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Stolen By A Highlander (Scottish Pregnancy Romance)

Page 18

by Kaley McCormick

  My sister was a bit of a handful and she was now working with me, as an accountant. She was good with numbers and I had to admit that she had found ways to make my life less of a problem when it came to government taxes. She used to be big into drugs, but she had recently cleaned herself up and I just hoped that she was going to keep it that way.

  My parents guilted me into hiring her, because they were worried that she was going to fall off the wagon. I had that same sinking suspicion and if she didn’t have something to do that would occupy her time, then it was possible that she would turn to old habits.

  I took a deep breath, steeled myself for the approach and then I walked out there with the cake in hand. “Excuse me, Mr. Reynolds. I was wondering if you had time for something a little sweet and decadent. I promise that it will be worth getting your teeth into something like this.” The obvious innuendo was probably lost on him, but he motioned for me to sit down with him.

  Each time that I came within spitting distance, I was almost putty in his hands. This was the kind of guy that looked like a gentleman, but you could see underneath that there was something forceful and demanding working just within the recesses of his mind.

  His body was like a work of art and I had to keep glancing away, because I just couldn’t stop staring at his baby blue eyes. He had this slight scruff, which only exasperated the issue and made me swoon for him in a more profound way. I constantly had to cross my legs, just so that could scratch that itch that was getting a little bit too hard to take.

  He had a buzz cut and there was just the shadow of hair, but he had the weight of at least 200 pounds of pure muscle to pull it off. His shoulders were huge and I wanted him to sweep me up in his arms and become my knight in shining armor. Wait he already did that by agreeing to marry me for convenience. His chest was massive and I could tell that years of practice in the gym had given him a regiment that was worth its weight in gold.

  “I was just about to leave, but I guess I have time to try something that’s not on the menu, especially since it is from my wife to be.” I wasn’t sure, but maybe he was getting the general idea that I wanted more than just this give and take flirting. “There seems to be a bit of a storm.” I followed his gaze and leaves were now splashing up against the window. The rain was teeming and then there was the strike of lightning. Thunder boomed and made the entire place shake with the dishes on the table making this clanging racket that caused me to grab it. I made sure that it didn’t fall to the floor.

  The cake danced across the table, but it did not reach its final destination. “That was pretty close. If that had gone on the floor, it would’ve been a damn shame. I’m really looking forward to finding out what you think of this latest creation. It’s a four fruit cheesecake.” I didn’t realize it, but he had instinctively reached out and grabbed my hand. His finger was stirring up something to the surface and I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to react to something like that.

  “I’m sorry; I don’t mean to be this forward. I would take my hand away, but I really don’t want to. I’ve been attracted to you for a long time, Avril. I know that this marriage is not going to be real, but maybe I want it to be.” He was staring at my breasts, which were pressing up quite obscenely against the uniform. It was probably because I’d taken off my bra and let the natural wonders speak for themselves.

  “Normally, I would love the attention, but my eyes are up here.” I was only teasing and I loved that he was taking an interest in my more prominent assets.

  ’I just never met a woman quite like you. You not only carry yourself with confidence, but you cook like someone that has been doing it all of her life. I just wish that I had found this place a long time ago. After my wife passed, I’ve been eating mostly takeout and you can imagine how old that gets in a hurry.”

  “I do hope that you coming here is not just because the food. I would hate to think that all of this flirting was for nothing. I would like some kind of payoff for paving the way for us to be together. If I’m not getting my point across, then let me be perfectly blunt. I would like to fuck you and leave you wanting more.” He almost choked on the cheesecake, sputtering little bits onto the plate. He stared at me for some time and I wondered if he would make a move, when suddenly the lights flickered and then went out.

  Chapter two

  The only light was the brief flashed of lightning. For the most part, it was complete darkness and then I felt a hand touching my breasts from across the table. “If that’s not you, Holden, then whoever it is better be prepared to get a swift kick in the balls.”

  “I’m just having my cake and eating it too. I love that I can touch you and eat this cheesecake at the same time. It’s almost too decadent for words. I know that you don’t normally do this with your clientele and I feel kinda special that you would even give me a moment of your time. Marrying me is like the icing on the cake” I was going to give him more than that and the way that he was rubbing my nipple had certainly opened my eyes to the possibilities. “I just want you to know, Avril that I’m seriously considered investing in you. This is not sexual and I’ve seen your success and I want to be a part of it.” I’d never even considered taking on investors, but now that he had brought up the topic, it could be something to pursue.

  “I think that if you continue what you’re doing that I might consider your proposition. After all, you know that sex sells. We’ve all seen it on television, in the movies and even on the Internet. I would call my creations better than sex, but since I haven’t had a good orgasm in quite some time, I can’t really compare the two.” Again, he started to choke and it was at that moment that a strike of lightning showed his face and the way that it was beaming with anticipation. “I’m glad it was you that I found and not some dirty old man with only one thing on his mind.”

