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Captain John 1: A Galactic Coming of Age

Page 4

by Krystyn Dean

  I had full confidence Paul would put together a great program. But, He exceeded even my expectations. Colonel Irons tested several of the commercial sporting hulls. He selected two hulls, one would be a fighter called the Banshee and the other would be a little larger fighter bomber with a crew of two known as the Chaika. The process of arming, armoring and installing shields on the fighters began immediately.

  The Egolari have installed several “factories” at Titan base. These are automated converters that can be programmed to turn out parts and completed projects. They are capable of building virtually anything smaller than a Corvette, and they have been turning out fighters and fighter bombers nonstop. We will be able to dispatch at least three carriers with a full complement of thirty squadrons of the new Banshee fighters, and ten squadrons of the slightly larger Chaika fighter bombers. Both the new space fighters will be launched by modified rail guns from our carriers and recovered through bay doors on the belly. The problem we have is getting pilots. Colonel Irons has some ideas about that. He will report back to me to let me know the status of our pilots and their training.

  Back to the Marines. Dr. Anne Hiller had two of the suits in Her lab. I was concerned about the fact that the average Egolari was a bit taller than the typical Marine, however Sudeer explained to me that the monomer poly molecular material was not only very strong, but lightweight, it had high strength elastomers that transmitted movement to Nano servos which augment the operator’s strength, it also was a self-contained ecosystem that provided for wearers health and short term nutritional needs. It would also automatically adapt to the individual wearer, it was not a universal suit, once personalized, the suits self-contained AI would learn the individual Marines characteristics and adapt to them. Once the AI had adapted the Marines armored space-suit to its wearer, it could not be used by anyone else.

  Jamie and Shaun, had been assigned by Colonel Rodgers to work with Anne on the armored suits. She had a pair of experimental suits ready. Sudeer helped them both get started getting in to their suits, it was pretty much a no-brainer. Once they stepped in to the boots, the suits closed automatically. Soon, both Marines were suited up and ready to close their helmets.

  “How does it feel,” asked Anne? Jamie spoke up first, “it felt a little strange at first, but it is very comfortable to wear.” “I agree” said Shaun, “it feels almost like I have nothing on at all, movement is completely unrestricted. Wow, careful Jamie, these things can make you feel like Superman.”

  “They do augment your strength guys.” said Dr. Hiller. “What I need, is to see you run, jump, and anything else you might do in combat. I have set up a simulator in the gym, let’s go work you out, then I want to see you in the pool, where we will try to simulate how you might move around in low or no gravity situations.”

  The tests went well, both Jamie and Shaun adapted to the suit very quickly. Before they got in the pool, Elvort briefed them on the use of their AI and how to use it to activate the personal thrusters that would help then move around in open space. Both Marines adapted almost immediately. Soon they were moving through the pool with ease. Once they felt comfortable, we brought them out and had them do an evaluation of the suits. They had a few recommendations, but were overall very happy with the equipment.

  It was surprisingly easy to develop a personal shield for the power suits. The suits were already had shields capable of protecting the workers who were exposed to meteorites and small projectiles they might encounter in space while performing their duties. Augmenting the existing shields was a simple upgrade. The great power available and the upgraded shields made them actual armored suits. The problem of weapons, however was a little more demanding. Colonel Rodgers settled on a laser rifle powered by a back pack with one of the small micro power cells that power the FTL systems on the Egolari message drones. Even though weight is not a primary concern in space, mass is still a consideration. These power units are small enough that they are not expected to present a problem. Dr. Hiller believes she can have a working model by the middle of next week.

  Twelve weeks later everything seemed to be coming together. Everyone was working around the clock, but the time spent is well worth it, we are nearly ready for weapons and flight tests on the carrier. All crew were training in the simulators the Egolari had set up. I was impressed with their professionalism and ability to adjust to an environment as exotic as space.

