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Free Trader Box Set - Books 4-6: Battle for the Amazon, Free the North!, Free Trader on the High Seas

Page 47

by Craig Martelle

  “I don’t care, Holly, just as long as it will get us where we need to go. It will do that, won’t it?” she asked pointedly.

  “Yes, Master President, it will do that, in style. I’ll have it waiting for you just off shore. I’m afraid it has a rather significant draft and you may have to swim for a bit to get to it. Once it’s closer, I’ll see if any of its ferries are functional. Getting on board could be hard or it could be easy. I cannot tell you which at this point.”

  “I can’t see G-War swimming into the ocean for any reason,” Braden said matter-of-factly.

  ‘Neither can I. We’re ready if you can find your way out of that place,’ the ‘cat told them over the mindlink.

  “Shall we, partner mine? Let’s see who “we” means and then let’s get down to the business of saving Caleb,” Braden stated, stepping toward the elevator. Micah joined him, wondering why she was carrying the field generator and he was carrying the box of breathing devices, which weighed nothing compared to what she was carrying.

  Once on the elevator, she gave him the stink-eye until he put the box down and took the field generator from her.

  Leaving New Sanctuary Behind

  When they arrived at the lake, the companions were gathered, waiting. Malo, one of the larger bulls from the Toromont Aurochs, stood impatiently, ready to run. He’d heard about the new wagons that didn’t seem to weigh anything, and he wanted his chance to pull one. Denon stood nearby, ready to go as well.

  The Rabbits held the children close, their ‘cats at their feet, comforting them as they knew their parents were leaving.

  The Hawkoids watched, ready to fly ahead and scout the way. Bounder and Strider confidently flexed their Wolfoid hands on the hafts of their lightning spears. Aadi floated serenely over the lake, blinking slowly and watching events unfold, as he usually did. Braden spotted Max first. Even the horses had joined the parade.

  “So, G, who’s going?” Braden asked, rather than undermine the ‘cat’s best laid plans.

  ‘Us,’ he said simply. Braden should have expected that, gritting his teeth and reviewing his mental list. Tortoid, Hawkoids, Wolfoids, ‘cats, an Aurochs, and Rabbits, but Heloysis and Luciana had come to New Sanctuary to live. They both nodded their small heads at Micah.

  ‘Not us. We will stay with these two delightful creatures. And then there’s those two,’ Luciana said, tipping her nose toward the half-Hillcats that had grown bored with comforting their humans and were now trying to hook their claws into Bounder’s tail. With a well-practiced move, he kicked the two away from him. Not to be deterred, they launched their small, furry bodies toward Strider’s tail. They crashed face first into her spear as she twisted it in front of them.

  Braden started to laugh, but Micah cuffed him across the arm.

  “If there is a garden on board that ship, Rabbits could make sure that it produced, although I hope we’re not on board long enough to see a full cycle of a crops,” Micah said.

  Dr. Johns walked up behind them with two more scientists in tow. “Can they join you, maybe permanently man the floating laboratory, the Warden? There’s so much that we don’t know about our own planet!” the old man said excitedly.

  “Do they get seasick? No matter. We’ll ask for you, Dr. Johns. You two, get your trash and meet us here. You have about thirty heartbeats,” Micah ordered, skipping introductions. She didn’t know their names, but her father needed her help, and she wasn’t getting any closer by standing there.

  “But we have all our equipment!” the middle-aged woman proclaimed.

  Micah’s eyes narrowed and her lips pursed. “We’re leaving,” she said in a low and dangerous voice. “Malo!” she yelled as she stormed away to hook the Aurochs to the wagon.

  Braden stepped close to Dr. Johns. “We’ll be taking the rainforest road. If you take Denon and head due west, past Livestel and then up the coast, you should be able to get there before we do. Load your wagon and go. If you can pick up Loper and Sunny Day, then they will make sure that you don’t have any problems. Tell them what it’s for. They will join you and help you.” Braden shook hands with all three and jogged after his partner, stopping to rub the noses of the two horses.

  “I’m sorry Max, Speckles, but we have to go fast. This isn’t a trip for you, but when we get back, all of us will go somewhere, I promise.”

