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This Time Forever: Second Chance Romance (Finding Forever Book 3)

Page 8

by Rebecca Raine

  Tamping down on the salacious thoughts, he turned to the insulated bag he’d used for their food. “I picked up some cheesecake from a speciality dessert place I used to go to years ago. Their desserts were always phenomenal. With any luck they haven’t changed.”

  “Was it the place we went to after you tried to cook me and Trina dinner that time? Please say yes.” She rolled onto her back, apparently going into throes of ecstasy at the memory. “The white chocolate mousse I had there was to die for.” She started to giggle. “It almost made up for the disaster you served us for dinner.”

  “Hey, one more word out of you and I’ll keep all the cheesecake for myself,” he said, his words softened with a smile. “But yes, that’s the place.” Sitting the plate on her stomach, he slowly began to spoon the rich dessert into her mouth. Her cheeks sank inward as she sucked on the plastic spoon, savouring the flavour and he grew hard at the idea of her enjoying him that much. He cleared his throat in an attempt to distract himself. “We should go back there sometime.”

  Her gaze shifted to his face for a moment before returning to the spoon. “Maybe.”

  Jake sighed. Date-mode wasn’t the only thing she avoided. Every time he brought up anything that hinted at the future, even something as innocuous as a place they could go or a movie they should see, Kelly beat a hasty retreat. Sometimes it was physical, sometimes she seemed to withdraw into herself. He’d tried to break through the walls she threw up, but so far he’d only grown increasingly frustrated with his inability to manage it.

  “Last bite,” he said, as he held up the laden spoon. He watched closely as she finished the cheesecake with one last lick, her tongue curling upward to draw the creamy substance into her mouth. With a defeated groan, Jake captured her mouth with his, his tongue delving into her mouth to taste the sweetness still residing there.

  Kelly wrapped her arms around his neck and arched her body upward, as if searching for his.

  When he withdrew, Jake licked his lips. “Good cheesecake,” he said, waggling his eyebrows at her.

  She laughed, and removed the empty plate from its precarious place on her stomach before pressing the length of her body against him. “Would you like another taste?”

  “Always,” he whispered, as he closed in again. One hand moved over her, starting at her thigh and strolling upward. He reached the waistband of her long, feminine skirt, and came into contact with the smooth skin of her waist. Then he lingered there, enjoying the way her muscles twitched under his fingers, until she broke out into giggles.

  “That tickles.” She grabbed his hand, forcing it away from her skin.

  “It does?” he asked, as if shocked at this discovery. Quickly wrenching his hand out of her tight grip, he dived for her middle. “Does this tickle?”

  Kelly squealed loudly, clutching at his hands as she convulsed beneath him. “No, stop! Jake, please. Ah!”

  He stilled his fingers but kept his hands around her waist. “Better?” he asked after she calmed down.

  “Uh-huh.” But her expression was wary and he could still feel the tension radiating from her body. He couldn’t resist.

  “One more time.” He wiggled his fingertips, barely touching her, and chuckled when the action sent her into spasms of laughter again.

  This time, when she quieted down, her hands clenching his in an effort to prevent further assaults, he began to spread tiny kisses over her face. “You’re beautiful when you laugh.”

  “You think so? Let’s see how you like it?” She attacked his ribs with delight, her fingers sneaking under his shirt to play quickly across his skin. “Damn,” she said with a frown when he failed to react.

  “Kelly, honey, did you really forget I’m not ticklish?”

  “No. But it was worth a try.” She stuck her bottom lip out like a petulant child and Jake made a sound of pleasure as he drew it into his mouth, sucking lightly.

  “I could make it up to you,” he murmured against her lips.

  “I think you should,” she replied, her tone imperious.

  Sliding his tongue down her neck, he stole beneath her skirt with one hand to tease the underside of her knee. “What would you have me do?”

  She moved her arms up over her head and arched against him in total relaxation. “I want you to satisfy my sexual urges.”