  It seems strange to think about it. A few months ago, I had never even thought about being in outer space. Now I was moving regularly between Earth and Titan base. I guess part of it is that I am so busy I have no time to think about it. But now that the launch of my first command is near, the anticipation is almost overwhelming. Admiral Miller has professed his confidence in me, but I still have reservations. Will I be able to send our people in to harm’s way? I am terrified deep inside. Not for myself, but for the people who must trust me with their lives.



  Monday, December thirty first. Our First carrier, and my command, was to be christened as the Solar Federation Navy ship “Ronald Reagan”. The Ronald Reagan was not ready for battle, but she was ready for operational trials. We still needed real flight crew training. Simulators are great, but there is nothing like hands on training.

  We also needed weapons and operational testing. Our Marine contingent was still in training at an undisclosed base and our fighters would be loaded when we returned from trials.

  Sudeer, Elvorth, Admiral Miller, Dr. Aaron Campbell and many other dignitaries arrived at Titan Station to watch the launch of the Reagan. Dock Master Rick Hill. The manager of Titan Station had gone all out. The nose of the Reagan had been enclosed in a temporary shell that allowed all the dignitaries to observe the christening without having to resort to space suits.

  I chose two of my old friends, Gail Kasson and Berta Sager to christen the Ronald Reagan and my friend, Reverend Steve Kearney, gave the invocation. Just as Berta and Gail broke the bottle of champagne over the bow of the Reagan the huge ship slowly and majestically slipped away from the launching platform. It was an event I will not soon forget. One that the Sol-Fed Navy needed. It made us feel like we were finally becoming members of the intergalactic community.

  January tenth, The Ronald Reagan was ready, our crew was as well trained as they could be. They just needed more “seat time”.

  The Marines came aboard this morning early. They are under the command of newly minted Lieutenant Colonel James Finnerty. James mentioned that the new SFN Marine Corps was growing so quickly that promotions were happening fast, he also told me that Shaun Daly had been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and was in command of the Marines that would be attached to Second Carrier Fleet. We had our full complement of Marines, our hanger deck was populated with the new Banshee and Chaika fighters. Our pilots were still in training, but all weapons were operational, but untested.

  Although we had no support ships we were going on a short, in system, shakedown cruise. We would be testing our weapon systems on targets near the Oort cloud, giving our crew a chance to settle in to their positions and begin the drills that would bring the entire ship up to battle readiness. The entire crew had been training hard on the simulators, but there is no replacement for actual hands on experience, that is exactly what this training sortie was all about.

  Just prior to departure, my Aide-de-camp lieutenant Wayne Jenson, mentioned that I had received a package from Admiral Miller. We were making ready to leave Titan Base and much too busy to deal with it. It would have to wait till I had some time, which could be several days.

  Leaving Titan Station

  It was a momentous event for the Ronald Reagan. Every eye in the yard was focused on our Flagship.

  “Captain Anderson” said lieutenant Nat Turner. “Titan reports all moorings and umbilical’s are free. We are cleared to depart Titan. All ships systems are operating and all sensors report clear and ready for space.”r />
  “Very well Mr. Turner, take us out.” “Aye Sir. All thrusters back slow.” The Ronald Reagan . backed slowly out of her Berth. Turner moved the big ship in a one hundred and eighty degree circle, then began a slow acceleration to our jump point.

  Thirty minutes later Lieutenant Turner said, “Captain, we have reached our jump point.” “Very well lieutenant,” I said “prepare the ship for FTL.” I keyed the ship intercom system, “all hands, this is the captain speaking, prepare for FTL.”

  Lieutenant Turner said, “system charged, the ship is ready for FTL engagement sir.” “Alright Mr. Turner, you may engage the drive.”

  We emerged from hyperspace at exactly the point that had been programmed in to the jump computer. Although no one would ever admit it, there was a collective sigh of relief as we completed that first jump.

  I asked Lieutenant Gomez to start running a full sensor scan, the idea was to have her test and calibrate our sensors package and find us a few large ice rocks to use for targets. Although it was critical that all our systems performed as they were supposed to, the weapons systems were the reason we were here. We also had shields set at thirty percent just to make sure they were up and running correctly.

