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Sanibel Surrender Vampire Werewolf Menage (Fanged Romance Series Book Five)

Page 11

by Scott, Talyn

  “In a way, we’ve become so. At least, the best we can under our leadership roles. The one thing I do know, Oycher wasn’t lying tonight. If he doesn’t follow through with his end, his Masters will execute him and probably his family. Still, I think he’ll find any loopholes he can on the sly, to help us out.”

  “To kill him over insubordination, the vampires are sick.”

  “Well, they need to change some of their ancient customs, but I don’t care enough to bring it up.” Bane bared his canines. “It’s vampire population control, yeah?”

  “Yeah.” Ail still felt his werewolf stirring. “Why are they after Molly?”

  “Hopefully, we’ll know by tomorrow.” Bane stared pointedly at the Viking brothers, in the Beta’s way, until they misted to the compound’s outer perimeter. “What’s really going on, Ail?”

  He took a deep breath, flexing his hands. “When you found Renee, you told me you knew something was up the moment you met her, even before you scented her climax.”

  “Molly?” He gaped. “You think Molly’s yours?”

  Ail clarified, “Prior to tonight, I’d only met Molly fleetingly. From a distance, I thought she was hot, but knew she was married, off limits. Tonight, after spending more time with her, after protecting her, I was drawn to her. So drawn, in fact, I wanted to find her husband and make…never mind.” He shoved his fingers through his hair and lifted his face to the moon. “On the causeway, what if that was my surge in power? I’ve heard of this. A werewolf becomes more powerful after finding his mate. We’re celestially reborn, in a way, for finding the other half of our souls. Then we males use our newly enhanced blood to feed our females monthly under the full moon, to keep them strong and healthy. Just like us.” He took another deep breath, feeding off the moon. “Am I right?”

  “Yeah, you’re right.”

  At Bane’s tone, he whirled around and faced his brother. “This is serious! Why are you fighting so hard not to laugh?”

  Bane snorted. “I just want to be there, when you explain all this to the woman you refer to as Molly Ballbuster.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Molly pushed at Heath’s arm. “You’re so heavy.”

  “You didn’t mind last night,” he whispered, peppering kisses across her bare shoulder.

  “Don’t remind me of my wanton behavior. I’m ashamed.” Tingles went up and down her spine. She didn’t know if they were due to embarrassment or because she was turned on again. The sexiest laugh she’d ever heard left him.

  “You aren’t ashamed of anythin’ we did last night, lass.”

  “You sound a little too sure of yourself.” Flipping on her back, she reached out and pushed his long, dark hair from his face. It was loose and silky, falling around his thick shoulders. He’d taken her three more times during the night. And every time, she’d accepted him as though he was her very oxygen. “Even in the morning light, you have these blue highlights in your hair but they’re natural, right?”

  “Aye, to my Clan, black-blue is natural. In this century, thankfully, it’s far easier to blend in with mortal society, when the humans paint their hair every shade of God’s rainbow and then some.”

  “Yes, I suppose it is.” She couldn’t help but groan the next words, “Werewolves, vampires, and flying things, what a night.” Would she ever relax again?

  “As long as your apprehension isn’t about our lovemaking, I can assuage your other worries.” His smile widened in the same way as a pillaging pirate, when his big hand wandered and found the sore spot that used to be her vagina. “Perhaps, I should remind you of how it is between us.”

  “Why, when every move I make reminds me for you?” she asked tartly, thinking the last time she felt this way, she’d lost her virginity. Yet, this sensual ache was a hundred times worse, make that a thousand. “I have to get going, anyway.”

  He pulled his hands away from her body and propped himself up on an elbow to stare down at her. “But you’re not working today.”

  Meaning, he knew her schedule. “No, but I have to find another job and run a few errands,” Molly explained, grasping for normalcy. She didn’t want to talk about last night’s introduction to the immortal world. In fact, she really wasn’t in the mood to talk at all. And that tattoo of his, the one he claimed was keeping him from turning werewolf, was now completely gone. What did that mean?

