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This Time Forever: Second Chance Romance (Finding Forever Book 3)

Page 14

by Rebecca Raine

  She’d melted against him when he kissed her, his touch slow and tender. That had been the end of movie watching for the night. Now, lying beneath him on the couch, she had one leg curled around the back of his thigh as he kissed and caressed her with a reverence that made her heart ache. It had taken time for her to allow herself to respond to him the way her body wanted to, instead of the way she consciously decided would be the most effective for furthering her own agenda. But in the end, letting go of that sense of control had been easier than she’d dreamed it would be.

  “Kelly,” he murmured, his breath hot against her neck, “stay with me tonight. Let me make love to you.”

  Her mouth went dry and her body trembled with the emotions rushing through her. Unable to speak, she nodded.

  He smiled, brushing a gentle kiss across her lips, before moving to stand up. “Hold on tight.”

  Wrapping her legs around his waist, he held her to him as he rose from the couch. He paused to grab the remote and switch off the TV before drawing her into another bone melting kiss. Then he began to walk down the hall toward the bedroom.

  Once they passed through the doorway, she lowered her legs so she could stand, her gaze taking in the room for the first time in weeks. She’d transformed the gaudy eyesore it had been when she first saw it, into a place dedicated to relaxation and comfort. The queen size bed dominated the room, with its thick quilt and plush pillows. The bedside tables were wooden, topped with simple, elegant table lamps for night time reading. A neutral cream covered the walls, with some old nature photographs Jake had taken in the Daintree Rainforest blown up and framed to add a personal touch. As she looked around the room, at each piece of furniture and each accessory she’d added, she realised she’d created her ideal bedroom here. It was as if she’d picked everything to compliment her own personality as well as Jake’s. The idea made her uneasy, like she’d already decided she would be living here before long, but she pushed it away. She didn’t want to think about the future. Tonight, she just wanted to be with Jake. The way she’d always wanted to be. Tomorrow would have to take care of itself.

  Turning back to him, she saw the love in his eyes and allowed herself to get lost in it. For this moment in time, she could believe everything he’d said they could have was possible. That they could love each other forever.

  She kissed him slowly, savouring the taste and texture of his mouth. Her hands trailed up under his t-shirt until she pulled it over his head. She almost purred as she rained kisses on his chest and stomach. His hands tangled in her hair, urging her back up his body so he could capture her mouth with his.

  He walked her backward toward the bed, undressing her, and himself, with a quiet hurriedness. When they were both naked, they fell back onto the covers, hands and lips exploring each other in a desperate need to remind and rediscover.

  “God, Kelly, I wanted to take it slow but,” he groaned as she sucked gently on his neck, “it’s been too damned long. I want you too much.”

  “I want you too,” she whispered as she arched her hips toward him, her body weeping silent tears. “Please, Jake, I don’t want to wait anymore.”

  He reached out a hand to grab a condom from the bedside table and moments later he slid into her, not stopping until he’d buried himself to the hilt.

  The feel of him made Kelly’s entire body tremble with arousal and she clenched her internal muscles, wanting to hold onto him as tightly as she could. A loud, guttural groan sounded from Jake’s throat. “Holy hell, Kelly, no. You have to stop or this is going to come to a very quick and embarrassing end.”

  Seeing the way his face was screwed up, his eyes squeezed shut, Kelly bit her bottom lip to keep from laughing at his distress. “What’s wrong, Jake? Am I too much for you?”

  He cracked one eye open. “Minx.”

  Smiling, she pulsed around him in short, tight bursts.

  “Oh, fuck.” He lifted his torso away from her to hold himself up on straightened arms, as if less contact with her body would help calm him down.

  “Just breathe deeply and think of… mosquitoes or something,” Kelly urged, taking what she knew was an unsympathetic delight in his plight. All this time she’d been orchestrating his downfall and yet, in the end, a simple and honest response from her was the one thing that saw him come completely undone.

  “Mosquitoes?” he asked, his breath coming in short, hard pants.

  “Yeah, well, you know, they suck.”

