons, Walter, 335
Simons, R. E., 276
Singapore, 28
codes destroyed at, 166, 167
Japanese assault on, 350, 351, 363
Japanese plans to attack on, 85, 107, 160, 164, 165, 174
US concerns about possible attack on, 74, 75, 136, 160, 161, 172, 175, 180
Sledge, E. B. “Sledgehammer,” 397
Smedberg, William, 174, 175
Smith, George, 268, 269, 271, 276
Smith, Jesse, 331
Smith, W. W. “Poco,” 64
Soikaku (carrier), 398
Solace (hospital ship), 274, 275, 276, 329, 331, 333
Solomon Islands, 171, 351, 363, 395
Soong Ching-ling, 40
Soong May-ling, 40
Sorge, Richard, 118, 170
Soryu (carrier), 72, 163, 165, 188, 189, 192, 213, 247, 388, 389, 391
Soucy, Lee, 251, 253, 329
Southeast Asia
debates among Japan’s leaders about war plans for, 68, 92, 94, 111, 116, 118, 132
European colonies in, 58
Japan’s invasion plan for. See Operation Number One
Japan’s need for natural resources and oil fields in, 90, 99
postwar Japanese financial domination of, 423
US analysis of situation in, 75, 86, 158, 445
Southern, Ira, 217
Soviet Union. See also Russia
“Asia for Asians” policy of Japan and, 39
bombing of Japan and US plane landings in, 379, 382
declaration of war against Japan by, 405
Japan’s neutrality agreement with, 59
Japan’s surrender and, 407
Spanish-American War (1898), 57, 285
Spatz, Harold, 394
Specht, William, 328
Special Attack Corps, Japan, 400
Special Aviation Project #1, Japan, 369, 373–74, 379, 382
Special Ops (OSS), 408
Japanese, reporting on US military operations, 80, 82, 108, 132, 139, 147, 164, 170–71, 177, 182, 207, 229, 254, 320
postattack rumors about, 336, 337, 356
Russian, in United States, 118, 170
US knowledge of Pearl Harbor attack from, 98
Sprawls, Philip, 224
Spruance, Ray, 386
Stalin, Joseph, 59, 78, 110, 118, 170, 393
Stark, Harold “Betty”
antitorpedo nets recommended by, 60
British attack on Italian fleet at Taranto (1940) and, 61
demotion of, 370
in group meetings with Roosevelt, 42
hard-line against Japan urged by, 54
Nomura’s secret meeting with, 174
Pearl Harbor attack and, 280
Pearl Harbor investigations of role of, 439, 443, 445, 447, 448
Pearl Harbor issues and, 10, 13, 14–15
petroleum embargo against Japan and, 56
plans for fighting on multiple fronts in case of war and, 62
Richardson’s complaint about Pearl Harbor facilities and, 10, 11
Roberts Commission on, 357–58
state of emergency in Hawaii, 317
Station HYPO, Office of Naval Communications, 385–86, 390, 395
Steel Seafarer (ship), 126
Steinbeck, John, 232
Sterling, Gordon, 310
Stern, General, 379
Stilwell, Joseph, 407
Stimson, Henry
analysis of security of fleet in Pearl Harbor and, 61
bombing raid against Japan and, 371, 403
draft registration and, 60
in group meetings with Roosevelt, 42
hard-line against Japan urged by, 54, 56
Japanese invasion of China and, 35–36
opinion on best way to treat Japan, 41
Pearl Harbor investigations and, 439, 441–42, 447, 450, 451
petroleum embargo against Japan and, 55–56
Philippine indefensibility and, 172
plans for fighting on multiple fronts in case of war and, 62
postattack treatment of Japanese Americans and, 358
reaction to Pearl Harbor attack by, 326, 327
torpedo nets recommended by, 61
Stimson Doctrine, 35–36
> Stratton, Donald, 291
Strauss, Lewis, 65
submarines. See also midget submarines
America, in Pacific, 388
American bombing of, 233, 250
German Nazi, 452
Japanese, and following of fleet at Pearl Harbor, 16
Japanese, and sinking of American civilian ships, 208, 364
in Pearl Harbor attack, 333
Suetsugu, Nobumasa, 27
Suganami, Masaharu¸206
sugarcane plantations, 9, 82, 203, 217, 316
Sugiyama, Hajime, 104–5, 109, 113, 129, 131, 164–65, 393–94, 395
suicidal thoughts
American prisoners and, 384
Japanese prisoners and, 341
Japan’s losses and, 394–95, 411, 426
of Okinawan civilians, 400
of Prince Konoye, 408
seppuku and, 48, 426
servicemen on Hawaii and, 182
tactical use of, 137
suicide missions, 52, 102, 189, 238, 307, 340, 398, 400, 422
Sulawesi (Celebes), 107, 350, 351, 363
Sumatra, 350, 351, 363
Sumner, Gordon, 253–54
Sun Yat-sen, 40
Sun Yat-sen, Madame, 40
Supreme Court, 27, 344, 357
Surigao Strait, Battle of (1944), 391, 399
Susquehanna (frigate), 22
Sutherland, Richard K., 342
Sutton, Earl, 220
Sutton, Ike, 414
Suzhou, China, invasion (1937) of, 44
Suzuki, Suguro, 147, 148, 150
Suzuki, Teiichi, 89, 128–29
Swan (tender), 246
Swenson, Raymond, 219
“Sweet Leilani” (song), 17
Taft, William Howard, 36
Taiho (carrier), 398
Taiwan, 28, 47, 351
Taiyo Maru (ship), 147, 148, 150
Takagi, Yasaka, 41
Takahashi, Ibo, 165, 191, 197, 206
Takamatsu, Prince Nobuhito, 100, 160, 412
Takamura, Kotaro, 352
Takano, Teikichi, 26
Takei, George, 359
Tanaka, Shinichi, 48
Tanbo, Yoshibumi, 146, 176
Tanczos, Oswald, 235–36
Tangier (tender), 246, 324
Tanner, William, 198–99, 233
Taranto, Italy, British attack (1940) on fleet at, 60, 61, 158
Tarawa, Battle of (1943), 398
Task Force 16, 374–76, 378
Tatsuta, Warden, 394
Taussig, Joseph, 299–300
Tautog (ship), 255–56
Taylor, Kenneth, 308–10, 419
Taylor, Thomas, 246, 301
Taylor, William E. G., 205
Teaff, Perry, 242
Teer, Artis, 301
Telecky, Gene, 413
Temple of Heaven, Tokyo, 383, 412, 421–22
Tennessee (battleship), 180, 246, 247, 285, 294, 297–98, 352, 363, 399
Terasaki, Hidenari, 168–69
Thach, James E., 389
Thailand, 53, 74, 75, 90, 140, 150, 154, 155, 161, 277, 447
Thatcher, David, 379–80