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For Us (Broken Promises #3)

Page 5

by M Dauphin

  She’s so fucking wet.

  My lips find their way to her soft pink nipples, and she moans, her hands going to my hair. Gently tugging, she finds my eyes with her beautiful green irises and smiles, then gently nods. A silent invitation.

  She’s ready.

  Sliding off the lace barrier, and tossing them on the floor, I leave the bed only for a moment to grab a condom, and then I’m back on top of her. Just that brief second of being away from her made me anxious that she was going to change her mind. Thank God, she didn’t. She’s laying here, waiting for me; a beautiful goddess, laid out on dark grey sheets, waiting just for me. So perfect and so humble; I want to spend the rest of my life showing her just how perfect she is to me.

  I position myself, and lock eyes with her, a silent nod tells me she’s not backing down from this.

  Thank God.

  Gently sliding in her, I realize how close to coming I already am after the first touch, but I can’t. I can’t end this. This feels too fucking perfect. Her moans, escaping her lips as I pump into her, are the hottest sound I’ve ever heard come out of her mouth. Her eyes lock on mine as I continue to move.

  “Harder, Bray. Please.” She grins at me. Grins! Like she knows I’m damn close to coming right now. Harder is just going to make it harder on me to hold off!

  “Fuck,” I grunt, bringing her leg to my shoulder and kissing her shin. Picking up pace, I reach down and find her clit with my thumb, grinning when she starts to react.

  And, boy, does she fucking react.

  Her entire body lights up. Her hands reach above her, and grab on to anything she can reach, her tits bounce in perfect fucking rhythm to my thrusts, and her goddamn pussy starts to tighten around me within mere seconds of picking up the pace.

  “Shit, Braydon. Oh fuck.” She bucks up to me, meeting my thrusts halfway, allowing me to go deeper than I’ve ever gone before on anyone and it feels so fucking divine. I feel the orgasm starting, my entire body starts tingling, and her pussy tightens even more as her moans become louder and louder. All at once, everything seems to tighten and then explode around me. Stars come into my vision as release rips through me.

  “Holy shit!” I lean down as our orgasms take over us at the same time, and slam my lips to hers, silencing her screams.

  Sweaty, out of breath, and completely and utterly satisfied… there we lie.

  “Wow,” I say between pants, resting my forehead on hers.

  “Yeah. Major wow.”

  I chuckle, and, though I hate to leave her side so quick, I pull out and quickly rid myself of the condom.

  Last thing either of us need right now is an unplanned baby.

  Not that I wouldn’t love it with all my heart, but we both have a ton happening in our lives right now.

  Once I’m back in bed, I realize she took off her prosthetic while I was in the bathroom. She must have noticed me glance at it on the chair next to her bed, because she shrugs and smiles.

  “If it bothers you, I can put it back on.”

  “How long is it going to take you to realize I don’t care about that? Honestly, I think it’s kind of badass. How many people can take off their leg when they get tired of it?” Smiling, I kiss her and wrap her in my arms. “You’re beautiful, Alexis. Period.”

  “Thank you,” she whispers, then nuzzles into my neck. She’s so warm and soft. I’m not a snuggler, but, with her, I’m finding that I’m more of a settle down type of man than I even thought.

  “Why are you thanking me?” Lazily playing with her hair, twirling it between my fingers. She hums and stretches before moving up to her elbow and smiling at me.

  “You’re really good at making me feel like I’m not broken, Braydon, and I don’t think you even know it.”

  “You’re not broken, Al. You’re perfect.”

  Without words, she snuggles back into me, and hums as her hand traces circles over my bare chest. Then, out of nowhere, through the silence, she speaks the sweetest words I’ve ever heard come out of her mouth.

  “I think I might be falling in love with you, Braydon Simms.” Her voice is soft and, within mere seconds, her breathing settles and the soft snores that tell me she’s fast asleep fill the silence.

  She might be falling in love with me.


  The next morning I wake up to an empty bed and bath water running in Al’s bathroom. Sneaking out of the apartment, I head down to the corner bakery for some bagels and coffee… and one pink rose.

