Secrets in Battle: Secrets of Savannah Series Book 3

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Secrets in Battle: Secrets of Savannah Series Book 3 Page 8

by S. M. Donaldson

  He smiles. “Yeah, go save some lives.”

  I shake my head. “Oh yeah, that’s me.”

  He and Beau walk off and I make my way into the house. Ryder and Scarlet are at the bar eating pizza. Scarlet looks up. “Hey, how was your time with Nana?”

  I chuckle. “Enlightening.”

  Ryder smiles and looks up with food in his mouth. “Did she talk about how cute I was as a baby? How smart I was?”

  I grab a bite of the pizza. “No, but she did tell me a funny story about one of her friends getting confused about condoms and condiments. Then she told me about reading the Grey books.” Ryder chokes. “She also invited me, Scarlet and Ivie to go watch the movie with her and the quilting group. Oh, and they may want to check out a strip club or drag show on the way home from it.”

  I continue chewing my piece of pizza. Ryder is coughing and Scarlet is laughing. She pulls her hand from covering her laugh. “Did you tell her we’re on?”

  I start walking out of the kitchen as I’m finishing off my slice. “I told her I didn’t know if we could keep up with them.” I shake my head. “Grandmas and BDSM, I don’t know if we can handle it.”

  I make my way to the stairs and I hear Ryder freaking out about his grandma reading BDSM books. Scarlet is laughing so hard I’m sure she’s trying to breathe. I’d love to stay and laugh but I have to get ready for work.

  Chapter 19

  Beau has been with me for about a week now. It took us a couple of days to get used to each other, but he’s been great. He sleeps by my bed at night. I’ve had a couple of bad dreams, but when I woke up from them sweating and gasping for air, he jumped up on the bed and put his head in my lap. Petting him seemed to calm me down.

  I’ve been doing some of the mental exercises that Luca had been telling me about. They seem to be helping also, and I’m glad. I don’t like feeling like some sort of sideshow freak who can’t be in control of his own emotions.

  I’m working in the barn when Ryder walks in. “Hey, man, so we have set a date for the wedding.”

  I chuckle. “Really? So you helped set the date. It sounds more like Scarlet, Princess and Nana set a date.” No one even asks who I’m talking about anymore when I say Princess, they all know that’s my name for Annabelle.

  He kicks some hay. “Well, yeah, they did. But I agreed to it.”

  I laugh. “So what are you in for?”

  “Well, since we have to take into account that Scar or me neither one have large families, and also that Ivie and Gable need security, we are having it here on the farm. Just something small. I came to ask you if you’d stand up with me?”

  I smile. “Man, you don’t even have to ask. You have been a thorn in my side my entire life. I’d love to give you to someone else.”

  He laughs. “Thanks, asshat, but you’re not giving me away.”

  “Nah, man, really. I’d be honored.”

  He nods. “Okay, well it’s just going to be you and Annabelle. Cade is going walk her down the aisle. Gable and Ivie are going to sing.”

  “Sounds good. So when is this wonderful event taking place?”

  He sighs. “Weekend after next.”

  “What? Why so quick? Did you get her pregnant?”

  He chuckles. “There you go sounding like Nana again. No, Nana Pearl, I didn’t get her pregnant. Even though if I did, I’d be happy. There is just no point in waiting any longer, plus Ivie and Gable have a lot coming up. This will make it easier on them, too.”

  I slap his back. “So what are we doing for the bachelor party?”

  He shakes his head. “Nothing big. Dad got us tickets to a Braves’ game.”

  “Who all is going? Where are we sitting?”

  “Well, you, me, Nelson and my dad. Cade is gonna meet us there. Gable won’t be in yet.”

  I motion my hand for him to keep going. “Seats?” He’s holding out on me for a reason.

  He grins. “We’re in the Hank Aaron section.”

  “HOLY SHIT!” I fist pump. Actually fist pump into the air.

  “Yeah, tell me about it. If I could’ve kissed dad through the phone when he told me, I would have.”

  I shake my head. We’ve been to games before. Growing up in Georgia, that’s something you do, but sitting behind home plate is going to be awesome. “Well, damn. Tell Greer if I need to help with anything, let me know.” I laugh a little. “Oh. What day this week? I need to talk to my boss about getting time off.”

