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Loving Avery (Bearville County Book 2)

Page 12

by Katie Hamstead

  Dad’s already moved in most of my things, and has ordered a queen bed for us. He’s so excited, which is surprising. I thought he’d neuter me.

  Avery’s going to stay with her parents until the new year, but already Jack and Paul are moving in her things.

  When she shows up to see the place, I’m lost in awe of her. She’s never looked so beautiful. Her hair is messy, she’s not wearing any makeup, and she’s in sweatpants, but I’m so proud of her that all I can see is her radiant smile.

  I wrap my arms around her and kiss her. I’m looking forward to doing this every day for the rest of my life.

  Donny brushes by. I release Avery, acutely aware of how we left things. He glances at me, and immediately I know something is different about him this time. The anger in his eyes is gone.

  Later that night I’m in the backyard, planning what I’m going to do with it, when Donny walks through the gate. His hands are in his pockets as he approaches me, his head hanging. I watch him carefully as he walks onto the porch and stands beside me.

  “Hey.” He looks across the yard.

  “Hey.” I shuffle away from him as discreetly as possible. I really don’t want him to hit me, even though he looks so bad I know I can take him.

  “So …” He rocks slightly. “I ah … I think I owe you an apology.”

  I look him over warily.

  He doesn’t look at me. “You were right. You have every right to be pissed at me, but I want to explain anyway.”

  “You don’t need to explain.”

  “Yes, I do.” His hands slide out of his pockets and he stares at them. “I never meant to get hooked. I joined a frat and started doing it for fun. There were wild parties and I just joined right in. The sad part is, I didn’t realize how low I’d gone. There were times I was so wasted I wasn’t thinking straight, and there are a few amateur pornos online to prove it.”

  I tense. I have no idea how to react to that. Mortified? Horrified? This is my brother, the guy I’ve looked up to for years, and he’s admitting this to me?

  “The thing is, when I came out of my stupors, the only thing I thought of was Avery. What if someone treated her like that, like a piece of meat? The guilt was unbearable. So I went further in. The weed numbed the pain and guilt until I couldn’t live without it.”

  His lips twist as he sniffs. “Then you’re with her and I hated you. I always envied how much she hung off you, but I honestly thought you never stood a chance. I saw both Cam and Mil-dick after they’d dumped her and gave them what they had coming.”

  I tense. “What did you do?”

  He grins, that evil gleam returning to his eyes. “Well, one of them is down a testicle, and the other will probably stay well clear of our little corner of the world for quite some time.”

  “Geez, Donny!”

  He shakes his head, falling solemn again. “The point is I was jealous and acted stupidly. I wanted to protect her from the likes of guys like me.” His eyebrow twitches. “Then, you got her pregnant.”

  My stomach knots, sensing where this is going. “Donny …”

  “I wanted to rip you apart with my bare hands.” His fists clench. “How dare you treat her like a slut? But then she said she loves you, and you, you stuck by her. I’m jealous, so jealous. So, I tried to …” He claws at his hair. “I tried to kidnap her. I wanted to convince her to run away and I’d take care of her. But I scared her. I scared her.”

  Tears stream down his face. “I scared her.”

  “And that’s what made you realize?” I say softly.

  He nods. “Rhett, I was such an idiot. I couldn’t think straight. I was so jealous and so angry at everyone for trying to change me when I thought everyone else had the problem.”

  He shuffles his feet, staring at the dirt. “But I know now she’s safe. You won’t ever hurt her or scare her. You’ve loved her for as long as I have, but you’ve loved her better than I ever could. So, I’m bowing out. I know she’s with the better man, the better brother.”

  He steps toward the stairs.

  “Don, wait.”

  He looks back at me.

  “Don, I want to be brothers. I’ve always admired you.” I offer him my hand. “To second chances?”

  He stares at my hand, then shakes his head. “I’m sorry about all this. But I’m not quite there yet.”