  I’ve never been a sappy love man, but, ever since last night, I can’t shake the feeling that my whole world is about to change. The woman that I’ve fallen in love with over the last six months actually feels the same way about me!

  “Hey, you,” Al greets me with a smile as she sits at the table reading something on her tablet. Leaning down to kiss her, the smell of vanilla floats off her, and it takes me a minute to let go of her lips. They’re just too soft, and she smells so damn delicious.

  “Got breakfast.” Setting her coffee in front of her, the groan for her morning pick me up has me bulging already, needing to sit before she notices just how much she can turn me on with one small noise.

  “Thank you.” Ripping into the bag like she hasn’t eaten in days, she laughs when a dollop of cream cheese falls to the table, but ruthlessly picks it up and spreads it on her bagel. “What, the table is clean!”

  “You’re adorable.”

  All of a sudden, the loud banging outside the apartment breaks the comfortable silence at our table.

  “What the hell is that?” Al’s eyebrows furrow, and she grabs her crutches to get up, but I stop her.

  “I got this,” I say, making sure she stays in place in case something’s wrong out there. I don’t need her in any more danger than she’s already been in.

  Swinging open the door, I look to the outside door that leads to the lobby… the door that we typically leave locked since it’s just me and Al living here now, and see the last person on the face of this earth I’d ever want to see again.


  “You! Open up, asshole!” She’s banging on the door so hard I’m surprised she isn’t crying from a potential broken nail. She’s always been on the dramatic side, but this is a new high for her.

  Unlocking the door, I swing it open and am immediately defending myself from fists and words being spit at me.

  “Mother. Fucking. Manwhore.” She’s pissed, and it’s all I can do not to laugh because, even pissed, she still fights like a five year old. “I can’t believe you did this to me!”

  “Whoa, whoa.” I back up into the apartment door and hold her at bay. “Did what to you, Trix? I haven’t seen you in months!” I’m appalled that she even has the guts to come back here after the shit she talked about Alexis after the accident, but here she stands in my entryway of my home, screaming at me about something I’m not even certain about.

  “This!” When her hands go to her belly, I look down and immediately feel like fainting.

  The belly…that’s typically flat and toned from what I remember, is full, round, and stretched.

  And there’s only one explanation as to why.

  “No,” I whisper, backing into the apartment and finding a wall to lean on. “No, that’s not possible.” Shaking my head, my hands go to my hair and I stare at her. The piece of trash woman that I slept with on way too many drunken nights, because I was sad and alone, is now pregnant? “That thing…. That’s… that isn’t mine.”

  “Bullshit this aint yours, Braydon Simms. You’re the only man I was sleeping with six months ago. If this aint yours, it’s a fucking miracle.” She’s smacking her gum, and, with narrowed eyes, she looks over my shoulder to Alexis.

  Shit. Alexis.

  “Looks like your man here is gonna be a daddy…. At least his mommy aint gonna be a gimp.”

  The growl that I hear come from Alexis makes me want to smile, but I can’t find the muscles to move. I’m in shock, and I feel like I’m going t
o pass out.

  “How did you not know until now, Tri-“ I try talking through this, but I can’t. I can’t understand how she’s that big, and just now telling me about this!

  “Oh, please. You know I don’t pay attention to that shit. I figured the puking was just from all the booze and the weight gain, too.”

  I feel like I’m going to hurl. Booze? Fuck! Running my hands down my face, I try to come up with something to say but I can’t.

  I can’t.

  “Get out.” Alexis’ voice is low and demanding from her spot at the table. She’s glaring at Trixie, looking straight past me.

  I look at Al and back to Trixie. The smug look on her face has me wanting to slap it off, and I’ve never in my entire life wanted to hit a woman.

  “You need to leave, Trix.” It comes out as a growl, but that’s only because I’m trying not to scream at her. There’s so much running through my head, and I can’t process any of it right now…. I just need her out.

  “I’ll leave you two to your little tiff that’s about to happen. Bray, baby, I’ll be in touch. When this thing comes out, you’re not getting out of duties.” She winks at me and turns on her heel, heading outside and slamming doors behind her.