  He whimpered. “Don’t use the word suck on a man in my predicament.”

  She giggled. “Sorry. I mean they aren’t very nice.”

  A few more moments of silence passed before Jake suddenly withdrew and then plunged back into her with a grateful moan. Unprepared for the move, Kelly cried out, curling her body up toward him.

  “Okay,” Jake said, smiling down at her. “I’m okay now.”

  Returning his smile, she held her arms up to him and he laid himself back on top of her. He captured her mouth in a deep, soul-searing kiss. They began to move together, their pace slow and leisurely.

  Kelly arched her head back on the pillow, savouring the moment for all it was worth. The way his body surrounded her, invaded her, in the most intimate ways possible. The sound of his breathing, ragged and deep, seemed loud in her ear. Her hands stroked his back, kneading the muscles she found there. All the sensations melded together, consuming her as she writhed beneath him.

  He pulled back to look into her eyes, his thrusts coming quicker as he loved her with long, deep strokes. “I love you, Kelly.” His whispered words took her breath away and she gasped.

  “Jake, I-I…” The words were there, lodged in her throat. She wanted to say them, wanted to tell him how she felt. But when she opened her mouth to speak, nothing came out.

  “Shh,” he breathed. “It’s okay. Just be here with me.”

  She knew what he wanted her to say. That she was making love to him, giving of herself, of her heart, the way she gave her body. This time, when she tried to speak, the words flowed easily. “I am, Jake. I’m right here.”

  Overcome with emotion, Kelly buried her face against his shoulder, hugging him to her. When her completion came it left her gasping, even as a gentle warmth flowed and ebbed through her body like sunlight. He followed her quickly, his embrace tightening around her as he came.

  Chapter 24

  The heat of another Australian summer evening kept the temperature high in the city streets, but when Kelly and Jake walked into the Christmas Ball, held in the largest conference room her work building had to offer, it seemed they had been transported to a winter wonderland. Faux-crystal candelabras stood tall on round cocktail tables, their arms dripping with long crystal teardrops. Bouquets of white roses surrounded the bases beneath. The ceiling was lit up with a mass of twinkling lights that had been installed a few years ago as a feature for the night time events sometimes held in the room.

  A crowd of suited men, and women in cocktail gowns, already filled the room. They were offered champagne by a passing waitress and Kelly hummed in delight as she sipped from the tall, slender glass and felt the multitude of bubbles bursting on her tongue.

  “The room is so beautiful,” Kelly said as she looked up at Jake.

  Jake gave her a wink. “Not as beautiful as you.”

  “You flatter me, Mr Caine,” she drawled, though she couldn’t help but smile at the compliment.

  She felt beautiful. It had taken her an entire afternoon to get ready, not to mention a large portion of her last pay packet, but her knee-length emerald cocktail dress fit her to perfection. With a classic wide, round neckline, the bodice hugged her curves before flaring out into a full skirt that felt to mid-calf. A pair of higher-than-high heels finished off the outfit. She’d even indulged in a trip to her hairdresser to achieve a modern style of messy curls that brushed the left side of her nape. She felt gorgeous, and Jake’s eyes told her she looked every bit as good as she felt. Her skin tingled with pleasant sensations eve
ry time those dark eyes caressed her in long, slow sweeps.

  “Dance with me.” His eyes met hers as those luscious lips curved upward at the corners. Without another word he reached out, his fingertips tracing a line down the inside of her forearm before he slid his hand into hers and tugged her forward toward the dance floor.

  Pulling her close, he tucked her body against his as he guided her around the floor. “Are you glad you came?” he asked, pulling back enough so she could see his face.

  “Yes, actually I am,” she replied, surprised to realise it was true.

  The corporation who owned the building threw the Christmas Ball every year, ostensibly as a way of saying thank you to those businesses renting office suites within the premises. Kelly had always considered it an excellent marketing tactic, and useful for networking with other people who worked in the building. In the past, she and Simon had attended the Ball together every December.

