Book Read Free


Page 1

by Nikki Clarke


  Title Page



  Blank Page

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9 Ah'dan

  Chapter 10



  Nikki Clarke

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Cover Art: L.M. Byfield

  Copyright © 2019 Nikki Clarke

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the author at

  To my readers. You all are the best.



  “Now, I’m telling you, Niya, something is going on over there. They had some weird looking men all over that house, and I haven’t heard a word about KJ since then. That was almost a damn year ago.”

  I look up from where I’m sorting through a stack of mail in the front hall. I knew I should have waited until later to come by. I really wanted to see my mother, but I don’t feel like listening to this right now.

  “I thought you said Tee sent a letter. Didn’t it say they were going away for a while, but she’d be back, and she’d bring K to see you as soon as she could?”

  My mother crosses her arms and humphs. “That’s what she says, but that doesn’t explain who all those people were. And that one that kept KJ from getting hit, he was not right. The way he moved,” she shivers in disgust. “Look, I’m telling you, something was up. That oldest girl, Amina, was about as big as a house. Looked about to drop. Now she was rail thin not a month before that. Who the hell goes from being no bigger than my pinky finger to about to birth a whole damn baby in thirty days?” She stalks over and snatches the letters from my hand and tosses them back to the table. “You need to check on him.”

  “Ugh, fine! Fine, Ma. I’ll go over, but I don't know why you can't just wait until you hear back from her. Tee has a right to have a life, you know—with anyone she wants. That’s the price we pay when your idiot of a son abandons his family. How come he isn't checking on them?”

  My mother’s mouth presses tight when I mention my brother. I was hoping to get through a visit without it turning into a screaming match over Kamar’s constant irresponsibility, but it seems like I was hoping for too much. Nothing I say is ever going to get my mother to see Kamar for what he is—selfish, self-serving, and really a bit of a jerk.

  “Now, you listen. That’s still your brother.”

  My father enters from the hall leading to the kitchen holding a bowl of cereal. “That boy is a disgrace. Lord knows, I didn’t bring him up to run out on his family like that. A man takes care of his responsibilities, however he has to. He doesn't run away because he’s too scared to face the music. Hey, baby.” He passes my annoyed mother and leans in to press a milky kiss to my cheek.

  “Hi, Daddy. Do you know what mom’s stressing about?”

  My dad shovels another spoonful of frosted cornflakes into his mouth and trudges over to the couch, ignoring my mother’s indignant glare. “I’ve lived with this woman for over 35 years, and I can tell you that there isn’t a day that goes by when she isn't fussing over this or that. Leave it. I’ll check it out later.”

  “Mm hm. You’ve been saying that for months. She could have taken that boy to Timbuktu, by now. It's been almost a year. Who knows if I’m ever going to see him again.”

  My mother’s voice breaks, and I rush forward, wrapping my arms around her and meeting my dad’s gaze over her shoulder. He rolls his eyes back and spoons another mouthful.

  “No, Ma, don’t cry. Imma go, okay. I promise. As soon as I collect my mail, I’m gonna go and check on the house. If no one is there, I’ll call some of our friends and see if they’ve heard from them, okay?”

  My mother sniffles and swipes at her eyes when I pull away.

  “Thank you, baby. There’s something wrong. I just know it. And anyway, she can't just run off with my grandson and not tell me anything. It doesn’t matter what Kamar’s done. It’s not right. Especially, if she’s chasing after some boy.”

  My mother marches away, suddenly dry-eyed, mumbling about boy chasing and appropriate behavior for young mothers. I shake my head and turn back to my father, who mimics my gesture and returns to his cereal. I go over and give him a kiss on his head and then grab my mail before heading out the door.

  “I don’t know why I let that woman play me like this,” I murmur as I press the bell for the third time. No one’s home. It doesn’t look like anyone’s been home for a while. The blinds are drawn, and all the lights are off inside. I press my hands to the window beside the door, but I can't make out anything through the slats. With an exasperated sigh, I rap on the security gate a few hard times and then turn away. That’s it. I’ve checked like I said I would.

  Just as my foot hovers above the first step, the sound of the locks disengaging has me spinning around in surprise.

  “Are you, perhaps, looking for the Bennets?”

  The figure behind the black mesh is tall—really tall. I can't quite make out his face, but he speaks with a weird accent. It’s something I’ve never heard before. Where a moment ago I was completely prepared to write off my mother as being dramatic, I’m instantly as suspicious as she was.

  “Who are you?”

  “I am Qim. It is good to meet you.” With the animated response, the security gate swings open, and the man steps through. Automatically, I step back as the big, hulking figure stops in front of me.

  Big is an understatement. The guy is easily over seven feet tall. His skin is a pale shade of brown, like wet sand. Thick curly brown locks fall over his forehead, just above twinkling green eyes that dance with excitement. His teeth are big and bright in his face. A sliver of a gap parts the top front two.

  “I, um, I’m Niya. I’m sorry, who are you?”

