One Day in December: Celia Sánchez and the Cuban Revolution
Page 51
Ramos Latour, Rene (Daniel), 106, 192, 193, 207
death of, 294
Doce and, 252–53
at meeting of directors, 274
memo to Fidel from, 229
on Frank País’s death, 208
replaces País, 218
searching for Celia, 227–28
rapes, 60–61
Redondo, Ciro, 138, 181, 305
Reiners, Marisela, 427
Revelta, Naty, 354
Revolutionary Directorate, 172–73, 176, 180
Chamon as head of, 262–63
Presidential Palace under control of, 326–28
Reyna, Bismark, 271
Riera, Micaela, 78–79
Rio Casillas, Alberto del, 151
Risquet Valdes, Jorge, 395, 419, 437
Rivas (priest), 250
Rivero, Eduardo, 400
Robaina, Alejandro, 401
Roberto, 406
Rodríguez, Carlos Rafael, 437
Rodríguez, Eloy, 160–61, 169–70, 180
on País’s killing a policeman, 200
at Uvero battle, 185–88
Rodríguez, Lester (Fatty), 71, 82, 83, 189
leaves Cuba, 200
Rodríguez, Luis Orlando, 302
Rodríguez, Rene, 135, 140, 148
on Fidel’s security, 152
Rodríguez Avila, Pedro, 109–10
Rodríguez de la Vega, Cuco, 423
romantic love, 380
Roque, Roberto, 102
Rubido, José Rego, 316
Ruz, Lina (Fidel’s mother), 230–31
Ryan, Chuck, 180
Sadurní, Salvador, 34–37, 114, 416
death of, 217
photographs of, 35, 36
Sague, Miguel Angel, 211
St. George, Andrew, 246
Salvador, David, 274
Sánchez, Acacia (sister), 29, 30, 78, 80, 223–24, 257
divorce of, 386
at father’s funeral, 284
in Guisa, 315
in Palma Soriano, 317
in Santiago, 317
Sánchez, Acacia Manduley (mother), 29, 30
death of, 216–17
Sánchez, Aleida (sister-in-law), 351
Sánchez, Alicia (niece), see Octazo, Alicia
Sánchez, Ariel (niece), 389
Sánchez, Chela (sister), see Álvárez, Chela Sánchez
Sánchez, Eduardo, 411, 412, 436, 438
Sánchez, Elena (niece), see Octazo, Elena
Sánchez, Flávia (sister), 16–17, 30, 34, 70, 119, 223–25
on Jorge Álvarez, 388, 389
on Pedro and Chela Álvarez, 383–85
on Guillermo Álvarez’s death, 386–88
on Celia’s clothing, 331
on Celia’s health, 421–22, 424–25
on Celia’s relationship with Fidel, 380
death of, 422
at father’s funeral, 284, 285
funeral of, 286
in Havana, 351
in Miami, 439
photographs of, 29, 30, 128
on Sadurní, 37
Silvia’s family moves in with, 257, 264
supplies sent by, 267
Sánchez, Grisela (sister), 29, 30, 232, 257, 264, 284
in Guisa, 315
in Havana, 309, 310, 312
in Palma Soriano, 317
photographs of, 128
in Santiago, 317
Sánchez, Gustavo (nephew), 351
Sánchez, Jesus Luis, 114
Sánchez, Julio César (nephew), 257, 264, 286, 389, 390
Sánchez, Manuel Enrique (brother), 29, 30, 76–77, 103
Sánchez, Miguel (uncle), 217
Sánchez, Olga (cousin), 36
Sánchez, Orlando (brother), 29, 30, 77, 217, 351
Sánchez, Pedro Luis, 108, 114
Sánchez, Pepín (nephew), 188, 254, 327
Sánchez, Raysa (nephew), 389
Sánchez, Sergío (nephew), 255, 257, 288
on Bofill and Batista, 285
on Celia’s security system, 377
on Ché and Celia, 369
as child, 254
on children in household, 410
on Franqui, 405
in Havana, 327, 352
Sánchez, Silvia (sister), 29, 30, 188, 264
at father’s funeral, 284
in Havana, 327–28
photographs of, 128
returns to Santiago, 351
in 26th of July Movement, 253–57
Sánchez, Universo, 117, 120–21, 138
as Fidel’s bodyguard, 151, 181
photographs of, 178, 298
Sánchez Barro, Juan (grandfather), 128
