Book Read Free


Page 12

by Nikki Clarke

I snort. “Well, he is not that in the bed. He’s definitely a take charge dude.”

  “Damn, so that’s just what he says, ‘Don't make a sound until I tell you to’?”

  I nod, a little shiver running through me as I think of it.

  “That’s sexy as fuck. I may have chosen the wrong brother.” Tiani does her own shiver then laughs. “Just kidding, babe!” she calls out into the room.

  “They can really hear us that far away?”

  They both nod.

  “It doesn’t matter, though,” Amina adds. “They don't care about stuff like that. They’re all love, peace, and hair grease here.”

  I look around the large living room area of Amina’s apartments. Her twins are crawling nearby. Their blue-black skin makes them look like two little blueberries. Her youngest daughter is asleep in her lap. I can't help but feel a strong sense of warmth and love as I sit among them.

  “This is so great what you guys have here. I still can't believe it. It’s like a dream.”

  “I know, right? But you’re here now, too, so you’re part of the family.”

  “Yeah? You think so? I mean, it sounds like you and your guys kind of met and fell all the way in love right away. I don't think that’s what’s going on with me and Ah’dan.”

  Tee and Amina’s eye flick briefly to one another before Tee reaches out and rubs my knee.

  “The important thing is that you're here, and you said he said he loves you right? That’s all that matters. You can have whatever kind of relationship you want. It doesn't have to be what me and Amina have with Bati and Kwarq.”

  The door opens behind us, and like he could hear us talking about him, which he probably could, Ah’dan walks in the room. Behind him, are two other Lyqa, who I recognize right away as his parents. The last to come in is Tee and Amina’s mother, Leslie.

  “Mrs. Bennet!” I jump from my place on the floor and rush over to give her a hug. She squeezes me back and smooths a hand over my hair.

  “Woo, girl, you still got all this hair. You look good. How’s your mother? I know we gave her a scare the last time we saw her. I hope she doesn't think she’s crazy.”

  I laugh. “She’s fine and nosy as ever. I think she just misses KJ.”

  Leslie’s return smile is understanding. “We’ll take him to visit soon.”

  “Niya, these are my parents, Quth and Mahdi.”

  His parents step forward, and his father surprises me by pulling me into a hug. He’s clearly older, but he’s still very good looking. He looks like the twins, but has Ah’dan’s hair color. I let him hug me and when he steps back, his smile is open and warm.

  “It is good to meet you, Niya. I am glad that our son has brought you here.”

  “Welcome.” His mother steps forward and wraps me in her arms. She’s much taller than I am, but her body is lithe and trim as she hugs me. I go on my tippy toes and hug her back.

  “Thank you. Your home is beautiful, and your family is amazing.”

  “I hope you will enjoy your time here, and maybe you will find that you like it enough to stay.”

  “Amha,” Ah’dan murmurs, but she just shrugs her shoulders and winks at me.

  “I’m really excited to visit and see your home, thank you,” I reply letting Ah’dan off the hook.

  He slides an arm around my hips and pulls me to the side.

  “Niya and I need to unpack before we take our evening meal. We will meet you in the dining room when it is time. Come.” He pulls me toward the door.

  “Mm, ‘Come,’” Tee teases behind us. Ah’dan turns as he pulls the door open and rolls his eyes.

  “No, Ah’dan, you said we were going to unpack.” I attempt to pull my foot out of reach, but he sucks his teeth and catches it Lyqa fast and pulls me back down the bed.

  “Do you believe I am asking you?”

  “Can’t I say no?” I shoot back, and he drops my foot immediately and edges back off the bed.

  “Of course, saeh’ti, you can say no. I did not mean to imply you did not have a choice.”

  My mouth curves up as his cheeks flash bright pink. He’s such a sweetie. “I’m kidding babe. You have an eternal yes from me. When I really mean no, you will know it.”

  His eyes narrow, and he lunges forward, making me squeal and scramble to get away. Of course, he catches me. I don't make it a foot before he’s on me, pushing my thighs wide and settling between them.