  He walks out the side gate. Repairing our relationship will take some time, but I have hope that we will get there.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Our families all come to our soon-to-be home for Christmas. I’ve never felt happier as I look around at everyone, sitting on the wooden floor around a roast turkey dinner. We have no table, and only a few chairs, so the floor is a spacious place to sit for everyone.

  Rhett asks me to stay back when everyone leaves, to help him put away and organize gifts we received for the house, then walks me home when we’re done. He kisses me on the front porch of my family home as the snow softly falls.

  I feel lightheaded as I head inside, and sigh as I close the door behind me. I make my way to the stairs, then pause. No, I really do feel lightheaded. Dakota squirms around, kicking my stomach.

  I puke.

  Mom flies down the stairs. “Avery!”

  “I think I may have eaten too much.”

  “Come, sit down.”

  Dad steps down behind her and hurries to grab cleaning supplies.

  She coaxes me to lie on the couch. “You need to take it easy, honey.”

  “I know.” I shut my eyes.

  She brushes my cheeks. “How do you feel? You’re a little warm.”

  I smile weakly. “I’m just tired.”

  “Okay. Why don’t you stay down here tonight?”

  I nod.

  Dad stands by the door. “Is everything all right?”

  “Too much excitement,” Mom says. “Get some rest, Avery. I’ll keep an eye on you. You don’t want to get sick.”

  I shut my eyes, immediately falling asleep.

  During the night, I awake to severe cramping. I whimper, clutching my belly. I’ve had Braxton Hicks, but none have felt like this. I try to breathe and relax, and soon it goes away. Just as I start dozing off again, another one hits me. I cry out. “Mom!”

  The lights turn on and Mom is beside me in an instant. “Avery, breathe.”

  I look into her eyes, taking deep breaths.

  “Good girl.” She strokes my hair as the cramp subsides.

  Dad kneels beside her. “What’s going on?”

  “It could be a false alarm,” Mom says. “But why don’t you call Bill, just to check?”

  Dad hurries to grab his phone and calls Doc.

  “Avery, honey.” Mom strokes my hair. “You’ve wet yourself.”

  I look down and squeal. “Did my water break?”

  “I don’t think so. There’s not enough.” She encourages me to lay back. “Do you feel like you’re still peeing?”

  I shake my head. “Help me.”

  She helps me take off my pants then covers me with a blanket.

  In the entryway, I can hear Brad and Taylor talking to Dad.

  “Should we get Rhett?” Brad asks.

  “No,” Dad says. “Let Doc have a look first. No point worrying him if it’s nothing.”

  Headlights coming through the front window announce Doc’s arrival. He hurries in, and Dad stays with Brad and Taylor in the kitchen. As Doc examines me, he frowns.

  “What?” I sit up, but it brings on another cramp. Whimpering, I flop back.

  When it subsides, Doc and Mom stare at each other. Then he asks, “How far apart are they?”

  “I’m not sure. Maybe fifteen minutes?” Mom responds.

  Doc takes a deep breath. “You need to take her to Bearville. She’s four centimeters dilated. If you don’t head this off, she’s going to have this baby.”

  “No.” I sit up. “It’s too early.”

  “Yes, it is.” Doc lowers my legs so I
can sit upright. “Which is why you need to get down there ASAP. The hospital can stop this, but I can’t.”

  “Paul!” Mom shoots to her feet.

  Dad’s in the room in a flash.

  “Paul, get her to that hospital.”

  Dad swears and flies outside.

  Mom and Doc help me stand, Mom holding the blanket around me. Taylor runs upstairs to grab me my sweats and slippers.

  Brad very carefully lifts me into his arms. I moan, but he manages it. I’m impressed by how strong he’s grown. Then I realize Jack’s helping him. Brad and Jack lift me into the truck as Dad starts the engine. Mom climbs in behind us.

  Brad squeezes my hand as Jack buckles me in. “I’ll get Rhett.”

  I nod, and he closes the door.

  Taylor hands Mom my things through the window as Dad backs out.

  On the way to the hospital, Mom keeps track of my contractions. When we have to stop for a tree on the road, Dad cusses up a storm as he and Mom rush out to move it enough for us to get through.