Sánchez del Campo, Pepin (brother-in-law), 253–57, 264, 284–85
Sánchez Manduley, Celia: on Guillermo Álvarez, 387
Jorge Álvarez and, 389
on Chela and Pedro Álvarez’s emigration, 384
in Angola, 419–21, 420
as architect, 268–70, 295, 296, 298, 298
archives created by, 278, 332–34, 381–82, 402–3
army searching for, 118–20, 284–86
arrest ordered of, 103
artists and, 401–2, 403
during battle with Quevedo, 289–93
during Bay of Pigs invasion, 371–73
Boix and, 256
captured in Campechuela, 104–10
Ché and, 330
as child, 29, 30, 128
childhood home of, 27
children in household of, 406–11, 408, 414–19
cigar factory project of, 399–401
clandestine life of, 127–32, 168, 171–75
in Comandancia, 298, 299–304, 306–7
in command of landing in Cuba, 81
Coppelia Ice Cream Parlor project of, 394–96
Corrales and, 367–69
Cossío and, 329
criticizes Fidel, 202–4
death of, 433–34, 435–36
death of father of, 282, 283, 306
death of mother of, 216–17
as doctor’s daughter, 25–30
en route to Havana, 321, 321–22
Fidel proposes marriage to, 356, 373–74
as Fidel’s second-in-command, 270–71, 275–76
on Fidel’s security, 152
in Fidel’s squadron, 181
at Fidel’s 37th birthday, 379
Figueroa and, 349
following death of País, 218–20
free zone supplied by, 259–60, 263–64
funeral of, 436–38
furniture designed by, 363–64
guerrilla life of, 182
in Havana, 325–31
Havana home of, 338–39, 342–44, 344, 351–52
health of, 421–23, 425, 429–33
honored by National Federation of Cuban Women, 357
house for orphan boys opened by, 355
inducted into rebel army, 177–78, 178
in La Maestra, 226–27
Lamoru Preval children and, 393
in Las Vegas, 271, 271–74, 277–81
leaves Manzanillo for Sierra Maestra, 245–46
legacy of, 440–41
Lenin Park project of, 406–7, 412–13
letters between Fidel and, 236–41
literacy programs under, 348–50
in Manzanillo, 78–79, 112–15, 190–91, 193–94, 319–20
in marabuzal, 157–61
Matthews and, 136–37, 139–40, 149
medals awarded to, 115
meeting of Chibás and Pazos with Fidel arranged by, 202
at meeting of directors, 274
meets Fidel, 143–46, 145
memo to Fidel from, 229
Moran and, 154, 195–200
nom de guerre changed, 204
Non-Aligned Movement conference organized by, 424–25
official posts held by, 391
official receptions by, 358–60
in Orthod
ox Party, 97–101, 99, 100
País and, 52–56
in Palma Soriano, 317
Eugenia Palomares raised by, 246, 247, 374–77
personal life of, 354–56
personal security for, 361
in Pilón, 49, 57–72, 79–80, 415
in planning Fidel’s return to Cuba, 73–75
police searches for, 167, 232
politicization of, 34–36
post-Revolution projects of, 345–46, 356–59
praised at fiftieth anniversary celebration, 125
recruiting combatants for 26th of July Movement, 156–57
relationship with father, 76–78
relationship with Fidel, 379–80
replaces País, 162–63
reward for finding, 228
Sadurní and, 34–37, 35, 36
in Santiago, 317, 319, 382, 428, 428
during Santiago uprising, 96
as Secretary to the Commander in Chief, 328–29
in Servants of Mary, 45–48, 46
in Sierra Maestra, 247, 247–51, 250, 257–58, 261, 263, 264–67
Sierra Maestra office set up by, 346–48
as student, 38–40
Taber interview with Fidel and, 173, 176–80, 183–84
in talks to end war, 316
on terrorism, 234
at time of Fidel’s return to Cuba, 83–85, 88, 90–94