  “I love you, Niya, and I am glad that you are here.” He presses a kiss to the corner of my mouth and works his way across my jaw until he gets to the spot just below my ear.

  “I—I love you too. Oh my god, I can't believe I said that.” I slap my hands over my face. Ah’dan takes gentle hold of my wrists and pries them away.

  “Why does this embarrass you?”

  I sigh. “I don't know. It’s just weird. It’s only been a week! Isn’t that weird? Aren't you worried that maybe we’re moving too fast or that these are just passing feelings?”

  Ah’dan’s head tilts. “I do not worry about either of these things, and I have plenty of reason to. Meeting you has been a gift I never thought to receive again, and I am happy for it however it goes.”

  I don't say anything because I am not sure what to say. I want more than anything for me and Ah’dan to end up like Tee and Amina. They seem so happy, and when I see how their husbands look at them, and their beautiful families, I want that for myself. While Ah’dan hasn't mentioned anything as serious as getting married and having babies, maybe Tee is right, and we can start with another kind of relationship.

  “You’re right. Let’s just be happy with what this is.”

  His head dips. “Good. Now, I promised my family that we would meet them for the evening meal, so we do not have much time.”

  He wastes no time lifting my shirt over my head and tossing it aside. I’m not wearing a bra. As part of the itty-bitty titty committee, I rarely wear one, and when Ah’dan’s eyes widen in appreciation as he looks down on me, I’m glad I don't. He makes me feel perfect, like every part of me works in every way.

  He smooths a hand up my ribcage, fingering each rib until he gets to my breast. I gasp as he squeezes and tweaks my nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

  “You are beautiful,” he whispers, almost too soft to hear, then lowers his head and takes the nipple he’s teasing into his mouth.

  “Ah!” I arch up, moaning as he licks at the sensitive peak. His tongue follows a circular pattern across my skin, and I twitch with the sensation it causes. He turns his attention to the other breast, and I lift my head to watch his strange tongue wreak havoc on my body.

  “Do you like this, saeh’ti.”

  “Mm, yes.”

  He comes off my nipple with a wet pop and moves down my stomach licking and kissing his way to my navel. Once there, he swirls his tongue through the indent, and I lurch up as a flash of pleasure shoots through me.

  He lifts his head and grabs hold of the waistband of my shorts to pull them down my legs. I’m still in my thong, but when I go to pull it down, he stops me.

  “Do not remove this.” As he talks, he pulls his pants down his hips, releasing the thick length of his dick. I still can't believe I take all of that, and I can barely wait to take it again as he lowers himself over me and slides a hand between our bodies. I’m panting, my entire body trembles with need. When Ah’dan fits two fingers along the edge of my thong and pulls it to the side, brushing over my clit, I nearly come off the bed.


  “Yes, my heart,” he murmurs next to my ear. The fat head of his dick hovers at my opening. I lift my hips to urge him inside, but every time I advance, he moves back just out of reach. He raises his head, and his golden eyes shimmer down at me. “What is it that you want, Niya.”

  “You!” I cry, and his mouth curves up before he surges forward, filling me and stealing my breath away.

  He fucks up hard and fast, thrusting higher and deeper, and leaving me barely able to do
more than hold on and take what he gives me, and he gives it all. The sound of our bodies is a loud, syncopated clap. Beside my ear, his breath huffs out from his effort, and I know the moment he’s close to coming.

  “Go with me, saeh’ti.”

  “Yes.” A thrill has been building in my pelvis. Every one of Ah’dan’s thrusts strokes along the back of my clit and sends that thrill spiraling higher and higher until it’s coasting through my belly. I tense, and Ah'dan slams up, sending me over the edge and finally making me cry out. I say his name over and over. I say other things, things I can't decipher, and he keeps moving, filling me, pressing deeper before pulling from my body and rising to his knees. He takes hold of his dick and jerks until the hot ropes of his cum arc out and over my body. After several long moments, he grunts and jerks one last time and releases himself to look down at me with droopy, yellow eyes.

  “Hu'l, you look amazing covered in me.”

