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Peg's Stand

Page 30

by Manda Mellett

  Knowing I can’t lie to Peg, I shake my head and speak softly. “Peg, I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can pick up where we left off. You do get that? I can’t ask you to do this.”

  “How often do I have to tell you? I know you’re not askin’. I’m just sayin’ what’s gonna happen. Much as you probably don’t believe it, we don’t like dirt in our town. None of us like the way Mercer’s playin’ the odds. We’ll do what we can to put a check on him, and that means findin’ enough evidence to put Junior away for good.”

  Chapter 31


  My visit to Darcy could have gone better. Or, it could have gone worse. Though she’s said her decision’s final and that we’re over, there’s something that gives me just enough hope not to believe her. When my hand rested so briefly on hers, I saw that flicker of desire, that flush that covered her face. I didn’t press, it’s far too early. She’s been raped, for fuck’s sake, and any attempt to get back where we were needs to go slowly. What she doesn’t understand is I’ve already waited a lifetime for her, and I’m prepared to wait another one until she’s ready. Christ, I’ve controlled my cock long enough, I’ll just have to keep satisfying myself. If she never wants a man that way again, well so be it. I just have to find a way to make her believe just how much fucking time—forever if need be—I’m willing to be satisfied with just being close to her.

  But as to her other objection, my only option is to leave the club. If that’s what it takes, I’ll do all I can to make a life for myself in the civilian world. Get a job working security, maybe. I’ll do anything for her. She’s it for me, and no obstacle is going to be big enough to split us up.

  Having timed my return right, I’m back at the clubhouse just as the brothers are walking into church. I follow them in and take my place at Drummer’s righthand side. Lady and Joker are missing, and so’s Viper, and as we wait, murmured conversations continue. Prez glances up at the clock, then his face relaxes as he sees there’s still a couple of minutes to go. They’re not late. Yet.

  Suddenly Blade speaks, his voice louder than the rest. “What the fuck is up with Ma?”

  “Fuck if I know.” Beef shakes his head.

  My senses sharpen. “What do you mean, Blade?”

  Shaking his head, Blade enlightens me. “She’s been fuckin’ smilin’ all day.”

  “She has that,” confirms Rock.

  “She’s up to something.”

  Having got to know her, Road’s probably right.

  “Maybe she’s got a new recipe to try.”

  “Fuck yeah.” Jekyll’s not the only one to agree with Road’s suggestion.

  The old ladies aren’t terrible in the kitchen, but since Ma has been here we’ve been better fed than we have for years. It’s an unlikely arrangement, but bringing Ma here has brought benefits for both her and us.

  “I’ve got a soft spot for the old bitch,” Prez observes. “Fuck knows why. She’s always tellin’ me off. Makes me feel like I’m ten years old.”

  Which sets us off laughing, chuckles still going around as Joker and Lady walk in, a sly glance exchanged between them, which doesn’t go unnoticed. Blade narrows his eyes, and as I glance at Drum, I see him nod. It’s time.

  When Viper comes in and takes his seat, Prez bangs the gavel.

  It’s our normal Friday church. We go through the motions discussing the businesses, then with that out of the way, get onto other matters. Mouse is still trying to find more info on the Mercers, so we park that for now, but he’s come up with the name of the woman who gave Mercer Junior his alibi.

  “Cherry Orchard? You’ve got to be fuckin’ kiddin’ me.” My head’s moving to and fro, thinking that’s a fuck of a name. “She a whore?”

  “No, man. It’s actually the name she was given at birth. Parents must have been fuckin’ hippies or something.”

  “Or on something,” Blade suggests to Mouse.

  “You going to handle it?” Prez asks me. “Want someone with you?”

  That would be for the best. Someone to temper my anger if she doesn’t come clean. I look around the table, my eyes landing on Hyde. Yeah, he’s got a way with the ladies. “Fancy doing a good guy/bad guy routine, Hyde?”

  “Yeah, Peg, I’m in.”

  “That’s settled then.” The gavel bangs down. “Take care, Peg. Don’t want to make things worse.”