  He laughs. “I’m sure your time off can be arranged. We’re going to stay with dad Thursday night since his place is not too far from the stadium. The game is on Friday, come back on Saturday.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me.” I start laughing. “What are the girls doing?”

  He shakes his head. “I have no clue and I’m not sure I want to. Nana has taken over the party plans. There could be strippers or God only knows what else. Hell, she’s already invited the girls to go watch that damn Grey sex movie with her and her quilting group when it comes out.”

  I burst out laughing. “You mean Fifty Shades of Grey, dude. Did Nana read those books? You know there’s like BDSM in there and stuff.”

  He looks up at the ceiling. “Shit, I guess so, she told Annabelle she did. The quilting group read them together.” He throws his hands up and then stops. “Wait. How do you know the name of those books and what’s in them?”

  “I was bored during one of my tours. Plus, the first rule in battle is always know your enemy. Thanks to those books, Christian Grey is now every man’s enemy. Well, that and you can get some tips from those damn things.” I point to him. “Remember that commercial they used to do on Saturday mornings, The More You Know? Just saying.”

  He shakes his head looking at the ground. “Holy shit. Damn.” He turns to walk out of the barn and stops without looking back. “Do you still have those books?”

  I chuckle. “Yep. I’ll get them to you later.”

  He nods and goes out the door. “Thanks.”

  I have to sit on one of the buckets and laugh. Nana Pearl is always full of surprises. I need to talk to Annabelle and see if she can watch Beau while I’m gone. He seemed to like her and I don’t want him to feel abandoned with me being gone two days.

  Me: Hey I guess the bachelor party is a Braves game. Can you stay at my apartment with Beau some while I’m gone? Just look out for him so he doesn’t feel alone.

  Princess: Sure! We are supposed to hit up some bars with Nana, but I should be home at night. It worked out that I’m off the next two weekends.

  Me: Great. Thank you so much. I just figure he’ll be more comfortable in my apartment, since he’s still learning it. He can go out during the day though.

  Princess: Okay. I’ll get up with you before you leave.

  Me: Thanks again.

  Looking at my watch, I see it’s time for my appointment with Luca. I make my way out of the barn, catching a glimpse of Princess and Scarlet out at the pool.

  Just seeing her makes me smile.

  Chapter 20

  Nana looks over at me while we’re sitting at her dining room table sorting through her old journals.

  “So, you called all those places I asked you to, right?”

  “Yes, ma’am. This Friday night we have a table at Club One for Lady Chablis’ early show. Then we come back here and everything for the Grey themed party should be set up in the living room. We have a couple of nice looking guys to be our wait staff. X-rated pastries will be served, along with drinks. A lady named Wendy from Pleasure Palace is coming to do a show and tell with toys. I can’t believe we’ve pulled all of this off. I was even more surprised we got the table at Club One and that they would do an early show.”

  She pats my leg. “Well, when your family goes back in this town as far as ours does, and has as much money invested in this town as ours does, it opens doors. The Abbotts are what you call old money. This family goes back in Savannah’s history as far as people standing on the walk ways yelling high co
tton. Grayton was always proud of this family’s roots in this town.” I see the soft smile curve her lips thinking about Grayton. He’s still and will always be the greatest love in her life.

  Getting back on track. “Is Whisper coming in for the festivities?”

  “No, she couldn’t get away two weekends in a row. However, she sent me money for Scarlet to spend on gifts from the Pleasure Palace.”

  I smile and laugh. “I’m still surprised you wanted Wendy to come show sex toys and lingerie.”

  She waves her hand. “Ah, we’ll have fun.”

  I laugh. “Well what about Ms. Parker? She might get offended.”

  “If anybody is too uptight to enjoy the fun then they can take their ass home.” She scoffs.

  I can’t help but laugh at her. I hope one day I’m like her. I can just tell the world to kiss my ass. My phone pings telling me I have a message.

  Dad: We would like for you to join us and your brothers for lunch at the house this Saturday.

  Nana looks at me. “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s dad, he wants me to join them for lunch at their house with my brothers this Saturday.”

