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Stolen Away

Page 8

by Marion Webb-De Sisto

  When she reached the corner, Esther dared herself to take a peep around the bend. If she was then face-to-face with Dreydon, she’d want to die of embarrassment. Holding her breath, Esther allowed herself a quick look in his direction. It wasn’t possible to see him clearly because this second waterfall was even more turbulent than the one under which she’d stood. His wings were outstretched and vibrating, as though the water was energizing them. Then he curved them forward and let their underneath sections benefit from the plummeting flow.

  Esther withdrew her gaze. She should go back to her clothes and get dressed, but she hadn’t yet gained a proper view of him. She’d take just one more peek, and then she’d behave herself. Carefully, she peered around the corner. Now, Dreydon was standing at the side of the waterfall, facing the body of water below. This side view of him left no doubt in her mind that he was extremely well-endowed down below, and with regard to his ass Anna would describe him as having “gorgeous tight buns.” He really was a magnificent creature.

  Dreydon’s folded wings vanished; he leaned forward and dove into the water below. She presumed wings would be a hindrance when swimming. For a few moments, Esther watched his powerful strokes carry him away from the waterfall. Then she went back to her clothes and toweled herself dry. She got dressed in the mauve underwear, her jeans, and top and sat down on the edge of the ledge to wait for the demgel. The warm sun was drying her hair.

  Before very long Dreydon was standing beside her. His wings had returned and he was wearing his knee-length pants. In his hand was the other towel and, after taking hold of hers, they both vanished obviously by magic. He picked up her soap, waved his hand over it and the soap appeared dry. He put it in his pocket. Esther presumed he’d already done the same with his own bar. After also collecting her pink underwear and shirt Dreydon pulled her up, put his arms around her, and unfurled his wings.

  Immediately, she asked, “Can you hold me so I can see where we’re going?”

  He turned Esther away from him, held her close and took flight. They didn’t come up against a shield, either visible or invisible. Apparently, Dreydon had removed it. She looked down and saw a wood and several fields below her. It was interesting to view the countryside from this advantageous height. Esther was mentally taking note of everything she was seeing. In some future novel, she would be able to describe in detail the panorama, which passed below a character that could fly.

  Suddenly, a flock of fierce looking birds were flying toward them. She could see that their heads, wings, and feet looked like those of eagles. Yet they were much bigger than any eagle she’d ever seen. Just before they reached Esther and Dreydon, the flock branched sharply to the left and right, flying past them on either side. She could now see they also had bodies, back legs, and tails that resembled those of a lion.

  “What were those flying creatures?”

  “They’re gryphons. They hunt and kill anything that flies, but never anything on the ground.”

  “Why didn’t they attack you?”

  Dreydon gave a deep chuckle. “They have learned from bitter experience not to prey on demgels.”

  Their flight continued and they finally reached his home. Esther could now see it was on the lower slope of a mountain. As they came down onto the porch, Toldo gave them a hand-licking welcome. Then, at a word of command from Dreydon, he lay down. The front door opened, they went inside, and it closed. It was obvious this demgel could manipulate the door without even a slight hand movement.

  “Are you hungry? I shall cook breakfast.”

  “Yes. What are you going to make?”

  “Scrambled eggs, potatoes, and mushrooms are my usual breakfast. Will you eat them?”

  “That sounds delicious. I hate fried eggs, but I like them scrambled or made into an omelet. What can I do to help?”

  He gave her a slight smile. “You can get the plates from the cupboard, as well as the bread board and knife. There is a fresh loaf of bread on the board. I got the bread and the mushrooms from my centaur friends this morning before you woke.”

  Esther went to the cupboard, took out the bread and the board, put them on the table, and then placed the serrated knife next to the board. She picked up two large plates and took them over to Dreydon. He’d already washed the potatoes and mushrooms and was now busily chopping them. She could see a large bag of potatoes and smaller bags of other vegetables, including mushrooms, on the floor under the sink. The potatoes were red skinned and the mushrooms were similar to those known as shiitake. There was a skillet on top of the stove. He took the plates from her and put them in the oven.

