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Captain John 1: A Galactic Coming of Age

Page 23

by Krystyn Dean

  “Our plan is to move on the Council at oh three hundred hours today. I realize that I have given you enough information for you to stop us if you want, but you could do that anyway.”

  Cassini replied, “Your highness, I would like to ask you to delay your attack until I have had time to talk to Admiral Anderson. I need to let him know so he can act accordingly. Could you do that?” I replied, Commander, we have our plans in place, I see no reason to change them at this time. You have three choices as I see it. You can support us or you can stand by and let this coup happen, or you can stop us if that is your desire.” “We cannot defend ourselves from the weapons you possess, I would only ask that you give the people of Grenushania an opportunity to define their own future. Our attack will commence as scheduled regardless of your decision. We would rather die fighting for our world than slink back into the shadows in which we have live for one hundred and fifty years.”

  Cassini replied,” Very well your highness, I will get back to you as soon as possible. Cassini out.” Within minutes Arain knocked on the portal and said, “Your Highness, Commander Cassini is on the radio, will you speak to him?” I said, “yes Arain. His reply may spell victory or doom for the resistance.” Commander Cassini came on my Comm. unit and said, “Your highness, Admiral Anderson says, Good luck, we are standing by with any assistance we can provide.”

  The Human forces were not going to intervene. That is a relief. We have no idea what their long term plans are for Grenushania, but I feel that regardless of their intentions we must proceed.

  “Arain, get General Sobav Dazav on the radio.”

  “At once Your Highness.”

  I wish I could get them to stop calling me highness or Prince. In the new Grenushania there will be no royalty, but for now it pleases them to use the honorific. Once the new government is in place perhaps I can retire back to Wixillian Island. It is really a quite pleasant place.

  “Your Highness, General Dazav for you.”

  “Sobav, Is all in readiness?” “it is my prince, our troops are comfortable with the new weapons we have developed and are eager to apply them.” “Very well Sobav, proceed with the attack on the Royal Palace.” Sobav replied, “The attack begins now My Prince; may the deities smile on our efforts.” “Thank You Sobav, may the immortals be with you.”

  The attack was not a complicated maneuver. The Royal Palace sits within a compound surrounded by four very thick walls. The main gates were reinforced with the finest steel made by the Sokkir and the walls have guards stationed at intervals between the four guard towers on each corner of the compound. The Guard towers were added by the Sokkir. They were installed after the coup and are armed with heavy lasers.

  The walls and main gates are nearly impregnable. We would lose may freedom fighters if we tried a frontal assault. Fortunately, a frontal assault will not be necessary. We have people inside. The resistance is much older and more deeply imbedded than the Council realizes.

  Precisely at zero one hundred hours’ loyalists within the palace will open the back gates. These are the gates used by the servants in their daily duties, it is also the portal used for coming and going to work. Yes, it is an obvious weak point and it may seem curious that the Sokkir had not done more to protect it.

  Secretly they had. Their security forces had installed alarms that sound when the gates are opened and there is closed circuit surveillance on both the outside and inside of the gate. The only way to get through that gate is by being identified by the security officers on duty. There are always two on duty to assure the loyalty of both. It is fortunate that the ranking security officer, Captain Pulgoy Uavoo, always takes a nap late at night. Captain Uavoo has worked with lieutenant Ruudgin Dishass for many years. Ruudgin Dishass is a deep cover resistance fighter. Captain Uavoo will not awaken from his slumbers.

  Precisely at zero one hundred hours the gate was opened. Specially trained freedom fighters were allowed in, there was one for each guard and two more for each guard tower. Furtively the fighters went about their work. Slipping quietly through the access corridors to the top of the walls. At zero one hundred hours plus fifteen minutes two surface vehicles had a terrible accident on Yoyjey Boulevard in front of the Royal Castle. Both vehicles exploded in flames and burned furiously. While the guards were distracted, freedom fighters fired bolts from an ancient weapon. Constructed by our finest craftsmen.