  She sighs. “If your brothers are going to be there then you should go. I don’t like that man and I damn sure don’t like your mother, but keeping in touch with your brothers is important.”

  I nod. “Well, hopefully I’ll be too hung-over to care what they have to say.”

  She barks out a laugh. “Now that’s one way of thinking.”

  I grab my phone so I can respond.

  Me: Okay. What time?

  Dad: Noon. I’ll have a car pick you

  up at 11:30.

  Me: No, I can drive myself.

  Dad: We’d like for you to take your car to drive at the end of lunch.

  Me: Okay. Don’t send a driver. I’ll have Chris or Vic pick me up.

  Dad: Fine. See you Saturday.

  Nana looks at me. “So what did the old Scrooge have to say?”

  “Not much.” I sigh and tell Nana about our conversation.

  “You know that car may come with some strings attached to it.” She says, lighting up a Pall Mall.

  I rest my head in my hands. “Yes. That is the reason I said no to the driver. If I tell of my brothers I’m ready to go, then they’ll take me.”

  She puts her hands on the table. “Okay, good. Now, where were we? Oh yes, here. I found a couple more journals last night. Here you go, sweetie.”

  “Did you always keep a journal, Nana?”

  She nods. “Yes. You have to remember that back then your closest neighbor may live a few miles away, and phones weren’t in everyone’s house. So besides school, you didn’t see much of your friends. I kept journals to feel like I was talking to someone, I was an only child so I got kinda lonesome. I didn’t have a sister to share all my thoughts with, but I had my notebook.”

  I smile. “Nana, you’re awesome.”

  She laughs. “Well you’re pretty awesome, too, baby.”

  “Okay, so give me a story to type in for today and then I’m gonna call one of my brothers about Saturday.”

  She nods. “Ah, here’s a good one. So my daddy made some of the best moonshine this county had ever seen. One afternoon, he and my crazy Uncle Jesup had been fishing. They’d drank probably a quart jar full together. Well, they got into an argument over something dumb, I’m sure. Uncle Jesup decided he was gonna leave my daddy at the fishing hole. He threw his boat in the back of the truck and hauled buggy. Well, Daddy jumped in his truck chasing him.”

  She shakes her head, snickering. “What sense it makes for two grown drunk men to chase each other, I don’t have the slightest, but they did. Well, when they got to the old courthouse square, Uncle Jesup slung that truck around the corner and his boat flew out of the back. It took out the hot dog cart and damn near got the owner, Mr. Smith. Jesup’s drunk ass hadn’t tied the boat in, and the Sheriff got called. I thought my momma and my Aunt Kitty were gonna skin them two men alive.”

  “Sounds like you grew up with some real characters, Nana.”

  She stands up walking over to the sink. “I did, honey. They were some rounders, that for sure.”

  I stand up. “Well, I’m gonna go call Chris about Saturday.”

  She nods. “See you tomorrow.”

  On my way out to the Ranger, I call Chris.

  “Hey, Prissy Pants.”

  “Will you ever get tired of calling me Prissy Pants?”

  “Nope. You’ll always be Prissy.”

  I laugh. “Fine. Just not in public.”

  “Deal, I guess. So. What’s up?”

  “Did dad get up with you about Saturday?”

  “Yeah, he did. I’m going I guess.”

  “Can you swing by and pick me up? They want me to take my car.”

  I can hear him exhale. “Yeah. Are you sure about the car, though?”

  “Well, he wanted to send a driver for me, but I’d rather have you as my backup in case I leave the damn car there.”

  “Good plan.”

  “Did he tell you it was no dates?”

  Weird. “No. But I wasn’t bringing anyone anyway.”

  “Well, that’s what he said to me.”

  “They probably just don’t want witnesses to their explosive tendencies.”

  He chuckles. “Probably. I’ll pick you up on Saturday at 11-11:15.”

  “Okay. Thanks, Chris.”

  “Bye, Prissy Pants.”

  I shake my head. “Bye.”

  Chapter 21

  I pat Beau on the head. “You be a good boy for Princess. Keep her safe.” He nuzzles against my hand. “It’s okay, boy. I’ll be fine.” He whines. “I’ll be back, I promise.”