  I know that already. Prez doesn’t need to tell me that, nor does he know the half of it as to why that’s so important. Satan’s Devils have got to clean up their rep in town, but what’s taken decades to achieve isn’t going to be turned around in five minutes. I know that. As I look around the table, I feel dread in my heart that I might have to turn my back on my brothers. I’d give my life for any of them, as they would do for me, but I’m not prepared to give up the love of my life. Somehow, I’ve got to find a way to keep both.

  “…turn the witness, then if Mouse gets more info, discuss how to sweep away this dirt.”

  As Prez finishes speaking, I realise I’ve yet again missed part of the conversation in church, but this time I can fill in the gaps. I raise my chin to show I agree.

  Now we’re on to other business. Everyone’s chaffing at the bit to go get a drink and get the party started, fidgeting, and no one raising their hand to speak. I glance at Drum, who’s staring down the end of the table. He’s leaning back in his chair, his arms deceptively casually folded across his chest.

  “Before we get partying,” he starts, “just want to remind everyone that old ladies need to be voted into the club. Ain’t much of a stretch to say that goes for any partner.”

  Everyone’s looking mystified. Blade, noticing where the prez’s eyes have settled, catches on fast, that knife he’s always twirling suddenly spins on the table, and he stops it when it’s pointing at the two members who’d transferred in from Vegas. Seems a long time ago now, but while they’re brothers, they’ve mostly kept to themselves and have not become particularly close to anyone in the Tucson chapter.

  Joker shifts uneasily in his chair. He tries to return Drummer’s stare, but looks away quickly, pretending to look as confused as everyone else. Lady seems to find great interest in inspecting his hands, which are resting on the table.

  Prez gives it a moment, then his steely gaze becomes more menacing. “Got something to say, brothers?”

  Now everyone follows his line of sight. There’s no doubt who he’s targeting. Slick looks awkward, as though he wishes he wasn’t here. Wraith’s looking resigned. Beef, Rock, and Marvel have sly grins on their faces, Jekyll, Hyde, and Road just look puzzled. Dollar’s nodding his head, and Blade and Bullet are giving their own probing stares to the pair. Viper, Shooter, and Mouse look like they haven’t a clue what’s going on or couldn’t care less if they have. From the various expressions on their faces, it’s hard to tell how this is going to go down. I flex my mental muscles, ready to back Prez up.

  Joker and Lady exchange glances, meeting each other’s eyes for a few seconds. Then as Lady shrugs, Joker puts his hands on the table, palms facing upwards and open. “Lady and I are together.”


  Marvel punches Shooter on the arm, then says, adding emphasis, “They’re together.”

  Shooter’s mouth opens into an O.

  Drummer bangs the gavel and gets our attention. “Joker, Lady. Thank you for being straight with us.”

  I can’t help it, I laugh, and my head falls onto the table. Peering around I see others are outright chortling or have their hands to their mouths.

  Drum snarls. “I’ll fuckin’ rephrase that. Thank you for being upfront. Now could you fuckin’ leave us for a moment, as we’ve got things to discuss.”

  Lady hesitates looks like he wants to say something, but Joker takes his arm and as he tugs him out of his chair, gives an encouraging nod. Without a word, both men exit through the door.

  As the mirth dies down and a wave of conversation starts up, Drummer bangs the gavel again. “I didn’t se
nd them out so we could discuss whether they’re in the club or not. As far as I’m concerned, they’re both members. They prospected, did their time, and have proved themselves time and again.” He pauses and lets his words sink in.

  “So, what do you want, Prez?”

  “VP, what I want is that if anyone’s got anything to say, lets thrash it out. And without puttin’ our two brothers through any shit they won’t want to hear.”

  Slick raises his hand. “You said it all, Prez. Lady’s a fuckin’ brave man when he went into that auction. Could easily have been killed. But he volunteered and did it just the same.”

  “Joker’s had my back a time or two,” Rock agrees. “Don’t see it as a problem.”

  Blade’s nodding his head. “Saw it comin’ a mile off. Only thing that surprises me is that you want it brought out in the open, Prez.”