  The modern versions of our ancient crossbows are a deadly and silent weapon.

  Noiselessly the freedom fighters crept toward the guard towers. Two fighters for each guard tower. They easily dispatched the unsuspecting guards. Just as silently the freedom fighters took the place of the missing Sokkir.

  Most of the council lived elsewhere, but the director of the council, his deputy and two of the directors lived in the Royal palace.

  Once the walls were under our control, General Sobav took a specially trained squad of freedom fighters to secure the Director of the Leadership Council, his deputy and the two directors living in the palace.

  In The Royal Palace

  I am General Sobav Dazav. We are preparing to capture the Director and the other members of the Leadership Council. These four are privileged to live in the Royal Palace. The remaining members will be arriving later this morning. I am leading the group taking Director Seler Bancah into custody.

  Although we would prefer that this be a bloodless coup, reaching the directors will require that some blood must flow. Guards are posted outside the doors leading in to the private quarters of all the directors and these guards must be neutralized. We can take no chances. The guards must be taken out quietly.

  The directors’ quarters are all on different floors, Director Bancah is, of course, on the top floor. I called second, third, and fourth squads on the radio to confirm we were all in position. Major Nashir Falatog is leading second squad and Major Nuce Ugeeff is leading third squad. Major Nafan Takav leads fourth squad. All squads confirmed their readiness. I implemented the action, “all squads proceed with the operation.”

  Wearing the uniform of a Special Security Sokkir Major and accompanied by my aid, Dislon Erutzol, in a Sokkir Special Security Captains’ uniform I walked around the corner and proceeded to the guards stationed at Director Banca’s door.

  “Attention, this is a security inspection, present yourselves and stand at attention.” Although shocked to have an inspection in the middle of the night both guards complied. I held my hand out and said “your weapon guardsman”. Again he complied. I inspected the weapon, leaving the breach open. As I handed the weapon back to him with my left hand, the stiletto concealed in my right hand flashed out and cut his throat. Captain Erutzol mirrored my action with the second guard. Both guards dropped silently to the floor. Quickly the three other members of my squad removed the bodies around the corner, and cleaned the blood from the floor. I then Rapped loudly of the directors’ door. When Director Banca opened the door he blustered, “what is the meaning of this, how dare you disturb me in the middle of the night.” I replied, “It is for your own safety sir, there is an attack on the palace and we must take you to safety.” He replied, “Who is attacking, The aliens above?” I replied, “no sir it is the resistance. Please get your family and follow me to the bunker.” He asked “What bunker, I was not aware there was a bunker in the palace?” I said, “Of course not sir, it is a secret bunker known only to Special Security senior officers. No one will be able to find you.” Please sir, follow me now.”

  Finally, Director Banca gathered his family and we proceeded to the lowest level of the Palace. The other three Directors in residence, Lovir Lulixiwen, Norgan Donbra and Gaacha Mustafub and their families, were just ahead of us.

  When we reached the dungeons the Sokkir had installed after they had taken control many years ago Director Banca said, “What are we doing in the dungeons, where is the bunker you spoke of?”

  I replied, “Director, I am afraid that I misspoke. You see the Resistance
has already attacked, they control the Royal palace and all the grounds. I am General Sobav Dazav, commanding General of the Royal Resistance and all of you are under arrest for crimes against the people of Grenushania. “Please step in to your cells, your fellow directors will be joining you in due time.”

  About six hours later the rest of the directors began to show up. Glujifan Roadian had never married, He and Prog Strogonar arrived together. As they entered the palace, their security teams were relieved of their weapons by Freedom fighters in battle suits. Prog Strogonar blustered, “You have no authority over me, release me at once.” Roadian told Strogonar, “Relax Prog, we are now at the mercy of the Resistance. I have been expecting this for some time. I just hope we are sent into exile, the alternative is not something I look forward to.”