  ‘They are happy to hear that, Dad, and look forward to your return.’ Ax said in his little thought voice.

  ‘And you tell Max and Speckles both that none of this would be possible without them. None of this. They are the heroes of our generation!’ Braden always liked to heap praise on the horses. They were simple creatures, but that didn’t mean he had less respect or admiration for them. They both whinnied and threw their heads as Ax relayed Braden’s positive thoughts. The horses danced away and trotted toward the fields.

  The wagon had magically appeared, undoubtedly delivered by one of Holly’s metal minions. Micah had Malo in place and was strapping him in. She stroked his nose once she finished and thanked him for helping her. He bowed deeply to her, in deference to the King of the Aurochs’ friend.

  Bounder and Strider leapt into the back, joining the two ‘cats already there. Braden looked for the noticeably absent G-War, before finding him under Malo’s nose. The two seemed to be engaged in deep conversation. Braden suspected they were negotiating the terms that would allow the ‘cat to ride on the Aurochs’ head. Malo was nowhere as big as Brandt, but he was still a large creature, dwarfing those around him. Braden turned his attention to their load out. Holly had already filled the wagon with food and water, though the field generator hadn’t made it yet. He looked back toward the lake and saw it there with Klytus sitting on top of it. Shauna was rubbing her body on the frame while the Rabbits and the twins were in the bushes looking at something. Braden chased the two ‘cats away and lugged the device to the wagon, carefully putting it inside.

  If they were to fight a Security Bot, that one device was their only way to do it. He tied it down as an added precaution.

  He looked into the trees where the Hawkoids perched, nodding to both of them. They dipped their heads in reply.

  ‘Another adventure, my friend,’ Skirill said in his thought voice. ‘Too bad we aren’t going east, where we might see our hatchlings.’

  ‘We might get to see Zeeka, who is traveling with Bronwyn and the Queen,’ Braden told them hopefully. They both ruffled their feathers at him.

  “Wagon, ho!” Braden yelled to the few remaining creatures--Denon, two Rabbits, Ax, ‘Tesh, and the ‘cats. The toddlers came running for one final moment with their parents before they left.

  “When we return, we’ll have your grandpa with us,” Micah promised her children. Braden bent down on one knee next for a group hug with the children. The Rabbits waved with the children as their parents climbed into the wagon and asked Malo to head out, best possible speed to the rainforest road.

  He tentatively stepped forward, hoping to get the feel of the wagon, but as he’d heard, it felt as if he pulled nothing. He jogged, then quickly broke into a distance-eating run. Two Hawkoids flew ahead, intertwining in an aerial dance they enjoyed when they flew freely above the planet. Micah watched them for a while, letting the wind whip past her face.

  Braden could feel her sadness and doubt, not because he sensed her emotions as she could sense his, but by her posture, the set of her jaw. He knew her well, that she felt helpless until she could face her enemy, lift her sword against them in battle. Braden felt helpless, too, but he was in no hurry to fight Bots. He caressed the blasters at his hip.

  “How many times have we left, just like this, armed to the teeth, going to war, dragging all our friends along?” Braden asked.

  Micah nodded, slowly, thinking about her mate’s question. “Too many times to count, but we’ve come home every time. So far, anyway.”

  ‘It only takes once, my friend, but that’s why we had to come with you. To make sure this time is not the one,’
Aadi interjected over the mindlink.

  Braden reached into the wagon to grab the Wolfoid’s ear and give it a good scratch. “We are always happy when you join us. And this time above all others. Our family is in trouble.”

  The wagon quieted as everyone was absorbed in their own thoughts. G-War rode on Malo’s head, ears up and eyes watching the way forward as if he expected something untoward to happen at any moment.

  “And how many times have you alerted us to danger, my friend?” Braden asked the ‘cat.

  ‘More than you can count and probably more than you deserve,’ G-War said mysteriously.

  “Like when Brandt and Arnie almost tipped the wagon over up north? But we ate well that night, didn’t we, G! I like the open road,” Braden said, looking at the clouds. He stood, balancing with a wide stance. “I’m Free Trader Braden and I like being on the road!” he bellowed to the sky.