  “I apologize. I hope my accent is not too hard for you to decipher. I am Qim. Q-im.” The first syllable is a soft click in his throat. The rest is airy and lyrical. I don't have the first clue on how to repeat the sounds, but I do my best.

  “Nice to meet you, Keem. I’m not trying to repeat myself, but I’m just a little confused. Why are you in my in-laws’ house?”

  He frowns and tilts his head to the side, causing a curl to fall over his forehead in an adorable way. “In-laws. This means family you have made through marriage?”

  The train of the conversation is throwing me off, and I have to shake my head to disperse the confusion.

  “Yeah, um, the people who lived here, my brother was married to one of the daughters, Tiani. They have a son. He’s my nephew. Did they move or something?”

  His expression brightens suddenly, and he sighs as if he’s come to some realization.

  “Ah, yes. You are the sister of Tiani’s former partner? Your in-laws have not relinquished this home. They are visiting with Amina and Tiani’s new husbands’ family.”

  I blink back in surprise.

  “Amina and Tiani got married? When?”

  “Yes. Nearly a year ago, Amina met and partnered with Kwarq, and short
ly after, Tiani partnered with his twin brother, Bati. I believe, not long after that, their younger sister, LaShay, also partnered. They, along with their mother, have gone to visit our homeland for a time.”


  A wave of disappointment washes over me. There was a time when Tiani was my best friend. I was the one who introduced her to my brother, and it was the worst mistake I ever made, except that it gave us KJ. When Kamar joined the military and decided to never come home, our friendship kind of fizzled out. I mean, I got it. What’s the point in having a bestie if you can't complain about your deadbeat ex-husband to her? Still, the fact that Tee didn’t even let me know she had found someone new—and hopefully better—or that she was leaving the country to stay with his family kind of hurts. I would have supported her. I never blamed her for Kamar’s short comings.

  “M'ah qitah, Niya. I did not tell you this to distress you.”

  Suddenly, I’m swept up into dude’s arms, frozen as he nuzzles his cheek against mine.

  “Oh, um, okay. Uh, okay.”

  I have no choice but to wait until he lowers me back to my feet and pulls away. When he does, his expression immediately shifts to confusion.

  “I have embarrassed you? M’ah qi—”

  He starts to grab me again, and I throw my hands up to stop him.

  “Yeah, it’s okay. You don’t have to hug me. We don’t really, uh, do that here.”

  “You do not express affection through physical closeness?” He’s confused again. It’s kind of cute, even if he’s a little weird.

  “We don’t really hug strangers. It’s not our thing. I wasn't aware it was anyone’s thing. Where are you from?”

  He smirks. “You would not have heard of it. It is a small, obscure place.”


  We stand awkwardly for a moment, but my curiosity is piqued, and I don't want to leave until I know for myself that everything is cool. He’s blocking the door, but I tilt and attempt to discretely peek around him. He follows my line of vision before smiling.

  “Do you wish to come in? I do not think the Bennets would mind a family member entering their home. Come.”

  He steps to the side, leaving a path for me to enter the house. I hesitate since his big body has only left a narrow space for me to squeeze past. I step forward and turn to the side, facing the threshold, and slide through. As I pass by him, my ass brushes his front, and he makes a strange noise behind me.


  The exclamation is soft and in something of a pained voice. I turn back to find him watching me with his hands clasped in front of his waist. I face back into the house, letting my eyes travel over the living room where me and Tiani sat so many times talking shit and laughing.

  Everything looks in order. The furniture is all the same. There’s no sign anything strange happened. A toy car sits on the side table near the couch, and I smile as I think of my nephew. I miss that kid. He’s awesome. I turn back to find the guy watching me patiently with something of a bemused smirk.

  “You are suspicious, but I assure you, there is nothing nefarious that has occurred here.”

  My brows shift down. Nefarious is the kind of word psychopaths use. Who the hell says nefarious?

  “When did you say they’ll back?” I narrow my eyes.

  “They have not said, but if you like I can find out for you.”

  “How about you just give me the number to reach them, and I’ll find out for myself.” I walk over to the side table and pick up the pen and pad Tee’s mother keeps there beside her home phone. I hand it out to him. “Go on, write it down.”

  His head tilts, and he peers curiously at me. “It is not a number that you will be able to reach.”

  “Why?” Something’s not right. The longer I look at this dude, the wronger he appears. He’s crazily good looking, but not in the right way. Not in the expected way. My mother was right. Something’s up.

  “It is very long distance. The charges will be considerable. Trust me.”

  I don’t trust him, even with his adorable face and kind eyes. I cross my arms and lean into my hip, making it clear that I think he’s full of shit. “So, you’re just here by yourself chilling in my friend’s house? And they’re okay with that because you’re a friend of the family?”

  His mouth tilts up at one corner. “It is more of an exchange program. I am a linguist. I am currently doing research on the English dialect of Ebonics. It is a fascinating language.”

