First Touch_My Best Friend's Little Sister

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First Touch_My Best Friend's Little Sister Page 5

by Lauren Wood

  Melanie was inside and Jake wasn’t far behind. He hadn’t seen me yet and it was obvious that he was trying to get back in Melanie’s good graces. She wasn’t giving him that much attention, so it wasn’t so bad, but there was part of me that already wanted to hit him. All it took was her drinking too much for him to get in where he wanted to and that pissed me off to no end. She was mine.

  The thought popped in my head with a vengeance and it was an overwhelming feeling that surprised me. I’d never really claimed a woman before, especially not one that I hadn’t ever slept with. While I wanted to say that it was because she was Scott’s sister, I knew that it had nothing to do with it. I wasn’t being the good friend to the big brother. It was nothing like that at all. I was pulled to her for some reason and I really wasn’t sure why. Maybe forbidden fruit really was just that much sweeter than the rest.

  Walking up to the table where the two were sitting, I pulled out a chair next to Melanie. Jake saw me and his face was a litany of emotions, stringing one into another. He was not happy to see me. He was about as happy as I was to see him. I thought that I had made it clear last time I was in here that she was mine.

  “You told me eight.”

  “Yeah, but I needed a drink. Jake here was just telling me about his new car. Did you see it out front?”

  I shrugged, not giving a damn about Jake’s car. I didn’t want him around and I hoped that he got the hint quickly or I was going to have to be a little clearer about it all.

  Calling the waitress over, I got myself a couple of shots and a beer and another mixed drink for Melanie. I didn’t know how long I was staying or what the hell I was doing here, but Jake gave me a reason to stay. Why was it every time I turned around he was around Melanie?

  After a time, Jake was still sitting there, Melanie smiling and laughing at his jokes and I’d had enough. She invited me for a drink and Jake needed to go. She was encouraging him of course, but that didn’t matter. Melanie got up and went to the bathroom and I took the opportunity to tell the guy to beat it. He had a few too many drinks and I thought he was going to get loud for a minute, but the feeling must have passed because he left much like he had last time I caught him with Melanie.

  When she got back, she asked where he was and I wanted to know if she really cared, or if she was just messing with me. It felt like she was just messing with me. She couldn’t like that guy, right? I know they’d dated in the past, an idea that I didn’t like to have, but now she had to have outgrown him.

  “Your little friend said he was sorry, but he had to go.”

  “My little friend?”


  “Well if that wasn’t condescending as hell. What about your little friend. Bianca?”

  “What about her?”

  “Is that for real?”

  I had to chuckle at the way she asked and at the way she said it. I don’t know how me and Bianca got together in the beginning beyond that she was hot and easy. The reason I stayed was a mystery, but most of the time I figured because things were safe with her. She did relatively anything I wanted and she didn’t expect much in return. I didn’t have to pretend I was in love to have sex with her and that was a bonus. I didn’t fall in love.

  “It’s something to pass the time.”


  “Too harsh?”

  “A little. I would be devastated if someone said that about me.”

  “That’s impossible for anyone to say that about you Melanie. There is something special about you.”

  Chapter 13


  “It sounds good in theory, but since I was just dumped for my best friend not but a few weeks ago, I don’t think everyone feels that way.”

  “The right one will.”

  I snorted and looked at the drink I was rolling in my hand on the table. Maybe I’d had enough if I was going to make sounds like that.

  “Don’t tell me that you believe in the right one? I know how you are Carl, how you have always been. Nothing has changed and I’m finally seeing it the way that it truly is. Jake is fun, but he’s not ‘the one’, no one is.”

  “That’s a bit too negative for a girl so young.”

  “I learned young that just because I felt some way about someone, that doesn’t mean that they are going to feel that way about me. You didn’t and it didn’t matter what I did.”

  He didn’t say anything to that and I took another drink, even though I’d just told myself a few moments before that I’d had enough.

  “I didn’t know that it would bother you that much. I wasn’t even really paying attention. You were a kid Melanie, so how could I take you seriously?”

  “I don’t know. I guess now I get it a little bit better, but for a while I was pretty upset about it. I didn’t get why you didn’t like me. It drove me a little crazy because I really wanted you. I thought about you all of the time. If you knew how many times I’ve whispered your name when I come Carl, I would be embarrassed. I’ve even called out your name with another man before. It didn’t go well, either time. I wish sometimes that I didn’t have this crush on you, but I do. I tried to stay away, but seeing you again, just reminds me how much I used to like you. How much I still do.”

  “Then what about Jake?”

  I waved him off. “What about him? I dated Jake long ago to pass the time.”

  His brow went up and I knew that he didn’t find my use of his own words very useful, though I found it hilarious.

  “Well you shouldn’t. He’s a waste of your time.”

  “And what are you?”


  I don’t know why he was so worried about Jake. He was the one that insisted that we couldn’t be together, so why did it matter so much? Why was he so worried about who I was with when he didn’t want me himself? After that kiss and what he’d said, I thought he had. But he must not because if he had really wanted something to happen, he would have made it happen. Nothing would have stood in his way.