  Micah nodded. “All we have to do is throw the kids in the wagon and we’ll get back to being Free Traders. One village to the next, but we’ll carry news, news of New Sanctuary and what we’ve done to prevent a future war, how everyone can share in what the ancients left behind.”

  Braden agreed, squeezing Micah’s hand and leaning closer to her as they settled in for the long ride ahead.

  Malo ran tirelessly to the rainforest and then in, without hesitation. He didn’t run as fast as Brandt, but his pace was steady and the riders weren’t jostled as they would have been at a faster pace. The Aurochs continued to run without pause. The others ate and slept, wondering when Malo would tire, knowing that he would run himself to death because the Aurochs bulls were in a constant state of competition. They all wanted to best Brandt Earthshaker in one contest or another. It took Micah convincing G-War to get into Malo’s head and encourage him to stop.

  Maybe it was the image of how the ‘cat brought the King of the Aurochs to his knees when he was running out of control at Toromont’s Run that finally convinced Malo to stop and get something to eat. Despite the long run on the rainforest road, it had yet to start raining. Braden and Micah counted their blessings since a downpour was inevitable. The Old Tech wagons that Holly produced made the trip comfortable for the riders. The Aurochs would suffer the weather, although they seemed unperturbed as they raced through the rain along the well cared for road.

  Zalastar wouldn’t allow anything less and was leading his people to be less afraid of humans and the other intelligent species. Braden and Micah had seen a number of Amazonians on their last trip. They passed one along the side of the road already on this trip, both waving in greeting. As they stretched their legs, a group of Amazonians approached. Bounder and Fray Strider watched the Lizard Men warily, the war fresh in their minds. The numerous attacks along the rainforest road haunted them.

  When the shadows cleared and the Lizard Men were visible, Pik Ha’ar’s unique face came into focus. Braden and Micah rushed to greet him. The Lizard Men towered over the humans. Green, broad-chested, and heavily muscled, they were physically intimidating.

  ‘My friends, it is good to see you!’ Pik told them as he approached and offered his hand to the humans. ‘What brings you this way?’

  They told him. He nodded, then waved another Lizard Man to him. They talked together in their unique soundless way before the other ran off.

  The Hawkoids swooped in close to say hello to their old friend. Bounder and Strider also greeted the Lizard Man warmly. He nodded to them all.

  ‘We have had success developing what we call a “skin suit” to wear when we are outside the rainforest. We have tested this, albeit briefly. I will run it through its paces when I join you to save Micah’s father,’ the Lizard Man said.

  “Pik! I don’t know what to say, but salt water is different than rain. I’m not sure about this,” Micah replied.

  ‘What I’ve learned from you is free will. We have the freedom to choose our own destinies, do we not?’ the Lizard Man asked.

  “You do,” Micah conceded.

  ‘Then my choice is to come with you. I will be able to help. Is there any way I can get a blaster?’ Pik asked innocently.

  Braden and Micah looked at each other and started to laugh. “No,” they said together.

  “I’m sorry, Pik. The last time you had a blaster, it didn’t turn out so well,” Braden chuckled.

  When the skin suit arrived, Pik showed it off proudly. It was made of a thin, rubbery outer coating to stretch and flex with its wearer. It contained spongy material on the inside that would hold water in. It had vents that could be opened as the user desired to let the suit breathe. The only thing he needed was water to moisten the interior, then he could put it on and be healthy in a drier climate. They didn’t know how long the suit would retain the water north of the rainforest, but the Amazonians hoped one fill would last an entire daylight.

  Pik climbed into the front of the wagon with Braden and Micah, where he’d still be exposed to the rain, whenever it started to fall. The others piled into the back and they were off. Malo had only met Pik briefly on a couple different occasions, so he spent the happy reunion between old friends eating and resting. When they were ready to go, he was stiff, but knew that he’d work his muscles out as he ran. Only two turns remaining. His goal was to best Brandt’s record-breaking run.

  And no one kept records, but the Aurochs all knew about it. The humble King’s exploits were fodder for the Aurochs’ trough.