  “If you would like to sit down, this will not take long.”

  “I’ll go and get my sneakers. Oh, by any chance could you manifest a comb for me, please?” What she asked for appeared in her hand. She put it into her jeans pocket.

  Esther went into the bedroom and sat down on the edge of the bed. Her socks were on top of her sneakers and, as she lifted them, the same fresh smell that permeated her jeans and top was present. She put them and her sneakers on, stood up, and looked at the bed. It was a mess, so Esther plumped up the long pillow and folded back the blanket and the sheet toward the bottom of the bed. She wondered if demgels aired their beds.

  Then, she scooted into the bathroom and washed her hands. Esther couldn’t resist making the water flow, and then stop, over and over. Maybe it really is fae magic? She combed her hair, which now felt semi-dry, and left the comb on the side of the tub.

  By the time she came out of the bathroom, a delicious smell was coming from Dreydon’s cooking. Her stomach rumbled in approval. She went over to the bookcase, hoping to see what books were of interest to him. They looked extremely old and their titles seemed to be a series of symbols. Esther picked one up carefully, opened it, and found page after page of unintelligible symbols and glyphs. Many looked like strokes of varying lengths with tiny circles on either end of them. She put the book back and looked at other shelves. On one she found some copies of books she did recognize: A Tale of Two Cities, Alice in Wonderland, Pride and Prejudice, The Scarlet Pimpernel and—

  “The food is ready. Come and eat.” Dreydon was carrying the two plates over to the table. If they were hot, that didn’t seem to bother him. After placing them on the table, he cut several slices of bread.

  Esther walked to the table, sat and gingerly touched the edge of her plate. It was really hot. The food appeared perfect. The potatoes were in the style of hash browns and the scrambled eggs looked exactly like the popular Earth dish.

  “By any chance do you have salt and pepper?”

  “I usually add those condiments while I’m cooking, but I wasn’t sure whether you like them.” He leaned across the table and, holding his left hand above her plate, rubbed his thumb and forefinger together. Grains of both salt and pepper sprinkled down from his digits onto her food. Then he repeated the same action over his own plate.

  “Take some bread. We won’t have another proper meal until this evening.”

  She took a slice and, as she held it, a knife and fork appeared on either side of her plate. The same cutlery became evident for him to use. So he doesn’t eat food with his fingers? Apparently, it was just soup that he preferred to drink rather than use a spoon.

  Obviously reading her thoughts, Dreydon said, “Quite often I do eat with my fingers, but since you think demgels are ill-mannered, I am attempting to change your mind. I know how to use cutlery.”

  She decided to disregard his mind probing. “I said Zortek was ill-mannered. You’ve definitely been more gracious than he was.”

  “Thank you.” He stared at her but didn’t smile.

  Esther turned her attention to her food and began eating. Every mouthful was pure enjoyment. Dreydon was a great cook. She was aware that he was also eating and that his steady gaze was upon her. What is he contemplating while staring? Does he think humans are odd because they don’t have horns and wings? After what he’d said would happen if she were taken to
a mejin, Esther figured Zortek stared because he anticipated having her as his sex slave. So what, if anything, is Dreydon anticipating? He’d decided she was part elf, but that was silly. So what other crazy notions does he have?

  “Why are you concerned about what I think of you?”

  That did it. She couldn’t continue ignoring his mind snooping. “I told you to stop poking into my thoughts, but you’re still doing it. That makes me very angry, Dreydon.”

  He drew in a breath. “It pleases me when you say my name.”

  “Well, you’re not pleasing me. Stop reading my thoughts!”

  “I do not usually poke, as you call it, into other minds, but you fascinate me. I mean no harm. To learn more about you is why I do it.”

  “If you want to know more about me, ask questions. Don’t encroach on my thoughts.” She finished eating her food.

  “Did you enjoy your breakfast? Would you like to finish with some juice?”

  “Yes, it was very tasty. What juice do you have?”

  “There is orange or apple. Which would you like?”