  “Don’t be concerned. I’m not a girl anymore and I can take care of myself.”

  “Of that I have no doubt. Let me take you home before it gets too late.”

  This night was not going the way I wanted it to and another stolen kiss in the parking lot of the bar was not going to do it for me. If he was going to take me home, he was going to have to make it worth my while.

  “I think I’m going to stay back and talk to Jake if he’s still here. I think I need to pass some time tonight.”

  He growled at me and I don’t know why, but I really liked the sound of it. He wasn’t happy about the prospect, but if he didn’t want me, he needed to let me go do what I wanted to do. I wasn’t going to wait around for him to grow some balls and take what he wanted.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Well he’s not my first choice, but he looks like he is the only one that I got.”

  “I know you’re talking about me, but there are plenty of men that want you. Jake is not the only choice for you. There has to be someone out there that is your age and right for you.”

  “Not tonight there isn’t. I have needs Carl and I can’t keep ignoring them like I’ve been doing.”

  He looked away like he didn’t even want to look at me and I got up from the chair.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I thought I just said. You’re leaving and I’m going to go find Jake. I’m not going to spend my birthday night alone.”

  “You’re not alone. I’m here.”

  I made a face because I knew that he was just mincing words with me. He was here, but not in the way that I wanted him to be here for me.

  “You know what I mean.”

  “Yeah I do. So if I leave, you won’t come with me?”

  I shook my head that I wasn’t going to go. “Not unless there is something else that’s going to happen worth my while.”

  “Is that really what you want?”

  I agreed. “It’s
what I’ve wanted for a long time Carl.”

  He cursed under his breath and said something about me dragging him to hell. I don’t know if that was true, but I wanted to believe that he was finally going to be with me. I wanted to be back in his arms so badly.

  “So you’ll come back to Lily’s place with me?”

  I didn’t want to sound desperate or eager, but there was a hint of both in my voice and it was impossible to avoid. I had waited so long for him. He didn’t want to do much in the bar because of the town around us watching, but I knew then that he was finally going to give me what I truly needed. I needed him, in any way or capacity that I could get him. Tonight was finally going to be the night.

  Chapter 14


  I was driving her to her place and I’d already promised to come up for a little while. I could beg off of it now, saying that I’d only agreed so that she would leave with me. She shouldn’t be driving, but it wasn’t because of that. I knew that it had nothing to do with that in the end. In the end I just wanted her and I was going to pay, I knew it as I drove the couple of miles to Lily’s place. I knew all of the consequences that were going to occur and I still got out of the car and walked with her to the door.

  It was my chance to leave, to get back in the car and just go. It’s what I should have done and the more I thought about it, the hotter she became. I couldn’t walk away, not this time. She’d been asking for it, begging for it really and I wasn’t that strong of a man. I wasn’t strong enough to walk away from her for a third time. I just couldn’t.

  “You coming in?”

  I was standing on the porch still and the door was open. I don’t know how long it was open before I realized it, but I knew that I was going to have to make a decision. Her smile and the way she looked at me made it for me. I walked in behind her and shut the door, locking it just in case someone tried to interrupt us. There was going to be no more interruptions or people changing their mind. I was here for a reason and I was going to go through with it, everything else be damned.

  When we got inside, she turned around not but a few feet in and kissed me, pulling herself up against me with a moan. Melanie was making sounds of pleasure and her hands were curious as they moved around my body. I felt her squeeze my arms and chest like she was testing my strength. I wanted her pleased with the results.

  “I don’t remember you being so big Carl.”

  I’ve always been the same size, but this was the first time that she had really touched me in that way and I knew that she liked what she saw and felt because she couldn’t keep her eyes off of me. The way her fingers gripped me and then her arms wrapped around me. She was weaving her way around me, making it so it was impossible for me to break free. It was still just as bad of an idea as when we were together last time. Scott was finally not looking at me like I was doing something wrong and I was going to go and risk it all. I should get out of here before it was too late.

  “Let’s go to the bedroom Carl. I need you.”

  Her words were laced with the need she claimed to have and her hand grabbed my cock hard and she knew that I was just as damn ready as she was. I was rock hard and when she grabbed me I made a noise because damned I wanted to do that very thing. I walked with her in front of me, pushing her along to the bedroom and then pushed her back on the bed so that I could see all of her. I was already in for a penny, so I might as well make it worth it, I thought to myself.

  The redhead looked up at me from the mattress and she had this glow to her green eyes that made them look like cat’s eyes. She was watching everything that I did and I took my shirt off because it was getting hot in here and I wanted to feel her skin against mine. She was trembling slightly as I pulled her clothes off of her slowly and I asked her if she was cold.

  “No Carl. I’ve just been waiting for this for a long time. I’ve dreamed about what it would feel like for you to touch me and I can’t stop my body from shaking.”