  He smiled at her choice of words. “Your wish is my command.”

  “Oh, I like that.”

  “I thought you might.” His fingers skimmed her legs, finding their way between her thighs. His eyes widened. “No panties? You naughty girl.”

  She grinned, charmingly unabashed. “It was purely an efficiency measure. I figured they’d come off eventually so… oh.” Her eyes slid closed as one long finger sank into her with practised ease.

  Satisfaction filled him at the way she whimpered without seeming to realise it. “You were saying?” he urged.

  A string a garbled syllables was her only reply. Encouraged by the simple honesty of her arousal, Jake allowed himself the pure pleasure of enjoying her response. Every time they’d had sex in the past month she’d seemed so single-minded in her seduction. So determined to ensnare him with her wiles, she would let nothing stand in her way. While it had all been incredibly hot and consuming, this was the side of Kelly he craved. The side where her body welcomed him with abandon, her eyes closed as she gave herself over to the joy of the moment.

  “You feel so good,” he whispered, his lips grazing her cheek. “I could make love to you all day.”

  He regretted his thoughtless words the moment they left his mouth—and he felt her stiffen beneath him. Of all the things he could have said, all the ways he could have chosen to show her how he felt, he had to go and use the ‘L’ word.

  When she pushed at his chest, urging him to roll onto his back, he let her. He knew the moment he saw her face, the intimacy that had filled the air only a few seconds ago, was gone. The flashing eyes and curved lips said it all. The seductress was back.

  She took a cursory glance around to make sure they were still alone, before unzipping his jeans to release his straining cock. Slipping her hand into her nearby purse she produced a condom and then, moments later, she sank down onto him with a grateful sigh. Even as she arranged her long skirt to make sure they were completely covered, she clenched him with her muscles.

  Jake sat up to wrap his arms around her and capture her mouth in a heady kiss. They barely moved as they ground against each other, their movements slight but deliciously intense.

  “Do you like it, Jake?” she asked, tilting her head to one side as she used her hands to massage his shoulders. “Do you like being out in the open where anyone could stumble upon us?”

  He worded his reply as carefully as he could, given his impaired ability to think straight with her squeezing the hell out of him like that. “I don’t give a damn where we are. The moment I’m inside you, the rest of the world falls away.” He slid one hand into her hair, capturing the back of her head as he met her gaze. “All I see is you.”

  Her smile faltered at his words, but she didn’t turn away. “Good answer,” she murmured.

  Jake held her head between his hands, refusing to let her look away. As he watched her, he wondered if she was as rocked by this moment as he. Their mouths were a hair’s breadth apart, their breath mingling as they hurtled toward their inevitable climax.

  His head dropped to her shoulder as he came, feeling her spasm around him in her own release. Wrapping his arms around her, he crushed her to him, never wanting to let go.

  Kelly lay by Jake’s side a few minutes later, staring up at the cloudless blue sky. She took deep breaths in an effort to calm her racing pulse. It’s just sex, she kept telling herself. It’s just sex. Each repetition only served to flaunt the lie for what it was.

  The more time they spent together, she more times they made love—and how she’d fought against those very words—the more that wall she put up around her emotions threatened to crumble. She’d kept he
rself apart, pretended their relationship was strictly physical. But now, after the way they’d stared into each other’s eyes as they shattered together, she wondered how long she could keep up the facade.

  Over and over, she’d promised herself she felt nothing real for Jake. Nothing deep or lasting. But she did feel something. And that terrified her as nothing else could have. She would have to put an end to it eventually. This time, she had to end it before he did.

  Chapter 13

  Jake had barely opened the door when Kelly barged into his house with a clipboard in one hand and a phone pressed to her ear with the other. The work bag she had slung over her shoulder was full to the point of bursting, its seams straining under the pressure.

  “Good morning to you, too,” he murmured as he closed the door and followed her down the hallway to the living room.

