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For Fallon (Chicago Syndicate)

Page 20

by Naomi, Soraya

  A condescending snort escapes him. “The law? The law is also us,” he enlightens me. “The Mafia is everywhere. We have people in the police. You can’t go to the police because the Syndicate will know. You are under Syndicate protection now - as my girlfriend. And what would you accomplish by going to the police? They’ll draw up a statement and never look at your case. The guy who assaulted you has been dealt with by me. Don’t people go to the police looking for justice, looking to have the accused punished for his crime?”

  His logical explanation is disconcerting me because I have no retort.

  “Your boss is also connected to us. Alex has been borrowing money from us for his charity. He has also embezzled money from said charity. You were already indirectly tied to the Syndicate.”

  I rest my palm on my forehead. “This has to be some kind of nightmare I’m about to wake up from.” The sheet has fallen in a pool around my hips, and I tug it up again.

  Luca continues. “If I let you leave now, I don’t know how to protect you. One more thing: Leggia has Danny. I was planning on taking you home last night, but Leggia wanted a meeting with us. He had someone watching you Friday, and he knew you were taken by our soldiers. Leggia’s determined to break this Syndicate apart because he wants more power, the kind of power and influence James has. He has offered to trade Danny for you.”

  My eyes snap up and I jump from the bed. Terror has found its way back into my being with that last sentence, and oxygen isn’t filling my lungs as I gulp for air.

  Luca immediately mirrors my action and closes the distance between us. His hands are on either side of my head. “Look at me, Fallon. Breathe calmly, in and out. Nothing is going to happen. Breathe dolcezza.” Luca inhales and exhales slowly with me until my gasping subsides.

  My panic regresses as time ticks by slowly. I rest my cheek on his chest and pull back instantly because I don’t want any of his comfort. “What does he want with me?”

  “Nothing, he’s only out to rile me up.” Luca walks us back and sits me down. I cover my trembling naked body with the sheet when he crouches before me. “James and I will find a way to eliminate Leggia.”

  Suddenly a thought arises and I shoot up again. “What about my parents? Are they safe?”

  He guides me back on the bed by my shoulders to calm me down and resumes his position. “They’re fine. Leggia isn’t stupid enough to have a civilian lawyer involved in this. That will create too many questions.”

  This is so much information for me to take in. The situation is an even bigger mess than I ever anticipated. His rival has Danny and wants to trade me for Danny, which would mean I would be a captive of another Mafia boss. The enormity of my dire situation dawns on me. I fell in love with a man I don’t know at all. I fell for what I thought he was. I’m in way over my head in a world I never realized existed so close to me, and he brought me into this dangerous world. “You never once said you were sorry.” I catch his pained eyes.

  “Sorry for what?”

  “For bringing me into this.”

  “Would it have made any difference?”

  I avert my gaze. “No.”

  “For your own safety, you need to stay here a couple more days. Fallon, do you trust me?”


  “I don’t know. I’m hurt, disappointed. I’m mad at you. This is all too overwhelming and so…so surreal.” Currently, my best option is to let Luca believe he has convinced me. Hopefully, Camilla will have to bring me food again today, and I can try to talk to her once more.

  Luca rests his head in my lap. “You know what attracted me to you? Your serene appearance. In that club with your loud-mouthed friend jumping around you, you carried yourself with grace and a quietness that was simply stunning.”

  I avoid touching him. “Stop. I don’t want to hear this now.”

  I’m inclined to believe him.

  I’m inclined to distrust him.

  Luca raises his head. “What are you thinking?”

  “Have you told me everything?”

  “Yes, full disclosure. I took a risk here too by telling you. I vouched for you. If you go to the police and anyone in this Syndicate finds out and tells James, you and I and your family could be in far greater danger.”

  My face contorts as I allow the first tears that have been burning behind my eyes to wet my cheeks. “This is such a…”

  “A cluster fuck. I know.”

  “Am I to stay in this room?” I’ll let Luca believe I’ll be cooperative.

  “No, you can walk around. I’m trusting you not to run. Do know there are guards, Fallon. You can’t just walk out the door here.”

  “I figured that. And after this business with Leggia is over, am I safe to go home? Is my family safe?”

  “Yes, but your life will forever be connected to me. I will look after you.”

  That’s what I’m afraid of. “Is that a threat or a promise?”

  Luca winces. “Not a threat.”

  Should I tell him?

  If I can walk around, I can find Camilla. “How many people are in this house?”

  “Not many. I’ll make sure as few people as possible will be here as long as you are. No one will bother you. If you want to leave the room, you can. If you want to stay, I’ll bring everything you need here.”

  “I’m overwhelmed. I don’t know what I want.” My empty stomach rumbles and clenches.

  “You need sustenance, Fallon. You have to eat something.”

  “Fine,” I snap. He’s a Mafia underboss who kills and has lied to me from the beginning of our relationship. I don’t trust him.

  I need to get out of this mess.



  Fallon has fallen back asleep after our talk. I’m skeptical about how to interpret her simple acceptance of the situation. Last night, she was all over the place, I was bracing myself for one hell of a battle with her. There’s an elusive undertone in her behavior that I can’t discern.