  This year, when she’d received the invitation, she’d come close to throwing it away. She still wasn’t sure why she’d popped it into her handbag instead of the bin. It had been during the time when she and Jake had been apart and the thought of showing up to the Ball alone, while Simon attended with his new fiancée, had been more than she could stomach. Soon after they’d officially started dating, Jake had spied the invitation in her handbag and announced they should attend. She’d begged off, not wanting to go through the awkwardness of making small talk with the other couple, but Jake had insisted. He’d muttered something about closure and the benefits of hors d’oeuvres, then ordered the tickets before she had a chance to say no.

  Now she was here, in Jake’s arms, the possibility of running into Simon and Nadine didn’t seem daunting after all—or relevant to her anymore. The past months she’d spent falling in love with Jake all over again, despite their ups and downs, had been more fulfilling and intimate than anything she’d shared with Simon in five long years. She still hadn’t told Jake she loved him yet, though she wasn’t sure why. The feelings were there, so deep sometimes the force of them scared her, but when she tried to say the words out loud they wouldn’t come. There was time, though, and she didn’t want to rush it. One day the words would be there and, slowly but surely, she was starting to trust Jake would be there to hear them.

  Jake carried a plate loaded with bite-sized bits of sweetness from the dessert table, his eyes scanning the crowd until he spotted Kelly not far away. She was talking to another couple and, even from here, he noted the stiffness in the way she held herself, the frozen smile. He swallowed hard as he headed straight for them. If he wasn’t mistaken, he was about to meet Kelly’s ex-boyfriend and the ‘other woman’ who had come between them.

  Kelly saw him as he approached, her hand sliding into his the moment he was within reach. “Thank you,” she said, eyeing the plate, “those look delicious.”

  “You look delicious,” he murmured, hoping to remind her she was better off without this jerk. Their gazes locked and her fingers tightened around his hand.

  The sound of a throat being cleared interrupted their moment and Kelly blinked before looking away. Jake turned his head to take in the other couple as Kelly introduced them.

  “Jake, this is Simon Peterson.”

  Jake held out his hand and shook with the other man. They were the same height and had a similar build, although Simon had a slightly larger frame. Even their hair was a similar shade of brown. Simon wore a distinct air of toffishness Jake preferred to think he lacked. Otherwise, they could have been accused of being brothers—if the accuser squinted hard enough. Jake took a perverse satisfaction in the notion Kelly had chosen a man who was as close to him as she could find, but Simon would always be an imitation.

  “… and this is Simon’s fiancée, Nadine.” Kelly paused for a moment in uncertainty. “I don’t know your last name.”

  “Hawkins.” Nadine held out her left hand to shake with Jake, being sure to flash her sizable engagement ring in the process. “But soon to be Peterson,” she added with delight.

  Kelly opened her mouth to introduce Jake, but Simon spoke first. “And you are?”

  “Jake Caine,” he said with a nod. “I’m Kelly’s partner.” He wasn’t sure how she’d feel about him using the title so casually, but given the current company he was willing to bet she wouldn’t kick him for it.

  “Is that so?” Simon’s eyebrows lifted in surprise, which Jake found irksome. Why would the man be surprised a woman like Kelly hadn’t stayed single for long? “Where did you meet?”

  “Oh, that’s a great story, isn’t it Kelly?” He smiled down at her and she stared back with wide eyes, obviously terrified of what he might reveal of their past. Really, the woman had some serious trust issues—no thanks to him. “We were desperately in love in university but I stupidly let her get away. We reconnected a few months ago when I moved back to Melbourne.” He lifted one hand to stroke the softness of her cheek. “I can safely say I won’t make the same mistake twice.”

  Her mouth curved gently as she looked up at him. Again, the moment was broken when Simon’s piqued voice piped up again.

  “Jake Caine.” He seemed to be rolling the name around in his mouth, as if trying to connect it to anything in his memory. “Desperately in love did you say? How strange, I don’t remember Kelly ever mentioning you.” The corners of his mouth lifted in a sneer. “Perhaps the desperation was one-sided.”