  “Yes, Mr Owens.” She used a clear and precise voice as she spoke to whomever was on the other end of the call. “The store manager assured me I would be able to pick up all the new pieces at midday today.”

  He smiled at the sight of her in full work-mode. She looked every bit the professional, from the neat twist of her upswept hair to the tailored skirt suit and stylish heels. The effect was sexy as hell.

  Unable to resist, he moved up behind her to press a kiss onto the bare nape of her neck. She moved away, swishing her clipboard around as if she were swatting at an annoying fly.

  “I’ll be coming by to place them this afternoon and we can go over any final details then. How does that suit with your schedule?” She turned her body toward him, but her eyes stared off into a vague point in the distance, her focus on her conversation.

  Jake went back to his morning coffee, content to watch her from across the room. Over the past weeks he’d come to admire her dedication to her work. As an architect, he understood his skills could only take a structure so far. It took a talented interior designer to bring it to life, to turn a house into the home of a client’s dreams. From what he’d seen of Kelly’s work, including what she’d put together for his own home, she had all the talent she could ever need to be a success.

  As for their personal relationship, after the way they’d made love in the gardens, the way she’d looked at him as they moved together, he hoped things were starting to change. She’d hardly spoken on the way home, as if she’d been overwhelmed by the depth of emotion. For the first time, he felt like perhaps she would start to open herself to the possibility of exploring a deeper connection with him.

  It had taken a lot longer to get them to this stage than he’d expected, but he wasn’t giving up. As frustrating as it was to be so close to what he wanted and not have it, he knew it would all be worth it in the end.

  “Okay, that will be fine. Thank you, Mr Owens. I’ll see you then.” Kelly ended the phone call before turning his way. “Good morning, Jake,” she said, still using her cheerful phone voice. “How are you today?”

  “Horny as hell, now you’re here.” He stepped forward again, intent on giving her the good morning kiss he’d been waiting for, only to be interrupted by a knock on the front door.

  “That’ll be the painters,” she said as she evaded his arms and headed back down the hallway. “I saw them parking when I came up the footpath.”

  She quickly ushered in two middle-aged men and spent a few minutes in discussion with them before turning back to Jake. With a flip through the papers on her clipboard, she asked, “The furniture you’ve borrowed is going back to its owners on Saturday morning, correct?”

  “Yes,” he confirmed. “My brother, Danny, is going to help me with the heavy lifting.”

  “Great. I’ve arranged to have your new living room furniture delivered at in the afternoon, but the bedroom suite I’ve ordered won’t be here until Tuesday. You may have to sleep on the couch for a few nights. Is that going to be a problem at all?”

  He shrugged, murmuring under his breath. “It won’t be a problem if you let me stay at your place.”

  Wide eyes snapped up to his before glancing at the painters who were setting up their gear in the middle of the room. “Very amusing, Mr Caine,” she said in a tone that was anything but amused.

  With a confused frown, Jake looked at the painters, who seemed to be ignoring them, and back at Kelly. “What’s the problem?”

  She dropped her clipboard onto the kitchen counter. When she spoke again, her voice had passed from impersonal to ice cold. “If you wouldn’t mind, Mr Caine, I’d like to speak with you about the tiles I’ve chosen for the bathroom. Would you mind joining me?”

  Cursing under his breath, Jake followed her into the bathroom.

  She quietly closed the door behind them before turning on him. Hands on hips, she stood bristling with anger as she pinned him with a glare.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she hissed in a whisper sharp enough to draw blood.

  “I’m having a conversation with my lover,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest. “What’s the big deal if a couple of old painters know I’m more than just another client? I’m pretty sure they don’t care.”

  “Let’s get something straight, Jake.” She prodded him in the chest with the tip of one finger as she spoke. “I’m part of a professional practice and I do not get involved with my clients on a personal level.”

  He raised an eyebrow at her. She rolled her eyes.