  I shower and dress in record time. In the walk-in closet, I remove the fake back of the top compartment next to where my suits are hanging and take my Smith & Wesson out.

  I despise myself for bringing her into a world filled with insecurities and lies, but I would do it all over again if given a second chance. There wasn’t a moment I considered walking away. I realize now that I never stood a chance of resisting her. Her beauty attracted me. Her innocence countered my ruthlessness. Her body challenged my passion. Her humor addicted me. Her disarming touch fed my love for her. I had forgotten what it was like to live in a world where the Syndicate doesn’t exist. And even though I can and will never leave the Syndicate, maybe she can accept it.

  In the kitchen, I get yogurt and fruit for Fallon to eat. Adriano’s searching the fridge for food.

  “Did you talk to Camilla?” I ask him.

  He comes around the table and grabs a green apple from the bowl of fruit in the middle. “She was a little upset.”

  “What did Fallon tell her?”

  “I don’t know. Camilla was too secretive. She acted distant and just said that Fallon didn’t say anything. By the way, she knew of Fallon. Well, not by name but Camilla knew you had a woman.” Adriano’s inquisitive eyes rest on me.

  “Camilla helped me pick out a gift for her a couple of weeks ago.”

  “Camilla wants to see and talk to her, make sure Fallon’s fine. I obliged her, told her it would be okay.” Adriano grins ruefully. “I can’t deny Camilla anything. You have to help me out here.”

  “I don’t know if it’s smart to have them talk. Fallon’s erratic right now. First she was fearful, then apathetic, then angry. I was expecting the range of emotions, but this morning she was accepting of the situation. It was peculiar - I told her all of it: Danny, the trade, how we met. To reclaim some trust, I gave her free passage through the house. Now she’s sleeping, thankfully. I’m not keen on letting her out of the room in her current state.”

  “She’s confused and scar
ed about accepting her current situation.”

  I nod absentmindedly. “James and I are going to discuss a course of action on Leggia and Danny. I’ll fill you in later.” I shift back to Adriano in the doorway. “Check on Fallon. I’m leaving the key inside the room. I don’t think she’ll venture out, but if she does, follow her every move. And have Camilla buy her some books, romance novels.”

  “Done,” Adriano replies as he takes a bite of his apple.

  Fallon’s still sound asleep when I enter the room, so I leave the food on the nightstand before I go downstairs to meet James in his office.

  Sitting opposite him, I immediately want to know what we’re planning. “Do you have a plan yet?”

  He’s silent before he carefully touches the issue. “Luca, I think we need to trade—”

  “No! Trade is not an option for me, James.” My tone layers with indignation.

  He holds his palm up. “Calmati. Ascoltami.” Be calm. Listen to me. “The only way to get Leggia to agree to another meet is if we trade Fallon for Danny. We need a meet to take him out. He wasn’t expecting me to think about his offer. I only did that for you, Luca. But, son, we have no choice here. He has upped his security since yesterday. Prolonging the inevitable will cause us more trouble. Danny has too much insider information that he can and will share with Leggia in exchange for the right amount of money. Leggia’s taking huge risks with this offer. He’s fighting with all his power against the fixed hierarchy, and the New York Syndicate and I want him out. He’s too big of a risk.”

  This will be it. She’ll never forgive me. She’ll never let us have a life together again beyond these walls. She’s going to throw a fit when I just regained an ounce of trust back. “She will be at risk; I don’t like that.” I rise before his desk. “I don’t know if I can do this, James. And you can’t do it without Adriano or me. We are your best men. Kill him without having the trade take place.”

  James remains seated and says in a level voice, “How? He’s in public constantly, with security now. He knows I will not target him in public. “She’ll be safe.”

  I don’t know how she’ll be safe, and that pisses me off. I loosen my tie while grating my teeth. “What’s the plan?”



  I open my eyes after Luca has stepped out again. Feeling deflated and empty, I stare at the unappetizing apple on the nightstand. Even though I’m starving, I’m unable to eat. Every bit of information is flying through me in fast forward. I lie there, unmoving, for hours and hours with nothing but a blur of memories flashing across my eyes.

  We live with the choices we make. And all those – sometimes seemingly insignificant – choices affect everyone and everything around us. We love and hurt each other. However, there’s always that one person where even the magnitude of the hurt doesn’t lessen the intensity of the love. I’m afraid Luca is that person for me. I chose to believe him, and he chose to lie to me. I’m in love with something that never was.

  As I’m standing under the hot stream of water under the showerhead, my head is starting to clear. I need to stay focused, and - like yesterday - I remind myself of that throughout my shower. Stay focused and get out of this mess. So far, Luca has tried to comfort me into a false sense of security before telling me some guy wants to trade me. He hasn’t hurt me physically, but I can’t afford to trust him again.

  Dressed in a clean pair of boxers and a t-shirt that was left on the comforter, I sit on the edge of the bed gazing at the door with sweaty hands. I could walk around, find Camilla. But I’m anxious about running into someone. What do I say? Who says I’ll be safe? Maybe this is a test Luca set up?