  “I’ll take the orange.”

  Dreydon went to the cupboard and took out a stone bottle and two narrow containers. He came back to the table, poured the juice and gave one container to Esther. She drank some while he downed his in one gulp. Then he cleared the table except for her container and put everything in the sink. The water gushed out at the wave of his hand, and then it stopped. He came back and waited for her to finish the juice.

  When her container was in the sink with the other crockery and cutlery, Esther got up from the table and stood wondering what they were going to do next. Dreydon went into the bedroom and when he came out he was wearing his sandals. He approached her, laid his large hands on Esther’s shoulders and stared down intently at her.

  “I don’t want to make you angry. While you are here with me on Kurbridor, I hope you will be happy. I’ll try not to listen to your thoughts, but know that when I do so your inner musings give me pleasure. I have never known anyone like you.”

  His gaze seemed to be burning right into her and it was disturbing to be under such scrutiny. She could also feel his body warmth moving from his hands into her shoulders and downward. For some unknown reason, this aroused a sensual reaction within her. Feeling awkward, Esther stepped away from him and answered,

  “If you don’t pry into my thoughts and don’t stare, I’ll be fine.” Wanting to change the subject, she questioned, “What are your plans for today? I hope by being here I’m not stopping you from doing something important.”

  “I am taking you to meet a friend. His name is Narrak and he’s a dragon.”

  “Oh, there are dragons on Kurbridor, too? Well, I guess there’s always room for one more mythical beast in this world. It has everything else.”

  “His mate, Menil, recently laid six eggs and we’re waiting for them to hatch.”

  “Okay, let’s go see the dragons. Meeting them will be one more reason for me to think I’m definitely going crazy.”

  Chapter Eleven

  To hold Esther against him, as he flew, was a definite pleasure for Dreydon. She was so small and fit comfortably in his arms. Her scent was growing more and more tantalizing now that Zortek’s was diminishing. There was an allure about this female that he’d never experienced before. His inner demon wanted her and it was becoming very difficult to keep him under control. If Narrak didn’t think he should be wary of Esther, then he would want to explore sex with her. Even if he did warn him against her, Dreydon knew that wouldn’t alter his demon’s lust. She thought demgels were rude and strange. If the demon had his way, she’d probably add depraved to that evaluation.

  As they soared higher up onto the mountain, the air grew colder. He felt Esther shiver and magically sent a warming glow into her body. Before leaving his home, he’d manifested two thick shirts, a large one for him, and another that was sufficiently large to fit over her thin top. It would be pleasantly warm inside Narrak’s lair, but Dreydon doubted the dragon would invite Esther inside. His hatred and distrust of humans was constant.

  “Are you cold?”

  “I was feeling chilled, but then I suddenly felt warm again. The heat seemed to come from you. Did you do something?”

  “I sent you some warmth by magic. Just let me know when you need more of it.”

  They arrived at the home of Narrak and Menil. Dreydon circled down and landed on the large ledge in front of the lair. He knew how, when Narrak had first created his crystal home, he’d made this rocky landing strip flat and smooth with his fiery breath. It was ideal for dragons to take off from or alight on, as well as for his demgel friend to do the same.

  Releasing Esther, Dreydon advised, “Don’t be surprised or concerned if Narrak is not very friendly. He dislikes humans, but won’t hurt you.” That was an understatement. The dragon loathed humans and would be happy to breathe fire all over them. However, Dreydon had no wish to alarm Esther and he knew Narrak wouldn’t become aggressive unless he was sufficiently aggravated.

  “Why doesn’t he like humans?”

  “Long ago, when dragons used to frequently visit Earth, many of them were killed by your planet’s inhabitants. They rarely go there now, but their battles with the humans have not been forgotten.”

  “Although we don’t believe dragons exist they’re not considered as moral. In legends, they’re said to have caused much destruction and killing. So I’m a little apprehensive about meeting him.”