  “Sweet Molly, the last thing I want is for you to be frightened of anything, especially with your male by your side. But you have to know that it’s not safe for you to be workin’, lass,” he said in a conciliatory tone. “I think last night proved that.”

  “I already thought of that, Heath. I’ll ask for only dayshifts until whatever is happening with me is resolved. Of course, I need to talk to Bane about getting to the bottom of this, since he seems to know what’s going on.”

  “Of course you should speak to Bane whenever you like. But Molly, dayshifts won’t make a difference. Daylight only hampers Undead, and vampires can go out any time they feel like it.”

  She couldn’t help but shudder. “They can?”

  “Aye, even the Gryphs.”

  “Those flying things? I think I’ve seen them before in my dreams.” Or her nightmares. “How strange is that?”

  “Does a werewolf have the right to answer such a question? Who am I to say what’s strange?” he asked almost sheepishly.

  “Speaking of strange,” she had to ask him. “Last night, you said…you told me after the first time…”

  “That I loved you,” he filled in. “You heard correctly, though I wish you didn’t find it strange. I wanted to remind you of that this morning, but I don’t want to see you skiddin’ out the door.” He touched where his Druid tattoo had been. “I don’t want to chase you, just now.”

  Chase her, as if he couldn’t somehow help himself? Then she remembered the words he’d spoken when they showered: Rule number one, never run from a werewolf. She shook her head, concentrating on what she presently needed to know. “How can you love me?”

  “I told you that you were my mate, um, in your words…a wife.” He scratched his chin, making a sound similar to sandpaper going over fine wood. “Take my word, it’s truth.”

  “In my experience, Heath, marriage and love don’t necessarily go hand in hand. Besides, we’re not yet close friends.”

  “Close friends?” he scoffed, gently gripping her hand and placing it over his velvet-skinned chest. His heart pounded under her touch, and she found it soothing. “Last night, when I was buried that deeply inside you, did you not feel how close we were? Do you have anythin’ to compare it to, for I’m a lot older than you are and I don’t.”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  “Lass, I’ve been watchin’ over you for some time now. Just these past few weeks, I felt this love grow. It’s something I’ve never felt before, a lover’s love, not the same as you feel for kin. Though, I’ll agree about us workin’ on the companionate part of our relationship, so we can be one another’s best friend.”

  “Day to day, remember?” Though his words filled something inside of her that she hadn’t known was empty, she was skeptical. After all, she’d heard pretty words many times from Wilson. This morning, however, she would keep her disgruntled opinions to herself. He looked so beautiful and sincere that she didn’t want to hurt him. Instead, Molly cupped his jaw, rubbing her thumb over his scratchy, day’s growth of stubble. “Although I find this amazingly sexy, you have to shave. My thighs have whisker burns on top of their whisker burns.”

  “That’s not a problem,” he replied, taking her change of subject in stride, “so long as I can bargain with you in turn.”

  “I think if I’m going to bargain with you,” she said, pulling the covers away from his magnificent erection, “you should put some clothes on. If distracted, I might promise things I’ll regret later. And we can’t have that.” Her mind tuned back to last night, when he’d taken her from behind, his heavy balls slapping rhythmically aga
inst her swollen clit. And the guttural sounds he made when he did that to her. Yeah, there wasn’t any way he was human.

  “Nay.” He stroked his straining cock a few times, the head emitting a crystalline drop. “I think I’ll be chancin’ you distracted for this. Early morn, Terje did me a favor and brought somethin’ by for us.” Heath stretched and left the bed. Molly’s mouth went dry, though a rush of moisture doused her pussy. He inhaled and glanced over his broad shoulder with pride. “You enjoy lookin’ at me.”

  It wasn’t a question. Heath knew what she was thinking, better yet, what she wanted. Even now, when her body felt as though a wrecking ball had hit her square between the legs, she couldn’t stop her response to him. Had she ever felt like this before? No, she hadn’t. And even though he had to be the most splendid thing on two legs, Molly had a strange suspicion he was straight on about this mating thing, and it was too soon for her. Question was - what exactly was she going to do about him, when she wanted Heath as a lover and he wanted far more from her than she was ready to give? Sadly, the answer was too far out there, something she couldn’t deal with right away.

