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Page 7

by Nikki Clarke

  Qim shifts his body just enough that he blocks the woman, and when he speaks, it is with complete surety. “I will always be here.”


  I let my eyes linger on Niya’s legs as she moves around on her tiny bare feet, gathering items for this game she has decided we will play.

  “There we go,” she seems to find what she is looking for on a low shelf beneath her television, and she rushes back over and slips into her chair. She is so beautiful and so brave, and I am so proud of her. My mind replays the fierce determination on her face as she stared down the male who threatened her friend.

  “I think all that emotional trauma deserves a drink.”

  Shortly after the man across the hall left, the transport that Niya hired arrived to take the woman to her mother’s home. Before they left, Niya had given explicit instructions to the driver not to leave the woman unattended and to wait until she was met by her mother. Not too long ago, the woman called to say that she had arrived safely, and the tension of the encounter finally subsided. Although, Niya seems to be relieved, like Qim, I am disturbed by this occurrence. As a Lyqa, I can not imagine harming a woman of any species, and I have never been comfortable with those species that show violence toward the vulnerable.

  “So, this game is called,” Niya’s round, heavily lashed eyes tilt up as she thinks. “Actually, I have no idea what it’s called, but basically, whoever has the low card has to take a shot.”

  Before searching for the deck in her hand, she collected three smaller glasses from her cabinet. She has filled each to the brim with the bourbon she gave us before.

  Niya does a trick with her hands that mixes the cards in rapid succession, and Qim leans forward, snapping out of the gloom he has been in since the events earlier in the evening.

  “You must teach me this,” he says eagerly, his eyes fixed on the skillful movements of her fingers.

  She looks up from where she’s releasing the cards one over the other with a small smile.

  “To shuffle? Sure.” She stops her display, and sets the stack in front of her. “Okay, everyone takes a card, but don't show it, yet.”

  She slides her card to the place in front of her, keeping it flat to the table and guarding it from view with her other hand. Qim does the same, and I go last, retrieving my card and placing it beneath my hand.

  “Now when I say, ‘go’ you turn it over. Got it?”

  “Got it,” Qim confirms, and I nod my understanding.

  Her smile widens, slowly spreading across her cheeks. Her gaze shifts from me back to Qim for a long pause.

  “Go!” She flips hers over, and we follow. Immediately, she leans over to peek at the faces of the cards. When her eyes land on mine, she raises her eyebrows. “Sorry, pal. You’ve got a three, Qim has a six, and I have a queen. Take your shot.”

  “How do I know your queen is worth more than my three. Are we all not equal?” I only say this to draw out her attention. I like when she looks at me.

  “Not on Earth, buddy. Around these parts, the queen trumps your measly three. Drink up.” She nudges her head, and I lift my glass, following her instruction, and toss it back. The bitter liquid warms a trail down my throat that I can barely feel with her eyes on me. Immediately, the warmth spreads through my chest leaving me feeling hazy and loose. Perhaps, I do like this beverage after all.

  Niya drops back down in her seat, grinning. “Okay, again?”

  We both nod, and she provides us each with a card, tossing them from the stack with an expert flick of her wrist. We wait again, and when she tells us to turn them over, she is the one who has the low card.

  “Darn it,” she pouts, before bringing the glass to her lips and swallowing the shot in a single gulp that makes me shift in my seat with the eroticism of the motion. Her face twists slightly, but when she opens her eyes and blows out a smoky breath, her pupils flare wide. “Again?”

  Several turns later, I have had to take four shots, Qim five, and Niya three. She has just finished her last one and lifts the empty bottle to peer inside.

  “Woo!” She breathes out, sets the bottle down and sits back, sighing with content. Her eyes linger on the empty container. “And that’s how you forget that you had to stop your neighbor’s boyfriend from beating her ass—again.”

  “He harms her often?” Qim sounds as disturbed as I feel at this revelation.