  “All hands, this is the captain speaking, we have arrived at our test location. All sections begin system testing. People, this is the time to make certain that any system for which you have a responsibility is tested and ready for action. Even if it is a mundane system that you have used before, test it again now. Once these shakedown cruises are completed this vessel is going in harm’s way, so if you have any anomalies, please report it to your section chief so we can make a note and correct the problem.”

  “SWO Taylor, designate your targets, and weapons are free.” There was little to feel or see when the big lasers fired, it was more of a sense of power being unleashed. The rail guns, on the other hand, were a definite experience and the destruction they wrought was almost mind boggling. It was impossible to know how the shields were doing. Little did I know we would soon be finding out.

  Lieutenant Gomez said, “Sir I’m getting some strange returns from inside the Oort cloud at about one hundred thousand kilometers.” I called Dr. Hiller, “Dr. Hiller, we are having some problems with the active sensors, could you take a look please?” “Aye Sir,” replied Dr. Hiller. I needed to remind Dr. Hiller that, although she is my weapons expert, she is not military and that a simple yes sir will suffice. That is all part of getting the ship in proper operating order. It had already begun to come together and would only get better with time and practice. This was an excellent crew, eager to learn and proud to be a part of the Solar Federation Navy.

  After forty-five minutes, Lieutenant Aaron Taylor, our SWO, reported that all weapons systems were operating at their optimum, although the recovery time on the big laser cannons was a little greater than projected, it was still good and probably only needed some tweaking. All other sections were reporting normal operation, except the active sensors.

  Dr. Hiller said, “Captain either we have a problem in the sensor systems or there is a cloaked ship hiding in the Oort Cloud. We don’t have enough experience with the equipment to know for sure, but I believe we are being watched.” Dr. Hiller is too good at her job to brush off her suspicions, and I don’t like being a sitting duck, even if the threat is not real it would be a good drill.

  “This is the Captain speaking, Battle stations, this is no drill, shields to maximum. Lieutenant Taylor bring your weapons to bear on the target location indicated by sensors.”

  Then we waited. It didn’t take long. An unknown ship uncloaked inside the Oort cloud, their shields came up and their weapons systems came on line. Immediately their lasers lashed out and struck our shields. “Captain, heavy laser fire to our forward shields. Shields holding. No damage, Sir”. “Mr. Gomez, increase shields to one hundred percent.” Lieutenant Gomez said, “Sir they have launched a spread of twenty missiles, all are nuclear they have a run time of about three minutes.” Lieutenant Taylor called out, “Sir, our counter missile battery took out nine of the incoming missiles.” Now there were eleven. This was taking only seconds, but time seemed to slow to a crawl. “We got six more with the medium lasers” shouted Taylor. That left five. Lieutenant Gray, our CWIS (close in weapons, or point defense system operator) Said, “radar lock sir, our small rail guns took out another three, activating ECM shielding, come on come on, got them sir. No shield damage. Those last two were close.” “Alright Mr. Taylor,” I said, “let’s return the favor, launch a salvo of ten standard missiles. Also give them a ten second burst with the big lasers. Let’s see how they handle it.” Lieutenant Gomez said, “laser strike confirmed, their front shields are down to eighty percent sir. Sir, they are picking our standard missiles off easily at this distance.” OK, that’s not going to work, I said “Mr. Taylor, give them a six-missile spread of the new fast strike missiles and saturate their forward shields with the big lasers, let’s see if we can weaken their shields and get some of our missiles through.” “Yes, sir, firing lasers now. Their forward shields are down to sixty percent and are unstable sir, our missile contact will be in five, four, three, two, one, Missile strikes sir, the first four missiles finished knocking out their forward shields, and we got two hits.”

  The enemy ship was venting atmosphere. Suddenly the Ronald Reagan shook. “Sir The enemy vessel just fired an unknown type of weapon, our forward shields are down to 40 percent, but they are holding.” “Mr. Taylor prepare another spread of missiles, lets finish his bastard off.”