  The rest of the directors trickled in. They were taken in to custody without incident. Most were not surprised, others were never too bright to begin with, but they had political pull.

  I notified Prince Krazeer that the palace was secure at zero five hundred hours. The attacks to neutralize Sokkir loyalist troops throughout Araimeer had been successful, but not without bloodshed. We lost 142 killed and 263 wounded. Sokkir losses were even greater. Many of the Sokkir troops had been moved north of the dividing line between the old countries of Thesulia to the north and Araimeer to the south. The Sokkir knew they would never be able to hold the south and defend themselves from space. As a result, they had quietly been stripping units from Araimeer and moving them to reinforce the troops already gathering in Thesulia. As a result, the victory of the Resistance, though hard fought, was nearly a forgone conclusion.

  Prince Krazeer and his security team arrived at the Palace at zero seven hundred hours and immediately announced the victory of the Resistance against the Sokkir on the worldwide communications net. He announced that he would lead the temporary new government until true legal elections could be held. He also announced that he would do all he could to encourage a peaceful transition to a representative type of republic. A republic controlled by the people of the world of Grenushania. He also announced that the effort to unite all people of Grenushania was his primary goal.

  The streets of Kaladria, the capital of Araimeer were teeming with people. The people of Araimeer were able to celebrate freedom for the first time in over a century and a half.

  General Dazav said, “Your highness, the former directors of the leadership council are demanding to speak to you. What should I tell them?” “Tell them, General, that their demands are falling on deaf ears. Tell them that I will deal with them when I have time. Also advise them that they should not tax my patience by demanding anything. Their complete silence and utter compliance is their best course of action.”

  “Arain, please contact Commander Cassini and ask him if the commander of the forces orbiting our world would be interested in meeting with me about the future of Grenushania.”

  Aboard the Excelsior

  Commander Cassini paged me on my temporal implant. When I answered he said, “Prince Krazeer has sent a message asking if you would be interested in meeting with him and his people regarding the future of Grenushania.” “Thank you Commander, reply that I would welcome a meeting with The Prince and his officers. Also tell him we would welcome them aboard the Excelsior.” I paged General Mark Rodgers on my temporal implant, “Mark, the Prince and his people have called us and asked for a sit down. I have suggested we all meet here on the Excelsior. I am not particularly anxious to go to the surface right now, but if we have to, then we need to have our transporter people ready to pull us out if the excrement contacts the ventilator.” Mark asked, “Don’t you trust the Prince?” I replied, “the Grenushania people are going to have to earn my trust. Up to now they have been doing everything they can to kill us.”

  Mark replied,” I understand Admiral, I will prepare so that if we have to go to the surface we won’t be going in blind.”

  About an hour later Commander Cassini paged me on my implant. “Admiral, The Grenushanians have agreed to come aboard. We have set the meet for thirteen hundred hours’ tomorrow. I will send a shuttle down to pick them up, there will be five people in their group.” “All right Logan, we will keep our group about the same.” I paged Mark Rodgers on my implant, when he answered I said, “Mark, the Prince and his people are coming up here, they will be here at thirteen hundred hours’ tomorrow. There will be five in their group. I think You, Me, Jamie, Shaun, Cassini and Diviak Y'shol. I don’t want to overwhelm them with too many people for these initial talks.” “I agree Admiral. I will set it up.”

  Aboard the Excelsior Thirteen hundred hours the next morning

  I had a full Marine Honor Guard formed from the Rheagane Ninth Regiment “Relentless” waiting on the hanger deck. They were led by Lt. Col. Tucheer S'Quogint. They were an impressive sight. The average Rheagane stands nearly three meters tall and weighs in at nearly three hundred pounds. The honor guard was dressed in Sol Fed Marine dress blues and snapped to attention when the Grenushania contingent stepped of the shuttle. I led our Sol Fed contingent to meet the Prince and his representatives.