  Niya shrugs. “He’s done it once and that’s enough. Cris is a beautiful woman; she just got bound to something that’s hard to get herself away from, you know?”

  “It is not her fault he acts in this way. She should know this.” Qim’s assertion is fierce. I also would not place the blame of that man’s actions at the woman’s feet.

  “I know that, but she’s safe for now, so let’s try and not let it spoil the night. You want to do something else? We can watch a movie.”

  “I think I will go to bed.” Qim’s face is a mask of discomfort as he stands and heads to his room without another word.

  "He's really bothered, huh?" she asks looking after him.

  "We do not harm women," I say resolutely, and she returns a sad smile.

  "I feel like I should go apologize for humans being so crappy."

  "It is not on you to defend the whole of your species any more than it is on Cris to take responsibility for the actions of a man who should only love and protect her."

  She breathes out a short laugh then blinks slowly, retreating into her thoughts for a moment. "Yeah, I guess. You done for the night, too?"

  “I am not. While I do not enjoy movies so much, I would play another game with you. I would rather we not end the evening on an unsettling tone.”

  Her nose scrunches. "Do I smell like depression?"

  "You smell like the sweetest, most regrettable sadness, but I would have you smell of something else."


  I let our gazes linger for a moment. “Happiness, pleasure."

  She looks up at me beneath her lashes. "Thank you, and thank you for having my back earlier."

  "You do not have to worry that you will ever have to face a threat alone while either I or Qim are here. You are always safe."

  She looks away, the tips of her ears reddening. "You know, you keep saying things like that, and I'm going to get a crush on you."

  "What does this mean, 'crush'?"

  "It means to like someone. To be attracted to them."

  "Too late," I return the moment I understand.

  "Oh." A smile pulls at her mouth and she re-corks the bottle, standing and stepping away from the table. "Want to go sit on the living room floor?”

  We settle on large pillows across from one another, and Niya takes the bottle and tilts it on its side. She grips the body and regards me. “This game is very popular with horny teenagers around the world.”


  “That is the developmental stage between child and adult. The teen years—thirteen, fourteen, fifteen.”

  “I see. And what does horny mean?”

  Her cheeks warm, and she looks away. “It means you want to have sex. Anyway, you get the point. It’s called Spin the Bottle because you, well, spin the bottle.” She flicks her wrist, sending the bottle twirling around and around. We watch in silence as it loses velocity and comes to a slow stop. The mouth of the bottle faces me. I look at her, waiting for instructions.

  “What occurs now?” I ask.

  Niya looks at the bottle and back to me. “Well, you’re supposed to kiss whoever it lands on.”

  “I see, and did you choose this game so that I would kiss you?”

  One of her smooth, brown shoulders lifts. "Maybe."


  I reach across and fit my hands at her waist then pull her over until she rests on my thighs, the pointed tips of her breasts brushing my chest. It sets my skin on edge. She’s still as I lower my head, but her breath fans up, and it’s warm and fragrant. Unable to wait any longer to taste her, I press my lips eagerly to hers.

  She exhales as I turn into the kiss. Her soft, full lips smooth over mine with a sweet tenderness that makes my First heart stutter. I start, pulling back and breaking contact. She blinks up, her eyes fluttering open, and eases off my lap.

  “I can't believe we're kissing,” she says breathlessly. I brush across her cheek and lean in for another gentle kiss.

  "It is not unbelievable, though I understand why you would say this. Both Amina and Tiani felt some apprehension when they first joined with my brothers."

  "I know, I'm not supposed to say it, but you're an alien." She brings her hands up to cover her mouth, but her scent is excited. I chuckle and pull her hands down. She watches me with wide, nervous eyes.

  "I am not from this planet, yes, but we are not incompatible. If you did not know I am Lyqa, would you still be attracted to me?"

  She nods. "Absolutely, but it feels so crazy."

  "It is how it should be. This is not crazy."

  Her mouth twists to the side. "Maybe."

  We sit in silence, and she looks to the side.