  Holy. Fuck.


  A kid. He’s having a kid. I can’t be a mom, can I? I’m just learning how to walk correctly on this leg… I can’t be partially responsible for another life, can I? I mean, that’s what this would be, wouldn’t it? If I stayed with Braydon, I’d be responsible for it, too, when he had custody. Right?


  And, honestly, the more I sit here and think about this, the less freaked I am.

  We could finally do something right together.

  “Bray,” I whisper from the table. I want to go to him, but he’s in shock, and I’m not stable without my leg. I’m good right here. He needs to process this.

  “I’m… I have to go…” Throwing on his hat, he grabs his keys from the table near the door and leaves the apartment. Leaving me here in the silence to try and figure out what the hell is going to happen.

  After what feels like hours of staring at the wood grain on the table, I throw on some clothes and leave. I can’t sit here anymore, and wait for him to come back. I don’t know where he went, but I know where I’m going.

  “Hey, you,” Gabe’s smile from behind the bar makes me feel at home and comfortable on such a shitty day. “Been a while since you visited.” I used to come in sometimes on slow nights, and hang out with the boys, but I’ve never been here on my own like this.

  “Hey, Gabe.” I sigh and sit at a bar stool next to where he’s standing. Gabe and I don’t know each other too well, but I’m hoping he can give me some insight on this whole situation today. He slides over a water with lemon, and leans on the bar next to me.

  “So,” he starts, then chuckles.

  “So.” Taking a drink, I watch him as he picks at the towel on the bar.

  “He’s in a weird place, Alexis. You gotta understand that.”

  “I just wish he’d talk about shit and not hold it in.” I don’t want to come out and tell him exactly what’s going on, in case Braydon didn’t call him, but he knows Braydon better than anyone else so he’ll be able to at least let me in to some of his mood swings and emotions.

  “It’s a damn kid, Alexis… not something to take lightly. He’s a pretty open guy, but something like this is going to take him some time to accept it before he can open up to any of us about it.”

  “So, he told you?”

  He grins at me and nods.

  “Called from the car.”

  “Ah. Should’ve guessed.” Nodding, I silently take another drink and look around the empty bar.

  “So, what’s up with you two, Al? It’s been eight months since Lane died, and you’re just gonna up and move on with his best friend?” It feels like I’ve been slugged in the chest.

  The tone in his voice is telling me he’s not joking about this, either. I should’ve seen a conversation like this coming, but it doesn’t mean I’m prepared for it.

  “I, uh…” Shaking my head, I look at him and see the seriousness in his face.

  “I watched him shatter after Lane died. I watched him lose himself when you wouldn’t wake up in the hospital. I’ve known all along how he feels about you, Alexis. I know you loved Lane, and I know, in a way, you love Braydon… but if it’s not true love that you’re willing to do anything for, you need to let him go now before it all gets even worse when a kid is added in.”

  I’m at a loss for words. His brute honesty isn’t mean, and I don’t feel threatened, but I’m definitely sad that he thinks I’m just using Braydon as a rebound.

  “I’m sorry you feel like I’m taking advantage of your friend, Gabe. I’ll always love Lane, but the love I have for Braydon is real, Gabe. There’ll always be a part of me that belongs to Lane, but these past eight months have taught me I need to keep living. Lane would want both of his friends happy.”

  He nods at me and eventually breaks a smile.

  “Well, I’m happy for you two. Shit’s about to get real, though. You do know that, right? Trixie… she’s not an easy person to get along with.”

  “I’ve noticed. I think I’ll be okay, though.” Smiling, I slide my glass back over to him and sigh. “I just wish I knew where Bray is, so I can talk to him about all this. He left immediately… and I don’t think he needs to be alone right now.”

  “Well, he didn’t say where he was going but, if I was a betting man, there’s only one place I’d put him right about now.” His eyes flick to the door as soon as it starts to open, and he grins, then stands up. “I have some work to do in the back. Let me know if anyone comes in.”

  I turn and look at Braydon, standing in the doorway with his ball cap on, staring at me with the saddest eyes.