  A Rolling Stone Gathers Moss

  It took Malo two full turns to make it to Greentree, the closest village on the north side of the Amazon. Braden and Micah confirmed that he had tied the great King’s record and should be so remembered!

  Pik walked around in his skin suit, seemingly comfortable and healthy, although the villagers shied away from the Lizard Man. Braden and Micah kept him close to them, kindly introducing him to the good people of the village, hoping they would be more accepting.

  The village Elder, Ditarod was in the fields, helping the Rabbits Patrice, Delavigne, Ferrer, and Brigitte. It wasn’t long before the five returned to see their friends.

  The Wolfoids roamed among the people, greeting them with taps of their paws on shoulders, receiving neck and ear scratches in return. The Tortoid floated serenely throughout, nodding at one person or another as they passed. The Hawkoids stayed in the trees, perched where the people could see them and wave.

  Bigotry was shunned and shouted down quickly as the menagerie that roamed the village of Greentree had risked their lives to save humanity, to bring peace to the south, making it possible for these people to return to their village. The story was recounted at every gathering by those in the know. A couple villagers from Greentree had died in the Amazon during the trip where they accompanied Braden to find the Overlords. Everyone’s sacrifices were remembered whether human or a human creation, even though the people had not yet been informed that was where the intelligent species came from. Soon, though.

  As was the new custom, whenever Braden and his partner rolled into a village, there was always a celebration. Since they came to Greentree and Coldstream more often than other places, the celebrations tended to be more sedate. Braden always appreciated a warm greeting and a freshly cooked meal. It was the way of the Free Trader, something he’d always been and would always be, even though he now served the people in a different capacity.

  They celebrated, although Micah was ready to go. Malo needed to rest in order to take them to Coldstream where they’d ask Brandt for help in getting the wagon to White Beach. No Aurochs was ever forced to pull a wagon, so the traders always asked and then pampered those who agreed to join the traders on the road.

  A Hawkoid appeared in the distance, diving toward the village and back-winging to a landing on the branch with her parents.

  Braden and Micah didn’t have to wait long before they could feel the ground shaking from the thunder of pounding hooves. Braden and Micah both chuckled, knowing only one Aurochs who could make the ground move.

  People sc
attered as the King of the Aurochs slid into the Market Square.

  ‘You have returned!’ he said in his booming thought voice. The humans winced at the onslaught. ‘I shall join you as my friend, Caleb, needs my help. I’ve never been on a ship and you left me behind when you could have used my help on the Traveler, or so the little orange man has informed me. And you, and you,’ he said, dancing as all three ‘cats attempted to jump on his face and climb to the top of his head.

  Another Aurochs ran into view, the Queen with Bronwyn riding her. When the great beast stopped, Bronwyn climbed down and ran to Micah, who no longer had to bend down to hug the young girl. Then Braden greeted her and pushed her to arm’s length.

  “Have we been gone that long?” he asked. Bronwyn shook her head.

  ‘No, but the Queen makes sure that I eat, too well, I think. No matter where we go, it seems like everyone is trying to fatten me up!’ her thought voice still sounded like that of a little girl. She greatly preferred using the mindlink, because it allowed her to do other things, like hug the Lizard Man and the Wolfoids, pat Aadi’s head. She waved to the ‘cats, who nodded politely in return.

  Braden was amazed how G-War treated certain people, when the one whom the ‘cat had known the longest was dismissed with a wave of one furry paw.

  ‘Get over it,’ G-War intruded on Braden’s thoughts.

  ‘Ass!’ Braden replied instantly.

  ‘If you get me wet on this trip, I will make you regret pulling me out of the water all those turns ago. I didn’t let you save me just so you could throw me back in,’ the ‘cat informed them all over the mindlink. Micah stifled a laugh with a snort.

  Braden turned to his partner. “Did he not hear the part where we might have to swim to the ship? What part of swimming is so hard to understand?”

  “He heard it and understood what Holly meant, lover, clearly, but he discounted it, knowing that you will move mountains to ensure his comfort.” She smiled. “And mine, by the way.”


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