  "I should probably go to bed, too." She is flustered. I release her and give her space to stand before rising to my feet as well.

  “If you are tired, then you should find your bed. Sleep well, Niya. I will see you in the morning.”

  She nods and moves quickly toward the hall, leaving behind a trail of arousal. Once she is in her room, I fold out my bed and strip off my clothes, eager for the cool sheets against my skin. As I settle against the thin mattress, I inhale, taking in the lingering smell of her. It’s sweet and potent. My body reacts, and my cock swells, tenting the cover. It has been so long since I’ve wanted anyone but my lehti that I can only stare at the straining length, even as the tightness becomes so intense that my pelvis cramps.

  Some time later, I am still unable to relax. I am too tense, too aware. I groan, throwing off the sheet and standing to I stumble in the direction of the bathroom. I need privacy to find relief in the only way I can.

  I’m nearly there when Niya's door swings open. A hand is pressed to her eyes as the other reaches out blindly for the bathroom door. She does not see me. I can tell she is waking and still within the confusion of sleep. I watch as her hand gropes for the door that I’m blocking, and my eyes widen when she brushes over my cock before closing over the tip. I flinch, hitting the wood at my back, and she gasps, jerking her hand away as her eyes go wide and all traces of sleep flee in an instant.

  She says nothing, and I cannot speak. I have lost the ability to use any of my faculties as all of the blood in my body has rushed to my steadily swelling erection. Her eyes also focus there. She still smells of confusion, but beneath it, there is something else, and my chest flares with the anticipation of what it could mean.

  “I am sorry to have alarmed you, and I would also apologize for again being remiss in wearing clothes in your presence. M'ah qitah, Niya.”

  I cup her nape and lower my head so I can rub my cheek along hers. She smells so wonderful. The muscles in my shoulder shake, and I fist my hand to will control over myself. I inhale deeply and step away. Her eyes have drifted closed, but then they open and roam over my body with heated interest.

  “How can you look like this?” Her voice is an awed whisper. Her eyes linger up my torso until she gets to my face. When our eyes lock, I see desire, heavy and hot in her gaze. Her scent courses over me, making me groan with the headiness of it. I want her. I want her with an urgency that I didn't know I possessed anymore.

  My only movement is the rise and fall of my chest. I wait, unsure if I should retreat or not, but she saves me this indecision when she reaches out and brushes a hand over my erection again.

  It is a feather light touch, but my knees falter from the sensation. Each of my Lyqa senses flares to life, and she is all there is. Her lips part, and her pink, little tongue dips out to wet the full bottom one, stopping my breath. I need to know how I can proceed or I am going to lose consciousness.


  She closes over me, fisting the width, trying her best to make her fingers meet. I keep my hands at my sides. They are clenched so tight that my blunt nails still manage to cause pain to my palms.

  “You are really impressive. It's just so, wow.” As she speaks, she strokes down my length, squeezing just enough to make my stomach clench. I close my eyes, savoring the feel of having her hand on me. She increases her movement, twisting her wrist as she lowers to the base and back toward the tip again. I feel my control begin to slip, and I take gentle hold of her hand to still her movements.

  “That is enough.” When she frowns up at me, I explain further. “I would not reach my end here. I want you.”

  The whites of her eyes are bright in the dark of the hall, and my Lyqa senses catch every expression that passes over her face. There is surprise, uncertainty, excitement, and, finally, anticipation. She steps back, pushing open the door to her bedroom, and moves inside. Perhaps she is not ready for more. I turn to head back to the living room and suffer, but her soft voice stops me.

  “You're not coming?”

  I turn back to find her watching me, and again I am startled by the perfection of her features. How is it possible that she is beautiful even in the dark?

  She crooks a finger, beckoning me inside, and even though I want nothing more, I hesitate.

  “Are you sure, saeh’ti?”

  She holds the opening wider, and I step through, entering a cloud of her sweet, delicious scent. I grip the door from her and push it closed behind me. Her eyes flare, and she starts to take slow, measured backward steps to the bed. Once there, she sits and scoots to the side, looking expectantly at me. I make it to her in three strides, covering the space with eager steps, and sit close, facing her.