  Lieutenant Gomez said, “Captain, the enemy ship is retreating; he is working his way through the Oort Cloud.” I ordered, “Mr. Taylor, target his engines, put two Fast Strike Missiles right up his ass, disable her engines. I want to see what kind of weapon that was.”

  “Roger sir, firing now, contact in three seconds, A hit sir, she is slowing and is now dead in space, no movement, just drifting and venting atmosphere.” Lieutenant Gomez said, “Captain, sensors are reporting escape pods exiting the ship and they have started an automatic destruction sequence on board the ship.”

  I said, “Dr. Hiller, can we project a stasis field to stop the destruction of that ship?” She replied, “Yes, sir, but we need to move in closer.” “How close do we need to be?” I asked. “About five thousand meters sir, but we could sustain some damage from the explosion if we can’t contain it in time.” “lieutenant Turner, can you jump us to within five thousand meters of the target now?” “Yes Sir, I can.” “Then make it happen now.”

  “Mr. Gomez make sure we are at one hundred percent on those shields.” “lieutenant Turner said, we are steady at five thousand meters’ sir.” “Catch that ship Dr. Hiller, I want that technology and a better idea of what we are up against.”

  DR. Hiller said, “we have her Captain, we stopped the count with ten seconds to go.” “Thank You, Dr. Hiller, can you hold it?” “Yes, sir, but only for a few hours. We need to disable the destruction sequence as soon as possible.” I asked, “who has the training to do the job? That would be me Captain”, replied Dr. Hiller. “Anne, are you sure you are up for this? You are a civilian and I can’t order you to go in there.” “I am Captain,” she replied. “That’s what I signed on for.” I keyed the ships intercom, “Colonel Finnerty to the bridge”. The Colonel must have been listening in, he was on the bridge in no time. I said, “Colonel, we have an enemy ship disabled and we need to board her to shut down the destruction sequence.” “I need You and the people you need to secure that ship. Take Dr. Hiller to the enemy ship and make sure she is protected while she disables the self-destruct sequence. We are assuming this is an Eldirelian ship, so I need for you to try to verify that is the case. Are you and your people ready?” He replied, “Yes Sir, we are locked and loaded.” I said, “don’t take any chances, I want everyone back on this ship in one piece, and that is not just a suggestion. I’m damned if I am going to lose people on a test cruise.”

; My stomach was turning over. I wasn’t ready for this dammit.

  “Lieutenant White, this Colonel Finnerty. I want Tiger, Manta and Eagle squads to the launch bay on the double. Bring breaching charges in case we need them. We will be boarding the target ship.” My marines were already suited up, so they helped Dr. Hiller into her suit. As we boarded the shuttle I realized, we were going into combat for the first time. We had trained for it, but now this was the real thing.

  It took a few minutes for the shuttle to get in position over the ships airlock. We could hear the clunking sound as the shuttle matched to the enemy ships airlock. It is a standard airlock arrangement, but we didn’t have the codes to actuate the doors, Gunny Applewhite set a breaching charge. The breaching charge is not actually a charge, but rather a new development in high temperature burning cord with a sticky surface. It was carefully placed around the edge of the hatch on the hull surface. When activated it literally burned through the metal and the hatch fell forward into the enemy ship. The locking ring from the shuttle to the air lock sealed the airlock and pressurized it at the same time. After the air lock pressurized the inner door opened normally.

  We boarded carefully, watching for any sign of enemy combatants, there were none. I told Lieutenant White and Gunnery Sergeant Applewhite to take one squad and go with Dr. Hiller while the rest of us reconnoitered the ship. “Stay in touch Lieutenant, and let me know as soon as Dr. Hiller has been able to safe the destruction device”. I took the lead and we began to check out the rest of the ship. We made our way to engineering first, if there was going to be trouble I expected it to be there, that is the most vital part of the ship. We found no ships personnel, just empty corridors and empty rooms. Obviously, the enemy never dreamed we would try to board the ship. The Captain of this vessel is going to be in some very deep shit for letting us take his ship in one piece.


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