  I look down to where my breasts and belly are covered in his semen. I swipe some off with a finger, bring it to my mouth, and suck it off. His eyes flare.

  “You taste good.”

  He growls, and pounces, flipping me over and sliding deep all over again.


  “You managed to join us in time. I had my doubts, brother.” Kwarq, who really does look just like a bronze version of Bati, claps Ah’dan on the back as we enter the dining area. He turns laughing eyes on me, eyes just like Ah’dan’s, and sobers.

  “Hello, my sa’aih. You have no understanding of how pleased I am to meet you and that my brother has found you.” I get slightly flustered when he slides his hands about my waist and lifts me off my feet. I jump and fill with embarrassed heat when he presses a smacking kiss to my neck. He drops me back to my feet and chucks me under the chin. “You will get used to our affectionate ways.”

  “No, you won't, girl. I gush every time.” Amina comes up behind him, holding one of their babies. He takes the curly haired girl and tosses her into the air before catching her and kissing her round, little cheek. The baby immediately sinks her tiny fingers into his beard and yanks.

  “T’Nuhr, you cannot rip out my beard, my heart. Your mother enjoys it.”

  I watch Kwarq pretend to eat his daughter’s finger causing her little body to shake with musical laughter, and without even realizing it, I let out a wistful sigh.

  “Are you well? You smell sad.” Kwarq is looking at me with concern as he avoids his daughter’s attempts at getting to his face.

  I blink out of my daze and force a smile. “What? No, I’m fine. You guys are just so cute. All of you all. It’s just nice.”

  “Come, let us be seated so that we may eat.” Ah’dan leads me over to a low, long table where his mother, Leslie, Tee, and Bati are already sitting.

  We take our place across from them, and I wait to see exactly what new treat I’m in for. A minute later, his father enters the room from the kitchen pushing a cart with several large serving dishes stacked on the shelves. He begins to pass them to those on the end, who disperse them across the table, until nearly the entire surface is covered with food. My eyes widen. How the hell are we going to eat all of this?

  “Don't worry, they don't really do waste. It’s just enough, believe me.” Amina leans across Ah’dan’s other side and whispers.

  “Since Niya is our guest, she should be the one to be served first,” Quth announces from where he’s seated next to his wife. She nods and motions with one hand that I should help myself.

  “I will serve my saeh’ti.” Before I can lift a finger, Ah’dan takes my plate and begins to fill it from the various dishes. He gives me a little of everything and then sets it before me. “Eat. Do not be shy.”

  Everyone is watching me. Amina nods in encouragement and points to a prickly spear. Try that, she mouths. I lift it, looking it over briefly, and put it in my mouth.

  It’s crunchy, very crunchy. The first thing I taste is a sourness similar to vinegar, but then a spicy sweet blend of flavors mesh with it. I chew, bobbing my head.

  “That is really good,” I say around another bite.

  “Right? That’s the first Lyqa food I tried, and I was shocked. It’s delicious,” Amina agrees as she begins to fill her own plate. Everyone starts to serve themselves, and I move across my plate, trying everything. It’s all good.

  “Are you enjoying your meal?” Ah’dan pops a small cherry-looking orb into his mouth and chews. He has such a beautiful mouth.

  “It’s amazing,” I reply honestly, even though the only thing I am thinking about is tackling him and kissing him silly.

  “Later, saeh’ti.” He smirks, and I turn back to my food.

  We talk while we eat. Ah’dan’s parents and brothers explain some things about Lyqa culture. I’m eager to get out and explore, and they assure me that it is completely safe to do so. I sit in awe as they tell me about their peaceful, loving society. It almost sounds too good to be true. When Amina mentions the market, I turn to Ah’dan.

  “Can we go there?”

  “Of course. I will take you tomorrow. I need to replenish my supplies that were damaged in the flood. I would like to paint you.”

  At once, the room goes quiet. Ah’dan’s mother pauses with a piece of food on the way to her mouth, and his father simply presses his mouth tight like he’s fighting some emotion. Even Bati and Kwarq stare at their brother wearing identical expressions of shock.