  “So why would one of Arian’s brothers bring us something. Unless,” she said as her stomach howled, “it’s breakfast. Tell me he brought food.” Though she didn’t smell anything, Terje could’ve stashed muffins or bagels in a bag. “I’m starving.”

  “Breakfast is on its way, lass.”

  “Okay then, what’s in this mystery bag?” With a wicked grin, Heath dumped the contents next to her, on the bed. She picked up one of the packages, not believing what she held. “A butt plug?”

  “You’re too small back there.” He held up placating hands. “Not that there’s anything wrong with your scrumptious bottom. It’s just…I want to claim your ass, and I cannot go in without some serious preparation.”

  She tried for indignation, but she kept getting wetter and wetter. “You think I would let you… that in my butt.” When she said the word butt, her eyes automatically went to his erection. “What is that thing, like thirteen or fourteen inches long?” Not to mention the girth.

  “If that makes you feel any better to mentally downsize me, we can say thirteen or fourteen inches,” he said with a worried smile. Taking the package from her hand, he also grabbed a tube of lubricant that had fallen next to her knee. “This will bring us closer.”

  “Backdoor entry via Heath’s werewolf dick will bring me closer to the emergency room.” She crossed her arms under her breasts, and his eyes immediately dropped to her diamond-hard nipples. “Though, I’m curious, that’s a no-go, bud, not happening.”

  “I promise you this,” he said, running his tongue across his teeth, eyes still on her nipples. “I can change your mind in less than five minutes. Three if you relax.”

  She squeezed her thighs together. “I’m not gambling over the general safety of my ass.”

  He scowled, those silver eyes flipping to her face. “I would never hurt you.”

  “My pussy begs to differ,” she argued her point. “Can’t you take some of those piercings out?” Though she had to admit that they had felt so good last night, when they rolled inside of her.

  “Some of the younger werewolves can.” He shrugged. “At my age, my skin has grown over the width of the studs. Mayhap I can tear them out with my claws, but that’s in the hypothetical, mind you. After all, I don’t know any male who can knowingly desecrate his cock. Do you?”

  “Not really,” she admitted, her eyes blazing over his piercings. They were certainly functional.

  “Besides, I would be disrespectin’ the honor for which my metal was bestowed, mainly for heroism.”

  “You reward one another with piercings?” Just when she thought that things couldn’t get any weirder, he had to go and say that.

  “Virility is a prominent feature of all werewolves, no matter the clan.” He smiled in a how-could-you-forget-what-I-did-to-you-last night kind of way. “This,” he said, sweeping a proud hand over his enormous maleness, “is called a tribal inflixx and usually impresses and pleases the lasses.” He cocked a concerned brow. “Well, it usually does. Now, I’m not so sure.”

  Heath was so hot she couldn’t deny trying something new with him, chiefly since he knew how to wield his dick so effectively. “Take it out of the package,” she said, standing up. “I’m heading to the bathroom, so I’ll wash it.”

  “You’re givin’ it a go?” he asked, pulling her against his chest. His heavy thickness pressed enticingly against her stomach. His hands slowly made their way up and down her spine, fueling that strange kindling underneath her skin.

  She placed a kiss on his sternum, over his heart. “Honestly, I’ve never tried anything like this, so don’t get your hopes up, but yeah. I’m interested.”

  Heath slanted his lips over hers, his tongue delving deep inside her mouth, making her melt against him. Molly was sure that she had morning breath. He, on the other hand, tasted like the back of the wind – capricious, wildly untamed, someone not belonging of this earth. And in a way, he tasted like…hers. When she stepped away, he protracted a long, black claw and sliced the plastic packaging open for her before handing her its companion lubricant. She laughed. “I keep having these monumental moments. I get divorced, have a run in with vampires and werewolves, then have sex with someone I hardly know, and now I’m holding my first butt plug. Gee, things are looking up.” She jutted her chin, blinking her eyes exaggeratedly as she walked into the bathroom.

  “Call when you’re ready,” he said with a wolf’s smile. “I’ll bend you over the vanity and insert it myself.”