  “You really do have a mouthful…I mean, you really said a mouthful.” This was my time to be embarrassed. “I’m not talking about your body, although there is more than enough to go around. I just think that it’s time that you think about opening up a new restaurant. I have a place in mind and I’ve been waiting for the right opportunity to pull the switch on the deal. It has everything that you’ll need to make it a growing concern within the community. I’ll even foot the bill for advertising, although I doubt that you’re going to need all that much when they get a load of what you can do in the kitchen.” If he was trying to heap praise on me and I had no problem letting him.

  I got up even though I couldn’t see where I was going, I followed the emergency lighting of the exit sign leading towards the kitchen. I had him in hand and his other hand was now cupping my ass and squeezing it.

  “Damn, I’ve been begging for chance with my eyes for a long time to have you like this. Avril, I find you absolutely stunning, but I have to tell you that I’ve been dealing with some issues. I think you know that I’ve had some problems mentally speaking. When I came back from Iraq, I found myself lost and unable to manage on my own. I get these moments of panic, but I’m taking medication. It’s just that my mind is always running at tiptop efficiency. I’m always looking for dangers and sometimes I perceive them when there isn’t any.” I had no idea why he was telling me any of this, but maybe he needed me to know that he was not perfect.

  “I know about what you did overseas and I commend you on your service to your country. You were one of the best soldiers. I would even call you in the elite few that could do something that others couldn’t.” His hand tightened on my fingers, like he wasn’t quite sure how to react to my assessment of the situation.

  “It does my heart proud to know that my efforts were not in vain. We took down several of terrorists and most times they didn’t even know that we were there, until it was too late. There were times that we had to kill with our own bare hands and not from the safety of our rifle and the crosshairs leading up to the kill. I have blood on my hands and I think that you can see that I’ve been throwing myself into my work. I don’t go out in the field anymore,
except to consult, but still I have those memories and sometimes they come back and bite me.” I grabbed his hand and I bit into his palm. I licked the surface and gave him every reason to trust me with all of his hidden secrets.

  “You don’t have to fear me and whatever you have to say will stay in the vault with the key thrown away.” I think he wanted to let me know what I was getting myself into, but I already knew that. I didn’t know the extent of what he went through, but I had a cousin that had come back a little different. He was always caustic, but now he was sarcastic and didn’t mind getting into trouble just because. I could sense that Holden had that same penchant for violence, but he wasn’t allowing it to get a hold of him like my cousin did.

  “I’m glad that you understand. It’s just that sometimes I feel alone and I look for anything that I can find to make those nightmares go away. I’m not sure that you’re going to believe me, but I feel that you and I have a connection. You’re first one that I’ve ever found that has taken me out of my comfort zone. I look at you and all those thoughts about danger and destruction washes away in an instant. I can’t explain it and I don’t think that I will ever be able to. Trust me, it’s not the main reason why I come here every night, but it is part of it. I would’ve written back to you, even if I didn’t know who you were.” I found myself bumping into the stove and the emerging lighting in the kitchen gave this eerie red glow that made me feel like I was doing something that was naughty.

  I took off his jacket, folded it neatly and placed it on the metal table that had already been sanitizing clean by Timothy before he left. I undid his buttons, seeing one scar over his left pectoral that made me grow weary with concern. I kissed it, hoping that I would make it better, but knowing that it was just a metaphorical kind of healing process.

  “I have to tell you, Holden that I’ve been thinking about this for some time. Maybe I shouldn’t be admitting this, but I’ve never felt all that attractive growing up. Kids can be cruel and I have a condition that makes it impossible for me to lose weight. I don’t gain any and I stayed between a certain amount. I see the way that you look at me and it makes me feel wanted and sexy. That is a feeling that I don’t get often from men of your color. I don’t mean that to be prejudice, but I found that brothers of my own skin tone are where I get the most attention.” He was allowing me to set the pace, going after his belt and taking it off, before wrapping it around his neck to pull him down for a kiss that had him almost breathless.

  “I guess I’ve always had a fetish for women of color. I never really considered somebody with more to offer, but I find you absolutely irresistible. I can’t even think straight and sometimes I feel tongue tied and unable to speak to you. This blackout is a godsend and it gave me a reason to reach out and do something about what I was feeling.” He kissed me and we tangled with each other, until finally I had my hand down his pants.

  His equipment was a good 9 inches and thick enough that it was going to give me a ride worth my money. I was in for a good time, but I didn’t know how much, until he moved to his knees. I easily stripped off the apron, pulling down my pants by releasing the string and letting it fall with gravity. I stepped out of it and then he pressed his face against my mound. He gave me light kisses with his tongue touching me to get my attention in a big way.

  “Holden, you don’t have any idea how long it’s been, since somebody has done that. I’ve been… Oh my god…so caught up in my work…yes, just a little bit more. Never mind, you’re doing it exactly the right way. You don’t need me telling you what to do like some sort of teacher with a student that has fallen behind in his grades.” His tongue had moved in for the kill and I could feel it getting ever deeper with each movement of his face against me. My juices were now coating his scruff and leaving behind white paste, as a reminder of how excited he made me. I had not cum yet and that was just a prelude to a more explosive discharge. “I hope that you know what you’re doing. Like I said, you have a talent and you don’t need me telling you what to do.” That last word was punctuated with a moan that made me throw my head back with my hair now slapping back and forth.