  Princess walks out Ryder’s back door. “Hey, sweet boy.”

  I smile. “Hey, sweet girl.”

  She shakes her head. “I was talking to Beau.” She runs her hand around his head, rubbing his ears. “’Cause he’s the only sweet boy I know.”

  I throw my hand over my heart as if I’m offended. “Well, thanks.”

  She gives me her wicked smile. That smile I dream about. “Just call them like I see them.”

  Beau nuzzles his head into her hand. “So what does Nana really have up her sleeve for you girls tomorrow night?”

  She shakes her head grinning. “Nope. Not telling. She made me swear to secrecy.”

  I laugh. “Something tells me y’all are in for an exciting night.”

  She giggles. “If you only knew.”

  “Okay, well his food is in the bottom of the pantry.”

  “Any rules for him?”

  I’m confused. “What kind of rules? Bedtime is eight o’clock or something?”

  “No. Like is he allowed on the furniture? Where does he sleep? Those kind of things.”

  I lean back against the porch railing. “Oh. Yeah, he’s allowed on the futon and sometimes he does sleep with me. If you get nervous while you’re staying there, he’ll probably crawl up in bed with you.”

  She looks at me sweetly. “So he’s really been good for you, huh?”

  I nod thoughtfully. “Yeah. He really has. He has this sense about him. You know?”

  She kneels down in front of Beau and hugs him. “I’ve always heard animals have much keener senses than humans. I’m so glad you’re taking such good care of him, Beau. How about let’s go get a treat?” Beau lets out a bark. She smiles. “Oh you like that word, huh? Treat.”

  She stands and Beau stands up wagging his tail. I shake my head smiling. “Looks like you’ve got this under control.” I kiss her cheek and pat Beau’s head. “See you guys Saturday?”

  She nods. “Well, my brother Chris is picking me up around 11, we have a family lunch. I’ll see you after that, though.”

  This surprises me. “You sure you’re okay with going over there?”

  She looks down, shaking her head. “No, but I need to.”

  I lift her chin with my finger, making her look me in th
e eyes. “You listen to me. If your dad so much as lays a finger on you, I’ll-.”

  She stops me by putting her hand up. “I’m not going to let him hurt me, Judd. It’s just lunch. Plus, all of my brothers will be there.”

  “Yeah. That did so much to help you last time. I’m telling you right now, Princess. If your dad hurts you, I’ll hurt him.”

  “Judd, just leave it, okay? I’ll be fine.”

  I hold her shoulders. “I can’t. I won’t let someone hurt you.”

  She touches the side of my face. “Thank you. Really, this is something I need to do.”

  “I’m going to let it go for now. Just please be careful Saturday and I’ll see you when you get back. You can leave Beau outside while you’re gone.”

  She smiles. “I think Beau and I will be just fine.”

  I shake my head. “Alright. Well, I’m gonna go get my bags loaded in the truck for us to leave.” I really wanna kiss her, but I think I still need some more time. If I kiss her right now, I’ll take her back to my apartment and we won’t leave until we are forced to.

  A few hours later, Ryder, dad and I are getting close to Atlanta. I look over at dad as I drive. “So Dad, is Mom going out with the girls tomorrow night?”

  He laughs. “Oh yeah, Nana didn’t let her get away with not going.”

  Ryder shakes his head in defeat. “I can only imagine what my grandmother has set up for them.”

  Dad and I laugh. I look back at Ryder. “We probably don’t want to know. I tried to get something out of Princess earlier, but she said Nana swore her to secrecy.”

  Ryder laughs. “That sounds about right. Scarlet knows nothing. They are keeping it all a surprise from her.”

  My dad laughs. “Probably a good thing. She might chicken out on them.”

  We all laugh but as we get closer to down town Atlanta, the traffic gets thick. I try breathing.

  I don’t like getting boxed in. Getting boxed in can result in being ambushed or stopped. I can’t do it.

  I feel my body start to shake from the loss of control over the situation. Breathe, Judd. Damn it, just breathe. This is not a hostile area, you can drive like a normal person. Calm down, deep breath, count like Luca said. You’ve been coming to this city for as long as you can remember. Stop freaking out.


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