  “Since you seem to know what you’re doing, I’ll go with that.” Molly saluted him before closing the bathroom door. After she placed her erotic items on the vanity, Molly kneeled and rummaged inside the cabinet for a washcloth. The place was packed with luxurious bath products and assorted feminine toiletries. Bren must have had these sent over, seeing as how Molly appeared to be nearly the only woman on this side of The Blue Pelican. She grabbed some toothpaste, since the tube she brought was nearly empty, and grabbed some tinted moisturizer. Normally, she wore a great deal of makeup, including false eyelashes. However, she thought when she stood up and stared into the mirror, her complexion had greatly improved and she was going to brave today day without piling on extra color. When had she ever gone natural? Never. Wilson wouldn’t have put up with it. Her eyes dropped to her apex, appraising the hair she’d allowed to grow in instead of getting herself waxed. Wilson would loathe it, and she wondered what Heath thought of it.

  Grabbing her toothbrush, she loaded it up and went to work on her teeth. With her free hand, she dampened the washcloth under the warm, running water and went to work on a quick birdbath. For her, a nighttime soak was always better than a morning shower, but she always freshened up, especially if she’d had a night like last night. She giggled around her toothbrush. Who was she trying to fool? Molly had never experienced a night as she’d had with Heath. Maybe, that’s why she was willing to stay, to take this day by day as she had promised. Perhaps, that’s why she was willing to stick that crazy toy up her ass. She glared at the thing. It was pink and feminine, trying to appear all innocent as it sat on the towel, waiting for her. She rinsed the toothpaste from her mouth and whispered. “There’s nothing innocent about you, pal.”

  “What was that?” Heath asked from the other side of the door.

  “Go away.” Could he hear everything? “I have to tinkle!”

  “Can you hurry, lass? Dru is coming by in a few minutes and I want to take care of you before then.”

  “Take care of me?”

  “Aye,” he said with a rumble. “You’ll become excited when I insert it.”

  Could she possibly come again? She touched herself and pulled away drenched fingers. Yeah, she could. “I’m hurrying.”

  Five minutes later, she had the item washed and ready. On the package, there was a dishwasher safe claim, making Molly seriously rethink e
ating at her girlfriends’ houses, especially the single ones. “Ewe,” she muttered.

  “Second thoughts?”

  She rolled her eyes. “No, come in.” When Heath walked into the bathroom, her breath caught in her throat. Was she having second thoughts? After everything he’d seen and done to her, still, she was suddenly embarrassed.

  “I am so fortunate. Not only are you the surliest female this short of the Highlands, you are an extraordinary treat for my eyes.” Heath slid his hand around her rib cage, his dark fingers in deep contrast against her paler skin. “Flawless,” he purred, leaning down to kiss the small of her back. He placed his opposite hand between her shoulder blades and wordlessly eased her over the countertop, facing the mirror.

  Molly not only felt his silky hair gliding over her skin, causing it to ripple with goose bumps, she watched him in the mirror, which was the equivalent of a one-two punch. “Just…” She swallowed hard when he went down on his knees, spreading her cheeks with his deft fingers. “Do it… before I lose my nerve.”

  "You truly are small.” She squirmed under his examination. “Lass, haven't you enjoyed any anal contact?"

  "No.” she wiggled her butt, trying to entice him to hurry. “Like I said, I've never before done this."

  The tip of his thumb gently stroked her anus. "Not even a finger or a tongue?"

  "No, Heath, believe me when I say there has been absolutely nothing done to my ass." She bit back a moan when his roughly textured tongue replaced his fingers, flicking right where his thumb had been. “Oh!” He dug his fingertips into her hip, keeping her globes spread for his perusal and subsequent invasion. With another flickering of his expert tongue, her head went back with a strangled curse.

  "My Molly, just the thought of being the first one to take you here makes my cock hungry in anticipation.” His tongue didn’t flicker this time, but pushed in a half-inch or so, twirling, twirling, and twirling.

  “Oh, please!”

  With one last twirl, he pulled back and brought the lid of the lubricant to his mouth, twisting it open. “What a pink rose you have.” He said while working the lube between his fingers, warming it. “My balls are throbbing"


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