  By the time we arrive at the hospital, my contractions are ten minutes apart.

  I’m terrified. My baby could die if she comes too soon. As the nurses rush me in, I say a silent prayer that everything will be all right.



  Pounding on the door wakes me. Blinking, I gaze around, startled. Then, the banging comes again. “Rhett!”


  I run downstairs, too confused to think straight. I open the door as Jack leaps onto the porch. They both look worried. I my throat tightens. “Avery.”

  Within minutes, Jack’s driving us to Bearville. Brad and Taylor sit silently in the back, while I clench my knees. Avery has to be okay. I close my eyes and pray for her and our baby.



  The doctor manages to stop my progression, thank heavens. But I’m stuck in the hospital. I could start up again at any moment. They have no idea what triggered my preterm labor, but it distressed Dakota, and I’m still dilated.

  They have me in a quiet room with monitors everywhere. Mom and Dad have passed out on the couch. It’s cute as he holds her, with his head nestled against hers. I hope Rhett and I will be like that when we’re older.

  Someone taps on the door. I sit up as Jack pushes it open. I smile as he enters, followed by Brad and Taylor. I scan their heavy-eyed faces. “Where’s Rhett?”

  “He’s …” Jack thumbs toward the door. “He needs a moment.”

  “Is he okay?”

  Jack nods. “Just a bit shaken up.”

  The door cracks open and Rhett enters. My heart lifts as his gaze meets mine. But he’s red-faced as he says in a croak, “Avery.”

  I reach for him and he hurries over. My brothers step back as he throws his arms around me, softly sobbing. They’re tears of relief as he clings to me.

  “It’s okay,” I say softly. “We’ll be okay.”

  He nods, pulling away to look at me. “I was so scared.”

  “Me too.”



  The Davises get a room in Bearville, while my parents stay with my uncle. But I can’t leave the hospital. I’m afraid if I leave Avery for one moment, something will happen and I won’t be there for her.

  Late one night, she moans. I look up at her sitting up, wriggling as she holds her belly. I shoot up beside her. “Ave?”

  She looks at me. “Rhett …”

  Alarms go off everywhere.

  She clutches my hand as her face twists with pain. The lights come on, and the nurses rush into the room. My eyes widen; there’s blood on the sheets.

  “Avery!” I grab her hand tightly as she moans again.

  The nurses rush around her, checking her vitals.

  “Miss Davis,” one says. “You need to breathe.”

  “Breathe, Ave,” I say, trying to be helpful.

  The doctor appears in the room to examine her. He takes one quick look, then says, “Get her into surgery.”

  “What?” Her eyes fly open.

  “Miss Davis,” he says, “you’re hemorrhaging. We’re going to need to do an emergency C-section.”

  “No.” She shakes her head. “It’s too early!”

  “Yes. If we don’t, you could both die.”

  She stares at him, puffing and panting. She can’t think; she’s in too much pain.

  “Avery.” I squeeze her hands and she looks at me. “They’ll take care of you and the baby. I’ll be here for you when you come out.”

  I might sound calm, but inside I’m about to lose it.

  She nods.

  The staff flies her out of the room while I stand there, my whole body shaking.



  It hurts …

  “Miss Davis, count down from a hundred.”

  A mask lowers over my face as I count.

  It hurts so much. Where’s Rhett?

  “Rhett …” The room blurs and I go under.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I can’t stop moving. My hands tremble, and I pace back forth in front of the doors to the surgery rooms. I tried to call Mom and Dad, but I couldn’t speak. Mom just said, “We’ll be right there,” and hung up.

  But the Davises are the first to arrive. I can’t look at them. It’s my fault Avery’s in there. Paul must be furious at me. But Bray throws her arms around me, and Paul wraps his arm over my shoulders. I’m so stunned that all I can do is cry.

  An hour later my parents have made me eat something, and we sit together, waiting for something to happen. Then, a doctor approaches us. “Mr. and Mrs. Davis?”

  The Davises stand and Bray answers affirmatively.