  He says this with an unexpected excitement that makes my suspicion ease a bit. I’m turning into my mother. I don't know why I’m so cautious. Mom said that Tiani and them were with the guys she saw, so I really have no reason to be so suspect. “Oh, well, tell—”

  A bump echoes out from the direction of the bedrooms. It sounds like someone hit the floor. Dude glances down the hall but doesn't offer any information.

  “What was that?” I point in the direction of the noise.

  “It was nothing. I would not trouble yourself with that.”

  “Mm hm,” I’m already turning and heading in that direction. I slip my hand into my purse and close it over the pepper spray I keep on me, flipping the safety to the side and securing my finger over the lever. I walk quickly, and I can hear the muffled sounds of someone struggling. Breaking into a jog, I head to Amina’s room where the sound is coming from.

  “Tee! KJ!”

  “Niya, I would not—”

  I spin around, pulling my hand from my purse and extending my arm. He stops a few feet away. I angle my arm up so that the small canister gripped in my hand is pointed right at his face. “I will spray the fuck out of you. Back up.”

  He smirks, raising his hands up beside his chest. “Suit yourself, sa’qi.”

  I narrow my eyes and fumble with my free hand until I close over the doorknob. I turn it, pushing the door open, and step inside, keeping my arm raised as I look into the room.

  "Why is this bed so small? How am I supposed to sleep comfortably when I end up on the floor every morning?”

  Whoever he is, he’s mumbling to himself as he rises from the carpet, kicking off the tangle of sheets about his thick, muscled legs. My raised arm falters as I watch him jerk at the sheet, attempting to extract his feet from the bunched-up fabric. Finally, he kicks the sheet aside with a frustrated growl and straightens, his eyes immediately locking onto me. I stand stunned in the doorway as every thought flies out of my mind.

  Lord have mercy. This man is red, red like the darkest red clay of the earth and he’s staring at me, but I’m too busy taking all of him in.

  Like the dude who I’m still holding off with a shaking arm, he’s pure muscle. Every curve is smooth and shining. Round peaks shape his chest and shoulders, thick veins rope around his forearms, and deep crevices mark each of the abs leading to the two sharp lines that angle along his pelvis to the thing that I really can't take my eyes off.

  Now, that is a dick. I give up trying to keep my arm raised and let it fall to my side as my eyes travel the length of him. Even soft, he’s thick and long. He hangs heavily between his firmly muscled thighs.

  “I see we have a guest.” His deep voice has the same lyrical quality as the other guy, and like the other guy, everything about him is perfectly not right. He’s too tall. All of his features are too perfect on their own to come together in the way they do. It’s weird. It makes unease settle in my stomach even as I find myself tingling as I look at him.

  “This is Tiani’s former partner’s sister. KJ is her dah’san. I believe she is suspicious of our presence in her kin’s home, and is convinced we are here for nefarious purposes,” Dude speaks up behind me and I cut my eyes back, only to find him lounging against the doorjamb with that same smirk.

  “Ah, and I assume you wish to reassure yourself that all is well with your sa’aih?” I turn back to find the other guy stepping into a soft looking pair of boxer briefs. He pulls them up, palming his dick and shoving it down inside. The bulge it leaves
is distracting. It’s a struggle to look away.

  He doesn't seem to be concerned with my staring. He walks over to a small bag beside the bed and lifts the flap to pull out what looks like a tablet, even though it’s not any tablet I’ve ever seen. It looks really expensive.

  “Come, I will contact them so that you may ease your mind.” He drops down onto the bed and pats the space beside him. I hesitate, taking a step forward then pausing, before easing over and settling on the edge of the mattress with about a foot between us. He frowns.

  “How will you see the screen from there. Come.” Before I can move, he leans over and cups his hand around my hip and pulls me up to his side. I squeak, planting my hands on his chest automatically. We stay like this, studying each other, my palms burning against his firm pecs. Thick strands of curly, jet black hair hang over his shoulders and brush against my fingers. He tilts his head. His eyes, which I only now realize are the brightest, golden yellow, peer closely at me. “How are you called?”

  “Huh?” I can't think. When he speaks this close, I can smell the minty freshness of his breath. He clearly just woke up, so I can't understand how his breath smells so good.

  “Your name, what is it?”

  “Oh, um, Niya,” I stutter out. His eyes travel over my face.

  “Hm.” It is a short sound. “You have very nice eyes, Niya.”

  He turns away abruptly, dislodging my hands from his chest. I pull them into my lap and shift back straight. He taps the screen, and it brightens with a series of symbols I’ve never seen before. I lean over, eyeing it with interest.

  “What language is that?” I crowd against him with my face hovering over the tablet. When I turn to look at him, he watches me with a subtle upturn to his mouth.

  “It is my language. Not one you would recognize. Now, if you do not mind.”

  “Oh, sorry.” I pull back, giving him access to the screen again. He taps rapidly, almost too quickly for me to follow, and a second later, the tablet blinks and emits a shrill ring.


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