  I step in. “You ain’t got an old lady, Blade. But those of us who have,” I pause as I wonder whether I’m right to number myself with the rest, “wouldn’t want to have to hide the relationship we have with our partners. Or for others to understand why we put them first.” I point to the closed door. “Joker and Lady must have one hell of a job trying to keep what they feel for each other under wraps. They’ve been here for two years now, and I doubt they’ve only just got together. My assumption is that it goes back a ways, and they came here to have a fresh start. We need to get their relationship out in the open. Allow them to be who they are.”

  “Think there was some difficulty in Red’s club?” Rock asks.

  “Can’t know that. Doubt it was Red but could be other brothers that made their lives difficult.”

  “Whatever, they don’t think they’ll be accepted else they’d have come clean before.” Dollar’s looking pained. “You think they think so little of us?”

  The prez shakes his head. “Don’t think they wanted to risk it. But since Lady put his life on the line, I think it’s been harder for Joker to hold back.”

  Seeing Shooter’s frown, I brace myself for what’s coming, but he says something I don’t expect. “Can’t see it matters one way or another. Each to their own and all that.”

  Wraith’s fingers tap on the table, then he points to me. “What you’re thinkin’ is where their loyalties lie.” He looks around the table, at Heart, at Dollar, Viper, me, and then the prez. “If my old lady’s in danger, I’ll protect her. I’ll still have my brothers’ backs, but Sophie and Olivia will always come first.”

  I nod. That’s the point.

  Prez also is dipping his head. “And that’s what we need to agree and accept.”

  There’s a brief period of silence, a few shrugs, a few eyes going to the ceiling, but in the end, it’s a series of nods.

  Then the corners of Drummer’s mouth turn up, and he pushes his chair back from the table, resting his foot against the edge. “Now we’ve got to vote in an old lady.” He grins at each one of us. “Just got to find out which one it is.”

  The tension is broken. It starts us all laughing again and slamming our hands on the table. Predictably, Beef starts a book and sees if he’s got any takers. But no one takes him up on it. I guess we’ve already got our own ideas.

  Prez waves at us to be quiet, and the pair come back in and stand before Drum points them to their seats. When they’ve sat down, he commences. “You’ve probably had thoughts on why I sent you out of the room, but what you’re thinkin’ is wrong. You’re members of the Satan’s Devils Tucson chapter, and whatever your personal inclinations are they have fuck all to do with that.”

  Joker and Lady exchange relieved glances, which confirms that was what had them worried.

  “Now,” Prez continues, “we always vote in ol’ ladies. What we need to know is which of you will be wearing a property patch.”

  Air’s sucked into lungs all around the room. Lady’s face goes completely white. Blade can’t hold it together and his head collapses to the table as he starts laughing again. Shooter’s wiping tears from his eyes.

  Rock points at Lady. “I guess that look on your face shows you’re the bottom in this relationship.”

  Beef screeches through his belly laughs. “Bottom!” Did you need to say that?”

  “I guess you’re the taker not the giver.” Slick’s trying to hold back his mirth and failing.

  Joker’s frowning, guess he doesn’t like all the humour at the expense of his old lady, but I discover I’m wrong when he puts in, “You’re all wrong. We take it in turns.”

  “Oh fuck, man. We didn’t need to be given that visual.” Marvel’s shaking his head, and the wicked grin and wink Joker gives to Lady shows he knows just what he’s doing.

  Mouse is looking confused. “Thought your full handle was Lady’s Man.” It’s a statement posed as a question.

  Lady shrugs. “I’m bi. Or at least I was, before I met Joker.” And fuck me if he doesn’t take Joker’s hand and squeeze it right there at the table.

  I’ll be fucked if that doesn’t look right. In fact, it looks like a weight’s been lifted from both men. I’m not the only one to have seen it. Marvel slaps Lady on the back, and Shooter does the same to Joker. A family, that’s what we fucking are. A dysfunctional one, maybe, but a family.

  Drummer bangs the gavel. “Guess this calls for a party.”

  No one needs to vote on that.

  As we go out I overhear Lady hiss to Joker, “I’m not fuckin’ wearin’ a property patch.”