  Her shuddering breaths fill the silence as she waits, expecting me, I assume, to initiate contact. I smile. She has much to learn about Lyqa custom and much to learn about me.

  “As much as I wish to be with you, to do all manner of things to you, I will not unless you explicitly permit me.” I lift a hand and trail the backs of my fingers over the exposed skin of her arms. Her eyes flutter closed, and she releases a soft moan. When they open again, her gaze is passionate, and she moves across me, climbing her small, nimble frame over my lap and straddling my hips. Like Amina and her sisters, Niya's bottom is lush and round. And while most of her is petite, her hips, thighs, and backside curve away from her body in a perfectly off-balance symmetry that is incredibly alluring.

  She fits her center against my erection, and the soft material of her sleeping shorts brushes my heightened skin. I grab hold of the plush rounds of her bottom to steady her against me. At the juncture of her thighs, she is warm and wet, and the combination of sensations is almost too much to take, but before I can again confirm her permission, she lowers her face and blends her mouth to mine.


  I once kissed LaShay when I finally saw her again after thinking my aloofness and longing for my lehti had caused our family to lose her forever. Despite my attitude at the time, I’d always been attracted to her; she is just as if not more beautiful than her sisters and free and lovely and brave. That kiss had been pleasurable, even as it was not passionate or lengthy. It reminded me of what I had been denying myself for so many years. But that kiss was not this kiss.

  Like our earlier interaction, the moment Niya's lips touch mine, my body tenses, and my chest tightens as my First heart stutters. Unlike my brothers, my First heart, while active, is a soft aching patter in my chest. It lets me know my lehti lives where ever she is, but it thumps with none of the vibrancy that comes with having one’s lehti close. However, this jarring stutter that occurs when Niya kisses me, chases away the lingering ache and fills me with desire.

  I take her movement as consent to engage in the kiss and lean into it, turning my head as she smooths her mouth over mine. I want more. I want to taste her.

  “Open,” I demand, and her mouth parts, allowing me entry. I
slide my tongue inside, giving just enough and then a bit more as I explore her softness.

  Her tongue is shy as it twists around mine, but she pushes closer, seeking more, which I give eagerly. I know my brothers have said that Lyqa tongues can be startling for human women, but the urge to claim her, to give her all that she can take, makes me extend my tongue, curling it through her mouth and drawing her tongue into mine. She gasps and gently disengages, blinking with wide eyes.

  “Wow, I forgot about the tongue.”

  I chuckle, pressing a light kiss to her still lips. I nuzzle into her neck, kissing along her jaw and the fragrant area beneath her ear. She puts something here. It is the scent that lingers whenever she leaves a room. It is the scent that has brought me from years of carefully concealed loneliness.

  She grips my hair and pulls my head up then bends her head to resume our kiss. She opens right away, inviting me in, and I indulge her, tangling with her blunt little tongue, stroking, sliding, sucking her plump lips. She is skillful in her movements, and my cock leaks against my belly where it's pressed between us.

  She exhales, breaking the kiss again and rubbing her hands through my hair. Her fingertips caress my scalp, releasing the tension in my neck and shoulders, but creating even more tension in other parts of my body. She rotates her hips forward, pressing herself against me with rolling movements. I groan. It is the best thing ever and not enough.

  “Niya, have mercy.”

  “Make love to me.” It is an urgent, whispered plea. I cradle her face and hold her gaze.

  “I am going to do so many things to you, but I want to hear you say it. I want your permission. Give it.”

  She slides her hands up my chest, leaving a trail of heat. The brown of her eyes is shy but searing as she looks back at me.

  “You have my permission.”

  I spin us around, flipping her onto her stomach against the bed. She stiffens, letting out a startled gasp and lifting up on her hands. I press a palm to the small of her back, stopping her movement.


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