  Unexpectedly, the door opens and Camilla has returned. Exhaling a long breath of relief that it’s not Luca, I give her a small smile.

  Camilla closes the door quietly behind her and joins me on the bed after she sets a book on the dresser. “Hi,” she starts hesitantly. “I’m sorry for bolting out of here. I-I didn’t know what to do.”

  But she must be inclined to help, or else she wouldn’t be here having this conversation with me. Unlike yesterday, I don’t bombard her by desperately begging for help. I’m approaching her calmly today. “I understand.” I point to the book and tilt my head to the side to read the title of the spine: The Summer Garden by Paullina Simons. The book I’m currently reading - Luca knew that. Does he think this will make me feel better?

  “Luca asked if I could bring some romance novels, then ordered me to get that one,” she explains with a bemused expression. I don’t even understand what’s going on in Luca’s head, so Camilla must be even more mystified about what’s happening now. “Did he hurt you last night, Fallon?”

  I could lie and say ‘yes’ in hopes of convincing her to help me, but the earnest look she’s sending me prevents me from lying. “No. Not physically.”

  “Did he tell you anything? How long until it’s safe for you to go?”

  “He told me. And it’s even more complicated than I initially thought. Camilla, I don’t know when it will be safe for me. Apparently I’m some kind of bargaining tool for a trade to another Mafia boss.” I reveal what he told me, omitting some details.

  Camilla’s stunned into silence.

  “I don’t know what exactly your role is in this house, but I have a feeling you’re caught up in this just as unwillingly as I am. Maybe not as deep into this mess as me, but you can’t possibly condone all of this?” The woman with kind eyes facing me is my only hope.

  Camilla stands up and starts to pace. “Of course I don’t condone this.” She tucks her hair behind her ears decisively. “I’ve heard the term ‘Syndicate,’ but I didn’t realize that’s what they call themselves. Shit! I don’t condone this,” she emphasizes with urgency while catching my eyes. “I can’t pretend nothing is wrong like Luca and Adriano do. As long as they kept me out of their business, I was fine. However, since they dragged me into this and nobody is apparently telling the truth, I feel obligated to help you. Yesterday was just…” She blows out a tormented puff of air while inching toward the window. “Overwhelming for me. I haven’t slept because I was worried for you. Adriano’s refusal to explain and the way he was drilling me last night was weird. I don’t know how or if I can help you.”

  I immediately move to the window to join her. “You must be scared too?”

  “I am.” She avoids my gaze. “I guess I underestimated the ruthlessness of Adriano and Luca. Of course I realized they were into drugs, but I never heard or saw anything hinting that they’re part of some powerful Mafia. I thought I knew Adriano.”

  I can relate to how she feels. There’s a past between her and Adriano. “What is it between you and him?”

  She snorts to conceal her hurting heart. “Nothing. Well, nothing for him.”

  I’m wondering how a beautiful woman like Camilla ended up here. “Camilla, why are you here in this house? How did you meet Adriano and Luca?”

  “James and Luca offered me this job after I was fired from a restaurant because of them. I started last year. I overheard drug business only twice; usually these men are tight-lipped.”

  “How old are you?” I interrupt.

  “Twenty-three. You?”


  Camilla faces me. “Look, I want to help you, but I have no family. My life has actually been better since I started working for Luca and Adriano. I’m hesitant because as much as I want to help you, I’m left wondering what will happen to me out there.” She nudges her chin to the world outside the window. “Apparently, they’re very powerful from what you’ve told me.”

  “I think they’re very dominant in the underworld. Camilla, I promise you if you help me, you will not be alone.” And I mean that. “I have to find a way to escape.”

  Camilla doesn’t nod or consent, but a ray of hope is starting to shine through the dark. Silence follows as we’re probably mirroring the same thought: how did we end up here?

  “How was The Phant
om?” Camilla suddenly asks.


  “The Phantom of the Opera. How was it?”

  I went to The Phantom matinee with Luca for my birthday weekend in New York. “How do you know that? You seem to know a lot - you knew I was his girlfriend. He told me nobody in the Syndicate knew of us.”

  “Nobody did - only Adriano and me. I helped him pick out your gift.”

  “I see.” She has a friendly bond with Luca then. Maybe she can fill in some gaps for me. “Do you know Gina?”

  As if she tasted something vile, the corners of her mouth tilt down. “Yes, but how do you know her?”

  “Who’s she?”

  “One of the strippers here.”

  “There’s a strip club here?” The strip club Gina works for is a club in this house? “You mean the bar you tend?”

  “Yes,” she confirms.

  “Does she still work there? Did Luca sleep with her?” My curiosity wins.

  “No, she left out of the blue a couple of weeks ago. And yes, he slept with her. Only once though, as far as I know. She was always all over him. Luca isn’t often in that room - not to be entertained by any of the women at least.”

  I snort and stop my line of questioning because I don’t want to know any more. “And Adriano?” Feeling drawn to her like a kindred spirit going through the same waves, I ask about Adriano.

  “Adriano is a man whore,” she mumbles.



  I jolt awake after my first deep sleep since Friday.


  As I roll my head to the side, she comes into my vision, sleeping on her stomach.


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