  “The surgery went well. Would you like to see the baby?”

  “Sh … She’s all right?” I say, my legs too wobbly to stand.

  The doctor glances at me, then the Davises. Brays says, “He’s the father.”

  The doctor looks back to me. “Your baby is fine. She’s in the NICU, and will be for a while, but she’s strong and fairly well developed already. We will need to monitor her, but we’re expecting her to pull through.”

  Relief washes over me. It’ll be rough, but she’ll be fine. But then … “Avery? How’s Avery?”

  He looks to her parents again. “Your daughter has lost a lot of blood. She’s stable, but we did have to resuscitate her during the surgery.”

  Bray’s legs give out. She sobs loudly. Paul holds her up, burying her head into his chest.

  I can’t move. Avery died? Only for a moment, but she died! I tremble all over. Mom clutches my hand, and I realize I’m crying.

  “I’ll give you all a moment. A nurse will let you come in to see the baby when you’re ready.”

  I shoot to my feet. “When can I see Avery?”

  “When she’s back in her room.” He walks away.

  Bray swings around and grabs me, crying onto my shoulder. “Rhett, she’ll be all right. Don’t worry.”

  But I am worried. If I lose Avery, I don’t know what I’ll do.

  Mom rests her hand on my back. “Hey. Avery is going to be fine. When she comes out, we’ll see her. For now, let’s go see your baby.”

  Bray releases me and looks to Mom. “Yes. Rhett, you’re a daddy.”

  I should be happy, right? But being a daddy … I need Avery to be able to do that.

  Bray keeps her arm looped through mine as we head to the NICU. All the medical equipment looks like something from a science fiction movie, so I struggle to enter. The nurses make us wash, then put us in hospital gown things.

  Then a nurse leads us to a small, enclosed crib. Inside is the smallest baby I’ve ever seen. On the side is a tag that says, “Avery Davis”. This is my baby.

  I rest my hand on the plastic surface as she wriggles on the spot. I smile, having felt her squirm around just like that inside Avery. She’s got tubes in her, and monitors attached to what seems like everything.

�She’s going to have your hair,” Bray says softly. “There’s just the slightest hint of red in it, just like yours.”

  My heart melts. She’s my baby. Avery and I made this little girl. Our love created such a beautiful life. I didn’t know I could love someone so much. I search for the nurse. “Can I hold her?”

  She shakes her head. “We need to see how she handles the next few hours first. But you can touch her through the side.”

  She shows me where I can slide my hands. Through the gloves, I carefully touch her forehead. Tears fall as I grin like an idiot. “Hello, my little Dakota.”

  Her tiny hand clasps my finger.



  There’s weight pressing against my leg. Dragging my eyes open, I can hear the beeps of monitors as Rhett sleeps with his head in my lap. But my belly. I gasp and grab at my shrunken belly. “No …”

  Rhett’s head flies up. “Avery.”

  “My baby!”

  He grabs my hands. “She’s fine.”

  My heart pounds harder. “Where is she?”

  “She’s in the NICU.” He smiles. “She’s beautiful, Ave.”

  I swallow. I hurt all over, and my breasts feel swollen, but I just want to see my baby.

  He stands and softly kisses me. “You gave us all a fright. I’m so relieved you’re awake.”

  “How long have I been out?” I ask, looking into his eyes.

  “About a day and a half.”

  I shake my head, not really caring. I need to see my baby. “Take me to Dakota.”

  He calls a nurse and they help me into a wheelchair. They take me into the NICU and Rhett pulls on a gown over his clothes. A nurse then helps him lift a tiny baby from a crib. His face is bright as he gently caresses her and brings her to me.

  I straighten as he lowers her into my arms. He’s right; she’s beautiful. Then, her eyes open. She looks up at me and my heart skips. I love her so much. I smile as I brush my finger over her cheek. “Hi, sweetheart.”

  She wriggles, then closes her eyes again.

  Rhett squats beside me, kissing my temple. “I love my girls.”

  Tears fall as I lean against him. “And we love you, Daddy.”


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