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Peg's Stand

Page 43

by Manda Mellett

  Peg’s Stand (#6 – Peg & Darcy)

  Coming soon:

  Rock Bottom (#7 – Rock & Becca)

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  I visited Tucson a year after the Aspen fire, and went to Summerhaven. Still got a wind chime I bought in the rebuilt gift shop. While I never expected to write about a wildfire, the memories must have stuck in my mind. Some years later, my brother was living in Escondido, California, and was evacuated due to fire. It came pretty close, but luckily didn’t reach their house. I was in regular communication with him, as, at the time, it seemed very likely it would take his home. It was pretty scary stuff, even watching from across the other side of the Atlantic.

  Gradually it dawned on me that I could have the Satan’s Devils up against not a human enemy, but a natural one. But what do I know about firefighting, and particularly in America?

  I have to stress this is a work of fiction, and isn’t meant to be a factual account of a real fire, and some things I’ve added which are pure fiction just to make the story flow. I’ve had some help from firefighters, and in particular, need to extend my thanks to the Tucson Fire Department. Anything I’ve got right is down to them, what I’ve got wrong is entirely down to me. Some things are accurate and local to Tucson, like the shift patterns firefighters work, and the fact urban teams are trained to support wildland firefighting.

  I again had amazing help from my team of beta readers, and am so grateful to all of them. Mary, Danena, Colleen, Sheri, Terra, and Zoe, and of course, not forgetting Nicole, who not only beta read, but had won a competition to be featured in one of my books. So please, stand and take a bow, beta team.

  Steve, my wonderful husband needs a mention. He not only read an early version of Peg’s Stand, but he’s always been supportive, and understands if he’s talking to me, and I don’t reply, I’m listening to those voices in my head.

  Thanks once again to Brian Tedesco, my editor, who wants me to explain any typos left in the book are apparently down to his three-legged cat who likes jumping on his keyboard while he’s proofreading. Must be the best excuse I’ve ever heard. It’s important to me I’ve an editor who I can relate to and share a laugh with, and Brian’s certainly that. Always enjoy working with you, Brian.

  Lia Rees. What can I say? Lia’s inspiration has taken my limited suggestion of ‘can we see more of the models?’, and turned it into an amazing revamp of the Satan’s Devils covers. I’m so happy with them, and it’s given each book greater individuality. So thank you, again, Lia, and for the great work you do on formatting.

  Then there’s Deb Carroll, who keeps me on the right track, always there to give advice and pimp me. Love working with you, Deb.

  Thank you Sara Parr for last minute proofreading.

  But the greatest thanks of all go to each and everyone of you who’ve bought or read my books on Kindle Unlimited. I know many are still taking a chance on a relatively new writer, and I love hearing what you think, and particularly if you take the time to write a review. I can’t express how important reviews are to a writer.

  I’m asked many times if this series is ending, and like to assure you it’s not. I’ve got plenty of ideas to keep going for a while.

  So it’s goodbye, but only for now, but there’ll be another Devil coming soon.

  About the Author

  After commuting for too many years to London working in various senior management roles, Manda Mellett left the rat race and now fulfils her dream and writes full time. She draws on her background in psychology, the experience of working in different disciplines and personal life experiences in her books.

  Manda lives in the beautiful countryside of North Essex with her husband and two slightly nutty Irish Setters. Walking her dogs gives her the thinking time to come up with plots for her novels, and she often dictates ideas onto her phone on the move, while looking over her shoulder hoping no one is around to listen to her. Manda’s other main hobby is reading, and she devours as many books as she can.

  Her biggest fan is her gay son (every mother should have one!). Her favourite pastime when he is home is the late night chatting sessions they enjoy, where no topic is taboo, and usually accompanied by a bottle of wine or two.

  Photo by Carmel Jane Photography




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