  She was naked underneath me and I sat back on my heels and took in the creamy white skin and the freckles that brushed her shoulders and a few graced her hips. She had a little red line of short hair that pointed to her needs and I ran my fingers across her chest and down to that line, dragging just the tips so that goosebumps were left it their wake.

  Melanie whimpered and moaned as I touched her and it was hard to ignore her sounds. She was driving me crazy and when she finally called out my name; my mouth was kissing its way down her body. I wanted more of her and when I reached the center of her need, her body rose up to meet my mouth and I could tell that she wanted it badly.

  I could smell her arousal and it was doing something to me as well. It was driving me crazy and the more I tried to deny the way she made me feel, the more impossible it was to do so. I needed to taste her and when I got my first lick; I knew that it wasn’t going to be enough. She had sweetness to her that I’d tasted when I’d kissed her and it flooded my mouth with all kinds of temptations. I needed her, badly and before long I was ready to explode if I didn’t have her soon.

  I’d decided before I stepped foot in her door that I was only going to go so far. I wasn’t going to go all the way. I was going to please her, getting my own pleasure from hers and then I was going to leave after she passed out. This was the plan, but the plan wasn’t really sounding all that good at the moment. I wanted it to be a little different and now that I had her taste in my mouth, I needed more. I wanted to bury myself into her wetness that was more than ready for me.

  Looking down at her, Melanie’s eyes were closed and she trembled in anticipation of me touching her again. I wanted more, but then I remembered why I’d decided against it. It wasn’t going to work and this was all I got. Bringing her to the brink several times wasn’t enough, so I focused on pleasing her as much as I could. Once she was out, I would leave and hopefully get my head on straight before I saw her again.

  I moved back down between her legs, opening her up slowly before taking a long lick that made her whimper. Her body was hot and sticky from our actions and I knew that it was time to end her before I found another way to do so, a way that I was trying hard not to do.

  I had to pull my tongue from her crevice before I pushed my own self further than I was meant to. I didn’t want to think about what it would be like inside of her. She felt tight to my tongue and I had to know more.

  I nipped on her hip and she whimpered and looked up at me with glowing green eyes.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Making you feel good. Doesn’t this feel good?”

  She said that it did, but I could tell that there were other things that she wanted me to do instead of teasing her. Melanie wanted completion as badly as I did and I could see from the expression on her face that it wasn’t going to take much for her to start asking for me deep inside of her. I was going to have to distract her or there was going to be no way that my answer would be no if she asked.

  My fingers fumbled with the small ball of need that lay hidden in her clit. I had flicked it with my tongue and sucked on it a little bit, but there was so much more that I could do with my fingers and my hand, rubbing against her at a breakneck speed. The faster I went, the more her back arched up like she was a puppet and I was pulling her strings.

  When she started begging for more, my first instinct was to slam inside of her like I said I would. She was dripping wet and she was so damn hot that I could feel the heat emanating off of her. It was hard to deny and I didn’t want to. I only wanted her.

  It took a minute for me to remember that it couldn’t be and I was the one that hissed. I was too damn hard for comfort and there was a need that I wasn’t able to take care of. That’s what bothered me the most. It was all I could think about and it was killing me, it really was.

  With nothing else to do, I slid a finger inside of her instead of what we both truly wanted. Melanie didn’t complain though. She was writhing and whimpering, not a complaint in sight as I pumped another digit inside of h

  “God, I’m going to come, Carl!”

  She made it sound like she was surprised by the revelation. It was hard to not fuck her. I wanted to be inside of her when she came. Fluid gushed out of her as she screamed and I gritted my teeth to the news. She just squirted on me and I bent down to lap up what was left over. The wetness made her inner thighs slick and I was unable to stop how I felt about her.

  I should have stopped then, but it was too tempting to try and get her to do it again. I liked the control that I seemed to have on her body and the taste of her in my mouth. It really was as sweet as I would have thought it to be. I was fairly regretting what we were doing because I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to forget her and how this felt. It was going to be a problem.

  As she came again, our eyes met as I wiped my mouth and moved to kiss her.

  “Have you had enough yet?”

  She whined. “I want you inside of me Carl.”

  I couldn’t give her what she wanted. I could only give her more of the same and I knew that I was going to have to satisfy her fully to get away from her. I wasn’t going to be able to leave anything left in her when I was gone.

  Melanie found pity for me because she came hard and fast and I was able to send her to sleep without much more time and effort given. I was throbbing when I sat up and her eyes were still shut. I said her name softly a few times and then pulled her in against me for a minute so that I could feel her body. Her heart slowed and her body slacked. I knew then that it was time for me to leave. Melanie felt too good in my arms and I was going to have to forget this night happened.

  Chapter 15


  The sun was bright the next day and it took a minute for the day before to come flooding back. I remembered what Carl had done for me and to me, but I don’t know what happened. I came so hard, more than I had before and I think I passed out. It was the first time that it had ever happened to me and I didn’t know what to say or what to think.


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