on tourism in Cuba_, 336–37
at United Nations, 363–67, 426–28, 427
in United States, 333, 334–35
upgrading of Fidel’s shack by, 398–99
at Uvero battle, 185–86, 187, 188
at wedding of Tony (Antonio Luis García Reyes), 425–26
Zapata Swamp project of, 339–40, 340, 341, 343
Sánchez Ramirez, Juan, 100
Sánchez Silveira, Manuel (father), 28–30
arrest of, 223, 226
death of, 282, 283, 306
funeral of, 284–88
home and office of, 27
Llópiz family and, 127
loved nature, 301
lung cancer of, 272, 273
Martí statue errected by, 32–33
photograph of, 78
police search of house of, 221–22
as political activist, 16
questioned by Hatuey, 109
rape victims helped by, 61
relationship with Celia, 76–78
Ruz and, 230–31
Santamaría, Haydée, 12, 89, 91, 248
on Fidel’s security, 152
in Havana, 81, 140
at Matthews interview with Fidel, 147
at meeting of directors, 274
Taber interview with Fidel and, 173, 175–79, 183
26th of July Movement Administration under, 52
Santiago de Cuba, 50–51
Celia in, 382, 428, 428
during Fidel’s return, 82–83, 89–90
fund raising in, 239
País’s funeral in, 212–14
strike in, 214, 215
student protest and killings in, 70–71
surrender of, 316–17
26th of July Movement in, 71–72
uprising in, 94–96
Sardina, Luis (Rafael), 197–98
Sardiñas, Guillermo, 246, 250, 250–52, 354
Sardinas, Lalo, 175–77
Sariol, Mario, 277
Sarrabia, Nydia, 382
Saumell, Pancho, 173–75
Second Front, 192–93, 196, 200
Segucha, 84–86
Selman, Eugenio, 421, 423, 432
Semana de Girón (holilday), 414
Servants of Mary (charity), 40, 45–48, 46, 69
shoe shortage, 374
Sierra, Rafael, 125, 140
as Manzanillo director, 139, 169, 175
Moran and, 154, 191, 196
Sierra Maestra office, 345–48
Smith, Earl, 212–13
Smith, José, 113, 123
Socarras, Carlos Prio, 33
Soler, William, 209–10
Sori Martín, Humberto, 260, 269
Sorribes, Eduardo, 70
Sotus, Jorge, 160, 228
in Battle of Santiago, 94, 95
dispute between Ché and, 169–70
memo to Fidel from, 229
photograph of, 178
troops led by, 241
at Uvero battle, 186
Soviet Union, 297
Spanish Civil War, 34, 135
strikes, 214–15
Sturgis, Frank (Fiorini), 279, 354
Suarez, Cesar, 84, 103, 120
Suarez, Ismael, 309, 312
Suarez, Rene, 245
Sweig, Julia, 189, 404
Szulc, Tad, 125
Taber, Robert, 173, 175–76, 178–80, 182–83
Tabernilla, 285
Tejeda, Ruben, 120–21
Tejedor, Victor, 309
terrorism, 234
Tey, Pepito, 83, 93
death of, 95, 96
Thomas, Hugh, 33, 172, 318
Tigres, Los (paramilitary group), 82, 105, 193
Tito, 424
Torres, Maximilian, 255
Tosca, Juan, 413
tourism, 336–37, 362–63
Trujillo, Rafael Leonidas, 287, 386
26th of July Movement:
assassinations by, 199–200
clandestine operations of, 168–69
directors of, 274
doctors in, 248
founded by Fidel, 32
getting broad support for, 201–2
groups contesting for power, 328
meeting of directors of, 140, 149, 151–54
military trials conducted by, 246
new recruits trained for, 169–70
País heading underground in, 51, 51–52
País’s critique of, 189
in Pilón, 54–55
popular support for, 202, 205
priests in, 250–52
recruiting combatants for, 156–57
in Santiago, 70–71
in Sierra Maestra, 134
terrorism used by, 234
Ugando, Miguel, 410–11
Ugando, Pedro, 352–53
United Nations, 363–67, 426–28, 427
United States: assassination attempts against Fidel by, 279, 352