  My screams were animalistic and primal, something that you would hear in the wild when animals were now attacking each other in mating season. I had one leg over his shoulder, the meaty thigh hanging there, while he was administering to my oral needs. He didn’t even stop and most guys, even brothers would find that one orgasm was more than enough foreplay. He was not of that same sentiment and he was now pushing the boundaries, until I was on the edge and ready to go over it again.

  “You taste like fine wine on a hot afternoon. You might be too much for me to handle.” With those words, he continued his exploration of my flesh. He deserved all the credit in the world for learning from whatever mistress had given him a road map to the female anatomy. Those plans were secret and only a few select knew exactly what they were doing in that department. I lost it and I grabbed his head and force fed him my juices, making him suffocate and unable to breathe for at least a minute.

  I pushed him away with my hands, oversensitive by what he had done and looking down at his smiling face and the way that his tongue was now licking the excess off his lips. There was no denying that this man in his forties had a unique understanding of what it took to make me into his personal plaything.

  He stepped up to me and I reached down to hold him and knew that he was very close to the end of his rope. A few tentative strokes and squeezing of my fingers and he was now grunting his reply and filling my hand with his seed. That hot touch made me almost cream myself, but I had already done that two times and needed a moment to compose myself.

  “I’m sorry, but I guess I was a little overexcited. Don’t worry; I have no problem getting it up again.” I thought that that was a bold claim to make, but then it started to rise in my hand, with his offering still sticking to my fingers. I used it to claim the object of my desire, gripping him tightly and showing him what it was like to be with a woman of my caliber. “You really shouldn’t do that. I want to fuck you.” He was using my words against me and I guess I was a little loss for words. “You are amazing and I think that I’m a lucky man to be with you. I’ve always considered you something of a conquest, but over time I started to have real feelings that went beyond just sex.” I didn’t know quite what to say. I felt the same thing, but I didn’t know if he was on the same page.

  “You don’t know what that means to me, Holden.” I was now using his first name, something that I wouldn’t do, unless I was more intimately acquainted with the gentleman. I was hoping that there was something more here than just him coming in for the food, but I really wasn’t prepared for the reality. It took me by surprise, pulled me into the wake of his gravity and there was no way that I was going to get away anytime soon

  Chapter three

  I don’t know how long he stood there and looked at me, but I didn’t want to take away anything that we had done together. So far, it had been very tame, but I had a feeling that things were going to amp up in a hurry.

  His cock was pointing to the spot between my legs that he was craving more than the air that he was breathing. I had to admit that I wanted more of what he could give me and I was quite happy to see that his over agitated state had become something of a pillar of manhood.

  “I’ve always been like this, Avril. I guess I’ve never grown up. My girlfriends used to be quite taken with my stamina, but some just couldn’t handle it. They called me a horn dog, because I could get it up at the drop of a hat. It wasn’t just because I was excited. I think I was just born this way and even a warm breeze can get my attention in a very nasty way. I will say that looking at you and knowing that there is more of you to love has only made it more difficult for me to stand here and do nothing.” I could feel his cock head touching the lips and the heat of that must’ve been too much for him to take.

  He speared me with a long drawn out moan coming from my lips. I couldn’t help it and that thing was made for
my body in more ways than one. I let him take the lead, holding on to my hips and lifting my legs, so that they were over his shoulders. He was standing in between them, looking me in the eyes, as he buried himself. He let me adjust to his size, but he didn’t have to worry about that. My pussy had stretched to accommodate his girth and the wetness of my excitement was helping pave the way for a more expedient release of his manly seed. I held onto his shoulders, hooked my legs around his waist and hung on for a hot nasty fuck that was taking my breath away.

  “I want you to really fuck me, Holden. Don’t hold back and give me everything that you have. I want to feel it deep and I want you to continue to fuck me, until I can’t stand. I want to be walking with a limp afterwards and a smile on my face that I just can’t wipe off. Do it, bring out the woman in me. I want to feel you stir my orgasm to the surface and then make me explode several times. I know that is what you want to. You just finished tell me that you’ve been begging me with your eyes for a chance like this and now I’m giving it to you on a silver platter.” He still didn’t move, staring at me like he couldn’t believe that I was actually with him.

  “I’m sorry, but I just can’t do this. It’s wrong of me to use my position, as your soon to be husband in this way. I know that you say that you want this, but I think that deep down you’re only doing it, because you think you’re obligated to. I think that I should leave, before I go any further than this.” He tried to pull free, but my legs were locked like a vice around him. As much as he tried, he was not going anywhere without supplying me with the necessary tool to get the job done.

  “I think that you’ve mistaken me for somebody who gives a damn about your feelings. I like you and I think that I could fall for you, but right now I am more interested in what you can do with that piece of equipment between your legs.” What we had done already had broken down by defenses. I’d been watching him for some time and I think I knew from the moment that I met him that I was going to be eventually sleep with him. I certainly didn’t know that I was going to need him to prevent me from being shipped back to my homeland of Nigeria.


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