  “I don’t believe I did mention Jake to you,” Kelly said, her voice dripping with innocence as she turned to Simon. “But then I don’t remember you mentioning Nadine to me when you met either. Life’s funny that way.”

  “How long have you been engaged?” Jake asked, before the couple could react to Kelly’s words. He directed the question at Nadine, figuring she was the safest option. Simon’s eyes had narrowed and he looked a little flushed.

  “Since August,” Nadine replied as she clutched Simon’s arm tighter against her side. “It was such a perfect night, I’ll never forget it.” Her adoring gaze lifted to meet that of her fiancé.

  Jake’s gut tightened. His breath left him in a rush. “August,” he repeated. “The middle of August?”

  “Yes.” Nadine gave him a blinding smile, eager to elaborate. “The twelfth to be exact.”

  He was pretty sure he nodded. He might have managed to return her smile, though he wasn’t sure.

  “Jake, is everything all right?” Kelly’s voice sounded from beside him and he looked down at her, at this woman he loved. He would have done anything for her, anything to ensure she would love him in return. Disappointment burned as he realised she probably never would.

  Chapter 25

  Kelly felt Jake’s arms stiffen around her. The smile on his face tightened into a grimace, though she had no idea why.

  “It was lovely to meet you both. We must be going now.” His voice held an underlying tension she hadn’t heard before. Something was seriously wrong.

  “Yes,” she agreed with a nod to the two sets of quizzical eyes watching them. “Good night.”

  Simon and Nadine didn’t have time to respond before Jake took her hand and led her toward the exit.

  She struggled to keep up in her high heels and had to tug at his arm. “Will you please slow down,” she hissed. “I’m going to break an ankle.”

  He slowed enough for her to be able to walk properly, but refused to look at her until they were out in the foyer. Everyone else was still in the conference room, so for the moment they had the space to themselves.

  Yanking her hand free, she stopped dead. “What the hell is the matter with you?”

  When Jake turned she saw torment in his eyes and it scared her. “Simon got engaged on the twelfth of August. He told you in the next couple of days afterwards, didn’t he?” The words were laced with ice and fury. A shiver travelled the length of her spine, though she still didn’t know why he was so upset with her.

  She shrugged. “I suppose so. Why?”

  His eyes closed for
a moment and she saw his throat working as he swallowed. “You found out your ex-boyfriend got engaged and the first thing you did was jump into bed with me.”

  Kelly’s eyes slid closed as she sighed. She understood now—the teeth-breaking set of his jaw, the wounded look in his eye. “You think I had sex with you to get back at Simon. As some kind of revenge.” He couldn’t have been more wrong if he tried.

  “I did wonder, at the time, why you changed your mind so suddenly, what made you do something so totally out of character.” He shook his head at her, his disappointment clear in the set of his shoulders. “And then afterwards, you couldn’t get away from me fast enough. You told me you had some business to take care of.” His eyes narrowed as he glared at her. “What did you mean by that?”

  “I meant business, you arse.” Now he was pissing her off. She could understand his suspicion regarding the timing of what happened, but there was no need for him to be so downright insulting. “I drove back here, parked my car in the garage and went directly to my office to work for the rest of the afternoon.” Maybe she wasn’t telling the entire truth. She’d spent more time staring into space as she relived the highlights of their meeting than she did working, but that wasn’t the point. “The only person I had on my mind when I stepped into your bedroom that day was you. I had sex with you because I wanted you. From the moment I saw you again I wanted you. That’s the truth.” She heaved in a deep breath now she’d gotten it all out. How could he ever believe she’d be thinking about Simon while naked in a room with him? The very notion confounded her. “Honestly, I think I should be given credit for holding out as long as I did. I mean, have you seen the hotness that is you?” she added the last bit in the hopes of lightening the mood, but her attempt fell flat.

  She walked toward him, her heart hurting at the conclusion he’d come to so easily. “Do you honestly think I had sex with you so I could run back here and throw it in Simon’s face like some petty teenager? Is that what you think of me?”


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