  Chapter 32


  Pulling up in front of a large, well-appointed house, I reflect how good it feels to be back on my bike, fresh air rushing around me rather than the recycled shit of the air con in the truck. It’s helped raise my mood. While Flash is still lost inside her head, I’ll have to content myself doing whatever I can to make sure the fucker who hurt her is taken out for good.

  Kicking down my stand, I get off, and after removing my sunglasses and sliding them into my cut, go to stand by Hyde. “Ready to do this?”

  “Uh huh.” Hyde’s studying the house we’ve arrived at. He waves his hand left to right, then up and down. “There’s money there. With a name like hers, I expected her to be whorin’ herself out for a livin’.”

  “Might still be, Hyde. Might still be.” What did her parents think they were setting her up for, giving her a name like they had? Cherry Orchard. I shake my head in disbelief, hoping I’ll be able to keep my face straight when I meet her.

  Slapping Hyde on the back, we walk toward the front door. I press the doorbell, hoping she’ll be in on a Saturday morning. Seeing how large the sprawling house is, I give her time to get to the door.

  I’m almost ready to cut my losses when the door eventually opens, and a stunning blond beauty opens it. Seeing two intimidating bikers standing outside, she immediately tries to shut it again, but I’m ready, and have my foot in the doorway.

  “Cherry Orchard?”

  “Who wants to know?”

  It’s her, I can tell by the guarded expression on her face. “We need to talk to you. Can we come in?” I might have posed it as a question, but I’m already pushing past, Hyde hot on my heels.

  She stands with her hand holding the door, even though we’re already inside. Various expressions cross her face, as if she’s considering making a run for it. I put my hand on her arm and tighten my grip. As I pull her away from the doorway, Hyde shuts the door. It closes, and the lock engages with a satisfying clunk.

  “What do you want?” Her voice sounds shaky, and I can feel her trembling through my fingers wrapped around her bicep. “I’m expecting my boyfriend, he’ll be here soon.” So that’s why she opened the door so carelessly. She was expecting somebody else.

  It’s clear she’s going to offer us no hospitality, so I waste no time, conscious my interrogation might be interrupted. “Pete Mercer.”

  Her eyes widen, and I feel her body tense. “What about him?”

  “He your boyfriend?” Hyde makes the mental leap before I do. He can’t be.
But perhaps someone as moneyed as this moves in the same circles.

  “What if he is?”

  Then you’re totally mad, Woman. While I don’t say that aloud, the vision of Darcy in the hospital bed comes into my mind. Should I warn her? Nah, if she’s in a relationship with him, she’d never believe me.

  I get straight to the point. “You gave him an alibi for the other night. And I happen to know you’re lyin’. You need to correct that fuckin’ story you concocted for the police.”

  She stiffens. “I told the truth.”

  “You may have been mistaken about the day,” Hyde says gently. “That would be an understandable mistake.”

  “Or you may just be fuckin’ lyin’,” I snarl.

  Her body leans slightly away from me, toward Hyde, and I smile inwardly inside as she directs her answer to him, while shrugging off my hand. “I don’t lie.” But as her eyes flick to the side, I not only know that she does, but at this moment she most definitely is.

  Hyde’s shaking his head with a sad expression on his face. “Thing is, Cherry, Pete Mercer hurt a friend of ours. Raped her, shot her, and left her for dead. That’s what he was doing when he asked you to cover for him.”

  Her hand covers her mouth. “Pete wouldn’t do that,” she protests. But again, I read the signs she’s not being honest.

  After Hyde carefully examines her with his eyes, he gives a slight chin lift to me, and I allow him to continue taking the floor. “I think you know that he would, sweetheart. Did he threaten you to say you were with him?” Hyde takes a pace toward her, and keeping his tone gentle, continues, “Did he hurt you?”

  “He didn’t hurt me.” She refutes Hyde’s suggestion and I think this time she’s maybe telling the truth.

  “Thing is, darlin’,” Hyde keeps with his reasonable tone, “we know you weren’t with him. And our friend who was hurt? Well, she’s Peg’s,” he points at me, “ol’ lady. And Peg is a man you don’t want to cross.”


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