  “Usually,” she bit out. “The point is, I have an excellent reputation which I’ve worked very hard to build and I do not want it ruined because you decide to announce to my contractors we’re sleeping together.”

  “Careful, Kelly.” He took a step toward her as the frustration that had been riding him for weeks reach boiling point. “Raise your voice any higher and I won’t have to announce anything. They’ll hear it from you.”

  Kelly snapped her mouth shut, painfully aware of the painters in the next room. Her voice dropped back to a fervent whisper. “Please, just try to keep our private business private. Have you got it?”

  “Oh, I’ve got it all right.” She watched as Jake took another step toward her. His mouth hardened into a thin line and his eyes flashed with anger. “I’m hearing you loud and clear.”

  An involuntary tremor shuddered through her. Though whether in fear of what he may do, or anticipation of the same, she wasn’t sure.

  “Good.” Her voice had lost its steely edge and she lifted her chin a notch in a vain attempt to regain her composure. “I’m glad we understand each other.”

  The corner of his mouth twitched upward, more sneer than smile.

  “Perfectly.” His next step crowded her against the door. Her breath caught in her throat when his hand lifted, but instead of touching her, he reached for the doorknob. The locked slipped into place with a quiet click.

  “On the other side of this door we’re all but strangers. You’re the business woman, I’m the client. The story ends there, right?”

  She cleared her throat, not sure if she’d be able to speak coherently with him so close. He smelled like shaving cream and soap, with a touch of some musky cologne that made her head spin.

  “Right,” she breathed, trying not to melt into a puddle at his feet.

  He leaned closer and she could see the way he clenched his jaw, evidence of the tension filling him.

  “But we’re not on the other side of the door, are we, Kelly?”

  She gaped up at him, her brain stalled. She couldn’t have strung two words together to save her own life, let alone answer him. Then his mouth descended and the opportunity was gone.

  All finesse was lost in the ferocity of his kiss. His tongue plundered her mouth, demanding a response her body provided all too eagerly. Cupping her face firmly in his hands, he held her captive to his will.

  He broke away suddenly, the breath sawing in and out of his lungs. “If you’re going to leave,” he said between pants, “do it now.”

  She continued to stare at him, her muscles twitching, as she tried to move.
  Get the hell out! Even as her brain screamed, her arms reached for him.

  With a feral growl, he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her over to face the mirror, her hips pressed up against the bathroom counter.

  In the reflection, her gaze caught his. She was surprised, and strangely excited, by the hard glint in his eyes. He looked like he wanted to punish her for her defiance. Silently, she dared him to try.

  He made short work of unbuttoning her crisp, white shirt, pushing it aside to reveal the plain cotton bra beneath.

  The amused snort he gave made her eyes narrow. “So this is what you wear when you’re not playing the part of seductress.” His lips dropped to her ear, his tongue outlining the sensitive shell, before he added. “I like it.”

  Gripping the hem of her skirt with both hands, he dragged it up around her waist. Without pause, her panties were tugged down her legs. He didn’t give her time to step out of them, instead nudging her feet apart so they were stretched between her ankles.

  One hand pressed into the small of her back, urging her to bend forward at the waist.

  Kelly placed one hand on the mirror as she stared at herself. Her eyes were wide with shock and lust. Her panting breath fogged up the glass in front of her mouth. Behind her, she could see Jake looking at her exposed body as if surveying his handiwork.

  His hand stroked the curve of one bare buttock and her muscles clenched in response.

  “You’d let me take you anyway I want, wouldn’t you, Kelly?” One long finger slid into her and she jumped, gasping in pleasure. “I can be under you, over you, behind you. Just so long as I don’t try to walk beside you.”

  He opened a drawer to retrieve a condom and a moment later he buried his thick length inside her with one long stroke. He didn’t pause before pulling out to the very tip and plunging back in again.

  “Is this how you want it, Kelly?” he asked, his breath harsh on the back of her neck. “Hard and fast fucking behind doors and in shadows?”


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