  I said, “Prince Krazeer, welcome aboard the Excelsior.” The Prince came forward and said, “thank you for having us aboard your ship Admiral Anderson. We are honored to be here.” I replied, “It appears that we may have a common cause, the Solar Federation Alliance is quite interested in seeing a unified and peaceful Grenushania. If you like, we could proceed to my ward room and discuss how we can best assist one another in attaining that status.”

  The Prince said, “Thank You Admiral. Hopefully we will take the first steps in a new era of Grenushania and Solar Federation relations.”

  After everyone was seated in the ward room, I said, “Your highness, we have prepared a drink that the Human race partakes of called coffee. The Rheaganese people have taken to it as well. It will not be offensive if you choose not to try it at this time, we will be happy to provide you with your native azulan or anything else you would like.”

  Prince Krazeer replied, “Admiral, I should very much like to try your coffee.” I proceeded to explain to the Prince and his retinue how he could add sugar and or cream to his coffee, but he chose to take it black. After his first taste his eyes lit up and he said, “what a pleasant experience, I believe I could come to like this drink very much.” “Your highness,” I replied, “I will see to it you have some to take with you.”

  With the preliminaries, out of the way we got down to the business of the day. Prince Krazeer laid out his idea for a government that was elected by the people of Grenushania. He reiterated that He would not be satisfied until Grenushania was united under one government that was reactive to, and served at the pleasure of the people of Grenushania. I suggested that the new government might consider including term limits on all those serving, with restrictions on how many total years any representative could serve in the government in any office. I reiterated to the Prince that the Sol/Fed Alliance would not dictate to the Grenushanians or to any nation how they should be governed. However, nations that were not accountable to their citizens would not be considered for membership in the Federation.

  Once the question of governance was taken care of, I asked how the Grenushanians were going to proceed to unite the planet. Prince Krazeer indicated that there were between one and two hundred thousand of, what they were now calling Thesulia troops north of the demarcation line. The Resistance, now being called the Royal Araimeer Army, had about sixty thousand troops. Half wore augmentation armor liberated from the former government. They had modern armament and shields, but were woefully outnumbered by the Thesulia troops.

  The Royal Araimeer Army was well trained in the resistance type of warfare they had been engaged in for the last few decades, but the type of battle they were facing with the Thesulians was going to be altogether different.

  General Rodgers suggested that Prince Krazeer and his Generals sit down with him and his staff and tr
y to hammer out a plan. He also suggested that we contact the Federation to see if they would agree to allow SOL/FED Marines to be included in the offensive.

  Perhaps some kind of a crash training program using SOL/FED marine advisors could bring the Royal Araimeer Army up to speed regarding this new (for them) type of warfare. Or perhaps the Marines and the Araimeer troops could be integrated somehow.

  Within a few days, The Federation Council agreed to allow SOL/FED Marines to aid the Royal Araimeer Army in securing the Planet.

  Once the planet political situation was stabilized, the people of Grenushania would be able to choose whether to join the Federation or not.

  Several days later I was paged on my temporal unit by Commander Nishimura on the Corvette Dauphin. “Admiral, we have found an intact ship in our sector. She is in the outer edge of the Psi Unica System. The ship looks like the Command ship that was damaged in the battle for Grenushania. She is drifting and has no life signs. She still has power, but the self-destruct system either did not work or was never set. We don’t have the mass to move her, but I believe she could be moved by one or two of our larger ships. How would you like for us to proceed?”

  I replied, “stand by Commander, I will get back to you in a few minutes.” I then paged Dr. Anne Hiller, when she answered I said, “Anne, we have located the Command ship from the attacking force we met earlier. She is drifting with no life signs. The self-destruct system was either not armed or failed. She has power but her engines are inoperable. My question is would we be able to tow that ship with one of our battleships using a tractor beam?” She said, “probably Admiral, but whichever ship we send I should be there.” She continued, “I would recommend the George H W Busch. With her mass and power, she would be the best choice.”


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