  “Don’t be concerned, I would never let Narrak hurt you.” Dreydon moved to the solid sheet of quartz that formed the front entrance to the lair. He banged his fist on it in the pattern of sound that told the dragons it was their demgel friend who was waiting outside.

  The quartz sheet vanished, revealing the high, deep cavern of fluorite and calcite.

  Dreydon went back to Esther and drew her to the side of the opening. “Narrak is large and takes up most of the room out here. I wouldn’t want him to inadvertently knock you over the edge. You will be fine if you stand here and don’t move about too much. We will talk to each other in his language, which you will not understand, but I shall translate for you.”

  A roar of greeting issued from inside the crystal cave and seconds later Dreydon’s friend emerged. His standing height was more than that of the demgel and, as his long tail withdrew from the entrance, he flicked it from side to side in an added form of greeting. His purple eyes scanned over his friend and then glared at Esther. “She is very small, my friend. It would take only one breath to turn her into a crisp.”

  “Well, I’m glad Esther can’t understand you, Narrak, or she would be very alarmed. Of course, she is quite feisty, too, so if she knew what you said, I’m sure she would reprimand you for being rude and unfriendly.”

  “Ah, she has spirit. That’s one small point in her favor.”

  “What is he saying?” asked Esther.

  “Oh, it’s just the usual greeting between two friends. I’ve already told him how you came to Kurbridor. He just wanted to meet you.”

  “He’s so big and quite magnificent. His eyes are scary, they look right through you, but I’d love to touch his scales.”

  An incredulous Narrak questioned, “She wants to touch my scales? Does she have a scale fetish? Has she been touching yours?”

  “No, Narrak, she hasn’t touched any part of me out of curiosity.” Dreydon realized this was an unhappy fact.

  “But I sense you wish she would. I must look inside this human before you become attached to her.” Narrak’s head moved down and forward so that it was only inches away from Esther’s face. His eyes stared into hers and for a few moments she appeared mesmerized. Then she stepped back and looked up at Dreydon.

  “What is he doing to me? It’s as though he’s sending energy right through my mind. It’s scary, yet not unpleasant.”

  He wanted to be honest with her. “Narrak is looking inside you to see what type of person you are. It’s something
dragons do. As my friend, he wants to be sure you won’t harm me in any way.”

  “Oh. He could have asked and I’d have told him I don’t want to bring harm to anyone. That includes dragons and demgels. So tell him he can keep looking.” She brought her gaze back to Narrak and offered a smile.

  A puff of smoke curled up from one of Narrak’s large nostrils and a grimace, which Dreydon knew was a dragon smile, dominated his horned face. Unbelievable as it was, he suspected Esther was beginning to charm his friend.

  After a few minutes of intense staring, Narrak lifted his head away from Esther and a sigh escaped from deep within him. “Be warned, my friend, this little one has the enchantment of the fae. She was unaware of her elf heritage until you brought it to her attention. Even now she thinks you are mistaken, but I can assure you she is part elf. There is nothing evil or untoward about her. Life has been unkind because she was different from other humans, yet she is not bitter or angry, only saddened. Her self-esteem has also been damaged. This one may bring you much joy or grief if you allow yourself to become attached to her. She is beginning to feel a connection with you, but seems to be almost appalled by this because you’re not human. Her feelings about you are very confused. However, if she can understand and accept them, she could be your true mate. That is probably why you felt the need to rescue her from Zortek.”

  This was more than what Dreydon had expected. He’d sensed she was good, but needed Narrak’s confirmation it was so. She had the potential to be his mate? That was a shock. Never having found someone to fill that role, he’d become convinced he didn’t have one. And yes, he had realized she wasn’t overly impressed with demgels, but didn’t know she was practically horrified at the thought of getting close to a non-human individual. His hope of being intimate with her was being dashed.

  Esther shivered. “I’m feeling cold again. Can I have some more warmth, please?”

  Dreydon pressed his hand against her back and sent a ray of heat flowing through her.

  Watching them closely, Narrak observed, “She’s feeling cold. Wait here and I’ll come back.” He turned, faced the entrance, and moved into his lair.


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