  “Please, do not make this uncomfortable. Amha, do not cry. Goodness.” Ah’dan lowers his head with a sigh as his mother weeps quietly at the other end of the table. I look on in confusion.

  “What’s going on? Why is it such a big deal that you want to paint me?”

  “It is not,” he says pointedly, but his mother just sniffles and turns into her husband for comfort.

  “She is just happy for you, dahni.”

  “I know, Ahpa.”

  “Is someone going to tell me what’s going on?” I look between Ah’dan and his parents.

  Kwarq leans over to answer. “Let us say that Ah’dan has been in need of a new muse for a very long time. His art is very important to him, and thus to us, so we are pleased that he has someone new to paint.”

  “Oh.” It seems a little intense, but these Lyqa kind of take intense to a new level. In that case, I guess it makes sense. Once his mother has collected herself, we all go back to eating like nothing happened.

  “That was amazing, thank you.”

  “It was our pleasure. We are glad that you enjoyed your meal, and we are so very happy that you are here.” His mother gives me a tight hug, and her husband does the same after her. They seem really emotional. It clearly has something to do with Ah’dan, but I can't really get a handle on what it is.

  “Let us go to bed.” Ah’dan kisses his mother, who whispers something to him when he bends close, and then hugs his father before leading me back to his apartments.

  I was surprised by Ah’dan’s taste when he first brought me to his part of the house. His rooms are colorful and full of art and plants. Most of the house is decorated in a cream neutral pallet, but Ah’dan's living room is full of vibrant greens and blues. His bedroom is a mixture of softer versions of the same colors.

  We go straight to his bedroom, and as I see the bed, the weight of the day presses down on me. It’s been thrilling, but it’s also been overwhelming. I haven't even really had a chance to process the fact that I’m not on Earth anymore. I peel the tank dress I put on before dinner up over my head and toss it to a cushy arm chair in the corner then pad to the bed and fall forward, spreading my arms as my face falls flat to the soft mattress.

  “You are tired.”

  I turn my head to see Ah’dan stepping out of his shorts. He’s naked, and he’s got a semi. I eye the thick span of him, anticipating the intensity of our love making, but he pulls on a pair of sleeping shorts before making his way to the bed where he pulls back the top sheet.

  “Come, my heart.” He lifts me into his arms
and places me in the space he’s made then turns and heads toward the door. I sit up onto my elbow.

  “Not coming to bed?”

  He stops halfway through the door and turns back with a short smile. “I need a moment to myself. Get some rest. I will join you soon.”

  I feel my mouth turn down, but I nod. “Okay.”

  He steps through and waves his hand next to the door, which slides close before the lights go out.

  It wakes me from my sleep like it always does—the sudden movement of him springing up, clutching at his chest, his face a mask of panic. The first time he did it at my house, I thought he was having a heart attack or something even though he’d said he was fine. Every time after that, he’s said the same thing.

  I watch him, gasping and pressing a hand to his chest. I wait until his expression settles before speaking.

  “You good?”

  His head twists to me, and he bobs a jerky affirmation. “I am well. Do not be alarmed. It is just a part of my Lyqa form, nothing more.”

  I sit up to rub a hand over his smooth, warm arm. “You sure? This has happened before.”

  He looks at me, his eyes two bright flames. “There is nothing wrong, but my heart is not fully my own, and at times, it is at the mercy of the other.”

  I don't know what that means, but it doesn't matter because he leans toward me, forcing me onto my back. When he begins to make love to me, it’s slow and gentle. He kisses every part of my body before sliding deep and stroking me to a more complete end than I’ve ever experienced.

  When we’re both out of breath and sated, he pulls me against his chest and holds me tight. It’s almost too tight, but I let him because for the first time in a long time, I feel like I belong, and there is nowhere I would rather be.


  "You made all of these?"

  "I did."

  We're walking through the halls. Ah'dan has been giving me a tour of his house, and it's filled with all types of sculptures and art. I'm shocked when over and over, Ah'dan indicates that he's the one who made them.


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