  “Hey.” I muster up a smile and slide off the bench to meet him halfway. Without words, he wraps his arms around me and holds on for what feels like an eternity. He’s warm, and smells like outside.

  That’s when I know where he’s been.

  He went to the cemetery.

  “I’m so damn sorry, Al.” His face presses harder into the crook of my neck as my hand slides to the back of his neck.

  “Why are you sorry, Braydon?”

  “Because I’ve ruined shit. I thought I was careful with her, but I guess I wasn’t careful enough.”

  “Accidents happen, Bray.” I pull away, and smile at him so he can see I’m not angry. “It’ll be okay. It has to.” I grin and raise an eyebrow. “Daddy.”

  He groans and rolls his neck.

  “How about we don’t use that term? I’m okay not using that term…” He leans in and whispers softly into my ear. “ Because the way you just looked at me, makes me want to fuck you right here… and I’ve never understood the daddy fantasy.”

  His warm breath on my ear makes me want to swoon right here over the rocker turned softie standing right in front of me.

  “All talk, Mr. Simms.” Turning, I sway my hips as best as I can back to the bar as he groans and walks past me to grab a drink. When he turns around to look at me, I can see the stress written all over his face. I know the news he got today isn’t the best news… but, eventually, he’s going to have to own up to the fact that he’s going to be a dad!

  “So, how ya doin’?” Leaning forward, I let my arms push up my cleavage until his eyes travel down and he grunts and shakes his head.

  “I know what you’re trying to do, Al.”

  “What?” Grinning, I bite my lip and shake my head at him. He sets down his bottle and leans on the bar.

  “Because.” His fingers trail down by cleavage and stop at the top of my shirt. “I want to be mad… but all I can think about is how well my dick would look between these.” He smiles and his fingers make their way back up my cleavage and the heat starts to pool between my legs. Fuck me, why does he have to be so sexy?

  “Nah. I just want
you to know that today sucks, but I’m still here. And I’m not going anywhere.”

  Shaking his head, he curses and stands straight. His eyes flick to me, then to the stage, and then back to me. “You up for hanging around for a bit while I get some practice in? The music calms me.” He grins at me, and I feel the butterflies start to tingle.

  “Of course.” I love hearing him play. I’ve only ever heard him sing once when he didn’t know I was around, but he’s one hell of an all-around great musician.

  Turning in my seat, I watch him head to the back of the stage and grab a lone guitar from the stand. Throwing the strap over his shoulder, I realize how much of a presence he has on stage. He’s just one man, but his presence makes the stage seem full. He could totally do this on his own, and be crazy successful, but he’s vowed never to leave the band behind and I adore that about him. He loves hard and protects harder. Most of the boys in the band have been in it since the beginning, so it’s great that they all get to find success together.

  After adjusting the guitar, he props on the stool and, in the dark room, starts playing a beautiful array of notes. There are no words to the music, but with his eyes closed and his fingers playing the chords perfectly he looks absolutely serene up there. I’m not sure what I’ve done in my life to end up with someone as beautiful as him, especially since I already had one beautiful love in my life, but I’m not complaining. He’s moving to the music; his whole body is in tune with the sound he’s creating. About halfway through the song, Gabe comes out of the office and leans on the doorway, just watching Braydon as he pours out his emotions in song.

  When the song ends, it’s a slow descent until the only thing that’s left is the silence in the room. I’m stunned. Braydon plays well, but what he just played for us was the most emotional instrumental music I’ve ever heard.

  Gabe starts clapping slowly before Braydon’s eyes are open, forcing him to open them and shoot them to Gabe.

  “Sorry, man. I didn’t know you were here.” Bray hops down from the stool, resting the guitar against the speaker at the front of the stage and makes his way over to Gabe. I watch their interaction, smiling at how comfortable around each other they are. I love that he has someone other than me that he’s close to. There have been times since Lane died that I’ve realized I need other friends but the boys, but Peter is so far away and always working, and the only other people I really trust in my world are my parents. I just don’t want to get close to people now that the entire public knows my background.


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